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Lesson Plan in Biology

At the end of the lesson the students will be
able to:
a. Identify the parts and function of Digestive System
b. Study the importance of Digestive System
c. Locate the parts of the Digestive System

TOPIC : Digestive System

REFERENCES : Science & Tech. II e-Biology pp. 159-164
MATERIALS : Cut-pictures, flash card, picture of Digestive System
VALUES : Cooperation and Sportsmanship
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer One student will lead the class
“Let us pray…In the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit
2. Greetings Good Morning Tr. Precious
Good Morning Tr. Baby
Good Morning Sir Louie
Good Morning Sir Sam
Good Morning Madam Cantos
Good Morning Classmates
3. Warm Up Song
Good morning Classmates now let
us welcome our practice Teacher,
Tr. Precious Tañoan
4. Drill
(The teacher will flash pictures of -Anaphase
What phase does the following -Metaphase
event occur?

(The teacher will show some words)
I have here words …Read it first
then find the corresponding
meaning on the board.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
OK class proceed to your respective (the student will proceed to their
group and area. group)
DIRECTIONS: Inside the envelop are (Students will start solving the
cut pictures… puzzle.)
Reform the pictures
*After solving the puzzle…
What is your idea about the picture *It’s Digestive System
that you come up with?
2. Presentation
Do you have any knowledge about *It breaks down food
the Digestive System?
3. Discussion
*Digestive system takes food into The system responsible for food
the body. Who can explain which after we eat is Digestive System.
*It breaks down food into bits,
small enough to pass through the
cell membrane
*What do you call the process of *Digestion
breaking down foods? After that
process the food is now put into the
*Do you have any idea on the *mouth
different parts of Digestive System? *esophagus
Can you give one Redly? *small and large intestine
*And now let’s follow the food as it
passes the digestive system.

First food enters the mouth where it

is chewed by our teeth, wets by our
saliva a fluid produced by salivary
gland that contains PYTALIN an
enzyme that speeds up break down
of starch into sugar.

From the mouth food pass through

the ESOPHAGUS which transact
food from the mouth to the stomach
by a movement called PERISTALSIS.
*From the esophagus food enters
to the STOMACH through a ring
shaped muscle called CARDIAC
sphincter. Peristalsis mixed food
with gastric juices that will result in
the churned semi liquid called
CHYME. The chime leaves the
stomach through pyloric sphincter
and enters SMALL INTESTINE. The
small intestine signal the pancreas
to produce pancreatic juices and
gall bladder to release bile.
Pancreatic juices aids in digestion
of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Bile is produced in the liver and
stored in the GALL BLADDER. It
break down fats into smaller

What organ produces bile? *liver

How about the one that stores bile? *gall bladder
After digestion absorption will take
What are the substance that was *Nutrients
absorbed by small intestine?
Small intestines the remains of the
digestion and absorption are now
enters the LARGE INTESTINE where
absorption of water occurs. The
remains after water has been
absorbed are now called STOOL or
FECES then it will be stored in the
rectum then excrete to the anus.
4. Generalization
Form your group again… Students will proceed to their
Study the picture or puzzle that group…
you’ve solve earlier. Trace the flow Discuss the process with their
of food in the Digestive System and group mates
give its importance then discuss it Present the flow of Digestive
in front. System in front
The leader will be the one to
5. Application
Identify the organ that is being
described then point the specific
organ on the chart.
6. Evaluation
Identification: Identify the following
statement. Write your answer on
your paper.
1. It is the enzyme that is present
in our saliva.
2. It produces the bile.
3. It stores the bile.
4. It is the remains of Digestion
after absorption of water.
5. It is the absorption of water
takes place.
IV. Agreement
Make a research about the different
Digestive disorders.
Write it your assignment notebook.

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