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SPE 95241

The Effect of Fracture Relative Permeabilities and Capillary Pressures on the

Numerical Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
J.J. de la Porte, SPE, and C.A. Kossack, SPE, Schlumberger, and R.W. Zimmerman, SPE, Imperial C.

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

results from non-straight-line fracture relative permeabilities
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and and/or non-zero capillary pressures. A method for classifying
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 9 – 12 October 2005.
a reservoir system to select the correct set of relative
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
permeability and capillary pressure curves is given.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to The study investigated differences in behavior of two-
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at phase (dead oil with water or gas injection) and three-phase
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
systems, using straight-line fracture relative permeabilities
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is and/or zero fracture capillary pressures (base case) and non-
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous straight-line fracture relative permeabilities and non-zero
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
fracture capillary pressures (sensitivity case). We used a
homogeneous reservoir for most of the simulations, although a
Abstract modified version of the reservoir model from the Sixth SPE
Engineers using numerical reservoir simulators to model Comparative Solution Project: Dual Porosity Simulators
fractured reservoirs typically have used straight-line (corner- (Firoozabadi and Thomas6) was also used to assess the extent
to-corner) relative permeabilities and zero capillary pressure in to which our results were influenced by heterogeneity. To
the fractures, without a clear understanding of how these two determine sensitivities, we used different relative permeability
parameters affect simulation accuracy and with no practical and capillary pressure curves and a wide range of values for
method for selecting alternate values. The present study uses reservoir parameters, such as fracture spacing, fracture/matrix
the theoretical work of Rossen and Kumar (non-straight-line permeability ratio, and fluid properties.
fracture relative permeabilities)1,2 and of Firoozabadi and
Haugh (non-zero capillary pressure in rough-walled fractures)3 Background
to quantify prediction errors and to demonstrate a method for Conventional straight-line relative permeability curves
selecting the correct set of relative-permeability and capillary originated with the 1966 publication by Romm.4,5 His
curves for a particular simulation. Our results indicate that findings, based on experiments of flow between two parallel
using straight-line relative permeabilities can lead to predicted glass plates, showed a linear dependency between phase
oil-recovery errors as high as 70% in water-oil systems and to relative permeability and phase saturations, as well as zero
underestimating oil production times in some gas-oil systems capillary pressures. The experiments did not examine the
by as much as a factor of three. In gas-oil systems where gas effects of fracture aperture and roughness effects, or the
flows into the fractures, oil recovery from the matrix blocks implications for reservoir scale behavior. Firoozabadi and
could be underestimated by a factor of almost two when Thomas6 published the results on the Sixth SPE Comparative
fracture capillary pressures are set at zero. Solution Project: Dual Porosity Simulators (referred to
hereafter as “SPE6”), which investigated aspects of the
Introduction physics of multiphase flow in fractured reservoirs. The use of
Using straight-line fracture relative permeabilities and zero non-zero capillary pressures showed that predicted recoveries
fracture capillary pressures, based on E. S. Romm’s are affected dramatically by combinations of wettability and
experiment4,5 in 1966, may not always be appropriate, and Enhanced Oil Recovery methods. In the same year,
could lead to large errors in reservoir definition and Firoozabadi and Hauge3 published a phenomenological model
performance prediction. Recent experimental research, for calculating the capillary pressures of a system based on
outlined below, clearly shows that relative permeabilities in a fracture characteristics such as waviness, roughness, width,
certain range of fractures are not straight lines, but and interfacial tensions.
implications for reservoir scale behavior have not yet been In 1992, Rossen and Kumar1 introduced a method for
systematically examined. The present study focuses on calculating non-zero relative permeabilities using the Effective
quantifying prediction errors made in reservoir scale Medium Approach (EMA), which is based on the work of
simulations by comparing results from straight-line fracture Pruess and Tsang7 from 1990. EMA was used to illustrate the
relative permeabilities and/or zero capillary pressures with effect of gravity and aperture distribution on Percolation
Theory relative permeabilities, which prohibits two-phase
2 SPE 95241

flow in fracture networks. In this study, Rossen and Kumar1 this is a valid assumption; however in systems where the
developed dimensionless parameters, PcD and HD, where HD is distributions are radically different, the curves will change as
a ratio between gravitational and capillary forces in the described by Rossen and Kumar2.
fracture system. In the same year, Guzman and Aziz8 made a
valuable contribution to understanding the capillary/viscous Fracture Capillary Pressures
force ratio effect (captured in the capillary number) and the Fracture capillary pressure curves (as functions of wetting
effects of fracture relative permeabilities and capillary phase saturation) used in the study were derived by
pressure at the moment of water break-through in an oil-water Firoozabadi and Hauge3, for various fracture apertures (t =
system. 2bo) of 10, 20 and 100 µm. They developed a
In 1994, Rossen and Kumar2 published a refined model phenomenological model, based on the Young-Laplace
of relative permeabilities in a single fracture, which included equation of capillarity:
effects of wetting-phase flow along the fracture walls and
⎡⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
asperities. Pieters and Graves10 used video-imaging to Pc = γ ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥ , (2)
measure saturations in fractures, and verified the non-linearity ⎣⎢⎝ r1 ⎠ ⎝ r2 ⎠⎦⎥
of relative permeabilities. Persoff and Pruess11 performed an where Pc is pressure difference across the interface, r1 and r2
experimental study to understand and quantify flow in are radii of the curvature of the curved interface at any point,
fractures by visualization and experimentally determined
and γ is surface tension. The model is based on assumptions
relative permeabilities from flow rates and pressure-drops in
regarding fracture properties, including roughness, shape of
realistic rough-walled fractures. In 1985, Hughes and Blunt12
the asperities and number of asperities in contact with each
used CT-scanning to verify results from pore-scale network
other at opposite fracture faces, as fully described in the
modelling of multiphase flow that investigated imbibition in o
reference. A contact angle of 0 is assumed.
fractures and matrix-fracture interaction. Their in situ
The derived fracture capillary pressure (assuming a
measurements confirmed non-straight-line relative o
waviness angle α of 5 ), converted to a dimensionless form,
PcfD, is given as follows:
In 2001, Bertels, DiCarlo and Blunt13 developed an
experimental technique that used CT-scanning to measure and bo Pc
PcfD = , (3)
compute fracture aperture distribution, capillary pressure, and γ
relative permeability in rock fractures. where bo is the mean fracture half-width, γ is interfacial
tension, and Pc is capillary pressure. Numerical values of the
Theory dimensionless capillary pressure PcfD,, as a function of wetting
Fracture Relative Permeability Curves phase saturation, are listed in Table 5. If bo is given in inches,
The fracture relative permeability curves used in the present and γ is given in pounds/inch, Pc (in psi) would simply be
study were obtained from the paper by Rossen and Kumar2,
calculated as Pc = γ PcfD /bo. On the other hand, if bo is given in
and are shown in Figure 1. The main parameter used in
microns and γ in dynes/cm, then Pc (in psi) would be given by
selecting the appropriate relative permeability curve for a
specific reservoir system, with gravity and capillary forces Pc = 0.145γ PcfD /bo. As a concrete example, the capillary
acting, was defined by Rossen and Kumar as a dimensionless pressure curves for a water-oil system with interfacial tension
fracture height, HD, which is essentially a ratio of the of 24 dynes/cm are shown in Figure 2, for three different
gravitational force to the capillary forces in the system: values of the half-aperture.
∆ρ gH Matrix-Fracture Relative Permeabilities
HD = , (1)
γ / bo The relative permeability function used for the fractures is
where ∆ρ is the density difference between phases, g is appropriate for the flow of fluids in the fractures. In cases
gravitational acceleration, H is fracture height, γ is interfacial where HD decreases toward zero, the end points of the water
tension, and bo is the mean half-aperture of the fracture. relative permeability curve (krw) and oil-to-water relative
The parameter HD quantifies the extent of gravitational permeability curve (krow) move away from the zero residual
segregation. When HD is high (greater than 10), total phase saturations, and at some non-zero saturation of the wetting
segregation allows use of straight-line relative permeabilities. phase the relative permeabilities of both the oil and water are
On the other hand, a value of HD = 0 indicates complete zero. In cases where HD is zero, the critical water saturation is
domination of capillary forces, and percolation theory will 20%, as shown in Figure 1. This is especially important for the
apply, with simultaneous two-phase flow impossible. The water phase. In most reservoir simulators, the transmissibility
latter case obviously holds severe implications in terms of calculation for matrix-fracture transfer is upstream-weighted.
phase injectivity and mobilities. Thus, for the flow of water from the fracture to the matrix,
Some examples of calculating the HD parameter, using upstream weighting will look at the relative permeability of
different fracture widths, are shown in Table 1. The water in the fractures. If the water relative permeability in the
calculation of HD in field units is given in the Appendix. fractures is zero, with non-zero water saturation, no water will
In deriving the above curves, it is assumed that the half imbibe into the matrix, which most likely is not physically
aperture, bo, follows a lognormal distribution, with a mean of correct. No flow of water in the fractures should not
necessarily equate to no imbibition into the matrix if there are
50 µm and a log standard deviation of 0.43. Experimental
forces present in the matrix to cause imbibition.
studies (Gale14, Hakami15, Pruess and Tsang7) have shown that
SPE 95241 3

Zimmerman et al.16 suggested the use of the matrix Gas-Oil Systems (Gas Injection): Fracture Capillary
relative permeabilities, evaluated at the potential that exists at Pressures (Pcog-f)
the matrix-fracture boundary, to simulate the matrix-fracture In the traditional case of setting fracture capillary pressure
transfer. However, in the present study, straight-line relative (Pcog-f) equal to zero, where the matrix is filled with oil and
permeabilities have been used for fracture-to-matrix flow. connate water and the fracture filled with gas, the process in
These straight-line functions equal the saturation of the phase which oil flows from the matrix into the fracture, and gas
that is in contact with the matrix block, which conforms to flows in the opposite direction, is drainage with water as the
most engineers’ physical view of the situation. wetting phase. With the oil phase pressure in the matrix lower
than the oil pressure in the fracture, this capillary force tends
Experimental Design to keep the oil in the matrix rock. The other force present is a
Two separate ECLIPSE Blackoil Dual Porosity simulation gravity force given by (ρo-ρg)H, where H is the matrix block
studies were conducted: (1) a water-flooding scenario with height or stack height, defined as the vertical height in the
both live and dead oil, and (2) a gas injection study with a live matrix blocks for which there is capillary continuity. We
oil. The datasets used in all the experiments were based on the assume the base case where the stack height is equal to the
SPE6 study data, extended to a sector model with a water or matrix block height is equal to the fracture block height.
gas injector and an oil producer in opposite corners of the Gravity forces tend to push oil from the matrix into the
model. Specific modifications related to the gas-oil case are fractures. Many reservoir engineers have long believed that a
described below. fractured reservoir with a high Pcog-m and a small matrix block
Three cases were compared in the water-oil system: (1) a height will trap the oil in the matrix when gas invades the
base case with zero fracture capillary pressure and straight- fractures. The following analysis shows that this may not
line relative permeabilities, (2) a case with non-straight-line always be true.
relative permeabilities and zero capillary pressures, and (3) a In the section above on theoretical background, we
case where the relative permeabilities were straight lines, and presented the development of an equation for Pc for fractures.
the capillary pressures were non-zero. This was first A table of dimensionless capillary pressures is provided
performed for a homogeneous, water-wet reservoir, then for a (Table 5). Values of Pcog-f for three fracture widths (2bo = 10,
heterogeneous system, for both a live oil (three-phase system 20 and 100 µm) were derived and used in the study. For the
– oil, water and gas) and a dead oil (two-phase system). gas-oil cases, we used a reference pressure of 5000 psia, at
Straight-line relative permeabilities were used for the gas-oil which surface tension is approximately 0.35 dynes/cm. The
and gas-water flows, as described in the gas-oil section. simulation case was similar to that used in SPE6. Several
Reservoir and production parameters (such as φ, σ, Kf, Pcf, and changes to the input data were made, and will be explained.
∆P) were varied to simulate as many different reservoir The gas-oil surface tension of 0.35 dynes/cm, at a
systems as possible, building a classification system of reservoir pressure of approximately 5000 psia, gives the
sensitivities. De la Porte17 performed more than 800 fracture gas-oil capillary pressures shown in Figure 3. Here we
simulations in a detailed analysis of the effect of non-straight- also see the matrix Pcog-m; which is different from the Pcog-m
line relative permeabilities and non-zero capillary pressures in used in SPE6. Four dual-porosity models were created with
the fractures of the oil-water systems. A further investigation these curves, with all cases having the Pcog-m shown assigned
into the gas-oil system, following the above-mentioned work, in the matrix blocks. The Pcog-f variation created the four cases,
is described in more detail in the present paper. distinguished by the maximum pressures at minimum wetting
phase saturation: (1) Pcog-f = 0 psia, with fracture width greater
Results and Discussion than 100 µm, (2) Pcog-f = 0.1735 psia with fracture width of 10
Gas-Oil Systems (Gas Injection): Fracture Relative µm, (3) Pcog-f = 0.0723 psia with a fracture width of 20 µm,
Permeabilities (krf ) and (4) Pcog-f = 0.0417 psia with a fracture width of 100 µm.
With gas-oil systems, surface tension (γ) is relatively low and In SPE6, Pcog in both the matrix and fractures varied with
the density difference (∆ρ) between phases is relatively high. pressure (increasing with decreasing pressure) based on
For example, ∆ρ will be in the range of 25 to 45 lbm/ft3 (the changes in the densities. This was also done in the present
lower value near the bubble point pressure), and γ will be in investigation, but this calculation did not greatly influence the
the range of 0.1 to 7 dynes/cm (the lower value near the results, because pressure in the matrix decreases, as the
bubble point pressure). Table 2 shows the values of HD at an pressure in the fracture decreases, with the result that both Pcog
intermediate pressure, a typical value of H, and a range of bo values increase at the same time. For the initial simulations,
values from 10 microns to 1 cm. The values of HD are all high the matrix-fracture transfer coefficient (σ) was set to 1.0 ft-2
enough that straight-line-relative permeabilities should be and the stack height (H) was set to 3.0 ft, resulting in high
used. As the pressure increases, ∆ρ and γ both decrease, and as matrix-fracture transfer and low gravity forces. We discuss
the pressure decreases, ∆ρ and γ both increase. Consequently, the effect of these two parameters later in this section. Other
the values of HD at various bo values remain relatively reservoir characteristics, such as permeability and porosity,
constant and large in magnitude. Thus, for gas-oil systems, were given values similar to those in SPE6, and are not
one can conclude that straight-line relative permeabilities significant factors in the comparative results.
should be used in the fractures. In the dual-porosity simulations of the sector model, a
corner well produced oil at a constant rate, and 95% of the
separator gas was injected into a well in the opposite corner.
4 SPE 95241

In all cases, the fractures rapidly filled with gas. This fracture factors, water injection rates, reservoir pressures, water cuts,
gas saturation was the key to the difference in the comparative gas-oil ratios, and oil production rates when comparing cases.
results. In all cases, the gravity forces were small and nearly Often, differences were very large - as high as a 70% variation
constant, because the fracture (or stack) height (H) was small. in recovery factor between the base case and the sensitivity
The rate of oil production from the matrix block was a case. Differences were greatest when HD was 0.5, and least
function of the balance in the gravity and capillary forces. when HD = 5.0 or higher. This result was expected, with
The effective Pcog tending to keep the oil in the matrix was the water- and oil-phase mobilities in the fractures, at any
difference between the Pcog-m and the Pcog-f. With Pcog-f = 0, saturation, decreasing with decreasing HD (Figure 1).
this force was at maximum. If we reduce the capillary force Differences in results were least sensitive to the pressure
that keeps the oil in the matrix by putting a non-zero Pcog in difference between the injection and production wells, and
the fractures, the oil production rate from the matrix increases. most sensitive to the matrix-fracture transfer coefficient or
The effect of a non-zero Pcog-f is most easily observed by shape factor, σ. These conclusions were the same for the
looking at the oil pressures in the matrix and fracture. When heterogeneous case.
the oil pressure is greater in the matrix, oil will flow from the The general conclusion was that any simulation case
matrix into the fractures. When Pcog-f = 0, the oil pressure with HD < 5 should use non-straight-line relative
difference (Pom-Pof), as seen in Figure 4, decreases with time, permeabilities in the fractures. This corresponds to reservoirs
thus impeding the flow of oil from the matrix to the fracture. with a high fracture density (small H) and very narrow
When a non-zero Pcog-f is used (10 µm case is shown in Figure fractures (small t or bo), and/or low-density difference and
4) and the fracture’s gas saturation is approximately 1.0, Pcog-f high interfacial tension among the phases. The use of straight-
in the fracture is 0.1735 psia, which is higher than Pcog-m, line fracture relative permeabilities would most certainly result
which would initially be in the order of 0.051. Thus, the in high errors in predictions. The main causes for the
drainage capillary force direction is reversed. As a result, the differences were lower injectivity at the injector well, resulting
oil pressure gradient has a small negative value, and is even in less pressure support, lower phase mobilities at intermediate
positive at times; see Figure 4. When this small negative (or saturations, and later water breakthrough at the producer.
positive) capillary force is combined with gravity forces, oil Some cases showed a prolonged production lifetime due to
production from the matrix is very high. slower movement of the waterfront, resulting in higher oil
When we simulated these four cases with Dual Porosity recovery factors.
ECLIPSE, we compared oil production rates to see the effect To demonstrate the effect of using non-straight-line
of non-zero gas-oil capillary pressure in the fractures. Figure 5 fracture relative permeabilities (with Pcf = 0) on the results of
shows the results of a comparison of the field oil production a typical simulation study, we compared five cases: a base
rates. case with relative permeabilities taken to be straight lines (krf
The case with the narrowest fractures (10 µm) and the = Sw) and capillary pressures set to zero (Pcf = 0), and four
highest Pcog-f has the highest oil production rates and continues sensitivity cases each using fracture relative permeabilities
to produce oil many years after the other cases have stopped. associated with values of HD = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 5.0. The case
The incremental oil recoveries above the base case (Pcog-f = 0) shown here has medium-sized matrix blocks with σ = 0.01 ft-2,
are as follows: 100 µm = 4%, 20 µm = 25%, and 10 µm = a low effective fracture permeability of Kf = 20 mD, zero
76%. fracture capillary pressure, Pcf = 0, and a pressure drop across
Sensitivity simulations were run with a larger matrix the flow field of ∆P = 2000 psi.
block height, H, and a smaller value of σ, since these are key Figure 8 illustrates that in this case, total oil recovery
parameters in the comparison. When the matrix block height within a certain production period decreases with a decrease in
was increased to 20 ft (from 3 ft), the gravity forces were HD, whereas Figure 9 shows the decreasing effect on water
increased and, thus, dominated the oil flow from the matrix injectivity. The subsequent effect on the reservoir pressure
blocks, reducing the differences between the four cases maintenance can be seen in Figure 10, and the effect on the
(Figure 6). When the value of σ was reduced to 0.001 ft-2 speed of the movement of the waterfront from the injector
(from 1.0 ft-2), the rate of flow between the matrix and fracture well to the producer, is clear in Figure 11, with the latest
was controlled by the matrix-fracture transmissibility. The break-through in the HD = 0.5 case.
results show (Figure 7) that a difference between the cases This example demonstrates clearly that the effect of the
appears only after 3000 days of simulation with the 10 µm fracture relative permeabilities is substantial in the case where
fracture case having the highest oil production rate. When a when HD < 5, and that the use of straight-line relative
case with H = 20 ft and σ = 0.001 ft-2 was run, the differences permeabilities (HD = ∞) will give incorrect answers.
between the four cases (figure not shown) were even smaller.
Water-Oil Systems (Water Flooding): Fracture Capillary
Water-Oil System (Water Flooding): Fracture Relative Pressures (Pcow-f)
Permeabilities (krf ) Results from systematic simulation comparisons yield the
In general, simulation results involving straight-line fracture conclusion that the non-zero capillary pressure in fractures has
relative permeability curves (base case) and curves from cases little effect on overall results, with differences in the results
at low values of HD (sensitivity case) showed significant indicators of less than 3% in all water flooding test cases.
differences (>10%) in one or more key reservoir production
results. De la Porte17 looked at differences in oil recovery
SPE 95241 5

Conclusions Method to classify reservoir system: gas-oil systems

Our conclusions for the proper simulation of fractured 1) Fracture Relative Permeabilities: In gas-oil systems,
reservoirs are as follows: straight-line relative permeabilities (krf = So or Sg) can be used
• Water-oil systems with water injection into the fractures: in the fractures.
When HD is less than 5 (very narrow fractures, low
fracture heights, low fluid-density difference and/or high 2) Fracture Capillary Pressure: In gas-oil systems with gas
interfacial tension between phases), it is necessary to use invading the fractures; use non-zero gas-oil capillary pressure
non-straight-line fracture relative permeability curves. in narrow fractures, that is, fractures that are 100 microns or
Use of straight-line fracture relative permeabilities in less in width. To generate the appropriate Pcog-f, use Table 5 to
these cases could result in high errors in all results and get the PcfD as a function of the wetting phase saturation and
economic predictions. Equation (3) to convert the dimensionless capillary pressure
• Water-oil systems with water injection into the fractures: into psia. If bo is given in microns and γ in dynes/cm, then Pc
It is acceptable to use zero fracture capillary pressures. (in psia) is given by Pc = 0.145γ PcfD /bo. The gas-oil
• Gas-oil systems with gas injection into the fractures: Pcog-f interfacial tension (γ) used in the above calculation should be
should not be set to zero for dual-porosity reservoirs with the value at the average reservoir pressure or at the reference
narrow fractures (less than 100 microns). This is pressure used in the “gas-oil capillary pressures, adjusted
especially important for reservoirs with small matrix according to the ratio of the surface tension”18 calculation.
blocks (small H and large σ).
• Gas-oil systems with gas injection into the fractures: Use Appendix
of straight-line fracture relative permeabilities is HD Calculation in Field Units
acceptable. The expression for HD in any consistent set of units is given by
• Engineering guidelines in the next section provide the equation (1). However, the terms on the right side of this
simulation engineer with a formula for determining HD equation are more traditionally measured in the following
and Pcf, and criteria for when they must be used in units:
simulations (or when the straight-line facture relative
permeabilities and/or Pcf = 0 may be used). HD = dimensionless fracture height
∆ρ = density difference between phases [lbm/ft3]
Engineering Guidelines or System Classification =
H Fracture height [ft]
Required data for a water-oil System
• Water-oil density difference at reservoir conditions (∆ρ) G = gravitational acceleration = 32.17405 ft/sec2
• Average fracture half-width (bo) gc = conversion constant = 32.17405 lbm·ft·lbf-1·sec-2
• Estimate of water-oil interfacial tension (γ) g´ = G/gc = 0.0069444 lbf ft2 / lbm in2
• Estimate of matrix block height or fracture height (H)
γ = surface or interfacial tension [dynes/cm]
Required data for a gas-oil System bo = mean half-aperture or width of the fracture [cm]
• Gas-oil interfacial tension at a range of pressures (γ)
• Average fracture half-width (bo) If these units are used, HD would be calculated as follows:
Method to classify reservoir system: water-oil systems ⎡ ∆ρH ⎤
H D = 4.7892 × 10 2 ⎢ ⎥. (A-1)
1) Fracture Relative Permeabilities: Calculate the ⎣ γ / bo ⎦
dimensionless fracture height, HD, (see Appendix for details)
to get an indication of which forces are dominant in a specific
system. Matrix-Fracture transfer coefficient or shape factor, σ
If the value of HD is less than 7, one should use the To calculate σ for any specific reservoir, an estimate of the
calculated HD value rounded to the nearest value of the set 0.5, fracture height is required. This could be estimated from
1.0, 1.5 or 5 (for which non-straight line relative downhole imaging tools, and the associated x and y
permeabilities are available) to select the appropriate set of dimensions of an average matrix block could be calculated
fracture relative permeability curves. For example, if the from correlations.
calculated value of HD = 1.7, then the tabulated values for HD For a rectangular matrix block of lengths (Lx,Ly,Lz),
= 1.5 should be used. Given the uncertainties in many of the ECLIPSE uses Kazemi’s expression:
parameters used to calculate HD, this approximation is
justified. ⎛ ⎞
⎜ 1 1 1 ⎟
σ = 4⎜ + + ⎟. (A-2)
2) Fracture Capillary Pressure: In water-oil systems, the ⎜ L2x L2y L2z ⎟
⎝ ⎠
fracture capillary pressure can be set at zero.
Zimmerman and Bodvarsson16 used Fourier methods to
analyze the asymptotic behavior of the matrix block pressure,
and found that the coefficient 4 should be replaced by π2.
ECLIPSE uses expression (A-2).
6 SPE 95241

Nomenclature 13. Bertels, S. P. DiCarlo, D. A. and Blunt, M. J.: “Measurement of

Aperture Distribution, Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability,
bo = mean half-width of the fracture [microns] and in situ Saturation in a Rock Fracture using Computed
Tomography Scanning”, Water Resour. Res. 37, 649-662, 2001.
b = fracture width [microns] 14. Gale, J. E.; “Comparison of Coupled Fracture Deformation and
t = fracture width (aperture)3 [microns] Fluid Flow Models With Direct Measurements of Fracture Pore
g = gravitational acceleration [Nm/s2] Structure and Stress-flow Properties, Proc. 28th U. S. Symp. on
Rock Mechanics, Tucson, Ariz., A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.
H = fracture height or matrix block height [ft] 1213-1222, 1987.
HD = dimensionless fracture height 15. Hakami, E.: “Water Flow in Single Rock Joints”, Licentiate
Kf = fracture effective permeability [mD] thesis, Luleå Univ. Tech., Luleå, Sweden, 1988.
16. Zimmerman, R. W., Hadgu, T., Bodvarsson, G. S.: “A New
Pcf = fracture capillary pressure [psi] Lumped-parameter Model for Flow in Unsaturated Dual-
PcfD = dimensionless fracture capillary pressure porosity Media”, Adv. Water Resour., 19, 317-327, 1996.
17. De la Porte J. J.: “Effect of Fracture Relative Permeabilities and
∆P = pressure drop between injector/producer [psi]
Capillary Pressures on the Numerical Simulation of Fractured
Sw = water saturation Oil and Gas Reservoirs”, MSc thesis, Imperial College, London,
∆ρ = density difference between the fluids [lb/ft2] 2004.
18. ECLIPSE Reference Manual, 2004a. Schlumberger, Houston,
σ = matrix-fracture transfer coefficient [ft-2] Texas, 2004.
φ = porosity
γ = interfacial tension between fluids [dynes/cm]

This work was performed as an Imperial College MSc
research project, sponsored by Schlumberger Information
Solutions (SIS). We thank the staff at SIS Abingdon
Technology Centre for their support with the interpretation of
the results.

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paper SPE 56411, 1999.
SPE 95241 7

Table 1. Examples of HD calculations for typical Table 4. Fracture relative permeabilities vs. water
water-oil system. saturation for HD = 1.0, 0.5 and 0.0 (2).
HD = 1.0 HD = 0.5 HD = 0
∆ρ H γ bo bo HD
Sw Krw Krow Krw Krow Krw Krow
[lbm/ft3] [ft] [dynes/cm] [cm] [microns] [ ] 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.0

30 3 25 0.0001 1 0.172 0.05 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.885 0.00 0.9

0.10 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.675
30 3 25 0.001 10 1.724
0.15 0.01 0.30 0.001 0.295 0.00 0.29
30 3 25 0.01 100 17.24 0.20 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.12 0.01 0.00

30 3 25 0.1 1000 172.4 0.25 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.025 0.00
0.30 0.10 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.00
0.35 0.15 0.02 0.11 0.005 0.08 0.00
0.40 0.21 0.01 0.16 0.00 0.12 0.00
0.45 0.27 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.18 0.00
Table 2. Gas HD calculation. 0.50 0.325 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.24 0.00
Pressure ∆ρ H γ bo bo HD 0.6 0.45 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.4 0.00
0.7 0.58 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.58 0.00
[psia] [lbm/ft ] [ft] [dynes/cm] [cm] [microns] [ ]
0.8 0.72 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.00
2200 36 5 3.6 0.001 10 23.9462 0.9 0.86 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.91 0.00
2200 36 5 3.6 0.01 100 239.462 1.0 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
2200 36 5 3.6 0.1 1000 2394.62
2200 36 5 3.6 1 10000 23946.2

Table 5. Dimensionless Fracture Capillary Pressure,

Table 3. Fracture relative permeabilities vs. water where bo is the half-aperture in inches, Pc is the
saturation for HD = ∞, 5.0 and 1.5 (2). capillary pressure in psia, and γ is the surface
HD = ∞ HD = 5 HD = 1.5 tension in lbf/in (or any other consistent set of
Sw Krw Krow Krw Krow Krw Krow units).
0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
0.05 0.05 0.95 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.87 SLiquid PcfD = bo Pc /γ
0.10 0.10 0.90 0.04 0.74 0.00 0.53
0.00 17.240
0.15 0.15 0.85 0.09 0.67 0.02 0.38
0.01 4.7400
0.20 0.20 0.80 0.14 0.62 0.05 0.29
0.02 3.8070
0.30 0.30 0.70 0.24 0.52 0.14 0.18
0.40 0.40 0.60 0.34 0.42 0.24 0.20
0.04 3.0160
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.32 0.36 0.04 0.06 2.5850
0.60 0.60 0.40 0.54 0.23 0.48 0.00 0.08 2.4420
0.70 0.70 0.30 0.65 0.13 0.59 0.00 0.10 2.2980
0.80 0.80 0.20 0.75 0.05 0.72 0.00 0.12 2.1540
0.85 0.85 0.15 0.81 0.02 0.78 0.00 0.14 2.0110
0.90 0.90 0.10 0.87 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.16 1.8670
1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.8619
8 SPE 95241


Pressure Difference (psi)

10 micron Fracture Width
0.8 0
Krw and Krow


0.6 HD=Infinity Pc = 0
0.5 HD=5
HD=0 -0.6

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 -1
Wetting (water) Phase Saturation 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time (days)
Figure 4. Oil pressure difference (M-F) of base case (Pc = 0) and
case with t = 10 microns.
Figure 1. Fracture relative permeabilities, for different values of
the dimensionless height, HD; numerical values are provided in
the Appendix.

Figure 5. Field oil production rates comparison, using different

Pcog curves.
Figure 2. Capillary pressure curves for different fracture half-
widths, with γ = 24 dynes/cm.

0.351 Pc(t=100micro m) Pc(t=20micro m)

Gas-Oil Capillary Pressure (psia)

0.301 Pc(t=10 micro m) Pc matrix






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Saturation of Gas

Figure 6. Oil production rate, with H = 20 ft.

Figure 3. Matrix capillary pressures and fracture capillary

pressures for three fracture widths.
SPE 95241 9

Figure 7. Oil production rate, with σ = 0.001 ft . Figure 10. Field pressure as a function of time.

Figure 8. Oil recovery factor (FOE = RF) as a function of time. Figure 11. Well water-cut as a function of time.

Figure 9. Water injection rate as a function of time.

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