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LEADERSHIP IN THE LIGHT OF MAKKAN Formatted: Font: Arial Black, 20 pt

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The Topic is Based upon following references: Formatted: Left

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HOMO SAPIENS: A BRIEF HISTORY OF MANKIND By Yaval Noah Harari Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic

CLASH OF CIVILIZATION By Samuel P Hington Formatted: Font: Bold

MUTALIAA-E-SEERAT KI ZAROORAT AUR EHMIAT By Dr.Awan Formatted: Font: (Default) +Headings (Calibri Light)
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Commencement Andand Origin Of Leadership Formatted: Normal, Left

Human Beings or Homo sapiens rules the world because it is the only animal that can
believe in things that exist purely in its own imagination, such as gods, states, money and
human rights. Even though it had been superior from the beginning as by the religions
and evolved as by science, under both of the ideas It has achieved its todays significance
and effectiveness through Revolution of Phases.
Phases of Human Evolution:
World is billions of years old as the people are also present in this world from the initial of
the world. As according to the Islam Hazart Adam (A.S) was first person of the universe.
According to my research about starting of leadership according to Yaval Noah,
leadership is starting from third mental evolution phase of the humans. Yaval Noah write
this theory in his book “Homo sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind”. He divides the mental
evolution of people into four parts according to minds changes. The evolution is divided
into following four phases:
 Cognitive Revolution
 Agricultural Revolution
 Unification of Human kind
 Scientific Revolution

This point is abstracted from Homosapiens book which is for an understanding of the
impact of our actions on the ecosystem and how critical the decisions we make today will
be on the future of tomorrow. Harari surveys the history of humankind from the
evolution of archaic human species in the Stone Age up to the twenty-first century.

1.The Cognitive Revolution (c. 70,000 BCE, when Sapiens evolved imagination)
In this phase we began to work on our imagination and to extract out individual physical
aspects. We relied only on nature as due to us being less in numbers could facilitate
ourselves easily by nature.

2.The Agricultural Revolution (c. 10,000 BCE, the development of agriculture)

We started out working on instruments on began cultivation to fulfil our basic needs and
facilities on individual and on domestic basis.

3.The unification of humankind (the gradual consolidation of human political organizations

towards one global empire)
We began working flexibly in groups and thus laid the foundation and infrastructure of our
social element. This was the Phase which Commenced Leadership.
4.The Scientific Revolution (c. 1500 CE, the emergence of objective science):
We began prospering on the basis of our Third Phase the social infrastructure is the same Formatted: Font color: Text 1
but due to this infrastructure our progress towards knowledge and prosperity inclined
Leadership and it’s Fundamental Elements:
Concerning the Leadership and its origin, if we look more closely there came a need of a Formatted: Font color: Text 1
leader to accommodate groups to work flexibly in a group. This Leadership to control the
group to achieve a certain goal requires wisdom from the leadership itself to gain power
and efficiency from the group as a whole. Thus, a leader has a fundamental Element of
Wisdom and other to achieve Power from the group. The Wisdom is of the leader while
the power is due to the working of whole group. In the globalization Era there is the
commencement of leadership; the base of the infrastructure which revolutionized the
progress of mankind exponentially. This laid the foundation of the scientific Era and also
the upcoming ones. We can only achieve prosperity on the basis of this Globalization era
because the basis would be the same, thus to gather the knowledge of leadership from
this phase could not to be ignored neither be contradicted.
THE MAKKAN ERA AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) Formatted: Font: (Default) +Headings (Calibri Light),
We would discuss of a A leader is one who wants to bring a change in the society .The 13 pt, Font color: Accent 1

need of thea leader arises due to when the society collapses to such an extent that there Formatted: Heading 2, Left
is no direction to live for morale of people is down and the act like animals there has Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
always been a need of a leader weather in the early stone age or the Meccan age Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
someone has to be the one who has to give the direction in the time of Jahalia people
had no sense of direction to live inhuman behavior prevailed all along people used to kill
their own daughters and women were just considered as an object life was all about what
was not required our there was no equality among people the one with power had
command over the other and no one could question his/her power the previous books of
God had been tempered with such that to benefit the ones in power .. No one was Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
accountable for anything ,slavery was common and the situation demanded a change Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
and God did do so with sending prophet (P.B.U.H) to restore peace in the society
He changed the way that life way that life was previously and the impact that he made in
a minimal time period of 25 years and the impact that he made still resonates in our lives
today as he is remembered for what he did for the human beings at that time and we take
that as an example to how we as the upcoming leaders can change the system that has
been corrupted throughout the days that prophet has passed the state that we are in now
a days resembles a lot with the time period of before prophet
Quran and Sunnah gave the direction which was to be implemented by the leader’s .
Quran and Sunnah had all the necessities to restore peace in the society Quran was the Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
code and Sunnah was the conduct
He simply changed the way that life was
Prophet described about humanity and cleared the doubts of the others and not did he
only described he acted as a role model for whatever he portrayed and taught such that
he Corrected the core of the others and making them the upcoming leaders .Sahaba had
direct connection with prophet (P.B.U.H) and were bound under the code of conduct of
the Kalma and they became the upcoming leaders rising from the ruins.
Restored faith in Kalma which is to believe in one and only so that you don’t have to rely
on and fear others and that’s how prophet restored the humanity in the people of that era
.With fear you cannot conquest anything and knowing that there is no one to fear except
one is what motivates you to get going even if you are in a minority as the followers of
prophet were at that time
Whatever he did he did not compromise on certain things
Behind every leader there are hardships and struggles and before the days of prophet
hood (Abu Lahab ) who was the uncle of prophet loved him so much that he freed the
servant who fed prophet(P.B.U.H) with her milk but when it came to about principles
prophet did not compromise even that he had to go against his own family.
He worked on the principle of Solaris (Masalihat) that not to create new enemies trying to Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
eradicate previous ones .His only main goal was to spread prosperity in between the
And when we have achieved such goals then we should think about the future and
transfer core of our sole to others (as in transfer the teachings) such as prophet did with
Sahaba told them everything he knew and the next leaders emerged as a consequence
of that.
Leaders are not made in a day but it is from constant learning and struggle that a leader
is made and all that struggle and learning proses that a leader comes through with tells
his resolve and Sahaba that leader makes an impact in the society and then as a result
the society prospers.

The purpose of this topic is to determine the key attributes of the leaders especially
administrators under religious aspect in the light of the life of Holy Prophet (SAW), the
Sahaba and the Holy Quran. The paper has analyzed the concept of leadership as
observed through literature survey about the leadership qualities of our beloved Holy
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), his Sahaba (R.A) by citing Quranic verses and giving
the examples from the life of Holy Prophet (SAW). The study has proposed a conceptual
framework for an effective leader based upon the characteristics such as firmness,
truthfulness, reliability, selflessness, ethics, loyalty to the organization, passion,
moderation, humility, fairness and mercy which can be set as a role model for day’s
administrators etc. The study has further stressed that effective decision making, and
issues handling are also the important attributes of leaders.
Keywords: Leadership, Planning, Communication, Dynamism and Influential Power.
If we summarize the Qualities of Leadership as observed the life of our beloved Holy
Prophet and his companions, we may include the followings.
 Motivation of people
 Affectionate and sympathy to devotees
 Conviction
 Raise self-esteem
 Open to recommendations
 Aware of accountabilities
 Unbiased
 Swift decision-making powers
 Sympathize with people undergoing hardships
 Effective Communications
 Able to consolidate material
 Executing the strategy
 Self-motivated
 A man of principles
 Could plan with long term goals in mind
A determined leader: SHIEKH-UL-HIND Formatted: Font: 13 pt
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We know that Pakistan was not build in a day or by a single man. It was a struggle of people
belonging to a large group. E.g. Quaid-e-Azam was one of them. In the struggle for Pakistan there
is a name, history will admire and the name is Maulana Mehmood ul Hassan also known as Shiekh

His life:

 He was born in 1851. A time too rough for the Muslims of the world.
 When he was 6 years of age there started the liberation movement 1857 which the
Indians lost. His mind filled up with a goal to make a future for the Muslims of the world.
 Growing up in a society running on the cruel British system made him determined with a
goal to set Muslims free again.
 He was taught by teachers (hazard Nanuthoi) who transferred their vision of setting
Muslims free.
 Tehreeq e Reshmi rumal and jamiat ul Ansar were also formed by the man.
 Due to his struggle towards empowering the Muslims he was imprisoned by the British in
Malta where he died on 30th November 1920.
 He was a man of a definite vision. Hazrat left the world but his vision prevailed.
Similarities Between the two leaders
Both the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and is Maulana Mehmood ul Hassan was that at
both of their times the humanity was on the brink of extinction and needed a leader to fix the
system to bring the change that was necessary. In Makkan Era There was the ignorance against
the humanity and in the Allama’s Era there was the War of Independence. So, Allama took he life
of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W to achieve the Peace and prosperity in the society.

Code of a leader’s life:

 obedience, influential power, intelligence.
 Becoming a leader is a process of learning from your teachers. I would rather say follow
to lead.
A leader must influence his people for the vision he has made.
 Violence not the solution.
 Violence is never a solution to a problem. A leader chooses what’s right for his people, his
priority is to attain peace for the society.
 A code for correction.
 A leader has some rules that he does not overrule. They are what makes a system’s
foundation, these are called the law. In Islam it is the Quran.
 Take what is right for a Vision.
 He does not choose what he wants but he chooses the best for the prosperity of his vision
 Passion isn't compassionate.
 It means, that a leader does not fear anything. If you want something great to happen
then fear is word out of your dictionary.
 Observe, plan and execute.
 A leader observes things minutely. Points out the odd then plans to make things right and
executes the plan to the best of his will.
 Makes himself a role model for the system he wants to implement.
 Everyone is equal. A society is pushed towards down fall when it is ruled by bosses not
leaders. If you don’t show people what to do and don’t do it yourself no one is going to
follow you with a full heart.
 Duty over desires.
 Passion and commitment, enthusiasm for your mission will obviously get others excited
because they can feel your dedication.


Our society as we see today is suffering from a disorder due to the system; it is not broken but built this
way to ease the elite class to achieve the concept of injustice. We live in a world where capitalism is the
new religion, where currency is the new god. To establish peace and prosperity there is a requirement
for a leadership as done by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), thus there exists a problem with the
society needed to be solved. Following are the generic steps needed to be taken for the problem to be

I. Problem Definition Stage

(A) What Is the Problem?
II. Problem Solving Stage
(a) Is the Solution Possible?
(b) How Many Solution Are There?
(c) Which Is the Most Efficient Solution?
III. Planning Stage
(a) Data Gathering
(b) Finding the optimal method for the most efficient solution
(c) Complete know how of steps
(d) Team Required
(e) Creating an overview of the solution
IV. Implementation Stage
V. Maintenance Stage
(a) Ensuring the Problem doesn’t lag back again
(b) Phasing in Better Aspects and perspectives
(c) Timely Maintaining the solution

This Solution is valid for people of every belief as the reason is given below. So, after we know that there
is a solution for the problem, we should look for the most efficient solution which Indeed is the
Following of leadership of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as he influenced the greatest number of people
in such a short time span. Now, on gathering the data and reviewing the history you would get to see as
by the book “Clash of Civilization (Samuel P Hington)”. The Upcoming Wars would be based on religion
and thus as a Muslim we Should keen on Formulating our lives on the footsteps of the prophet to
achieve success in every aspect. For non-Muslims and non-believers and the book we can Comprehend
this exemplary leadership to fix any society and to eradicate any war or problems. Thus, to fix the
society we after learning of how to create a leadership and how to make a Prosperous and peaceful
society the Makkan Era is Must to be acknowledged. Formatted: Font: Bold

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