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Propulsion Practice Problem#2

1 . An aircraft using a simple turbojet engine, flies at Mach 0.8where the ambient temperature and pressure are 223.3 K
and 0.265 bar, respectively. The compressor pressure ratio is 8.0 and the turbine inlet temperature is 1200 K.
The isentropic efficiencies of: compressor=0.87, turbine=0.90, intake=0.93, nozzle=0.95, mechanical=0.99,
combustor=0.98. The pressure loss in the combustor=4%of compressor delivery pressure. Determine the thrust and SFC.

2. A Brayton cycle operates with a regenerator of 75%effectiveness. The air at the inlet to the compressor is at 0.1
MPa and 30oC, the pressure ratio is 6.0 and the maximum cycle temperature is 900C. If the compressor and the turbine
have efficiencies of 80%each, find the percentage increase in the cycle efficiency due to regeneration.

3. A gas turbine operating at a pressure ratio of 11.314produces zero net work output when 473.35 kJ of heat is added
per kg of air. If the inlet air temperature is 300 K and the turbine efficiency if 71%, find the compressor efficiency.

4. n aircraft flies at a Mach number of 0.75 ingesting an airflow of 80 kg/s at an altitude where the ambient
temperature and pressure are 222 K and 10 kPa, respectively. The inlet design is such that the Mach number at the
entry to the inlet is 0.60and that at the compressor face is 0.40. The inlet has an isentropic efficiency of 0.95.
Find (a) the area of the inlet entry
(b) the inlet pressure recovery
(c) the compressor face diameter.

5. A turbojet engine operates at an altitude where the ambient temperature and pressure are 216.7 Kand 24.444 kPa,
respectively. The flight mach number is 0.9and the inlet conditions to the convergent nozzle are 1000 Kand 60 kPa.
If the nozzle efficiency is 0.98, the ratio of specific heat is 1.33, determine whether the nozzle is operating under choked
condition or not. Determine the nozzle exit pressure.

6. A Brayton cycle with two stages of compression and two stages of expansion has an overall pressure ratio of 8.0. Air
enters each stage of the compressor at 300 K and each stage of the turbine at 1300 K. Determine the thermal efficiency
(a) with no regenerator
(b) with an ideal
(c) if compressor and turbine have 80%efficiency, no regenerator.

7. In a gas turbine plant, the air at the inlet is at 27oC, 0.1 MPa. The pressure ratio is 6.25 and the maximum
temperature is 800C. The turbine and compressor efficiencies are 80%each. Find (a) the compressor work per kg of air
(b) the turbine work per kg of air (c) heat supplied per kg of air and (d) the cycle efficiency.

8. An aircraft is flying at a Mach number of 0.8 at an altitude where the ambient static pressure is 40 kPa. If the diffuser
pressure recovery is 0.9, determine the isentropic efficiency of the diffuser.

9. The nozzle of a turbojet engine develops a thrust of 590 Ns/kg. The aircraft is flying at 240 m/s. The pressure and
temperature at the nozzle entry are 1.284 kPa and 993 K, respectively. If the ratio of specific heat is 0.33, determine the
nozzle efficiency. The nozzle can be assumed to be operating under choked condition.
Ans.1. Specific Thrust: 596.25 Ns/kg; SFC: 3.32x10^(-5) kg-s/N

Ans.2: 42.56%

Ans.3: Compressor efficiency: 70.4% (assuming Cpa=Cpg). If you use different Cp you might get different answer.

Ans.4: (a) the area of the inlet entry: 2.54m^2

(b) the inlet pressure recovery: 0.982
(c) the compressor face diameter: 2.08m

Ans.5: 31.95kPa

Ans.6: the thermal efficiency

(a) with no regenerator: 35%
(b) with an ideal Regenerator: 69.6%
(c) if compressor and turbine have 80%efficiency, no regenerator: 26%

Ans.7: (a) the compressor work per kg of air: 259.4KJ/kg

(b) the turbine work per kg of air: 351.68 KJ/kg
(c) heat supplied per kg of air: 569.43 KJ/kg
(d) the cycle efficiency: 16.2%

Ans.8: 0.738

Ans.9: 0.95

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