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Online Learning Environment Scavenger Hunt

Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic
success. GCU’s Learning Management System LoudCloud has many resources to help you
become a successful graduate student.

View the LoudCloud Walk to Class tutorial and search LoudCloud to find answers to the
questions below. You should complete the guide while navigating the LoudCloud environment.

Part A: Answer each prompt

1. List the tabs on the top of the screen when you first enter a course in LoudCloud.

Home, Calendar, Tasks, Resources, Connect, Reports, and Announcements

2. From the course home page in LoudCloud, click on “Classroom Policies" located under the

“Resources” tab. Enter “Classroom Policies” in the search field after you are redirected to the

Student Success Center. What do you need to do to make sure you are properly participating

in the online classroom?

To make sure you are properly participating in the online classroom one must attend a course

every week. Attendance is taken by seeing activity in the classroom. Activity consist of

participating in weekly discussions, following up on classmate responses, asking questions,

and submitting assignments.

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

3. Under the “Resources” tab in LoudCloud, click on the “Student Success Center" link. In the

Student Success Center search for “Style Guides and Templates.” Read through the APA

Style Guide and APA Template (without Abstract) documents. Why do you think academic

writing requires such strict formatting?

I think academic writng requires such strict formatting because if not already, one should be

working towards writing as a professional for professionals or soon to be professionals.

Therefore, it is important that academic writing is uniform and clearly states what resources

were used to guide the information provided in the work.

4. In the Student Success Center, search for Tutorials. List three tutorials that will help you the

most as you begin this course.

Tutorials and webinars would be the first because it teaches me how to navigate Grand Canyon’s

online classroom. Alongside the walk through tutorials it has several classroom success videos.

Second, Microsoft Office tutorials because most of our turned in work will be done via one of

these programs. Finally, under tutorials, it takes you to the writing center. This would be helpful

to me because I always need a refresher on writing in required styles when completing


5. In the Student Success Center, search for “Webinars”. What webinar might be most helpful

to you and why? Right now the most helpful webinar would be the LMS webinar, and that is

because I am new to this online classroom and I would want and need to know how to get

around to stay on the up and up with my courses.

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

6. From the course home page in LoudCloud, where can you find your current grade in the


Students would need to go to the “reports” tab and click on Gradebook under that.

7. From the “Resources” tab in LoudCloud, click on “Syllabus." Looking under both the

“Current” and “Overall” tabs, list the headings that demarcate the sections within the

syllabus. (Hint: The orange sections on the left of the screen.)

Current- Objectives, Topic Material, Assignments, Discussion Questions, and Participation

Overall- Details, Credit Hours, Course Add-Ons, Topics, Grade Scale, Policies

8. Click on “Library” under the “Resources” tab. Find a time that a GCU Library Introduction

webinar tour is available. Write down a time and date that one is offered.

Wednesday September 26, 2018 from 7-8 pm and

Saturday October 6, 2018 from 3-4pm

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Part B: Highlight the correct response

9. Where are the topic readings found?

a) Syllabus
b) Course Materials
c) Main Forum
d) Both A and B

10. From the main page of the Student Success Center, which of the following is not found
under the “Resources” tab at the top right:
a) Colleges
b) Tools
c) The Syllabus
d) Support

11. What are some things included under the “Course Material” link under the “Resources” tab
in LoudCloud?
a) Textbook, e-Library Resources, and Website links
b) Computer, Internet, and Software
c) Pens, Paper, and Books
d) Discussion Forum and Student Success Center

12. Where do you find the “Announcements" tab within a course in LoudCloud?
a) In the LoudCloud tool bar near the top of the home page
b) The Calendar
c) The Syllabus
d) The instructor emails them to you at the start of each week.

13. What would you do if you wanted to ask your instructor a question in which you felt your
classmates could benefit from the answer as well?
a) Send him or her a personal email
b) Post the question in the Main Forum
c) Post the question in the Individual Forum
d) Post the question in the Questions to Instructor Forum

14. From the “Forum” link under the “Tasks” tab in LoudCloud, which section is not listed?
a) Main Forum
b) Questions to Instructor Forum
c) Assignment Forum
d) Individual Forum

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

15. Where are the weekly topic learning objectives found?
a) On the Calendar
b) In the Syllabus
c) In the Main Forum
d) Under the “Tasks” tab

16. Where is the syllabus found in LoudCloud?

a) Under the “Calendar” tab
b) Under the “Resources” tab
c) In the Main Forum
d) Under the “Tasks” tab

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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