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Varianta ( B)
Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Timp de lucru: 2 h.

I. Read the text below and choose the correct answer A, B or C for each question: (40 p)

Many different factors affect how well we learn. While we can’t control all of these factors, there are many that
we can. For example, fuel for our brain comes from calories in the food we eat. In fact, 20% of the calories we eat are
used by our brain. Although not all calories help the brain, research suggests that some foods, such as egg yolk, whole
grains, nuts, fish, dark leafy green vegetables, beans, strawberries and blueberries might be especially good for
concentration and memory.
Drinking enough water is also important. The brain is more than 70% water. If we don’t drink enough water, it
affects our concentration. We need around six to eight glasses of non-sugary, non-alcoholic fluid each day. Moreover,
studies suggest that the brain does not do well with sudden rushes of sugar, so sweet, fizzy drinks do not help the brain
Remember also the importance of oxygen, which is carried to the brain by your blood. When you move your
body, your blood flow increases and your brain gets more oxygen. Going for a walk, running, or riding a bike really
help get oxygen to the brain, as do stretching and breathing deeply.
Besides exercise, rest is important. Getting enough rest boosts our mood and helps us concentrate. What’s more,
when we are asleep, the brain practices what we did during the day. We actually learn in our sleep. If you have a hard
time falling asleep, try listening to gentle music, thinking positive thoughts, or reading something funny to relax. Avoid
video games and exciting TV shows in the hour before bedtime.
Stress can also stop the brain from working at its best. Some people fight stress by imagining a beautiful box.
When it’s time to concentrate on something, they imagine filling that box with all the things that give them stress. Then
they imagine putting that box away until they have time to deal with whatever is inside.
Don’t forget that your brain gets information from your senses. Therefore, your brain will have an easier time
focusing and remembering when vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste are involved. Use your vision to help you learn
by imagining what you read – like a movie in your mind. This is called visualizing. Underline or highlight important
information in a text with a yellow marker and use different colours when you take notes. Make charts, mind maps,
flashcards, diagrams, or draw pictures. Use your hearing to help you learn by reading out loud or explaining the new
information to someone else. Use your sense of taste by chewing gum while you learn.
Yet another way to boost your brainpower is to create an environment where you work well. Many people, for
instance, work better in light from a window. Temperature can also make a difference. A room that is too warm might
make you feel sleepy. Lots of people find it easier to concentrate in rooms that are tidy. Some people find it helpful to
listen to music when they study while others prefer silence. Get rid of any distractions, whatever they may be. For
example, turn off your cell phone and let people in your home know that you need to be left alone.

1. The author suggests you ________________ if you can't fall asleep.

A. think positive thoughts
B. watch TV
C. eat nuts, fish or beans

2. Some people fight stress by imagining a beautiful box and filling it with things that stress
them. What do they do to that box?
A. They put it aside and take care of the problems inside later.
B. They put the box away forever.
C. They lock the box and imagine throwing away the key.

3. According to this article, what should you not do if you have difficulty concentrating?
A. eat strawberries or blueberries
B. drink six to eight glasses of a fizzy drink
C. take a rest

4. An example of how the environment affects how the brain works would be _______________ .
A. feeling tired after taking a very long walk
B. taking a very hot shower before going to bed
C. feeling sleepy because a room is very warm

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 6?

A. Your brain works better when your senses are involved in the learning process.
B. Use your sense of hearing to help you learn by reading out loud or explaining the new
information to someone else.
C. The brain processes information from your five senses.

6. Your brain is gets more oxygen ________________ .

A. when you are sleeping
B. when you are playing an exciting video game
C. when you are riding a bicycle

7. Stress ________________ .
A. stops the brain from working at its best
B. makes you feel excited
C. boosts our mood and helps us to concentrate

8. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

A. We actually learn in our sleep.
B. You should avoid playing exciting video games or watching exciting TV shows in the hour
before going to bed.
C. Rest is important for boosting our mood and helping us to concentrate.

II. Read the text below and think of a word which best fits into each gap.
Use only ONE word in each space. (16 x 2,5p = 40p)

There is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, (1)......what keeps modern economic
life functioning. Yet, in the course (2)....... history, money, in whatever form, has provided people (3).......the
ability to buy and (4)........goods. Thousands of years (5)......, civilisations (6) rely on the barter system
as a way of exchanging goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. This meant
that the two parties involved had to (7) agreement as to what they thought their products were (8)........
Items such (9)...........wheat, tobacco and salt have all (10)...........used as money at one time or another. It was
not until much later that humans came up (11).......the idea of money in the form of metal coins.

So why (12).........the barter system come to an end ? The answer is simple. Coins were much easier to
handle and carry around. (13).......then, the use of coins has become widespread. It has made business simpler
and has given countries an opportunity (14) ...........development by doing business with other countries further
afield, which they had never done business with before.
Later on, paper money became more common all over the world ,as it was easier to use. It (15)............
not be long, however, before plastic cards take (16)...............completely, replacing coins and bank notes.

III. On your last holiday you have tried out a new sport.
Write an informal letter (120 words) to your friend and tell him / her about the new sport you
tried out. In your email you should:

 describe the sport you tried out,

 tell your friend where, when and with whom you practiced it,
 write about whether or not you liked it.
(20 p)




Varianta ( B)


I. 8 x 5p = 40p

1. A 5. A
2. A 6. C
3. B 7. A
4. C 8. C

II. 16 x 2,5p = 40p

1. Is 7. Reach 13. Since

2. of 8. Worth 14. For
3. With 9. As 15. Will
4. Sell 10. Been 16. Over
5. Ago 11. With
6. Used 12. Did

III. WRITING – Informal Letter – 20p

 Task achievement 5p
 Range of grammatical structures 4p
 Register and vocabulary 4p
 Organization, cohesion, layout 4p
 Overall effect 3p

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