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5/24/2019 They're Back!

3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge

They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To


by Tyler Durden
Thu, 05/23/2019 - 22:05

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

An entirely decentralized network of self-defense rights advocates have taken to the internet to provide
plans for 3D-printed guns.  It looks like the 3D guns are unregulatable and unstoppable. They’re
anonymously sharing the blueprints and advice while simultaneously building an unstoppable

Unlike previous attempts to popularize 3D-printed guns, this newer operation is entirely
decentralized. There’s no headquarters, no trademarks, and no real leader. The people behind it already
understand that this means they can’t be stopped by governments and their laws or regulations.

“If they [the government] were to come after me, they’d first have to find my identity,” says Ivan the
Troll, a member of the group. “I’m one of many, many like-minded individuals who’re doing this
sort of work.”

According to Wired UK, Ivan the Troll is the de facto spokesman of an underground wave of 3D-printing
gunsmiths. Ivan says he knows of at least 100 people who are actively developing 3D-printed gun
technology, and he claims there are thousands taking part in the network. This loose-knit community spans
the entire globe.

They communicate across several digital platforms, including Signal, Twitter, IRC, and Discord. They
critique each other’s work, exchange 3D gun CAD files, offer advice, talk theory, and collaborate on
future blueprints. These 3D-printed gun enthusiasts – who share similar ideas and political
viewpoints on gun control – mostly found each other online via gun control subreddits and forums. 1/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge
Ivan is just one small part of this network. He says he is from Illinois, and is of “college age”, but
otherwise he remains mostly anonymous, to lie low. At the same time though, he’s launched
bombastic PR videos demonstrating the new 3D-printed gun parts he’s created in his garage,
including a Glock 17 handgun frame.-Wired UK,

Much to the chagrin of authoritarians worldwide, coming for an entire network of people is virtually
impossible. And in all honesty, 3D guns wouldn’t be such a popular market if governments stopped trying
to take rights away from people and enslave them. Ivan the Troll and others like him continue to help
people regain their freedom from the violent authoritarians running the world’s governments.

One of his most recent videos shows the polymer Glock 17 frame in various stages of production in
his workshop. The footage is set to fast-paced synthwave music and is run through a trendy VHS
filter – the aesthetics are important. Toward the end, Ivan fires several rounds with the fully built
handgun, as text flashes up saying “ANYONE CAN MAKE IT”, “LIVE FREE OR DIE”, and “GO AHEAD
TRY TO STOP THIS YOU FILTHY STATISTS”. He’s also uploaded the complete CAD reference model
designs for a 3D-printed AR-15 assault rifle to his file-sharing space online. –Wired UK

*As of this writing, Ivan’s video is no longer available on YouTube, however, there are probably many other
places online it can be found. It doesn’t appear that censorship is going to hold people back any longer.

Earlier this year, in February, Ivan and his group decided to name themselves “Deterrence Dispensed”, which
is a tongue-in-cheek nod to the notorious Defence Distributed – a 3D-printing gun company formerly run
by Texan crypto-anarchist Cody Wilson. (Wilson was accused of paying a 16-year-old for sex). For Ivan’s
group, Deterrence Dispensed, Wilson’s arrest is irrelevant. They are uploading files individually on services
such as, a media-hosting site underpinned by the LBRY blockchain, and they already know that as
human beings, they don’t require permission from any other human to do so.

Ivan the Troll says that America’s police state is part of the problem, and why everyone should be
considering protection from the enforcers.

“The cops killed more people alone last year than all active shooter incidents in the last ten years,”
he says. “We live in a society, in America, where you run the risk of a cop blowing your ass up for no
specific reason. You don’t even have to present a threat to them. A cop can kill you and get away
with it just because he really wanted to do it.”
He then went on to cite the many police shootings of unarmed black men in American, specifically
mentioning Stephon Clark. Clark, 22, was shot to death by police in his own back garden while
holding nothing but a mobile phone. “I believe it is inherently important that … you should be able
to own a gun,” Ivan continued. “You should be able to own the same legal force that the cops are
using to control you.” –Wired UK

There is no way to stop the anonymous file sharing of 3D-printed guns online. 

23910  116 

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lisa.roy39 10 minutes ago   2/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge

I get paid over $90 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to
do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The pote‐
ntial with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing,
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bogbeagle 20 minutes ago  

3-D printing can have NO effect upon gun-control.

When firearms are prohibited ... as in my Country ... the deal is this, "If you are seen with a firearm,
you can expect to spend the rest of your life in jail, or to be shot-to-death in the street." 

These are your only two choices, and it makes no difference whether that firearm is 3-D printed,
imported, or fabricated in your home workshop.

Prohibition of firearms, then ... involves a gang of armed men who have the Will to kill you for your
non-compliance. This gang has the active support of most of your friend, family and neighbors;
these people will gladly see you punished or killed, should you dare to be disobedient.

3-D printing is a technological novelty, but nothing more. It is no answer to Firearms' Prohibition.
The sole answer to Prohibition is to kill the people who would have you disarmed. As far as I'm
aware, nothing else has ever been shown to work.
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Schultz 28 minutes ago  

Complete BS. Hardware stores are around for centuries, there you can get more suitable materials
and tools. Every metal pipe is better than plastic. And you don't even need the hightech computer

Sjappie 47 minutes ago  

More guns in the USofA is never a bad thing. All they do with their guns is kill each other. I don't
think the rest of the world has a problem with that. 
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ArmaG3don 2 hours ago  


p3scobar 1 hour ago   3/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge

How can I purchase?

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Silverado91 2 hours ago  
Governor "left wing Jay" Inslee of Washington state just signed into law a ban on 3D printed guns
like that's supposed to mean something.  He's such a climate change buffoon and he's also all for
the sanctuary city's and states BS too. He wants to do to the entire country what he did for left
wing DISASTER called Seattle, home of the homeless and deshelved. It's not called Blue Tarpsville
for nothing....

CharlieSeattle 2 hours ago  

3D printed casket comes to in case it blows up?
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buffed 2 hours ago  

Now all that's needed is 3D printed gunpowder.

haruspicio 2 hours ago  

Well he's correct about the cops....brutal, violent people, the bullies of the school yard, given
totally immunity to gun down anyone they feel like, and they often seem to feel that blacks needs
a good shooting if, for example they have a subway sandwich or are driving a car with no taillight.

—ALIEN— 3 hours ago  

The Government Goons don’t care about printed guns because they only have one chamber, one

Try fighting against the militarized police with only one bullet and you lose.

Xander Maxim 3 hours ago  

True, they suck now, but there's always room for innovation especially from a global
decentralized network of who knows how many enthusiasts. Never underestimate
their resourcefulness and commitment.

freedommusic 3 hours ago  

3D-printed gun. I think Comey has one of those hidden in is pocket. 
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haruspicio 2 hours ago  

Nah, that's his enormous ****. 4/17
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HK VP9 3 hours ago  
Shove it, globalists. You lose. 

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CriswellSpeaks 3 hours ago  

Wait until they come up with 3D printed sex robots!?!?!?!

from_the_ashes 2 hours ago  

Not that much longer... One can already print, well look for yourself...
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I love your wife 3 hours ago  

3D printed guns will soon be replaced by 3D printed cunts.  Nothing to worry about.

haruspicio 2 hours ago  

They'll try to make that illegal as well....meanwhile they are having orgiies with under age
girls and hookers and are given total immunity by the law.

lennysrv 1 hour ago  

I believe that my ex-wife was a 3D printed ****. At least her personality was.
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I am Groot 4 hours ago  

The best 3D printers are the ones that can sinter aluminum or titanium.

from_the_ashes 2 hours ago  

A bit pricey...

The Studio System starts at $49,900, and costs more than twice that if you opt for the full
printer, debinder, and furnace combo. The Desktop Metal Production System, meanwhile,
costs $420,000 to purchase. Both are available for pre-order in May, although you’ll be
waiting until September for the Studio System and early 2018 for its high volume big

I just purchased an Ender 3 Pro, which is, imho, an excellent first 3D printer, if you want to
get into this hobby. I've met a few people on-line that are actually making enough money
that it is their full time job. 5/17
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goldsaver 49 minutes ago  
The Tevo Tornado is also an excellent starter 3D printer for those who want to learn
without investing a lot of funds. You can usually find them <$400. The other part of this
is the design component. Get on Udemy and sign up for a Fusion 360 class. Once you can
make your own designs the sky is the limit.

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Urban Roman 4 hours ago  
Long 3D printer string.
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Basspig 4 hours ago  

If only we could 3D print ammo we'd be all set...

HK VP9 3 hours ago  

You can't print it, but you can sure as hell roll your own. Just keep stacking all the
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Pussy Biscuit 4 hours ago  

3D print a pipe bomb. 

aloha_snakbar 4 hours ago  

Al Gore invented 3D printers


Capt. MegaHash 4 hours ago  

May as well print a damn gun... feel like a fool. Bought a S&W 60-18 .357 used... didn't get out to
really dial it in after the deal, just function test. Took it out a few months later and I'm going
waaaay over with windage. Looked at it closer the ****king barrel is off at a 3 degree angle!

Inspect all modern firearms very closely or make your own!!

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Drop-Hammer 4 hours ago  

I'm with you.  Why try to make a plastic gun when you can buy the real thing from any
gunshop?  I just skimmed the article.   Why was some asswipe quoted as saying that the cops
kill niggers?  Cops kill niggers with guns who try to kill cops or other innocents.  Could care
less about niggers.  All niggers should be prohibited from possessing firearms. 

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hxc 4 hours ago   6/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge

Talking like that is generally what defines a ***. Pompous worthless ***. Get fucked

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Silverado91 2 hours ago  

Even the white kind...

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Herdee 4 hours ago  
With the economy turning down the crisis that is coming is going to result in social disorder.

Charlie_Martel 4 hours ago  

Better stock up on guns, ammo and some non perishable goods. 

boattrash 4 hours ago  


Would one of you guys fax me two 1911s, an AR-10, and a 50 BMG (just for good measures).

Charlie_Martel 4 hours ago  

I got a SWEET AR-9 with a folding stock and H&K style pop up iron sights. 

Flubber 3 hours ago  

Why don't you just fax yourself over and pick the guns up yourself?

tchild2 5 hours ago  

There is always the route of buying a real handgun from a reputable manufacturer.   Less risk of
the barrel blowing apart or some other nonsense.

goldsaver 4 hours ago  

These efforts at 3d printed gun design and production are not aimed at those who can just
pop by their friendly gun shop, drink some free coffee and buy a new super duper
ULTRAGLOCKSMITHWALTER X55, they are aimed at those who live in London or Munich who
t ll dt lf d f t l t t t th l f M li i t 7/17
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are not allowed to won self defense tools to protect themselves from Muslim rapists.


Basspig 4 hours ago  

... or NJ, CT, NY, etc..


CriswellSpeaks 3 hours ago  

The way things are going in the UK, the British public may very well have to
surreptitiously mass produce guns for protection from their own police forces AND
Islamic extremists. As it now stands the Islamic extremists can attack the native
population with the secure knowledge the police will arrest any victims who resist.  Sadly,
that is exactly the domestic situation the UK government hopes to create.

shamus001 1 hour ago  

Sounds like it's time to start taking out the chief of police and mayor there first; THEN
start picking off muzzies in UK until the nation is purged and nationalist and secured
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The Judge 5 hours ago  

Well hallelujah!

A wind is rising 5 hours ago  

".... self-defense rights advocates ...."

That is all that one needs to know about just how full of **** the author is.  His statement defines
his ignorance about what constitutes a fundamental human right.  There is the Second
Amendment and then there is everything else that is its antagonist.

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johnwburns 5 hours ago  

Good thing ARs are modular. Ammo is still a problem. 
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SantaClaws 5 hours ago  

Just wait until these plans and 5G internet service reach such busy locales as Chicago, Baltimore,
and Philadelphia.  Gun control fans will have their work cut out for them.  Chicago's will be needing additional staffers.

Dormouse 5 hours ago  

You’re better off CNCing on a mill. Lasts longer/more durable than a plastic ****** stick-up gun. 8/17
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goldsaver 4 hours ago  

Agreed yet, how many people own or have access to and can operate a $3-$15K CNC mill?
These efforts are not aimed at those with the skills and availability of machining but at the
average London or Molenbeck housewife or her concerned husband. A "plastic ****** stick
up gun" is always preferable than a harsh word and stern look when dealing with rapists.


I am Groot 4 hours ago  

Shhhhhhhhh. I build "fishing gear" using a drill press and cross-sliding vise.

hxc 4 hours ago  

Ok caveman lmao.
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Kefeer 5 hours ago  

Just cut the elecrcity because in the wrong hands it can be dangerous.  We need to ban politicians
who have been in DC for more than 6 years; that would save millions of lives.

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Twee Surgeon 5 hours ago  

Can they 3D print Ammo yet ? Until then the Frenchy Yellow vest crowd will be picking up silly
things and throwing insults. I expect they are all leftys anyway because.... French.

LostinRMH 5 hours ago  

That's exactly what I was going to say! 3D print ammo.

Rocks just aren't the same.

hxc 4 hours ago  

Shells full of dimes??
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Donald J. Trump 5 hours ago  

Ammo is easy enough as long as casings are available.

Twee Surgeon 4 hours ago  

The casings are not available would be the primary assumption in this case.
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Donald J. Trump 4 hours ago  

Casings are not a complicated thing to make.  If they became hard to source, there 9/17
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would be some clandestine operations for sure.

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lookslikecraptome 5 hours ago (Edited)  
Protection from law enforcement. Nope not me. I own all sorts of weapons and when they say do
not move, I do not reach into my jacket for a cigarette or my phone. I put my hands over my head
and FREEZE. Nor do I run, I stand there and say, I got it amigo, what's up.  i have had law
enforcement pull down on me in my own home. Get down on ur knees, now face on the floor, keep
ur hands where I can see them.  Yes sir. Then you sort it out later. On a traffic stop, I put my hands
out the window of my car and tell anyone riding with me to put their hands out the windows so law
enforcement cam see we have no weapons in our hands. Law enforcement get killed so much they
have the right to be jittery. Respect that and you will survive. 

Jeez,if you want an untraceable weapon get a ghost gun from out of the country. Manufactured by
a real firearms producer and it works. 

virtually impossible   BTW, it is either impossible or not.   




adverb: virtually

1. 1.

nearly; almost.

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Twee Surgeon 5 hours ago  

Correct. The Judge is who you take that conversation to. Unless a huge criminal then it's a
different story.

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Last1Out 5 hours ago  

So are you.
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Last1Out 5 hours ago  

Your full of ****.
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hxc 4 hours ago  

Lern 2 spel ******
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Mr. Bones 4 hours ago  

Sure, that might reduce the likelihood of it just not being your day.  But rolling over and
showing your belly isn't going to stop those bullets coming at you at 1200f/s when the cop 10/17
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says he thought he saw or heard something.  Remember, these are the people who shot up a
truck with two Asian women in it because they were looking for a different color truck with a
black man in it.

Best of luck to your widow with her wrongful death suit.

I don't have any problem with the police, but I only trust them as much as they trust me.

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Haboob 5 hours ago  

It simple you ban the printing machines to ban the guns. 
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LifeLibertyProperty 5 hours ago  

Then you ban machine tools and sheet metal tools to stop non-polymer weapons?

Do you then ban computers and phones so that people will stop sharing ideas on how to
make firearms?

The genie is out of the bottle and the hoplophobes of pro-totalitarian groups can't stop it.
Even totalitarian regimes can't completely stop people from arming themselves. Certainly,
they haven't stopped criminals from obtaining production weapons from corrupt police and

Kefeer 5 hours ago (Edited)  

They will go after the ammo and regulate and tax to ad nausea.  Requiring ordinary
people to register is an offense on the right to bear arms without infringement.


The Judge 5 hours ago  

That's what the authorities do in Switzerland. You get to keep your gun but no ammo.
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shamus001 1 hour ago  

Did they ban steel rods and stones so that Brits cannot grind them into shives?  Maybe
banning shives will prevent stabbings? Outlaw stabbing? oh, wait- that's been done?  

You hit the nail on the head- the genies out of the bottle.  Just like its only a matter of
time before a dirty nuke gets popped over/on American soil. … Hell, nukes?  Everyones
got 'em now!
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kindasketchy 5 hours ago  

The Pearl clutching on this is hilarious. I guess no one has explained to them how easy it is to
make tube machine gun or box steel M/11 clone, also not traceable


U k U h 11/17
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Unknown User 5 hours ago  
Like M3 Grease Gun.


Logic Plague 5 hours ago (Edited)  

Prefer my CZ 75 P01 or CZ Custom PCR, which should never be illegal!

t-dub 5 hours ago  

I love my CZ P01, its a tack driver.

Commie steel rulez . . .

dchang0 5 hours ago  

"(Wilson was accused of paying a 16-year-old for sex)."

This should say "Wilson was accused of paying a woman for sex who claimed to be 18 when
signing up for the website where Wilson found her but was actually 16."


Logic Plague 5 hours ago (Edited)  

Its an unfortunate concept called strict liability my man.

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dchang0 5 hours ago  

Understood and agreed.

I'm just peeved that so many media outlets word it in such a way that makes it seem
Wilson knew that the woman was 16. So it's not about the legal aspect but the press.

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Last1Out 5 hours ago  

You **** off as well you paid troll.
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gay troll 5 hours ago  

Dear Ivan, don't mix 2A gun rights with Black Lives Matter, it will make sheeples' heads explode.

NoDecaf 5 hours ago  

Is this a deep fake Mac Slavo? Where's the doom?

WorkingClassMan 5 hours ago  

Hey political ***** ban the internet save us from our freedom only YOU ******* child molesters 12/17
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Hey, political *****...ban the us from our freedom, only YOU ******* child molesters
know what's best for us.


dark fiber 5 hours ago  

All they have to do is restrict ammo supply, which is the essence of gun control.  It is mostly
about restricting the ammunition, the guns by themselves are not that important.  3d
printing is overrated ********, you can CNC machine a machine gun for negligible cost today.
Article is sensationalist nonsense.  But a perfect excuse for further ammo regulation.
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Bill of Rights 5 hours ago (Edited)  

More think people dont have a stock of loading grow up stupid...

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A wind is rising 5 hours ago  

Probably most gun owners in the USA do not reload.  They have a finite and limited
amount of ammo and once that's expended - even if it's hundreds of stockpiled
rounds,  they're in deep ****.

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I am Groot 4 hours ago (Edited)  

Um, then we switch to bombs, arrows, bolts and axes.......

Basspig 4 hours ago  

Or directed energy weapons.. You can buy a 5 watt green LASER, remove the
crystal and have a 15 watt infrared LASER that will blind attacking armies in a
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lookslikecraptome 5 hours ago  

You understand wassup. 
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WorkingClassMan 5 hours ago  

Perhaps, but if there's demand, there will be sellers.  The Mexican drug cartels sell drugs
here because of the War on Drugs makes it profitable.  If the goobermint makes a War on
Bullets, the Mexicans will also fill the gap.  Ain't capitalism grand like that?

Pendolino 5 hours ago  

Do they send you blueprints for bullets too? ....

TheMayor 5 hours ago (Edited)  

F b l 13/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge

If not, you can still get this.

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East Indian 5 hours ago  

That is not the original. Reviewers are complaining.


SantaClaws 5 hours ago  

For some context, see also the 2017 documentary ("Remorse") about the late Anarchist
Cookbook author William Powell.  I saw it on Netflix probably over a year ago; perhaps it's
still available there.  Trailers and excerpts are on YouTube.

In the documentary, Powell purported to distance himself from the book, but I suspect that
was due to his wife's apparently strong dislike of the text.  To me, he seemed disappointed
by her dislike of it.

The filmmaker tried to get Powell to accept blame for all kinds of things that ensued after
the book was published, severely impairing an otherwise interesting view of a fascinating
individual (Powell).  I don't think Powell was remorseful about the book at all, as the
filmmaker tried to make Powell appear.
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HideTheWeenie 5 hours ago  

Hopefully they are printing these in public schools.  Ideally you could print guns remotely at
schools and get liberal progressive ***** hat types to involuntarily own a gun, maybe even illegally.

Iconoclast422 5 hours ago (Edited)  

They can and will shut down the entire web. In 5 years there might not be a web outside of google,
facebook, etc. The only dark web remaining will be messages encoded into plain text with a
cypher. (the lazy fox jumped over the fence = tuesday) and of course steganography.

WorkingClassMan 5 hours ago  

They're not that smart.  The autists on 4chan and 8chan alone could outwit these ***** and
their bureaucratic shitheels.

Iconoclast422 5 hours ago  

you don't have to be smart to pull someone's payment processor and shut down their

Donald J. Trump 4 hours ago   14/17
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Donald J. Trump 4 hours ago
Google is working on a censored browser for China.  Riiiggght, the CIA and NSA spawned
Google is making it for "China" wink, wink.


gay troll 5 hours ago (Edited)  

Around 2012 TPTB basically restructured every link on their online platforms. Broke God
knows how many connections. That was just wrong. Then they stopped showing you what
you were searching for on Goygle and Jewtube. A lot of **** published by the MSM and local
news has just gone down the memory hole. Sad.

Gen. Ripper's Ghost 5 hours ago  

If I lived in a communist country, say anywhere in Europe or New Zealand/Australia- this would be

But where I live, my right to carry a firearm is enshrined by birthright. 

GoldHermit 5 hours ago  

Until it isn’t.  Don’t shoot the messenger.

ScratInTheHat 5 hours ago  

My ability to make guns is enshrined in my cranium. The COTUS is not going to protect you
from Uncle Slam going rogue. COTUS has been failing to protect you to a greater degree
every year. Look at our militarized police running around with FN tanks! They will make us
into criminals in due time. But, they will never be able to stop us from making weapons
because we know how to do it.

As for the tanks.

GoldHermit 5 hours ago  

Libbies will **** over this one!!!!!

Pendolino 5 hours ago  

Yep - they hate single-use plastic.


Dlux1984 5 hours ago  

You sir are funny. Kudos.

NA X 15 5 h 15/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge
NA X-15 5 hours ago  
3D-printed guns - the whole concept is kinda silly, and needlessly expensive.

Anybody can build a weapon from scratch from all the loose parts floating around in America:


4 1

One of these is not like the others.. 5 hours ago  

I don't trust it.

I'd rather my illegal firearm was made out of metal..

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Automatic Choke 5 hours ago  

concur, probably only good for a few shots before it shatters in your face.   be sure to
wear safety glasses !!!!!
 

Utopia Planitia 5 hours ago  

Certainly you know about computer-driven machining...  The plastic ones are just a quick,
cheap demonstration of the technology, not a limitation that you are forced to make one
from plastic.

TruxtonSpangler 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Modern space rockets fly Laser Sintered (sp?) metal parts to space
 

dchang0 5 hours ago  

These 3D printed firearms are something like the single-shot, short-range FP-45
Liberator given to the French citizenry during WW2: enough to take out an armed enemy
soldier so that you can strip them of their rifle.

(Wilson named his first 3D-printed pistol the Liberator in part due to this history.)

BUT, the best part of all this experimentation with plastic 3D printed firearms is that
they're advancing the art to the point someday where they are reliable enough for
repeated use.

It might be some kind of reinforced 3D printed plastic. I've heard that they have a new
kind of filament that is filled with minute carbon fibers.

Or it might end up being a combination of metal, plastic, and reinforced plastic that first
reaches the high-reliability mark.


Sages wife 5 hours ago  

I like it. Let's cut to the chase; put human nature in the hands of humans. Rinse. Spin. 16/17
5/24/2019 They're Back! 3D-Printed Guns Are Unstoppable And Here To Stay | Zero Hedge


I am Groot 4 hours ago  

They already make polymer AR lower receivers that are good for 50,000 rounds.


ScratInTheHat 5 hours ago  

That is what mills are for!

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