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Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38

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Original Research Article

Emissions and fuel use performance of two improved stoves and

determinants of their adoption in Dodola, southeastern Ethiopia
Fikadu Mamuye a, Bekele Lemma b, *, Teshale Woldeamanuel c
Wondo Genet College of Forestry, Hawassa University, Shashemene, P.O. Box 128, Ethiopia
Department of Chemistry, Hawassa University, Hawassa, P.O. Box 5, Ethiopia
Regional REEDþ Coordination Office, Hawassa, P.O. Box 1952, Ethiopia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Improved cook stoves (ICS) have perceived to exert a significant impact on households' economy, human
Received 6 April 2017 health, and global climate change. There are few studies on ICS emissions and fuel use performance and
Received in revised form on the factors that affect their adoption in Ethiopia. Thus, the objectives of this study were assessing: (a)
29 June 2017
the emissions of CO, CO2 and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) of improved Merchaye and Lakech charcoal
Accepted 25 September 2017
Available online 30 September 2017
stoves in comparison with traditional metal stoves; (b) specific fuel consumption (SFC) of the two ICS;
and (c) the factors that affect their adoption. Data were collected using the Water Boiling Test in a
laboratory and household survey. The results showed the Merchaye stove reduced emission of CO, CO2
and PM2.5 by 28, 22 and 27% respectively in comparison to a traditional charcoal stove. Whereas, the
Lakech Lakech stove reduced emission of CO, CO2 and PM2.5 by 15, 8 and 13%, respectively. In non-sustainable
Emission fuel wood harvest circumstances, the annual emission reduction potential for individual Merchaye
Adoption stoves was 0.33 t CO2e and Lakech stoves 0.14 t CO2e yr1. The SFC of Merchaye and Lakech were reduced
Climate change by 222 and 164 g d1, respectively. The two ICS also reduced the time required for cooking. Regarding the
status of adoption of ICS, 43.7% the sample households were adopters of Merchaye stoves and 31.3%
Lakech, stoves. Whereas the non-adopters comprise 25% of the sample. Adoption of ICS was influenced
by household head age, sex, education level and income. The results may have implication for mitigation
of climate change, forest degradation and household workload.
© 2017 Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-

1. Introduction The main reason for the development of improved stoves is their
environmental, health and socioeconomic benefits. Zhang et al. [5]
In developing countries, biomass is still the predominant have indicated that improved cook stoves (ICS) reduce the emission
cooking fuel [1] and currently there are a wide variety of stove of health-risky pollutants in the short term and reduce greenhouse
technologies and designs. Among biomass fuels, charcoal is the gases (GHG) emission in the long term. A study in China found that
predominant cooking fuel in sub-Saharan Africa's cities and towns adoption of ICS reduced fuel wood consumption, wood collection
[2], and in Ethiopia charcoal stoves are commonly used in urban time, and tree felling by 40.1, 38.2 and 23.7%, respectively [6]. In
and semi urban settings. Inefficient fuel combustion in traditional Guatemala the ‘Plancha’ ICS saved wood consumption by 39%,
stoves release gaseous products with a higher global warming decreased time spent for wood collection and reduced indoor air
potential than carbon dioxide, such as carbon monoxide [3]. pollution levels [7]. Pine et al. [8] asserted that ICSs reduced par-
Traditional stoves are still the most prevalent way of cooking in the ticulate matter (PM) by 74% and carbon monoxide (CO) concen-
developing countries regardless of their inefficiency and risks trations by 78% in Mexico. The adoption of ICS (Patsari) has
associated to human health and the environment [4]. significantly contributed to improvements in living conditions
through wood savings, and reducing indoor air pollution [9]. The
adoption of ICS (patsari) improved womens' respiratory systems
* Corresponding author. and eye comfort in Mexico [10]. In Gambia, ICSs saved fuel wood
E-mail address: Bekelelelemma@gmail.com (B. Lemma).
consumption by 40% and reduced indoor air pollution up to 90%
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Institute of Environmental
Engineering. [11]. Similarly, in Tanzania the adoption of ICSs saved fuel wood

2468-2039/© 2017 Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
F. Mamuye et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38 33

consumption, reduced women's workload by reducing time In comparison to the Lakech, the Merchaye stove is lighter, with
required for fuel collection, and created self-employment for the a smaller combustion area, depth, and upper surface area. It weighs
stove producers [12]. 1.8 kg with a combustion area of 169 cm2, depth of 7.8 cm and
In developing countries like Ethiopia, whose energy supply is upper surface area of 324 cm2. Charcoal is burned in a bowl shaped
heavily dependent on biomass fuels, technical advances in energy combustion chamber. The grates have 1e2 cm diameter holes. The
efficiency are critical. In order to reduce pressure on forests and the pot sits on the stove's pan seat which is fixed to the metal side of
adverse impact of indoor air pollution, the government of Ethiopia combustion chamber. The primary metal air entrance enables air to
is trying to increase the availability of fuel saving technologies such enter into the combustion chamber. In June 2015, the cost of a
as ICSs [13]. In this regard, non-governmental organizations, mainly Merchaye stove was 140e150 birr (USD 7e7.5). Merchaye and
GIZ, have been working on afforestation programs and dissemina- Lakech stoves are made from clay and sheet metal while the
tion of more efficient ICS technologies [14]. Although ICSs have traditional stove is made from only sheet metal.
magnificent contributions in reducing GHG emissions and PM, little
attempt to quantify GHG emission from ICSs have been made in 2.4. Water boiling test
Ethiopia. Despite the fact that ICSs are a better option than tradi-
tional stoves, studies indicate that adoption of ICS has fallen behind The water boiling point test (WBT version 4.2.2) was conducted
expectations [15]. To our knowledge, there are no studies on in the Addis Ababa laboratory of the Ethiopian Ministry of Water
improved charcoal stoves in Ethiopia. The objectives of this study, Irrigation and Energy to determine the performance of the stoves
therefore, were to: (a) assess the CO, CO2 and PM2.5 emission [16]. Although WBT was originally designed for wood-stoves, it has
reduction potential of Merchaye and Lakech charcoal stoves; (b) been adapted for charcoal stoves, with three phases e a cold-start
analyze their fuel and time saving efficiency, and (c) assess the phase, hot-start phase, and a simmering phase [16]. In a cold-start
factors that determine their adoption at Dodola, South East phase the tester begins with the stove at room temperature and
Ethiopia. boils 2.5 L of water in a 3 L pot without a lid. In the hot-start phase,
water is boiled beginning with a hot stove to identify differences in
2. Methodology performance between a hot and cold stove body. The tester then
simmers the remaining water at approximately 3  C below boiling
2.1. Study area for 45 min. These stove performance measurements help to
simulate the process of cooking food. In order to estimate daily fuel
The study was conducted in Dodola town, Oromia National consumption 2.5 L is multiplied by 3 (for morning, midday and
Regional State, southeastern Ethiopia. It is located 320 km south- night cooking time). Each stove's CO and CO2 emissions data were
east of Addis Ababa in the Adaba-Dodola forest priority area. The measured using IAQ-CALC meter (Model No. 7545 instruments,
town has a population of 26,176 and 3842 households. Cooking Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, MA, USA) while fine partic-
accounts for the bulk of domestic fuel consumption. Preparing ulate matter (PM2.5) data were collected using an indoor air
sauce (commonly known as ‘wot’), boiling water, making coffee and pollution meter (IAP Meter-5000-Series, Aprovecho research cen-
similar activities involve burning a fire several times a day. Elec- ter, 2008). Both the IAQ-CALC meter and IAP Meter stored the data
tricity and petroleum products are also available energy sources in on data logger minute-by-minute over the entire measurement
this town. period. The test was done three times for each stove type and data
on CO2, CO and PM2.5 emissions were collected three times
2.2. Selection of the study area following the standard WBT version 4.2.2 in a controlled laboratory
setting [16]. Background emissions were also accounted for by
Dodola was purposively selected as the study site due to (1) measuring concentrations of CO2, CO and PM2.5 before and during
the accessibility of different types of charcoal stoves to the in- the test. The air temperature was 17.8e18.8  C, the local boiling
habitants, and (2) the town's close proximity to the Dodola Adaba point was 91  C, and the relative humidity was 64%. The charcoal
forest reserve. Among the various available ICS, the researchers used in this study was produced from an indigenous Podocarpus
purposively selected Lakech, Merchaye as well as the traditional falcatus. Its moisture content was 9% and its pieces used in the
metal charcoal stove that is used by a large proportion of the study have a size of roughly 5e6 cm in diameter.
inhabitants. The traditional stove was used as the control for
comparison. 2.5. Household survey

2.3. Description of charcoal stoves Data on determinants affecting ICS adoption were collected by
means of a household survey. The standard statistical equation was
The traditional metal charcoal stove (Fig. 1) is square shaped applied to determine the total sample size needed for this study
with removable grates and weighs approximately 1.5 kg. Typical [17]. As a result, 40 samples households, who did not adopt
dimensions 9.5 cm deep, an upper surface area of 441 cm2, and a improved charcoal stoves, and 120 households who adopted
combustion area of 180 cm2. Evenly distributed holes are located at improved charcoal stoves were selected randomly from the town's
the bottom of a square charcoal container. The cooking pot sits 3842 household inhabitants. The major issues included in the
directly on the charcoal in the chamber. The cost of the stoves was household survey were, the types of stoves adopted by the
60 birr (USD 3) in July 2015. household, status of adoption of the ICS, the factors that contrib-
The Lakech charcoal stove weighs 1.9 kg with combustion area uted for the differences due to adopter and non-adopter house-
of 179 cm2 and depth of 8.5 cm. It has also an upper surface area of holds, the type of fuel wood used for cooking, the amount used per
400 cm2. Pieces of charcoal are combusted in a bowl shaped com- day, etc. The household survey questionnaires were pretested
bustion chamber. The stove's grates have 0.5 cm diameter holes. before the actual survey and, based on the results, and were revised
The pot sits on the stove's pan seat which is fixed to the metal part avoiding ambiguity and terms of cultural sensitivity. Data collectors
of the combustion chamber. The primary air metal entrance allows were employed for the household survey after training them on
air to enter into the combustion chamber. The cost of a Lakech stove how to handle the interview. In addition a supervisor was assigned
in June 2015 was 70 birr (USD 3.5). to follow the data collection in unannounced time of interviews
34 F. Mamuye et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38

Fig. 1. Pictures of (a) Mirchaye, (b) Lakech and (c) traditional stove.

within a day during the survey and, in approximately 5% of the cis e CO2, CO, PM2.5 emission or SFC of improved stoves.
households, to minimize interviewer bias. c ts e CO2, CO, PM2.5 emission or SFC of improved stoves.

2.6. Calculations
2.6.4. Statistical analysis
2.6.1. The CO2 equivalents (CO2e) calculation The statistical differences in SFC and emissions of CO2, CO and
The global warning potential of CO, CO2 and PM2.5 is different. PM2.5 among the stoves were computed by one way Analysis Of
So, the CO2e of CO and PM2.5 were calculated as follows to deter- Variance (ANOVA) using SPSS statistical software version 20 at 5%
mine the total emission in CO2e. level of significance. The least significant difference test was con-
ducted for mean separation of significant differences. The data from
CO2e ¼ GWPi  GHGi the household survey were analyzed using descriptive statistics:
frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation.
where GWPi is a global warming potential of each gas (relative to
CO2). GHGi is the quantity of each greenhouse gas emitted.
3. Results and discussion

2.6.2. Specific fuel consumption (SFC) and time 3.1. Improved charcoal stoves and CO2, CO and PM2.5 emission
SFC (g) is the charcoal required to boil 2.5 L of water, which was
calculated following the equation: Both Merchaye and Lakech emitted significantly lower CO2
(P < 0.001) than the traditional metal stove. Fig. 2 shows the
SfC ¼ Merchaye stove emitted the least CO2. The CO2 emission per 2.5 L of
ðphf  pÞ water for the Merchaye, Lakech and traditional metal stove was 531,
625 and 681 g, respectively. The CO2 emission of this study's
where fd e fuel consumed (g).
Merchaye stove was comparable with the Ghanaian Gyapa charcoal
stove [18] which emitted 536 g per 2.5 L of water. However, the CO2
phf e weight of pot with water after test (g).
emission from the Lakech stove was higher than the Gyapa stove.
p e weight of pot (g).
With respect to CO emission, Merchaye and Lakech emitted
significantly lower CO (P < 0.001) than the traditional metal stove
Time needed to boil 2.5 L of water was calculated as the differ-
while the Merchaye stove emitted significantly lower CO
ence between start and finish times:
(P < 0.001) than Lakech stove. Merchaye, Lakech and traditional
Dt ¼ tf  ti stoves emitted 66, 79 and 92 g of CO, respectively per 2.5 L of water.
The CO emission reductions of the Merchaye and Lakech stoves
where Dt e total time (min) to boil. were 28 and 15%, respectively (Fig. 2). Although both Merchaye and
Lakech stoves emitted relatively less CO than the traditional metal
tf e time at the end of the test. stove, the emissions from these ICS were above the proposed
ti e time at the start of the test. benchmark value of 20 g [19]. This is because the international
bench mark value is the average of wood and charcoal stoves.
Charcoal would normally have a higher CO level than wood [19]
which may explain this study's higher CO emissions.
2.6.3. Emissions and specific fuel wood reduction calculation
The PM2.5 emissions from the Merchaye, Lakech and tradi-
Calculation of a specific emission reduction potential and fuel
consumption reduction for each improved stove was accomplished tional metal stoves were 275, 325 and 375 mg, respectively
(Fig. 2). The Merchaye and Lakech emitted significantly lower
by comparing with the corresponding values of the traditional
metal stoves using the formula below. PM2.5 (P < 0.001) than the traditional metal stove. The Merchaye
stove emitted the least PM2.5 (P < 0.001; Fig. 2). The results show
cts  cis that PM2.5 emission reduction by Merchaye and Lakech stoves
creduction ¼ 100
cts were 27 and 13%, respectively. The fine PM emissions from both
improved stoves and the traditional metal stove were quite below
where, creduction e CO2, CO, PM2.5 emission reduction or SFC the proposed benchmark value of 1500 mg [18]. The bench mark
reduction of improved stoves. value was also computed for both charcoal and wood stoves.
F. Mamuye et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38 35

Table 1
700 Total Global Warming Potential (TGWP, grams CO2e per 2.5 L of water) and CO2e
emission per year of Merchaye, Lakech and traditional stoves.
Stoves Emissions TGWP CO2e emission
(g 2.5 L1) (g 2.5 L1) per year (t yr1)
CO CO2 PM2.5 CO2e CO2e
WBT CO2 (g)

400 Merchaye 66 531 0.28 917 1.00

Lakech 79 625 0.33 1082 1.19
Traditional 92 681 0.38 1213 1.33
300 *
GWP of CO ¼ 3, GWP of CO2 ¼ 1 and GWP of PM ¼ 680.

emission of CO, CO2 and PM2.5 of Merchaye, Lakech and traditional
100 metal stoves, were 1.0 t, 1.2 t and 1.3 t CO2e, respectively (Table 1).
Although this laboratory study should not be used to specifically
0 predict real-world performance, it is interesting to project the po-
tential emission reductions in CO2e, per stove, per year. Merchaye
stoves can potentially mitigate 0.33 t CO2e yr1 and Lakech 0.14 t
CO2e yr1 emission per stove. Thus, the Merchaye stove reduced
total emissions of the studied GHG by 25% and the Lakech 11%.
80 Improved charcoal stoves were estimated to reduce 20% of
emissions produced from incomplete combustion [20], and in the
present study the Merchaye ICS had emission reduction close to
60 this value. If biomass is harvested sustainably, then the CO2
WBT CO (g)

released in combustion is theoretically reabsorbed by the biomass

growing to replace it. In the non-sustainable fuelwood harvesting
40 circumstances in Ethiopia [21], the CO2 released is contributing to
the build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere [19]. The results of this study
show that shifting from traditional metal stoves to Merchaye and
20 Lakech stoves could mitigate CO2, CO and PM2.5 emissions with
Mechaye being superior in its performance.

0 3.2. SFC and time required for cooking by ICS

Fig. 3 shows that cooking 7.5 L of water in a day, the fuel con-
sumption of a Merchaye stove was 478 g while the Lakech charcoal
stove required 536 g of charcoal. In comparison, the traditional
stove had a fuel consumption of 700 g d1. The values of fuel
consumptions were significantly different (P < 0.001) among the
three stoves. Thus the Merchaye stove used 222 g (32%) less fuel
and the Lakech stove 164 g (23%) less fuel, per day than the tradi-
WBT PM 2.5 (mg)

tional stove. The SFC reduction in the present study was in the
200 range for Ceramic Jiko ICS in Kenya which was 20e50%. According
to EPA [22], ICS can save up to 25% over traditional stove. In the
150 present study, the Lakech stove showed results close to this esti-
mation while the Merchaye stove had even better results. In sub-
100 Saharan Africa, fuel wood and charcoal accounts for 75% of total
wood harvest, contributing to rapid deforestation in hotspot areas
50 including Ethiopia [21]. Thus, the present results have implications
concerning forest degradation since the use of ICS can reduce
0 pressure on forests.
Merchaye stove Lakech stove Traditional Metal stove The difference in SFC among the various stoves could be
attributed to the difference in design [23] and the materials from
Fig. 2. Average CO2, CO and PM emission per 2.5 L of water of Merchaye, Lakech and
traditional stoves.
which they were made. Design and materials are the most impor-
tant variables that affect stove performance [24]. Even though
Merchaye and Lakech stoves were made from the same materials,
Therefore, the difference could be attributable to the higher PM the design is different as is the performance. Traditional stove loses
emission from wood stoves than from the charcoal stoves. High more heat as compared to ICS due to the use of only sheet metal in
amounts of PM precursor are removed during the charcoal pro- their construction.
duction process which leads to lower levels of PM emissions from The Mechaye charcoal stove took 220 min for cooking per day
charcoal stoves [19]. with the Lakech stove 224 min. The two ICS significantly reduced
The Merchaye and Laketch stoves had a lower potential of (P < 0.01) cooking time when compared to traditional metal stove.
emitting GHGs with GWP as compared to traditional stoves. This Traditional metal stove was the slowest, taking 236 min d1. This
becomes apparent when GWP is applied to all emissions and implies that using these ICS stoves can save 13e17 min cooking
combined into the same scale of CO2e (Table 1). The annual time per day. In Uganda, studies found that the average cooking
36 F. Mamuye et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38

Table 2
700 Descriptive statistics of age and family size with respect to adoption of improved
charcoal Stoves.

600 Variables Groups Min Max Mean St. dev

Age Non-adopters 23 69 40.2 10.6

500 Adopters 19 67 32.4 10.7
Family size Non-adopters 1 9 5.05 2.1
Adopters 1 9 5.13 2.0
SFC (g)

household heads were more eager to adopt ICS technologies than
older household heads. In contrast to the present study, Gebreeg-
ziabher et al. [26] found that older household heads were more
willing to use the improved Mirt stoves than younger household
heads. The present study was consistent with Dawit [27] who
indicated that younger household head were better adopters of
0 Mirt stoves. A review on the adoption of improved stove by Lewis
and Pattanayak [28] indicated that the age of household head
influenced the adoption of ICS significantly and negatively. The
younger household heads make adoption decision superior to older
ones and older household heads were more conservative to use the
traditional stoves.
The mean family size of both improved cooking stove adopters
and non-adopters was very close. The mean family size of adopters
was 5.13 and that of the non-adopters was 5.05 with family size
ranging between 1 and 9 for both groups (Table 2). This implies that
Time (min)

the decision to adopt ICS was not influenced by household size. In

contrast to this finding, family size was a significant factor in
determining the adoption of ICS in Mexico [8]. Another Ethiopian
study had similar findings [26]. Pine et al. [8] explained that
households with larger family size consumed larger amounts of
fuelwood leading to the adoption of ICS. However, this argument
was not supported by the present finding.
Table 3 shows that out of 160 households, males led 98 of these
households. Among these male-led households, 64.3% were
adopters of ICS while 35.7% were non-adopters. Whereas, out of the
Merchaye stove Lakech stove Traditional Metal stove
62 female-lead households, 92% were improved stove adopters and
Fig. 3. Average SFC per day and mean time required for cooking. only 8% were non-adopters. The majority of households who did
not adopt improved charcoal stoves were male-headed households.
Female-headed households were more likely to adopt ICS as
time per household was reduced by 27 min d1 when using the compared to married women of male-headed families. One plau-
Rocket Lorena stove [25]. Although the time saved per day is rela- sible explanation for this could be that female household heads had
tively small, the accumulated time can be a benefit to the family's greater power to make economic decision as compared with fe-
wellbeing. males in male-headed households. In a patriarchal society such as
Ethiopia, economic decisions are most often made by a husband in
3.3. Adoption of ICS and their determinants a male-led household [29,30]. The adoption of ICS can be affected
by failure to recognize and target women in the ICS dissemination
The household survey result indicates that the majority of the activities.
respondents (75%) have adopted ICS. Specifically, out of the 160 Education level of the household head is an important variable
respondents, 43.8% of the respondents were using the Lakech stove found to influence adoption of the ICS. The results showed that
and 31.3% the Merchaye stoves. The remaining 40 respondents 70.6% of the households attended formal education, and of these,
(25%) had not adopted ICSs. In this regard, socioeconomic charac- 62.5% were improved charcoal stove adopters (Table 3). On the
teristics of the households such as sex of the household head, ed- other hand, 29.4% of the households did not attend formal educa-
ucation level of household head, household income and family size tion and only 12.5% of them were ICS adopters. The proportion of
were considered important variables that affected adoption of the households with formal education adopted ICS more than those
improved charcoal stoves. who did not attend formal education. This shows that educated
Comparison of the adopter and non-adopter households with households have a higher probability of using improved stoves. This
respect to their age shows that the former households are younger could be attributable to the awareness that education brings con-
than the later. The average age of sampled households was 36.3 and cerning fuel cost comparisons and the health issues with traditional
the average age of adopter households was 32.4 which is less than stoves [31]. Another study has also indicated the key role of edu-
this average age of all sampled households. However the average cation in shifting household cooking preferences from traditional to
age of non-adopters (40.2) was higher than the average of adopter improved cooking devices [32]. Consistent with the present study, a
households as well as the average of all sampled households review of different studies by Lewis and Pattanayak [28] showed
(Table 2). This shows that households that adopted ICS are younger that the household head's education level was a significant factor
than the non-adopters. This could be because the younger determines ICS adoption. Jan [30] also indicated that knowledge
F. Mamuye et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38 37

Table 3 Table 5
Distribution of households by gender and education between improved charcoal Opinion of households' on Improved Charcoal Stove Price.
stoves adopter and non-adopters.
Opinion on stove's price Adopters Non adopters
Variables Categories Adopter Non Total
Frequency % Frequency %
Cheap 41 34.2 1 2.5
No. % No. % No. %
Fair 39 32.5 1 2.5
Household Female 57 35.6 5 3.1 62 38.8 Expensive 40 33.3 38 95
head sex Male 63 39.4 35 21.9 98 61.2 Total 120 100 40 100
Education No formal education 20 12.5 27 16.9 47 29.4
Formal education 100 62.5 13 8.1 113 70.6

The current study shows that adoption of ICS is not only affected
about the different financial instruments can be increased by ed- by household socioeconomic characteristics but also by fuel source.
ucation which minimizes the perceived expensiveness of ICS. Other The majority of the households (96.7%) purchased their cooking
studies in Ethiopia have also confirmed that the household head's fuel while 3.3% obtained free fuel from their own farm. Most high
education influenced the decision of improved stove (Mirt) adop- income households in the study area are more likely to afford ICS.
tion [26,27,29,33]. However, purchasing fuel wood from market than obtaining for
In this study, adoption of ICS was also affected by household free could also be a major motivation for using energy saving ICS
income which is defined as the annual earnings of a household devices. When households have free access to free fuelwood, they
obtained from all sources (e.g., crop production, livestock and are less likely interested in purchasing ICS. Several other studies
livestock products, salary, etc.). The majority of adopter households also found that households who purchase fuel wood adopted ICS
(95%) earned more than 1501 birr per month (Table 4). For the non- more than those who could get free fuelwood [29,30,35]. Similarly
adopters, 75% earned less than 1500 birr per month and are Geary et al. [39] showed that the availability of free fuelwood is a
grouped in the low income categories. Arthur et al. [4] indicated factor leading non-adoption of ICS. A study by Pine et al. [8] found
that higher socio-economic status affected a household's ICS that access to open forest land is negatively correlated with ICS
adoption decision positively and significantly. Other studies also adoption. Axen [35] and Troncoso et al. [40] reported a positive
showed that household income was a significant factor that correlation between lack of open forest access and ICS adoption and
affected adoption of ICS in Ethiopia and elsewhere [8,26e30]. Since vice versa.
women are almost exclusively responsible for the cooking, they are
more likely to make decision on cook stove adoption. But their
decisions are constrained by the inadequate financial resources in 4. Conclusions
the area of their decision-making [34].
The influence of income on ICS adoption was also supported by The findings from this study show that there is differential
data concerning stove pricing. The majority (95%) of non-adopter emission and fuel use performance among cook stoves. Merchaye
respondents stated that the price of improved charcoal stoves and Lakech ICS emitted less CO, CO2 and PM2.5 as compared to the
was “expensive” and they could not afford to buy it. Whereas only traditional metal stove. The Merchaye stove was better in reducing
2.5% of the respondents indicated that the price was “cheap.” This CO, CO2 and PM2.5 emissions compared to the Lakech stove. The
implies that price of ICS affected their decision not to purchase the annual emission reduction potential of the Merchaye stove is 0.33 t
stoves. Regarding the adopter households, 34.2% of respondents and the Lakech stoves 0.14 t CO2e. This is a daily SFC reduction of
said that the price is “cheap” and 33.3% of the respondents replied 32% for the Merchaye and 23% for the Lakech stove. The differential
the price was “expensive” with 32.5% “fair” (Table 5). This may SFC reduction of the Merchaye and Lakech stoves could be
indicate that adoption of ICS is comparatively easy for adopter attributed to the difference in design and the type of materials
households who have relatively high income (Table 4). This finding used for making the stoves. The potential reduction of CO, CO2 and
was similar with a study by Axen [35] that indicated the cook PM2.5 emission and the reduction of SFC of these ICS in the present
stove's price was an important factor that affects the adoption study may have implication for mitigation of climate change and
decision. A study by Levine et al. [36] also found that the cost of ICS forest degradation. The two ICS stoves also reduced the time
was an important adoption barrier. The poor cannot afford to buy required for cooking which will have impact on women's house-
ICS because of the relatively high cost and thus, the cost of ICS was a hold workload.
determinant factor of adoption [37]. In contrast, the poor often have Results shows that three fourth of the households were found to
to spend a substantial amount of an already constrained household be adopters of Merchaye and Lakech ICS, while one fourth of the
finance on fuel wood. Thus the enabling of a more efficient fuel use households were non adopters. From the factors considered in the
may thus be an important strategy in poverty alleviation [38] in present study, household-head education, sex, age, income and
addition to other benefits. stove price determined household ICS adoption. Whether the fuel is
freely collected or purchased was also an adoption factor.
Table 4 The adoption of ICS technology is critical to reduce GHG
Distribution of household monthly income (Birr) with respect to improved charcoal emissions, forest degradation, and household workload in
stoves adopters and non-adopters. developing countries that heavily depend on biomass energy and
Monthly income (birr) Adopters Non adopters where fuel wood and charcoal account for the rapid deforesta-
tion. The dissemination of ICS is, therefore, vital in the developing
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
countries like Ethiopia. The contribution of ICS to the reduction of
< 1000 3 2.5 20 50
GHG, forest degradation and household workload can be
1001e1500 3 2.5 10 25
1501e2000 39 32.5 6 15 augmented by: (i) increasing the capacity of the households to
2001e2500 40 33 3 7.5 adopt the ICS by providing the ICS through credit and other
> 2501 35 29.2 1 2.5 means, (ii) recognizing the importance of women and targeting
Total 120 100 40 100 them in the dissemination activities of ICS, and (iii) improving the
Note: birr is Ethiopian currency. designs of biomass stoves.
38 F. Mamuye et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 32e38

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[20] Barrett H, Christopher B. Field Guide of Appropriate Technology. 1st ed.
manuscript and two anonymous reviewers as well as the Editor for Cambridge, MA: Academic Press; 2003.
their invaluable input that improved the quality of the manuscript. [21] Jagger P, Jumbe C. Stoves or sugar? Willingness to adopt improved cookstoves
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding in Malawi. Energy Policy 2016;92:409e19.
[22] EPA. The Third National Report on the Implementation of the UNCCD/NAP in
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopia Environmental Protection Authority;
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