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Logan Jones

Can You Smell What the Rock is Cooking?

Outline: The Rock and his Co-star, Kevin Hart, arrive at the set of their new movie for
production and filming. A small hamlet just outside an enormous castle in the North West,
mountainous region of Great Britain. Prepared to stay 120 days at this location for the movie,
The Rock, Kevin Hart, the production crews, and the other actors are staying at the hamlet for
the entirety of the four months. They arrive at set and Dwayne, being excited to try for the Oscar
this year, eagerly begins to tour the set with the rest of the crew. Before entering The Rock
believes he sees a figure in a window, but he brushes it off.
“Let’s do this!” shouted Dwayne with tremendous motivation. His voice boomed through
the archway the door to the castle was placed under.
“Stop being so loud, meathead, I’m not too excited exploring an old castle,” Kevin
returned. While, admittingly excited, no one was excited and hopeful as Dwayne was for the
opportunity this movie was for his career. He longed for an Oscar, to collect an award that would
confirm his excellence in entertainment. A souvenir from the life he loved. The Rock, ignoring
Kevin’s pessimistic attitude, opened the door, but caught the slightest sight of a figure in a
window above in the castle. The figure moved before he got a clear look, but he couldn’t help
believing he saw someone in an upper level of the castle. However, he assumed it was just
someone a part of the production crew. The set was completely free for the filming crew to use,
so random people there shouldn’t be possible.
Everyone entered the castle. The big iron gates that served as the front door screeched
violently as the massive shadow Dwayne produced spread out against the floor. As the film crew
began to light candles, the giant great hall of the castle became more and more visible. A long
red velvet carpet stretched from the main gate across the hall to a set of stairs. Dwayne and
company followed the carpet up to the stairs to come across a long tapestry of angels and
demons on the wall.
“That doesn't excite me to be here,” Kevin said nervously. The Rock boomed with
“Come on, Kevin! We are in an old, humongous castle. Let’s try and have a good time.”
The Rock reasoned.
“Ok, fine, but you always get me in some sort of trouble.” The Rock laughed again and
Kevin began to shrug off his worries due to Dwayne’s naturally infectious attitude. The gang
made their way through the castle until they reached a library in the west wing. Rows and rows
of bookshelves were filled to the brim with old texts, but a path between the two middle rows
revealed a set of stairs going downward. The Rock pursued the stairs and Kevin Hart followed.
The film crew had the idea of making the library a good spot to set up equipment for filming due
to the space. Dwayne and Kevin reached a door, but the door had a lock.
“Dang, Let’s head back I guess,” Kevin suggested.
“Absolutely not, you square!” Dwayne laughed, “Where is your sense of adventure?” He
began to start bashing his massive and absolutely shredded shoulders into the wood door. The
entire door broke the instant his chiseled shoulder made contact. “Ha! Let’s see what someone
had locked up.” The room was very small, spanning only about six Dwayne Johnsons and half a
Kevin Hart in length and width. Velvet curtains covered the walls and a pedestal with a book sat
in the middle of the room. Kevin Hart ran to the purple book that seemed to vibrate at the touch.
“Uh, man, I have no idea what this is,” Kevin exclaimed. Dwayne walked up, as Kevin
began to open the book. “There’s like little alien letters in the thin-” Kevin tried to say, but a
rope began to be wrapped around his throat by a hooded figure. Dwayne immediately made the
connection of the hooded man being the figure he saw previously. Amidst the realization, more
hooded figures began coming out of the velvet curtains in the room.
“Dwayne, you b-better help me.” Kevin choked out as he was dragged towards the far
wall. Wasting no time, Dwayne began to heroically fight back. A fist to the head of Kevin’s
attacker allowed Kevin to breathe again. The Rock followed up his punch with his famous
“People’s Elbow” drop. As he began to recover from his heavy finisher, both Kevin and Dwayne
were surrounded by hooded men with knives.
“We are going to need you to come with us, Mr. Johnson,” one of the men spoke. The
Rock reached into his back pocket and pulled out an enormous gun.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Dwayne declined, “Kevin, daddy is about to go to work.”
The hooded men began to scatter, some rushing Dwayne and Kevin and some moving behind
them. The Rock began shooting, covering both Kevin and himself from the front. The loud bangs
of each bullet was followed by the thuds of evil guys hitting the ground. The men that worked
their way behind both Kevin and Dwayne lunged for an attack. Dwayne turned around to defend,
but he was a little too late. As the knife got close to Kevin he held up the book he took and
“AAAAH,” he yelled, But no sharp pain came. Instead a blinding flash of blue light
emitted. Both enemies layed on the floor and The Rock and Kevin were safe.
“What was that?” questioned Dwayne.
“Now I am not going to jump to conclusions, but I think I just shot some magic stuff out
of my book!” Kevin yelled. “I’m a wizard!”
“Hold on, Kevin, are you su-”
“AAAAH!” Another bolt of blue light shot from the book in Kevin’s hands. “Yep, I am a
The Rock submitted to Kevin’s claims and they made their way to library to unite with
the film crew and leave. They made their way up the wooden staircase and through the center
row of books to the entrance of the library, but nobody was there.
“Oh do not tell me they left without us,” Kevin complained. “They have the car and the
“I don’t think they left. They would of heard us and came,” The Rock reasoned. “Let’s go
look for them.”
The two journeyed back to the main hall and eventually to the east wing in search of the
film crew. While Kevin was worried they left him and Dwayne for dead, The Rock was certain
that they were most likely attacked and captured. As they traveled the east wing, they came upon
another large wooden door with a marble frame that screamed plot relevance. The two opened it
and went inside to find themselves in a kitchen. While incomparable to the massive kitchen’s
inside their own billionaire homes, the kitchen was still luxurious in a more primitive sense.
Ingredients were stacked on the far walls on multiple shelves. Stoves and oven islands were set
in the middle of the kitchen and a giant stained glass window sat above the two sinks.
The dynamic duo continued through the kitchen, but stopped when they heard voices
coming from a doorway into another section of the kitchen.
“We captured most of the crew, but we still need one more to complete the ritual.” said
one voice
“Why not sacrifice one of the new bloods? It will save us a lot of trouble.” said another.
The conversation seemed to be between two men in association with the hooded men who
attacked earlier.
“The sacrifices need to be innocent and unwilling. Otherwise we can’t summon our lord.”
With that statement, two things were confirmed for Dwayne. They are definitely facing a cult
and that he might see an old rival again.
“We need to take care of them,” said The Rock.
“Ok,” Kevin replied. Without planning or explaining, Kevin charged into the doorway of
the room. “AAAAH!” The familiar flash of blue light escaped the doorway briefly and Kevin
emerged amongst it. “Alright, we good.” Kevin said firmly to act as tough as possible. The Rock
smiled. Not only was he proud of his friend for confidently facing an enemy, but he was also
relieved that he had a trusted ally for a possible reunion with the most dangerous being he ever
“A dungeon or basement would be the best place to do some sort of ritual, let’s find it
and check.” Dwayne ordered. The two once again hit the feet and trekked through the castle, but
did not find anything suspicious. They returned to the main hall and walked up the velvet carpet
steps once more. This time, the tapestry was different. A door was now open in the demon
section, leading to a pathway downwards.
“This has to be it.” The Rock said.
The two went down and entered a hallway dimly lit with torches. At the end of the
pathway there was a red door. The Rock grew nervous. The red could only mean that he would
have to face him again.
“So, I’m starting to not like this again, can we go?” Kevin asked.
“Me too, but we can’t leave our crew here.” Dwayne replied
“I know, I know, but what do they want! Why are they trying to capture us or stab us?
Kevin continued.
“Well, I think they are going to try and summon Satan.” Dwayne claimed.
“Uh, excuse me? What makes you say that, I don’t think we should be he-
“We’re here, let’s go.”
The room was circular with a dismal, wet smell. The temperature was hot like there was
lava in the room. A large pentagram was drawn on the floor with red material, candles
surrounding the figure. All five members of the film crew in each corner of the pentagram, and a
hooded cult member standing above them. A sixth cult member stepped forward into the center.
“I think you were right, Dwayne, they are summoning the devil. No question.” Kevin
“Hello, Mr Johnson, I assume you know of the meeting we wish to arrange?” interrupted
the head cult member.
“I do, I guess I will have to teach Satan a second time.” The Rock countered. He cocked
his humongous gun. “Let’s get to work, Hart.” More cult members emerged from the shadows of
the room and began to charge with sharp weapons. The Rock gunned down most with ease,
resorting to using electrifying punches when they came close. Kevin held his own on the right
side. Periodically screaming to cast his magical bolts from the book. The room radiated with the
blue light every shot.
“He has the spell book!” The head cult member yelled.
“AAAAH!” The bolt struck the head cult member straight through the chest.
The film crew began cheering for their saviors as less and less of the cult remained. With the last
of his ammunition, The Rock shot the last cult member. Kevin and the others started to celebrate,
but Dwayne knew better. Satan was coming and he was about to have a killer introduction.
Heavy metal began to play throughout the room despite there being no speakers. A shrill voice
spoke out.
“ Hello, Dwayne.” the voice said.
“Hello, Lucifer” The Rock replied.
A tall figure with fuzzy legs came visible. He stood 8 feet tall, legs of a goat, and huge
blood red horns on top of his head. His face smiling with sharp, jagged teeth.
“AA-” Kevin tried to cast a spell, but the devil was quicker. He immediately threw Kevin
against the wall, knocking him out.
“I’ve been waiting a long time to face you again. Counting the days until I could
humiliate you, like you did me.” Satan said while laughing like an asylum patient. The Rock
threw done his gun. “Shall we settle it in exhibition?”
“I see not point of fighting if it isn’t for the world heavyweight title.” The Rock agreed.
Both The Devil and The Rock assumed their wrestling positions.
as he charged Satan. The best wrestling match in the history of the world was about to
I know this was super silly, I just tried to have fun with it.
Outline: The Rock starts off fighting well, but ends up getting hurt by Satan in the middle
of the match. When Satan gives The Rock space, so he can gloat, The Rock gets up quickly and
finishes Satan with the electrifying Rock Bottom. He saves his crew and they escape the Hamlet
along with Kevin Hart.

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