The Multiplication Challenge

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The Multiplication Challenge:

Chapter 5

In this chapter, the author shared the experience of his church with
regards to leadership shortage, how they identified the problem and how
they were able to recover and solve it.

Here, I’ve learned that leaders do not grow organically (naturally).

Before, my perspective about this is the other way around. I thought that if
we keep on making disciples, leaders will automatically/naturally rise up
or grow. I have been corrected in this. This chapter made me realize that
if we really want to produce leaders, we must be intentional about it. If we
don’t, we will face present problems and even future problems.

I have also learned four leadership multipliers that the author

highlighted at the end of this chapter:
 Identification – this is about helping potential leaders identify
their God-given talents
 Instruction – it is about giving tools/formal trainings to potential
 Impartation – in this area, building relationship is essential to
shape and strengthen the character of the leader
 Internship – this is the point where the young leader would be
given opportunities to watch, learn and lead among other more
experienced leaders.

Making disciples alone is not enough in solving our leadership

shortage. It is just the starting point of spiritual leadership. We need to be
intentional in making disciples and at the same time, we need to be
intentional in identifying and training leaders.
The Multiplication Challenge:


Potential leaders need people who will help them recognize their
Spiritual gifts, talents and skills. They need someone who will help them
identify open doors. In this chapter, I have learned helpful ways on
identifying potential leaders. It highlights 5 character traits that we need
to look for in identifying them. We need to find people who are:

 Faithful ~ people who can be trusted even in very small things

 Available ~ people who are willing to make themselves available
for God’s work
 Involved ~ people who are already part of the church and actively
participates in the ministry
 Teachable ~ people who are willing to learn and are humble
enough in accepting corrections
 Hungry ~ people who want to grow and learn specially when it
come to the Word of God

Established leaders have a big part in identifying potential leaders.

They are used by God to open the mind of future leaders about their
calling. Sometimes, people discover their gifts by themselves, but most of
the time, they need someone to help them discover and develop those
gifts. Without the help of those people, they might not be able to know
and use their maximum potential, or worse, they might not even know
that they have the potential to be great leaders. If we find people who
possess the said five character traits, we should allow God to use us to
unleash their God-given potentials, helping them to be the best leader
that they can be. There’s no greater joy than becoming God’s instrument
to identify and raise the next generation leaders.
The Multiplication Challenge:


The author shared four areas that are important for a healthy multi-
generational leadership. These are the things that one must consider to
sustain great leadership throughout generations.

 People – remember that no one can lead alone. We need

people who will partner with the next generation leaders. People
who will help them in the transition of new leaders.
 Preparation – like what King David did, we need to make sure
that the we are preparing for the great tasks that the next-gen
leaders would need.
 Provision – It is important to model a lifestyle of generosity now,
and let other people follow our example to make sure that the
needs of the next-gen would also be provided.
 Prayer – it is the most important among these areas. It is the Lord
who makes things happen, so we need to ask for His help and
guidance with humility and thanksgiving.

In this chapter, I’ve also learned that leadership is not about leading
people until you retire and just “pass the baton” to the younger leaders.
Even established leaders who are in their prime years can still lead with
influence without leaving their position. One way to do that is to create
new “batons” and new “leadership lanes” so that the old and younger
generation leaders can run the leadership race together.

Finally, we need to treat the next-generation leaders as successors

and not subordinates. They must feel that they belong to a family where
they are accepted. The transition of the next-gen leaders would not be
hard if a healthy relationship with them has already been built.

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