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Jiabong, Samar



A. Most Important Elements in Persuasive Writing

Direction: Copy the letter of the word/phrase that is best described by each numbered item.
A. central claim B. evidences C. conclusion D. technique
1. restates the argument and expresses a call to action
2. the statement that asserts what the writer/speaker wants the reader/listener to believe on or to do
3. contains the reason, examples, statistics, opinions used to support a point of view or stand

B. Special Terms
Direction: Match each term in column A with the most appropriate description in column B.

4. catchy hook A. traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture; is basically
religious and serves to explain a belief, a mysterious natural
phenomenon or a ritual
5. fallacy B. the statement expressing the proposition, argument or view
6. myth C. words that strongly appeal to emotion
7. persuasive essay D. erroneous appeal to emotion used as persuasive technique
8. thesis statement E. tries to convince readers to do something or to accept the writer’s
point of view

C. Modals
Direction: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined
A. ability B. necessity C. obligation D. willingness

9. Mav: Is this a challenge I must face?

10. Sol: Of course, you need to accept that as part of the bargain.
11. Mav: I don’t believe I will do it now. After all I’m not yet ready for it.
12. Sol: I believe you can do it if you try.

D. Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns

Direction: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an intensive or reflexive pronoun. Write In
for intensive pronoun and Re for reflexive pronoun.
13. The Greeks themselves felt at home with human gods.
14. They knew how they amused themselves even in banquets.
15. Even Hera, the jealous wife herself could be feared.


Reading and Literature

Direction: Read the following passages carefully and copy the letter of the word or phrase that best completes
each numbered item.
If I were a man, a young man, and knew what I know to-day,
(For Items 16 – 19) I would look into the eyes of Life undaunted
By any fate that might threaten me,
I would give to the world what the world most wanted—
Manhood that knows it can do and be;
Courage that dares, and faith that can see
Clear into the depths of the human soul,
And find God there, and ultimate goal…
- from: If I were a Man, A Young Man by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
16. The passage appeals more to the sense of __________.
A. feeling B. sight C. sound D. taste

17. Lines no. 5 to 8 appeal more to the sense of __________.

A. taste B. sound C. sight D. feeling

18. Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this passage is to __________.

A. express a feeling B. give an advice C. reveal the truth D. win other’s approval

19. The last five lines of the poem express more of a/an __________.
A. call to validation B. humility C. inspiration D. invitation

(For Items 20 – 28)

1.) It’s true. At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask this question: How do we turn
challenges to opportunities? 2.) Yes, it’s not easy, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to do.
3.) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put into action.
4.) Of course, the first thing to do is to reflect not in thoughtlessness but we need to start to focus
and analyze the competition taking place between the positive and negative limits of our
emotions. 5.) Eventually we ask, “How do we feel about the challenge? 6.) Do we feel hopeless,
angry, jealous, worried, inadequate, insecure, fearful or do we feel their negative counterparts?
7.) It’s silly to allow them to overrule our outlook in life. 8.) We must envision always that
progress and success come to those who adhere to practice hard work, determination, courage
perseverance, humility, consciousness, justice, self-confidence, trust, respect, love and other
potent secrets of inner strength and success. 9.) We need to be realistic that we need someone if
not all of them to turn challenges to opportunities; thereby this will make us all contented and
20. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. __________.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 9

21. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make is to _________.
A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds

22. To “predict” is a/an __________ of the word “envision” in sentence no. 8.

A. connotation B. denotation C. opposite D. symbol

23. This article/passage would most probably interest a/an __________.

A. adolescent B. adult C. child D. old man

24. The passage is an example of a/an __________.

A. anecdote B. biography C. personal essay D. persuasive essay

25. The writer’s comment/reaction about challenges and opportunities is best supported by __________.
A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics

26. The strongest evidence used by the writer to support his opinion about turning challenges to opportunities
is stated in sentence no. __________.
A. 3 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

27. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is through appealing to ____.
A. emotion B. moral C. reason D. both A and C

28. The fallacy committed in sentence no. 7 is __________.

A. attacking the person B. bandwagon C. plain folks D. hasty generalization

(For Items 29 – 35)

The Bottom Line

1 FACE IT, nobody owes you a living. 9 You can change anything in your life
What you achieve, or fail to achieve in your lifetime If you want to badly enough.
Is directly related to what you do or fail to do. Excuses are for losers! Those who take
No one chooses his parent or childhood, Responsibility for their actions
5 But you can choose your own direction. 13 Are the real winners in life.
Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome, Winners meet life challenges head on
But that too is relative to each individual. Knowing there are guarantees, and give it all they’ve got
NOTHING IS CARVED IN STONE! And never think it’s too late or too early to begin.


29. The word in the poem which is the opposite of “lose” is __________.
A. direction B. obstacles C. overcome D. relative

30. Line no. 9 suggests that everything is subject to __________.

A. begin B. change C. meet D. overcome

31. As hinted in the poem, the author has a/an __________ attitude in life.
A. come what may B. indifferent C. negative D. positive

32. The tone of the poem is more of __________.

A. admiration B. criticism C. inspirational D. pride

33. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is __________.
A. contentment B. courage C. hope D. joy

34. The word in the poem that gives the best hint to the mood it evokes is __________.
A. carved B. change C. guarantees D. overcome

35. The predominant poetic device used in the poem is __________.

A. alliteration B. metaphor C. paradox D. personification


Logical Organization (nos. 36-40)

Direction: Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.

A. From the presentation of the target, problem, test, and stakes up to conclusion, the character in a myth
displays and exemplifies these positive attitudes.
B. I strongly believe that we must come together to practice and uphold positive attitudes toward work, life,
and challenges.
C. This is absolutely true.
D. Remember the saying, “The best measure of a man is not what he says he can do but what he does.”
E. This should be done from initial impulse to completion like what we observe in a myth.

Composition Writing (nos.41-50)

Direction: Choose a position on a current issue relating to your school, municipality or country about which
you have strong feeling, opinion or stand. Imagine you are invited to speak before the leaders of your school
or municipality as well as their constituents. Develop a persuasive essay for your speech manuscript that gives
your opinion about your chosen topic in which you take a stand. Take note that your purpose is to get others
to argue with your view. Remember to use effective supports like examples, facts, personal experiences,
observations or statistics as evidence and persuasive techniques to persuade them on the validity of your
claim or stand. See if it can alter your audience’s perspective about the issue. You will be given ten (10) points
for this task.

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