Pizza Basic Pizza Dough

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Basic Pizza Dough:

¾ cups warm water
1 1/4 teaspoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon yeast
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 ¼ cups all purpose flour

1 250 ml pack tomato sauce
¼ cup tomato paste
1 knorr cubes pork
Melted cheese

Toppings choices
Ground pork
Bell pepper


1. Combine all dry ingredients

2. Combine all liquid ingredients
3. Fold in liquid to dry ingredients
4. Knead for 10 to 20 minutes
5. Fermentation
6. Punch down dough
7. Portion the dough depends on the preference
8. Roll the dough into round shape
9. Assemble the dough with sauce and toppings
10. Proofing (optional)
11. Bake for 15 minutes
Swiss Roll

Egg Pie


 1 1/4 cups flour

 ½ cup margarine
 1 teaspoon sugar
 1 teaspoon salt
 2-4 tablespoons ice water


 3 eggs
 1 egg - - white and yolk separated
 1 cup all-purpose cream
 1 cup evaporated milk
 1-1 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk - - depending on how sweet you like it
 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1. In a mixing bowl mix together the flour, sugar, and salt. Cut in butter using the mixer
by pulsing until mixture resembles coarse meal, with a few pea-size pieces of butter
remaining. Add water a tablespoon at a time, pulsing until dough is crumbly but holds
together when pressed. Press the dough together to form a ball.
2. Place the pie dough on a floured surface or on a rolling mat and roll it out thinly to a
14-inch round sheet. Gently fold the round dough sheet in half and then in a quarter. Place
the dough on a 9-inch pie form with the pointed part exactly at the middle. Unfold the pie
dough and gently fit dough into bottom and sides of the plate without tearing it. Using
kitchen shears, trim dough to a 1-inch overhang; fold under, and press gently to seal. Crimp
edges if desired. Refrigerate 30 minutes to an hour.
3. Preheat oven to 350°F/170°C.
4. In a large mixing bowl, combine and whisk the 3 eggs and the separated egg yolk.
Gradually add the condensed milk while whisking. Add the vanilla extract and continue
whisking until all ingredients are well combined. Add the evaporated milk and all-purpose
cream and mix well with other ingredients.
5. In a separate bowl, beat the egg white using an electric mixer until it forms soft
peaks. Fold the beaten egg white into the mixture. (The beaten egg white will give the top
of the egg pie a brown color after baking.)
6. Pour the filling on the refrigerated pie crust and bake on the lowest rack for 15
minutes at 350°F/170°C then lower the heat to 325°F/160°C and continue baking for 30-
40 minutes or until the toothpick inserted in the filling comes out clean.

Choco marble

Buko Pie


 1 1/4 cups flour

 ½ cup margarine
 1 teaspoon sugar
 1 teaspoon salt
 2-4 tablespoons ice water


1 25--gram can condensed milk

2 cups coconut water, fresh

1/2 cup cornstarch

1 tablespoon butter

4 cups young coconut (buko), (use coconut meat), sliced


1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 cup sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup butter, cubed

1/2 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

Make the crust: Mix flour and salt in a medium bowl. Cut butter and shortening
into flour using a pastry blender or two forks until pea-sized crumbs form.

Drizzle in cold water. Mix gently with pastry blender until dough is evenly moist
and begins to come together but does not form into a ball.

Transfer dough to a clean work surface. Divide into 3 portions and form each into
a disk. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Refrigerate until well chilled, about 1 hour.

Let dough sit at room temperature for at least 10 minutes, then roll
between 2 sheets of parchment paper or plastic wrap using a rolling pin
until ¹?8 inch thick and 7 inches wide. (Alternatively, you can roll it into a
10-inch round to make a 9-inch pie.)

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Place dough on 3 (6-inch) tart pans and mold it onto the bottom and sides of the
pans. Prick dough using a fork. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for about 20 to
30 minutes.

Place aluminum foil over dough and top with pie weights (dried beans and
uncooked rice work well). Blind bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
Remove foil and weights. Bake for 10 more minutes or until golden. Set aside.

Make the filling: Cook condensed milk, coconut water, and cornstarch in a
medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.
Bring mixture to a gentle boil and cook until thick.

Add butter; stir until well combined. Add coconut meat; stir with a wooden spoon
until well combined.

Divide filling among pans.

Divide filling among pans.

Cut butter into mixture using a pastry blender or two forks until few lumps
remain. Add cheese; mix well. (Mixture should be crumbly but chunky.)
Red Velvet Cupcake

12. 1 ¼ cup of all Purpose Flour
13. 2 Tbsp of Cocoa Powder
14. ½ tsp of Baking Powder
15. ½ tsp of Baking Soda
16. ¼ tsp of Salt
17. ¼ cup of Unsalted Butter, softened at room temperature
18. ¾ cup of Granulated sugar
19. ¾ cup of Buttermilk
20. 1 Egg
21. 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract
22. Red food Coloring
For the frosting,

23. 2 Cups of Powdered Sugar

24. 4 oz of Cream Cheese, softened at room temperature
25. 2 Tbsp of Unsalted Butter, softened at room temperature
26. 1 Tbsp of Milk
27. 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract

1) Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin pan with cupcake liners and set aside.

2) In a small bowl mix together the first 5 ingredients and set aside.In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted
with a paddle attachment, cream together the sugar and butter, add the egg and vanilla and mix until
well combined and creamy.

3) With the mixer running on low, add half of the dry ingredients and half of the buttermilk, make sure its
combined and add the remaining dry ingredients and buttermilk making sure to combine everything
together but not over mixing.Using a spatula mix the batter from the bottom to make sure nothing is left
stuck to the side of the bowl, add enough food coloring to get the desired red color for your cupcakes.

4) Using a large ice cream scoop, scoop the batter evenly in your prepared pan and bake for 18 to 22
minutes or until when you insert a toothpick in the center it comes out clean.Let the cupcakes cool

5) To make the frosting simply put all the frosting ingredients into the bowl of an electric mixer and mix
until well combined and it has the consistency of a thick frosting.Frost the cupcakes either with a little
spatula or using a disposable piping bag fitted with a plain large tip.

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