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Dear Respondents,

We are interested in collecting your views on the topic to augment our research on the issue
of Mental Health. This study was designed to explore the effect of social media on mental
health awareness among parents, factors social media is crucial in spreading mental health
awareness, and ways social media helps spread mental health awareness among parents.
Participating in this study is completely voluntary, indicate that you are a university student
with neither one of your parents has social media account or do not have social media account.
You may choose not to take part in this study or to stop participating at any time, for any
reason, without any penalty or negative consequences.

From an ethical stance, data collected shall be kept and used only for education purposes.
Your anonymity will be protected and at no point will your identity be revealed. This
questionnaire constitutes several parts, which are Part A, B, C and D. It takes around 15 - 30
minutes to complete. Please do consider the questions carefully and answer based on your
understandings. Your kind cooperation is much appreciated. Thank you.
Part A : Demographic and Sociographic Information

This section of the questionnaire pertains to demographic information. We assure you that
your response will remain anonymous, as this information will only be used to compare group
of respondents. You may tick (/) for the answer that is applicable.

A1. Gender. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Male
2. Female

A2. Age. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. 18 – 20
2. 21 - 23
3. 24 - 25

A3. Religion. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Muslim
2. Christian
3. Hindu
4. Buddha
5. Other

A4. Highest Education Qualification. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. SPM
2. Pre - university
3. Diploma
4. Bachelor’s Degree

A5. Marital Status. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Single
2. Married
A5. My parents owns a social media account. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Yes
2. No

A5. My parents are aware about mental illness. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Yes
2. No

A6. I always share my thoughts and opinions with my parents. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Yes
2. No

A7. My parents often ask about my current mental state. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Yes
2. No

A8. I am prone to share my problems with my _______. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Mother
2. Father

A9. I am well inform about what mental illness is. Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Yes
2. No

A10. I am currently active in ______ . Please (/) the appropriate box.

1. Twitter
2. Instagram
3. Facebook
4. None of the above
Part B : Effect of social media on mental health awareness among parents

This section of questionnaire determines the effect of social media on mental health
awareness among parents. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each
statement in relation to how you perceive parents.

You may tick only 1 (/) for the answer that is applicable. The response scales use
anchors such as:

5 4 3 2 1

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree/ Disagree Strongly

Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

B11. The increased rate of reports in mental illness cases on

social media gives awareness among parents
(Al-Sharbati, 2003)
B12. The post in social media regarding mental illness has
caused negative stigma among parents
(Yang, 2007)
B13. The mental health awareness in social media have caused
parents to think that mental illness are caused by chemical
imbalance in the brain.
(L’Hôte, 2017)
B14. The exposure of mental health issue in social media have
caused parents being unwilling to seek help for a child’s
depression because they do not want to be discriminate.

(Rearton, 2017)
B15. The mental health awareness in social media have rise the
number of parents community for parents and families
who face mental health challenges.

(Davis, 1998)
Part C : Roles of social media in spreading mental health awareness

This section of questionnaire determines the factors social media is crucial in spreading mental
health awareness. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement in
relation to how you perceive parents.

5 4 3 2 1

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree/ Disagree Strongly

Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

C16. I believe that social media is cost effective that it manage

to spread mental health awareness among parents

(Kirtis, 2011)

C17. I believe that social media connects people with

information that it helps in spreading mental health
awareness among parents better.

(Shojaee, 2013)

C18. I believe that social media promotes electronic word of

mouth that it influence parents’ perception on mental
health issue.

(Xiang, 2010)

C19. I believe that the power of social media advertisement

features enhances the acknowledgement of mental health
and its activities globally.

(Firth, 2004)

C20. I believe that social media provides help in the social media
group parents are associated with.

(Akram, 2017)
Part D : Ways social media helps spread mental health awareness among parents

This section of questionnaire determines the ways social media helps spread mental health
awareness among parents. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each
statement in relation to how you perceive parents.

5 4 3 2 1

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree/ Disagree Strongly

Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

D21. I agree that by retweeting (Twitter) about mental health

awareness, the information can be reach by parents faster.

(Rogstadius, 2013)

D22. I agree that groups feature in Whatsapp able to spread

about mental health awareness among parents effectively.

(Kamel, 2016)

D23. I agree that Youtube contains a numerous amount of

highly influencial vloggers that their sharing in mental
health awareness are able to reach parents better.

(Pandey, 2010)

D24. I agree that by using Instagram hashtags features, parents

can easily gain information regarding mental health.

(Kamel, 2016)

D25. I agree that by sharing a post in Facebook, it will lead to

better awareness on mental health among parents.

(Witek, 2012)

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