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What does this say about their social

6. Age of Soledad
7. What was she feeling looking out
1. Author
8. What time is belated midday meal
2. Who came up with the theory of evolution
9. Name of husband, prosperous farmer
3. Definition of evolution
10. Expression of husband
4. Place where there was controversy (on
11. Describe woman’s brow
12. Where were the shirts ironed the day
5. Exact opposite of evolution
6. Author’s theory on ______; more you drink,
13. What do some of them need
lower down the evolutionary ladder you go
14. Why must he hurry back
7. Alcohol used
15. Sunday significance
8. Vision blurs. Room appears to be spinning.
16. Describe attire
You feel like _____________________.
17. Describe key
9. Feeling on the way to the bathroom
18. What did she say gives her a headache
10. First devolution
19. What does Pedro do when he f=realizes it
11. Other name for APE
was warm
12. What do you proceed to do?
20. He removed his garment ____________
13. Why drink like depressed Russians?
21. Soledad’s nickname
14. Legs turn into ____________.
22. Who will Pedro call to their house
15. Second devolution
23. What time will Pedro return
16. Talkative and hyperverbal gives you
24. What fell
17. Rise in voice
25. Stared at it like __________
18. What do you say?
26. Looking at it, she looked almost ________
19. You stop talking, you start
27. Where was the small trunk located
28. Describe the trunk
20. Sure sign you are in the third phase of
29. Why did she hate the trunk? What did it
21. Which reptile does it closely resemble to
30. What happened when she came across a
22. Most obnoxious phase
torn garment
23. Who will it be easier for if you drive yourself
31. Husband’s nickname
32. Husband’s “face” when he was separating
24. What will they do
the big key and small key
25. You can’t crawl so you attempt to ________
33. Soledad brushed her tears will the sleeve of
26. Fourth devolution phase
27. You pass out and become a ________
34. Patron Saint of the Barrio
28. Next morning, process of ___________
35. Did she give in to the pressure?
29. Mouth tastes like
36. Describe as Pedro came home, what was he
30. You say vile things
31. You crawl to the bottom of the bathroom
37. What happened to Soledad
32. Stand on your legs to reach the sink
38. What was Pedro’s immediate solution?
33. What determines that you have become
39. Soledad’s reaction and what did Indo think
human again?
of it
40. Were they able to call a doctor?
41. Soledad throughout the whole night 
1. Author
morning after
2. Theme
42. What bothered and did not bother him
3. House description
when he found out Tia Maria was no longer
4. Describe the surroundings
in the house?
43. What did Indo do after he woke up 33. Why/How does he own their souls?
44. What did he see 34. What does he think of?
45. What did she see (morning breeze stirred) 35. Where does he see her?
46. Reaction of Pedro 36. What happens to the water
47. What was inside the trunk 37. What does he drink to forget
48. When did the doctor arrive 38. His family that loves him for his _________
49. Doctor’s diagnosis 39. In the end what did he sacrifice
50. Physician’s prescription 40. PARADOX
51. What did Pedro think would play out?
52. Describe their surroundings PATALIM
53. Why was it not easy to forgive? 1. Author
54. What should they have done? 2. What does the title translate to?
3. The title was used to describe what theme?
THE CONVERSION 4. When do they test themselves?
1. Author 5. Examples given
2. “No person walks in a straight line” 6. What line says that the author was referring
3. Persona to his married life
4. What does conversion mean 7. “lagot kung lagot walang dayaan”
5. Where did it happen 8. What do they do at the end of the day?
6. Why that kind 9. What do they do after?
7. Who put him there 10. What do more wounds sustained mean?
8. Show how the water had been saved for the
10. What were the neighbors doing KAIMITO
11. “Macho men” 1. Author
12. Describe his relatives 2. Theme
13. Where was he hiding 3. How old
14. Because of modesty what did he NOT do 4. Shows belief of/in
15. What kind of torture did he undergo 5. Why Kaimito
16. Too much tingling that he felt his knees 6. What is the symbolism for “gabi”
turned into _______ 7. Symbolism for “hangin”
17. What was the father’s question 8. What did lola do
18. What was his initial answer 9. What did she see
19. What did they want him to say to make him 10. What did they “pitas”
stop 11. What pinched lola isyang’s eyes
20. Why did he do it 12. What did lola do after getting pricked
21. Was he cross dressing 13. Symbolism for “isinara ni lola”
22. His father died within ______ years 14. Ending (what occurred at the same time)
23. Proof of hus manhood
24. How many children (gender) MAY DAY EVE
25. What does water symbolize 1. Author
26. What does the drum symbolize 2. Curfew
27. “is still there, deep and rusty” 3. Where did the girls go
28. what happened to the bathroom 4. Where did the men go
29. what does the persona mean when the wife 5. Drinks served
is “pigheaded” 6. How were the boys behaving
30. What does he do to the wife  why? 7. What was the ball for
31. What makes a man less of a man? 8. Dances
32. New relationship with uncles 9. Things they bragged about (planning) doing
10. What were the girls doing 55. Phrase on salt
11. How did the men look 56. Did her forgive her
12. Who plucked and chased them (girls) off? 57. Jump to next timeframe. What year is it
13. What was happening downstairs due to the 58. How old is Don Badoy
curfew 59. Where is he coming from
14. What was the year wherein this happened 60. How did he look now
15. Where were they (Venue/Setting) 61. Who did he now see in the mirror
16. What did Anastasia said about May 62. Who told him about the chant
17. What night was it 63. Chant for men
18. How did the girls react 64. What did the witch do to to him
19. How did they describe Anastasia 65. How did the witch look
20. Who among the women were brave 66. What happened to Agueda
21. Who told them to quiet down 67. Circumstance of marriage
22. Anastasia’s instructions 68. What did Badoy feel remembering Agueda’s
23. Age of Agueda death
24. Chant for women 69. Difference of badoy from then and now
25. What do mirrors signify in literature 70. Uneven use of time frame
26. What happens if it does not go right 71. Parallel structures
27. Where did Agueda go?
28. Who tried to stop her GHOST
29. What did Agueda blackmail her with
30. What was she wearing
31. Was she really brave
32. Describe the mirror
33. What did she hear after her chant
34. Who was with Dona Agueda
35. What was her new face in front of the
36. New period
37. What did she say she saw
38. Warning to her daughter
39. What did she say the devil looked like
40. Devil VS “Papa”
41. Did she see tails and a horn, if not what did
she see
42. Badoy’s state
43. When did Badoy last see her
44. What would she not give him
45. What did Badoy suddenly realize
46. What did Bado call her
47. Why does she treat them like mortal
48. Agueda burst into tears and what happened
49. What did Badoy try to do to make it better
50. How did Agueda fight back
51. What were his cruel thoughts
52. What did he decide on (partly the reason
why the girls were staying over) ‘
53. What did he call her
54. How did he describe her

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