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Bahir Dar University

College of Business and Economics

EMBA Program
Assignment for the Course Change Management

Assignment Type- Mini-Research based Term-paper

Assignment Mode- Group-Based

Mark Allotted (40% - 20% for paper, 5% for group-based presentation and 15% for-
individual based presentation)

Term-Paper Topic: An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing
change in organization

Title of the Term-Paper: EXAMPLES

- An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing Change in

Organization: The Case of BPR in ANRS BOFED
- An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing Change in
Organization: The Case of BSC in ANRS Leadership Academy
- An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing Change in
Organization: The Case of Kaizn in ANRS RRA
- An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing Change in
Organization: The Case of Modular Teaching-Learning approach in BDU
- An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing Change in
Organization: The Case of Internet Banking in CBE
- An investigation into the Features, Process and Challenges of Managing Change in
Organization: The Case of Merger between CBE&CBB


- The paper should not exceed 15 pages unless for justified reason.

- Review of the literature should be both theoretical and empirical

- Direct copy from any source is strictly forbidden

- Clarity, Coherence and language quality should be emphasized

- Submit your term-paper using computer printouts. Use double space, 1.5 inch margins, 12
font size, and Times New Roman Font Style.
- Submission deadline: on or before May 28, 2008

Template for the Term-Paper in Change Management

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Objectives of the study

1.2.1 General objective

1.2.2 Specific objectives

1.3 Study Questions

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.5 Study Methodology

1.6 Review of Related Literature

1.5.1 Overview of Change Management: Meaning, Types and Nature

1.5.2 Driving Forces for Change

1.5.3 Change Management Process (here you have to review a minimum of three models that
depict a step by step process of change management)

1.5.4 Change Management Process used as a Frame of Reference under Study

1.5.6 Success and Failure Factors in Managing Change in Organization (this section should be
based on both theoretical and empirical literatures)

1.5.7 Change Project under Study (here you briefly describe the change project under investigation
based on theoretical literature. You have to also include determinants of successful management of
the specific change under investigation in this section)

1.7 Presentation and Discussion of Empirical Results

1.7.1 Brief on the Organization under Study

1.7.2 Features of the specific change project under study (i.e., what it stands for, what it replaced,
what were the objectives, what were the driving forces, its nature or scope and type in terms of
theoretical category and so on.)

1.7.3 Process evaluation (here you have to present empirical results on how the organization
managed the specific change under investigation based on the change process that you selected as
a frame of reference)

1.7.4 Success and Failure factor evaluation (here you have to present empirical results on your
assessment of success and failure factors in terms of the specific change project under
investigation. In other words, you have to identify and discuss factors that positively affected as
well as factors that imposed challenges in relation with the specific change project under
1.7.5 Recommendations (here you have to give suggestions on what must be done by the
organization to successfully manage the specific change project under study. N.B your suggestions
or recommendations should be in line with your findings.)

1.8 Conclusion



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