Science Investigatory Project Title Proposa: Mikaella Gabrielle G. Dotingco

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Project Title

Mikaella Gabrielle G. Dotingco

Among all the things I’ve researched for the past few days that I
was given to look into, I found 3 titles that intrigued me greatly.
I suppose since they seemed to all be interesting and worthwhile
topics I decided I wanted to use them.

Here are the three:

A.) Ethyl Alcohol From Ripe Orange


B.) Utilization Of Avocado Peelings Into


C.) Make All-Natural Insect Repellent

with Guybano Leaves

Since this is research, naturally I had these ideas after scrolling

through multiple project titles online. I own nothing but the new
variant I’ve changed from the previous work.

Here are my references:



I’m Ruben S. Pepino, Jr. senior year in section dove and

the proponent of a (Musa paradisiacal)peelings”.

This study signify the use of waste from banana musa

paradisiacal peelings that pollute out surroundings when
thrown after eating ripe banana fruit.

The study aims to produce Ethyl alcohol out of ripe

banana extract added with yeast and ferment it for 3

The researcher gathered waste ripe banana peelings from

banana fruit stand at Agora Public Market Pagadian City.
The waste ripe banana peelings were washed then
scrapped the inner part of the peelings after scrapping,
this was placed in the one (1) liter of water, heated until
cooked in thirty (30) minutes. The extract is being pour
into the sterilized bottle added with yeast and partially
scaled. After being fermented over three (3) months, the
extract is distilled to produce ethyl alcohol.

Don’t discard your mango peels,
they make jams, jellies healthier,
says IIT-Bombay study
Mumbai city news: India produces 40% to 48% of the world’s mangoes
MUMBAI Updated: Jun 20, 2017 01:27 IST

Snehal Fernandes
Hindustan Times

Mango peels consist of approximately 20% to 40% of the total mango processing waste (by
weight) generated in industries. (HT File Photo)

The bitter mango peels that pectin —a gel-forming

most of us discard can make jam substance used as a universal
and jelly less sweet, and additive in jams, jellies, ice
therefore healthier than those creams and cosmetics — from
available in stores. That’s what a the peels of Indian and
team of researchers led by the Australian mangoes. The study
Indian Institute of Technology – is a part of the ongoing research
Bombay (IITB) found when on fruit waste, based at IIT-B’s
they used a process to extract bio-refinery.
The research assumes citrus peels and apple pomace is
significance as India produces imported for Rs700 to Rs900 a
40% to 48% of the world’s kg from Germany, Mexico and
mangoes. China, owing to a lack of
manufacturing capacity in India.
Currently, pectin produced from
 Globally, fruit processing industries contribute more than 0.5 billion tonnes of
 There is no such data available for India.
 But, primary data on waste from mango processing factories in Maharashtra
that was part of the study found that medium scale industries produce up to
50-100 tonnes of waste per day.

In contrast, the five-member approach, in which the mango

team extracted pectin using pulp is extracted and the peels
lemon juice, which is a natural processed right next to the
acidifying agent. “Despite being industry without any hazardous
such a vast country, India chemicals,” he added.
doesn’t produce pectin, which is
Mango peels consist of
used in food, confectionery,
approximately 20% to 40% of
cosmetics, pharmaceutical
the total mango processing
products,” professor Amit Arora,
waste (by weight) generated in
principal investigator, Centre for
Technology Alternatives for
Rural Areas, IIT-B. The team conducted
experiments on Indian mangoes,
“India produces millions of
which showed that the amount
tonnes of mangoes, but all we
of pectin in mango peels varies
now do is compost the peels and
from 20% to 30% of total peel
generate biogas. We, thus
weight, as compared to
looked at an alternative green
commercial sources of pectin
from citrus peel (15% to 20%), that when we use waste, such as
apple pomace (10% to 15%), mango peels, it shouldn’t result
sunflower (15% to 25%) and in us producing even more
sugar beet (10% to 20%). To waste,” said Jhumur Banerjee, a
make the process of extracting doctoral student at IITB Monash
pectin eco-friendly, the IIT-B Research Academy. “The
and Monash University-led effluent from the current process
team replaced hazardous is comparatively safer as there is
mineral acids with lemon juice no mineral acid waste as a
as the former generates effluents, by-product.”
which need to be treated before
In addition to preventing acidic
they are released into the
effluents, pectin, when extracted
using lemon juice, was low on
Conventionally, industries use sugar in jams and jelly since it
mineral acids nitric, sulphuric can gel in presence of calcium,
and hydrochloric to extract which researchers said is “a new
pectin that gels in presence of concept in food additives for
highly concentrated sugar. products such as low-calorie
food and beverages.”
“We used lemon juice to ensure
Investigatory Project
Science Projects Example
Search for:
February 21, 2013
Guyabano’s Health Benefits
Most of us would love to make The experts of the Department
guyabano fruit juice, puree, tea of Science and Technology
and shake. This fruit is grown in (DOST) have advocated these
Central America, sub-Saharan wonders of guyabano in a health
parts of Africa and Southeast supplement. Based from their
Asia. Filipinos believe in the research guyabano can ease
wonders of guyabano. It is cancer and other illnesses.
known to relieve pain, Guyabano or soursop is a
inflammation, asthma, lowers tropical fruit with a soft thorn
fever, spasms, heart rate and green skin and soft pulpy white
blood pressure. It is also good flesh. The agency had studied
for diabetic individuals and its and performed tests that will
extracts can prevent cancer cells prove that guyabano extract can
from forming. Viruses, fungi be mixed in natural health
and harmful bacteria can also be supplements since it had high
prevented when you eat flavonoid which avoids viruses,
guyabano because of its carcinogens and allergens. [via
anti-microbial potential.]


Guyabano Health Benefits –

Revealing Medicinal Properties of
an Exotic Fruit
There are many fruit that most people simply don’t know about, and guyabano,
also known as soursop and guanabana, is just one of them. While the fruit is
not as well known as others and is less researched, guyabano health
benefits are still worthy of note. If you want to expand your mind with
knowledge of a fruit you probably never knew existed, continue onward to see
what guyabano is and what it has to offer.

What is Guyabano?
Guyabano is a fruit that comes from the Graviola tree. Other names for
guyabano (name known in the Philippines)
include: guanábana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese), pawpaw (in
Brazil), corossol (French), soursop (English), and custard apple (English).
The scientific name is annona muricata.

The graviola tree grows in warm tropical areas such as the Philippines
and South America. Known as a sedative, a nerve tonic, and used to maintain
proper intestinal health, guyabano is just one medicinal tool stemming from the
graviola tree. Throughout history, each part of the graviola tree, such as the
bark, leaves, roots, fruit, and seeds have been used for medicinal purposes.
The seeds have been used to treat nausea and vomiting, while herbal
medicine practitioners recommend using the fruit and leaves to relieve
stomach distress, pain, cough, asthma, and fever.
Guyabano is known to being rich in vitamin C and B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin
and niacin, but here is a fuller list of what the fruit has to offer.

 Vitamin C  Thiamine
 Iron  Calcium
 Riboflavin  Carbohydrates
 Phosphorus  Niacin
 Fiber

Guyabano Health Benefits – Cancer

Unfortunately, research revolving around guyabano’s healing properties is
lacking in the scientific world, but so far researchers have been studying
guyabano for its ability to protect against cancer and reduce side-effects of

Since 1976, over 20 independent labs researched Guyabano’s anti-cancer

effects following initial research carried out by the National Cancer Institute.
The National Cancer Institute found that guyabano’s “leaves and stems were
found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells. After the 1976
findings, that were apparently never released to the public, other research
studies came out with similar conclusions:

 One study published in the Journal of Natural Products found that one
chemical in Graviola was 10,000 times more potent than a
chemotherapy drug called Adriamycin.

 The Catholic University of South Korea reports that guyabano is not

only a threat to cancer cells, but also leaves healthy cells alone. This is
not the case with chemo, which target all the cells – much like
antibiotics indiscriminately destroying all gut bacteria, good and bad.

 Purdue University found that leaves from the guyabano tree are “killed
cancer cells among six human cell lines”. The researchers also found
that the leaves were particularly effective for prostate and pancreatic

One piece of research found on PubMed concluded:

“Overall, the compounds that are implanted pancreatic tumors,

naturally present in a Graviola indicating promising characteristics
extract inhibited multiple signaling of the natural product against this
pathways that regulate metabolism, lethal disease.”
cell cycle, survival, and metastatic
properties in PC cells. Collectively, While guyabano has something to
alterations in these parameters led to offer in the world of cancer protection,
a decrease in tumorigenicity and it’s important to note that studies
metastasis of orthotopically conducted with guyabano were
conducted in what’s known as In Still, don’t hesitate to chomp down on
Vitro. This means that biological some soursop (guyabano) for it’s
component have been isolated for great taste and potential (at the very
testing, and this this case, cancer least) anti-cancer abilities. Plus, here
cells were used in test tubes. While are some other guyabano health
it’s helpful to start research benefits.
somewhere, we are still in need of
human clinical trials.

Other Health Benefits of Guyabano

 Alleviates pain stemming  Prevents constipation
from arthritis, joint and back – Before Rich in fiber,
problems, and rheumatism. guyabano is one of the many
foods to choose if you suffer
 Prevents urinary tract from constipation.
infections – Guyabano is
known for it’s vitamin C  Bone health – Guyabano
content (77% daily value per contains copper, a mineral
cup). Vitamin C can help to promoting the absorption of
decrease the amount of bone-benefiting calcium.
harmful bacteria that may be
present in the urinary tract.  Prevents leg cramps –
Potassium in the fruit could
 Migraine and headache help prevent leg cramps.
relief – Guyabano contains
riboflavin, which could help  Boosts energy levels –
with headaches. Along with vitamin C,
guyabano is known to be rich
 May help with anemia – in B vitamins as well. B
Soursop (guyabano) is rich in vitamins are known to help
iron, which could help increase energy levels.
with iron deficiency anemia.

Guyabano Benefit Summary –

Guyabano can Used for:
 Respiratory issues such as and stomach distress
asthma or cough  Fever
 Pain  Iron deficiency anemia
 Headaches or migraines  Urinary tract infections
 Intestinal upset, constipation,  Lack of energy
In the end, just enjoy the soursop fruit, or, try it if you never have!

Additional Sources:


Composition of Mango Peels

Are you aware of Pectin? Pectin belongs to a group of carbohydrates

which is used as a stabilizer or a thickening agent in food, cosmetic
and pharmaceutical businesses. Based from Government’s statistical
data, our country had imported about 93,150 kilos of pectin in 2008.
The cost incurred in importing Pectin is about P27,000 per kilo.

To find solution to this high cost of importing Pectin, a nine-month

research was conducted by PhilMech (the Philippine Center for
Postharvest Development and Mechanization). According to
PhilMech Executive Director Ricardo Cachuela, the country can still
meet its pectin requirements by introducing mango peels which can
be used as a raw material to manufacture pectin using a simple
extraction process. The laboratory scale production of pectin from
mango peels only costs about P6,000 per kilo. The pectin produced
from mango peels can be compared with the pectin made from apple
pomace. The Bio-Processing Engineering Division of PhilMech
headed by Dr. Cristina Gragasin, in partnership with Dr. Rosalinda
Torres of DoST-ITDI further explained that five kilograms of mango
peels can be used as natural resource to produce a kilogram of pectin.

How to Make Ethanol

By Jared SkyeBA Environmental Science

Ethanol is a fuel that can be manufactured

easily by anyone with some basic materials
and a little common sense. Made easily with
commonly-available materials, it can also have
a genuine impact on your fuel bill. However,
there are also disadvantages. This means it is
important to do your research to help you
decide if it will work in your situation.

Materials to Manufacture Ethanol at Home

There are many different materials that you can use to create ethanol.
 One (1) 20 gallon plastic barrel with a lid
 One (1) 10 ounce packet of brewer yeast or distiller yeast
 One (1) stirring paddle
 Forty (40) pounds of sugar
 One (1) still

Steps for Making Ethanol

Making ethanol does not require many steps before you are ready to use

Mix Your Sugar Solution

The ethanol will begin as a simple solution easier to mix. Once the
solution of sugar and water. The sugar is fully dissolved, you can
water should be roughly 100 fill up the barrel with hot water
degrees Fahrenheit to ensure that until it is nearly to the top. Once
all of the sugar melts. Fill the the mixture is at roughly 80 or 90
barrel halfway and pour in the degrees, you can mix in the yeast.
sugar at 10 pound intervals until it Loosely affix the lid of the barrel.
is all used. This will make the If you let the lid sit on the barrel
loosely, then it will allow carbon mixture in an area that has a
dioxide to escape during the consistent temperature of 70
fermentation process without degrees.
letting in dirt and bugs. Set the

Let Nature Take Over

Fermentation will occur over the periodically to keep pressure from
course of a week. During this time, building up. This is why you put
the yeast is consuming the sugar the lid on so loosely. These
that you've mixed in the water. As bubbles will also function as an
the yeast eats the sugar, it indicator of when the fermentation
produces wastes in the form of process is complete. Once your
alcohol and carbon dioxide. The mixture stops bubbling up with
carbon dioxide bubbles out of the carbon dioxide, the process is
mixture and needs to be released finished.

Filter the Solution

There will be some wastes to filter into the mixture, but you will
out after fermentation is complete. mostly need to filter out all of the
Bugs and dirt can sometimes get dead yeast.

Distill Your Solution

What you will be left with is a you can even make your own. The
mixture of dead yeast, water, and distillation of your solution should
ethanol. To get the ethanol out of yield you a rough 3:1 ratio of
this mixture, you need to use a still original solution to finished
to distill it out. There are many ethanol.
different types of ethanol stills and

Dehydrate Your Ethanol

The ethanol that you are left with the water out. These filters are
after the distillation process will made out of specially-designed
still have a minor impurity of fabrics that allow ethanol
water inside of it. To remove this molecules to pass through while
water, you need to use a trapping the water.
specialized fuel filter that can filter
Using Home Ethanol
You will have to take a few commercially available ethanol
precautionary steps in order to use and gasoline mixtures use a ratio
your finished ethanol. First of all, of 85% ethanol to 15% gasoline.
you will have to make sure that Gasoline and ethanol have
there is no plastic or aluminum different octane ratings and most
anywhere along your fuel system. car engines are built to utilize
Ethanol is highly corrosive to gasoline. If you're not sure about
these materials. Also, you will using ethanol in your vehicle,
have to either convert your engine double check with the
to use ethanol or you will have to manufacturer before you fill up
mix it with gasoline. Most your tank.

Legal Issues in Home Ethanol Production

To make ethanol in your home quantities of it. It is a criminal
legally, you will need to apply for offense to produce ethanol in your
a Fuel Plant Permit from the home without this permit. People
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and in countries outside of the United
Firearms. This permit is required States of America should check
even if you are not intending to their local regulations regarding
sell ethanol or produce large-scale the home production of ethanol.

Putting It All Together

Knowing how to make ethanol powered generators when mixed
will allow you to save money in with gasoline. Be sure to research
more ways than just your car. It your engine and follow
can be used in lawn mowers, and manufacturer's suggestions for
other gasoline powered tools. best results.
Ethanol can also be used in gas

(Reference: Google)
Alcohol Yield from Sugar Washes
How much alcohol can you expect to make, knowing how much sugar you
put in ? Easy. The theoretical yield is 51.1%, but you will get less than this,
around 48% because you lose some of the sugars to forming the small
amounts of other alcohols, esters, etc (eg 480 g (610 mL) of ethanol for
every 1 kg sugar). All going well, you should be able to capture approx 90%
of this, ie 550 mL pure (100%) ethanol per kg of sugar. So ... for say 5 kg of
sugar, you should be able to get 0.55 x 5 = 2.75 L of pure ethanol. I collect
mine at 75% strength, ie I get around 2.75 / 0.75 = 3.7 L of distillate . If you
run a pot still at 40%, this means you will get around 6.9 L of distillate.
Knowing how much alcohol is present then lets you know when your run is
about to finish.

5 40
If start with sugar and the still makes % alcohol

You should collect around of


Bakers yeast will produce a maximum of around 14% alcohol, whereas the
"turbos" can generate up to 20% alcohol. Obviously you'd use different
amounts of sugar for either case. To estimate the sugar you need, multiply
the wash % alcohol by the volume and by 17 grams, eg to make 20L at 13%
you'd use 20 x 13 x 17 = 4400 g = 4.4 kg.

20 13
To make L of wash at % alcohol

Use kg of sugar <="" tr="">

Glucose (dextrose) can be used instead of sugar, and is sometimes said to

produce a "cleaner" wash. You will need to use slightly more (12.5%) by
weight to get the same result as using sugar (eg use 1.25kg of glucose for
every 1kg of sugar needed).
To get the same result as using kg of sugar,

use kg of dextrose (glucose) <="" tr=""> This page last modified Tue, 20 Jan 2015 20:51:05


Note: For a sugar wash, you preparation of wine or beer, but uses
probably don't need to sterilize pure table sugar instead of a variety
anything. Just wash it with soap and of different sugars, fruits or other
water. The presence of other additives. Also, more yeast is used in
microbes can alter the taste if you order to speed things up a little. The
plan to drink it. This is a very basic final product should be ready in a
way that you can make your own week or two. If you want to drink it,
DRINKABLE ethanol at home. The you can. Just clear it first using a
main premise of this video is to show clearing solution and clean the taste
just how simple and easy it is to up using activated carbon. It still
ferment your own alcohol. In a future won't taste very good though. NOTE:
video, I will try to dispel some myths Be aware that there are some things
regarding homebrewing, such as the that when added might be dangerous.
exaggerated risk of methanol So, please, if you decide to add
poisoning. I will also demonstrate something to the fermentation,
how easy and safe it can be to distill please verify beforehand that it is
your own ethanol from the wash that safe. Here are some calculators to
you produce. In this video, I prepare calculate how much sugar you need
a sugar wash (fermentation of sugar to make a certain amount of alcohol.
only). The process is similar to the

(Reference: )
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 7 No.2 Scientific . 2009
Determination of some chemical compounds and the
effect of oil extract from orange peel on some pathogens

Rom R 䳌䁨䁨ꘀ香䁢n Ro䁢n Rϳ ΰ ϟ ϳ Λϳ香ϳΣ䁢n Λ ΛΣ香䁢n Ro RRom

Ro 䳌o Λm RϘ䁢n
RRΪ 香䁢n Λ R香香䁢n

Narjis Hadi Mansoor Al-Saadi*, Najwa Shihab Ahmad **, Shaima Ebraheem Sa´eed
* College of Science/ Karbala University/Chemistry department
** Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Institute/ Baghdad University

This research involves detection of the chemical constituents of orange peel; it contains
alkaloids, saponins, terpenes, resins, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, and sugars but not
contains coumarins and steroids. In addition sugar, proteins, moisture and ash were
determined and their percentage were (23.8%, 4%, 11.86%, 5.34%) respectively. Oil of
orange peels was extracted and its percentage was 13.12% then its anti-microbial activity
was tested against micropathogen that include Aeromonas hydrophila, Klebsiella
pneumonia, Psdumonas aeruginosa, Ecsherichia coli, Psudomonas fluorescenes, Proteus
spp. Enterococcus feacalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Candidia albicans and Listeria spp.
using agar diffusion wells. Different concentrations of oil were prepared (12.5, 25, 50 and
100,) mg/ml and the diameter of inhibition zone were measured. Oil extract was more
effective against Aeromonas hydrophil and Klebsiella pneumonia than other pathogens
were tested. In addition some elements were determined such as (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr,
Pb, Cd and P). The results demonstrated that orange peels contain these elements at
concentrations (125, 88, 13, 1.6, 1.3, 1.2, 0.25, and 0.11) μg/ml. and 0.2% of phosphorus.

, o h sohor Romr , orma Ұmmr Ro oR R hr R aRoRa R ϧ ϻmr oR m sR so΍osr mr hor ΍R r Ұmr Rϻmr R
RhR aR mr , hosr Rmr,
mr RRmr . roa sR omRr homr RoRm mr Ro oR Rm hr m mr ҰomRr hosohr RRmr, roohos mr , ooormoha ೐ࣻmr
mr Ұomr mR R R mࣻ,
4% R mRr oR mr , hosr Ra ϻmr ..8% 4% 88.21% 4.. oR Ꮀ mR mR RR ೐ R r R ΍. or mr Ro
2 ΍r h hR RRo
8% hR RRo R ϧ ϻmr .. ho΍R R mRr mR R ΍a r Rm΍o΍R r ‴R Ro sR oa mR Rϻmr sR R‴ࣻmr RRϻR r R r ‴R
88 ϻh Aeromonas hydrophila, Klebsiella pneumonia Psdumonas aerogenosa, Eschericia
coli, Psudomonas florescense, Proteus spp. Enterococcus feacialis, Staphylococcus
aureus, candida albicans and Listeria spp )
m RRm )811, 41, 84, 88.4( mR mr R ࣻRR m s RR R ࣻ⸱ ࣻr . ࣻRmRR RR h⸱ mr mᎰ R r R RR
hR R RᎰ Rsr RR
mr RҰR Ro Rso RRR Ύor Ro mR mr R Rom r RR ࣻr sR ΎRmr Aeromonas hydrophila Klebsiella
pneumonia hR RR m
Ύm sohR ΍o r Rhr mr ‴R mR R R mࣻ mr RRmr . R mr m R΍ r Rm΍o΍R r RϻR
( P ,Cd ,Pb ,Cr ,Cu ,Ni ,Zn ,Mn ,Fe ) ( s RR Rhr mr R oR oR R R ϧ ϻmr oR Ꮀ r RR RᎰ
22, .8, 8.1, ..8, 8.8 , 1.84, 1.88( 884 ,
oR oࣻRm ϻh RR % 1.8 or mr Ro m R Ra mo Rm.

Orange peel extract may work as a many plants [7]. The essential constituents
surfactant. A surfactant is a substance that of orange peel oil include terpenes such as
reduces the surface tension of liquids. (carveol, carvone, menthol, perillyl
Orange peel extract may reduce the alcohol and perillaldehyde ) (Fig.1).
surface tension of the liquid contents in Citrus, in addition to providing an ample
the stomach, decreasing the potential for supply of vitamin C, folic acid, potassium,
the fluid to splash up into the esophagus. and pectin, contains a host of active
Orange peel extract has been studied in phytochemicals. The
several clinical trials. In many of the mutagenicity-reducing activity per weight
studies, participants were asked to rate of peels of citrus fruits was considerably
their heartburn for severity and frequency higher than that of their juices. The two
[1].Researchers have determined orange main compositional differences between
peel extract inhibits the way cancer cells peel and juice components are that the
divide and grow. In laboratory studies, peel contains a higher concentration of
orange peel extract prevented breast, skin, ascorbic acid than the juice, and that the
liver, lung, pancreatic, colon and stomach peel also contains higher concentrations of
cancers [2-6]. Monoterpenes are active components (d-limonene,
nonnutritive dietary components found in hesperidin, naringin, and auraptene) than
the essential oils of citrus fruits, cherry, do the juice and pulp.[8]. D-Limonene,
mint and herbs. They function which comprises > 90% of citrus peel oil,
physiologically as chemoattractants or has demonstrated chemopreventive
chemorepellents, and they are largely activity against a variety of chemically
responsible for the distinctive fragrance of induced rodent cancers[8].

(Fig. 1) components of orange peels

The aims of this study were to know the significant important of orange peels as diet and
the antimicrobial effect of oil extract on some pathogenic organisms.

Material and methods

Plant material: The plant material used in this study consists of orange peels which were
collected from the orange market. It was dried and grounded into fine powder for further

Oil extract: Orange peels were extracted with petroleum ether for 48 hours using soxhlet
equipment and then solvent was evaporated using rotary evaporator. Oil extract was
stored in deep freezing.

Test microorganisms: Ten microorganisms were used in this study: E. coli, P. fluorescens,
P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia, A. hydrophila, P. spp., E. feacialis, S. aureus, C. albicans,
Listeria spp. These strains were obtained from biotechnology and genetic engineering

Detection of some Chemical Compound in orange peel

A- Alkaloid test test
Dragendorff reagent was used for This test was performed as [12 ]
alkaloids detection and prepared as [9]
E- Saponins test
B-Coumarin test This test was performed as [9,12]
This test was tested as [10]
F- Sugar test
C -Flavonoids test This test was performed as [13]
This test was performed as [11 ]
G- Phenolic compound test
D-Resins, Tannins, Terpene and Steroid This test was performed as [14]

Determination of moisture/ The 2gm of burned in a muffle furnace at 550˚C. The

orange peel powder were weighed in color changed to white or gray. After
porcelain crucibles with its cover and then cooling, the crucible percentage of ash
entered into a thermal oven at 105˚C for was calculated [16].
3.5 hours, after that the percentage of
moisture was calculated [15]. Determination of sugars
Sugars of orange peel were extracted
Determination of ash/ A 2gm of orange according to [15] then the free sugar was
peel powder were weighed in porcelain determined using colorimetric method
crucibles; the samples was dried in air [17].
oven at 110˚C for 15minutes, and then
Determination of protein The Antimicrobial Activity of the orange
Proteins were determined as [18].The peel oil
percentage of the nitrogen was determined Antimicrobial activity was determined by
using kejeldahal apparatus and the the well diffusion method according to the
percentage of protein was calculated. [20]. Petri plates containing 20 ml of
nutrient agar medium were inoculated by
Determination of Phosphorus streaking the swab over the entire sterile
Different concentrations of KH2PO4 were agar surface. This streaking procedure was
prepared ranging between (0.2-0.6) μg/ml repeated and the plate approximately
and standard curve was done then rotated 60 degrees each time so as to
phosphorus in sample was estimated insure an even distribution of inoculums.
according to [18]. Wells were cut into the agar and 100μl of
the orange peel oil were in different
Elements determination concentrations (100, 50, 25. 12.5) mg/ml.
Elements that were determined include Ni, The inoculums size was adjusted so as to
Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cd, and Pb. The deliver final inoculums of approximately
sample was prepared as [19] then the 1.5×107 colony-forming units (CFU)/ml.
elements were determined using atomic Incubation was performed at 37°C for 24
absorption spectroscopy (Perken-Elmer hours. The assessment of antibacterial
5000) and air-acetylene flame with hallo activity was based on measurement of the
cathode for each element. diameter of the inhibition zone formed
around the well.

Oil of orange peel was extracted with petroleum ether for 48 hours which resulted in
13.21% fixed oil. In addition detection of chemical constituents in orange peels showed
that it contains: saponins, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, sugars, resins, terpenes, and
phenolic compounds but does not contain coumarins and steroids (Table 1). Also the
chemical compositions in orange peels were determined as dry matter basis (Table 2).
Elements in orange peels were analyzed-using AAS technique (Table3).Nine elements
(Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Cd) were detected and their concentrations determined
using AAS technique except phosphorus, which was determined by a colorimetric
method. The oil of orange peels was diluted in DMSO solvent and was prepared different
concentrations then tested against pneumonia than other microorganism. microorganism;
the results are shown in (Table 4). The oil extract was more effective against Aeromonas
hydrophila and Klebsilla

(Table 1)Chemical compounds of orange peel

Chemical constituents Reagents Detection indicator Results

Alkaloids Dragendorff Orange spots +
Coumarins Filter paper saturated Yellow–green _
with dil.NaOH fluorescence under uv.
Flavonoids 50%ethanol+50%NaOH Yellow color +
Resins 95%ethanol+4%HCl Turbidity +
Saponins Shaking the extract Foaming remaining for +
vigorously long time
HgCl2 White precipitate +
Sugars Benedect &Fehling Red precipitate +
Tannins 1% lead acetate White mucilage +
Phenolic compounds 1% FeCl3 Green color +
Terpenes Chloroform+glacial Brown color +
Steroids acetic acid - -

(Table 2) chemical components of orange peels

Component Percentage (%)

Ash 5.34
Moisture 11.86
Protein 4
Sugar 23.8

(Table 3) Elements in orange peels

Mineral elements Concentration (μg/ml)

Iron (Fe) 125
Ma(nganese (Mn) 88
Zinc (Zn) 13
Nickel (Ni) 1.6
Copper (Cu) 1.3
Chromium (Cr) 1.2
Lead (Pb) 0.25
Cadmium (Cd) 0.11
Phosphorus (P) 0.2%
(Table 4) Effect of orange peel oil on the microorganism

Inhibition zones (mm)

Concentration of oil (mg/ ml)
100 50 25 12.5
Ecshericia coli 0 0 0 0
Psudomonas fluorescens 13 12 0 0
Psudomonas aeruginosa 0 0 0 0
Klebsilla pneumonia 16 14 13 12
Aeromonas hydrophila 18 17 14 14
Proteus spp. 14 14 0 12
Enterococcus feacalis 14 13 12 11
Staphylococcus aureus 12 11 0 0
Candida albicans 13 0 13 0
Listeria spp. 14 13 0 0

The results indicated that orange peels of citrus spp. are a good source of oil. Also the
presence of active ingredients in orange peels makes it useful in folk medicine to treat
many diseases. Orange peel extract is an all-natural product and its safety has been
evaluated [21]. In fact orange peel extract has been used in cancer studies for many years
with no adverse effects [2].

The chemical compositions in orange peels used made it possible to use in herbal
medicine for the treatment of many diseases [22]. D-Limonene terpene is derived from
the peels of citrus fruits, it is a cyclic monoterpene, Patients use this supplement to
prevent and treat cancer [23]. Much research has been focused on the potential use of
flavonoids (in citrus and tea) as inhibitors of neoplastic transformation and as free radical
scavengers to prevent oxidative skin damage [22]. The oil extract showed antibacterial
activity towards gram Gram-positive bacteria (Aeromonas hydrophila, Enterococcus
feacalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria spp.) and Gram negativebacteria (E.coli, P.
fluorescens, P. aerugenosa, Klebsilla pneumonia, Proteus spp.) as well as the fungi
( Candidia albicans ).

The resistance may be due to the permeability barrier provided by the cell wall or to the
membrane accumulation mechanism [24]. In this study showed that orange peels contain
useful elements which human body required such as iron, manganese and nickel and less
harmful element like cadmium and lead. Nutritional assessment is important in every
patient. Malnutrition is a common problem worldwide, and in developed in countries.
Various studies have shown that patients may have evidence, not only of protein-calorie
malnutrition, but also of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, especially after major surgery
or chronic illness.

Iron is an essential element in humans, being the central ion in heam. Iron deficiency
causes a failure of heam synthesis, leading to anemia [25]. Copper is an essential trace
metal which is a component of a wide range of intracellular metalloenzymes, including
cytochrome oxidase, superoxide dismutase, tyrosinase, dopamine hydroxylase and lysyl
oxidase. Copper deficiency lead to bone diseases [25]. zinc is an essential element
present in over 200 metalloprotein. Zinc deficiency causes characteristic skin rash and
hair loss, wound breakdown and delayed healing. [25]. Aluminum, arsenic,
antimony ,boron, bromine, cadmium, cesium, germanium, lead, mercury, silver, strontium,
Without known nutritional function but toxic in, excess.[26]. Phosphorus contributed in
bone formation, energy metabolism, and nucleic acid metabolism. [27].

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