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Production title: False Perception

Production team: J2L Films

Producer: Jack Davey, John Davies and Luke Pincombe

Date of survey: 24/3/19 Proposed filming date: 30/4/19

Location: Weston College – Loxton Campus

Permission needed: (contact details)

Crew –

Jack Davey – 07479 614511

John Davies – 07567 185716

Luke Pincombe – 07710 196936

Actors –

Hollie Gibson – 07543 905419

Ben Payne – 07506 555369

Vicky Nelson – 01934 411623

Dan Andrews – 01934 411600

Alex Drummond – 07634 797611

Lisa Williamson – 07446 344434

Megan Atkinson – 07547 101335

Jackie Love – 07841 646673

Traffic problems:(how will you deal with sound/visuals from passing cars)

We will be inside of the college campus; therefore, it will be less likely to pick up any traffic noise on
the audio. However just to be 100% sure we will close any windows in the classroom we will be
filming in to prevent any background/ traffic noise.
Local conditions: (could the weather affect your filming in any way?)

For this specific location/ filming day we will not be affected in any way as we are inside of the
college. In addition, we will check the weather specifically for that day in case if we come across a
problem where we are not allowed to film inside that day.

Intrusions: (passers-by, music, airplanes/trains, general interruptions to filming)

There will be students passing nearby inside the classroom, to overcome this problem we will put
signs up informing the teachers/ students that we are filming. This will then reduce the amount of
noise or people passing by the classroom.

Continuity: (is anything about the location likely to change during the shoot or if you return to it to
film more than once? E.g. roadworks in 1st shot/ gone in next, poster on wall/gone in next shot)

There are multiple posters/ pictures up on the wall inside the classroom, therefore this can cause a
problem to our continuity if we needed to film at this location more than once if the pictures or
anything which can be seen in the background is missing or has changed. In addition, if we wanted to
film at the same location but in the story it is two separate days the actors will have to change their
outfit/ costumes in order to make it realistic.

Electricity/Lighting issues/Sound (will you need an electricity supply and is there access to one? Is
lighting adequate or does it need altering? What sort of sound equipment will you need?)

We will not need to use an electricity supply because we will be using the natural light coming from
either the sun or the lights inside the classroom. This will create the feeling of being in education
with pure light without extra light.

Set dressing: (does your set contain everything you want to show in your scene or will it need
something else adding to it to have the impact you want?)

The set we will be filming on will not have any additional/ extra or important props needed for this
location as we will be using the props already inside of the classroom in order to create the feeling
towards the audience that these specific scenes are inside a school/ college.

Welfare:(can your crew/talent get refreshments and use toilets, do they need to stay overnight near
filming location?)

Yes, all crew and actors can get refreshments inside the college as there are multiple water fountains
and a cafeteria inside the campus. Also, inside the college there are multiple toilets for male, female
and disabled people as this will no create any problems for people.

Possible dates for filming: 30/4/19

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