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5/8/2019 Here's Why The China Trade Deal Fell Apart | Zero Hedge

Here's Why The China Trade Deal Fell Apart

by Tyler Durden
Wed, 05/08/2019 - 05:50

Readers who have been paying close attention to every leak related to the ongoing US-China trade talks
might remember this FT story from six weeks ago about Beijing's penchant for returning trade-deal draft
proposals to Washington riddled with red-line stikeouts.

We only bring it up now because, according to a play-by-play published by Reuters Wednesday morning, it
appears President Trump finally lost his patience with Beijing when they returned a draft trade deal with
strikeouts eliminating virtually all of the major concessions made during the past few weeks.

Though reports about Beijing's unwillingness to compromise had begun appearing with more regularity
during the preceding week, according to Reuters, it appears Beijing was deliberately trying to provoke
President Trump. And if this was indeed China's goal, it appears it succeeded.

The diplomatic cable from Beijing arrived in Washington late on Friday night, with systematic edits
to a nearly 150-page draft trade agreement that would blow up months of negotiations
between the world’s two largest economies, according to three U.S. government sources and
three private sector sources briefed on the talks.
The document was riddled with reversals by China that undermined core U.S. demands, the sources
told Reuters.
In each of the seven chapters of the draft trade deal, China had deleted its commitments to change
laws to resolve core complaints that caused the United States to launch a trade war: theft of U.S.
intellectual property and trade secrets; forced technology transfers; competition policy; access
to financial services; and currency manipulation.
U.S. President Donald Trump responded in a tweet on Sunday vowing to raise tariffs on $200 billion
worth of Chinese goods from 10 to 25 percent on Friday – timed to land in the middle of a 1/51
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scheduled visit by China’s Vice Premier Liu He to Washington to continue trade talks.

One administration insider said the changes "undermines the core architecture of the deal", particularly
since Robert Lighthizer has prioritized an enforcement regime that's closer to something typically used for
punitive economic sanctions than a trade deal.

Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said earlier this week that Trump's tariff threats were
prompted by Beijing reneging on its promises. But they refused to disclose any details. It now appears that
Beijing has gone back on practically all of the concessions it had made during the negotiations, including
deals on currency stabilization, enforcement and market access for cloud-computing firms, to name a few.

But despite the steady stream of optimistic trade rhetoric, the only real surprise here - as one
administration insider put it - is that it took this long for the White House to blow up the deal.

Lighthizer and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were taken aback at the extent of the
changes in the draft. The two cabinet officials on Monday told reporters that Chinese backtracking
had prompted Trump’s tariff order but did not provide details on the depth and breadth of the
Liu last week told Lighthizer and Mnuchin that they needed to trust China to fulfil its pledges
through administrative and regulatory changes, two of the sources said. Both Mnuchin and
Lighthizer considered that unacceptable, given China’s history of failing to fulfil reform pledges.
One private-sector source briefed on the talks said the last round of negotiations had gone very
poorly because "China got greedy."
"China reneged on a dozen things, if not more...The talks were so bad that the real surprise is
that it took Trump until Sunday to blow up," the source said.
"After 20 years of having their way with the U.S., China still appears to be miscalculating with this

Though Vice Premier Liu He will visit Washington later this week, the notion that a deal can be salvaged, at
least in the short term, looks almost impossibly remote. And it's not hard to see why.

Even as the standoff in the Pacific between the US and China has grown increasingly tense - thanks in part
to Washington's belligerently pro-Taiwan (and its refusal to allow Beijing to have its cake and eat it, too
when it comes to contested islands in the South China Sea) - Beijing has put on a happy face and parroted
Washington's line that American military meddling in the region is a separate issue. 

But as Washington prepares to sell billions of dollars in arms to Taiwan (only months after President Xi
vowed to bring the errant province back under Beijing's control), it appears the Chinese might finally be
losing their patience. 
On Tuesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters that Beijing had lodged "stern
representations" with the US over a House bill expressing support for Taiwan. Beijing complained that this
"severely violates" the longstanding "One China" policy and represents "gross interference" in China's

While the Communist Party might have been willing to countenance repeated American intrusions into the
South China Sea, Xi earlier this year threatened to smite anybody who dares interfere with Beijing's plans for

Walking away from the trade-deal table might only be the beginning.

46245  310 

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5/8/2019 Here's Why The China Trade Deal Fell Apart | Zero Hedge

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LiberateUS 5 minutes ago  

Gee, kind of the same **** we are pulling on North Korea negotiations? How about JCPOA -sign the
deal and then renege?  No country in their right mind can trust the USA to uphold any deal they
sign with them.

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JB Say 57 seconds ago  

You didn’t actually read this did you?


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dead hobo 5 minutes ago (Edited)  

Yesterday I described the trade agreement as Thunderdome - two men enter, one man leaves. How
this ends will be a new one in world history.

China has, practically forever, demanded foreigners disclose technology secrets if they want to do
business in China. 1000 years ago, this was standard practice. To change now would be a shift of
historical magnitude. The other areas of trade conflict are a function of Chinese hubris that also
dates back to practically forever. Getting them to change broadly will be just the other side of
impossible. Even to negotiate with them seriously would be just as difficult.

Also, the communist leadership makes fortunes personally from the skim. Removing these trade
barriers would hit them personally in their pocket books. They have both personal and historical
reasons to leave things just as they have been for centuries. Maintaining the status quo is, likely,
existential for the communist party. It's like asking Wall Street to pretty please stop with the HFT.

Regarding the US, Obama and his predecessors would be out-negotiated easily. Obama would take
any deal and brag about making a 'Deal With China!'. The Chinese would have publicly sang
praises to him and allowed the people of the US to think he was a masterful victor. The Globalists
would agree and praise Obama as 'their guy in the White House'.

The US and Trump just wants them to be more honest, steal a lot less, and manipulate a lot less.
This is asking too much.

China will wait out the US until Trump caves in (doubtful) or someone new takes over in the White
House who will be more like Trump's predecessors.

Fortunately, China needs US more than we need them. We can afford to let them wait forever if
need be.

ItheOne 6 minutes ago  

Time to find a new third world shithole with cheap labor to plunder and build up There are plenty 3/51
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Time to find a new third world shithole with cheap labor to plunder and build up. There are plenty
of these left in the world. China should be shunned and made a pariah now. Levey a 1000% tariff
on all Chinese goods. Wait till their economy crashes, then dump tons of fentanyl to enslave their
souls like the British did before and they are doing to the US now. Payback time. 

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Cincinnatuus 2 minutes ago  

In the past Empires dealt with China by sending gun boats up the rivers blasting the **** out of all
the towns on the way up to the capital, and signing the trade agreement at cannon point.

Tarriff the **** out of them Don

Coldfire 6 minutes ago  

Trade wars lead to shooting wars. Thanks, Trump.
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iSage 8 minutes ago  

So, let me get this straight, the Chinks agreed to a draft proposal, took it home, then decided they
didn't agree with it and struck out most of the points made.

See, you can't trust the Chinese at all. Hit them with billions more in tariffs, make them sweat.

6 1

The Herdsman 7 minutes ago  

Right the chinks reneged on their agreements but Trump "blew up the deal", lol. I feel like
this was written by WAPO.

JB Say 3 minutes ago  

And Taiwan is an “errant province” of China. 

Boing_Snap 7 minutes ago  

Oh well then Trade negotiations are over, now on to World War Three.


Bay Area Guy 7 minutes ago  

China’s playing a two minute defense and their hope is that Trump is not re-elected or somehow
gets forced from office, and that a more pliable person that they can con (or bribe like Clinton)
becomes President. 4/51
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overmedicatedundersexed 4 minutes ago  

sen d feinstein's driver has reported back to peking .".no worry orangeman go soon."


The Herdsman 9 minutes ago  

We need to make Trump a three term president like FDR. The stakes are too high.

mailll 1 minute ago  

Well, wars do have a tendency to keep presidents in office, even though it is only a trade
war.  But perhaps the real war that will keep Trump in office is the one he starts with Iran
(for the sake of Israel) next year. 

whatafmess 10 minutes ago (Edited)  

well those neocon imbeciles think that sending warships in the south china sea and especially in
the Taiwan straight is helpful... It ain’t.

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overmedicatedundersexed 8 minutes ago  

what did your sampan get swamped when they passed?

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whatafmess 6 minutes ago  

your nickname saiz it all rofl
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JB Say 6 minutes ago (Edited)  

Its the Taiwan “strait”.  Stop pretending like you understand the situation.


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overmedicatedundersexed 5 minutes ago  

english is posters second language ..

whatafmess 3 minutes ago  

your only language is moronism, ****
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whatafmess 2 minutes ago  

here we go, fixed, happy now?
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Sh M R li 5/51
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mark1955 9 minutes ago   

Must Watch Video on STEM High School "shooting"  HOAX! ( Sorry for thread "Hijack" )

More Proof alleged "shooting" was a Staged Hoax!

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Hubbs 13 minutes ago  

Bill Clinton may ultimately prove the most disasterous president we had based on the argument
that he ushered China into the WTO.

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Boing_Snap 4 minutes ago  

Just on that?

What about:

Ending Glass Stegal?

Allowing elitist corporations to take over the Press?

Allowing hedonic adjustments to skew Financials?

Looting Social Security?

The definition of is is?


.....Frig does the list end?

mervyn 11 minutes ago  

If this leak is for real, China wins.

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eitheror 7 minutes ago (Edited)  

They win with all the new tariffs and the Chinese deal in bad faith.

Look for made in USA products.  Chinese clothes are made poorly, Ill fitting and they cut

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darteaus 8 minutes ago  

The Chinese just seeing if DJT's stance is for real.

Watch "Pork Chop Hill" w/Gregory Peck for insight.


purplewarrior 9 minutes ago  

Why did the trade deal fall apart? Well, the Chinese are trying to squeeze us. Plain and simple. Plus
they have or politicians in their pockets. America got sold out a long time ago.

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sickofthepunx 9 minutes ago  

Chinese have a time horizon of 100s of years.  we're just trying to get through the day without a
market crash. 

who has the leverage again? 

overmedicatedundersexed 8 minutes ago  

rice bowl across china go empty in 2 or 3 years ..fool.
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sickofthepunx 6 minutes ago  

don't worry you're savior has it under control


whatafmess 2 minutes ago  

clueless idiot

Pliskin 2 minutes ago  

Contrary to popular (ZH) belief most Chinese buy locally grown fruits and veg, that's fruit
and vegetables that AREN'T covered in Monsanto ****!

Oh, and the Chinese government doesn't do 'Food stamps'... the American, welfare
recipients wouldn't last five minutes here... no grape/kool aid, no 'mega bags of chips',
no 'free riceroni'... 

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bitzager 9 minutes ago  

when you said "China", you forgot entire US biz corps are 7/51
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running in Asia... Who's in US? yeah, nobody. War with whom?

With your own businesses?


debunker1 9 minutes ago  

um....cause the chinese never had any intention of making a deal in the first place.  They a re just
doing what they usually do from that part of the world, tell you a pack of lies, try to string you
along and see if they can manipulte you in some way or another.
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sickofthepunx 8 minutes ago  

you've read art of the deal 


yerfej 11 minutes ago  

The Chinese attitude worked previously because they were dealing with their own, no change was
necessary. Now that the Chinamen have ventured out from behind the wall they need to act like
grown ups, at least IF those they are dealing with demand it. Most western leaders have spent
themselves into a corner and they believe they can delay their day of reckoning by getting cozy
with the Chinese. Reality is the Chinasmen know they can subvert any internal pressure by beating
or killing their own while claiming some nationalist ******** so why would they change? Eventually
someone had to come along to stand up to them and that is the Trumpinator,, he may be a weird
buffoon but he has balls. 

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Aristofani 12 minutes ago  

mnuchin....Mmmm...does sound like the perfect name for a weasel.

darteaus 7 minutes ago  

mnuchin - as in "Hey, wanna do some mnuchin?"

overmedicatedundersexed 12 minutes ago  

Trump should test the premise:" nobody wants the American market, the world was just doing us a
favor giving us their cheap goods"
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saldulilem 14 minutes ago  

Should've used blue. It's calmer 8/51
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VideoEng_NC 17 minutes ago  

Anyone paying attention for the last few decades knows China is the real threat on various levels
to the US.  Wonder how long it'll be before the currency devaluation games start up again.  This
also makes Biden's comments the other day of China being a "non-issue" even that more foolish.

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Imxploring 12 minutes ago  

Joe is a fool to not see China as a threat on SO many levels. He won't last until election day...
not enough brains or energy.

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Doc McGee 10 minutes ago (Edited)  

He’s not so much a fool as completely bought and paid for!

And sucking their small ball(s) after giving them a sniff!

Mustahattu 46 seconds ago  

That’s the kind who usually get elected.

darteaus 6 minutes ago  

Don't confuse what a politician says with what a politician thinks.
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overmedicatedundersexed 11 minutes ago  

how many pols were bribed and paid off by china..hillary, bill, obuma, biden..bush, get the

china is pissed the USA is acting like an independent country for once ..and pissed at the

those evil NWO traitors better fear china hit men..collecting on that debt.

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Oldwood 8 minutes ago  

Communists have been convinced they could sell us our own hanging rope, and have
been pretty damned effective thus far, so it's no surprise that they're put off by Trump.
He's telling us how it is rather than the "free **** forever" lie of infinite cheap imports.

arrowrod 17 minutes ago  

The Chinese are reniggers, yet you accuse President Trump of blowing up the deal?

Tyler, you are NYT writer material, use LinkedIn, and apply for a internship.  (I don't think they pay
their fiction writers.)

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The Herdsman 15 minutes ago   9/51
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e e ds a 5 utes ago
Right I caught that too. China reneged on all of its agreements but the whitehouse "blew up
the deal". LOL nice bit of propaganda, Tyler has been reading his WAPO. 

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Oldwood 5 minutes ago  

The only "deal" is the same "deal" we always get...selling out America for a few fast bucks in
the pockets of politicians and corporations.
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R4Recision 19 minutes ago  

The reason China will "suddenly" renege on a bunch of things is because they have finally got fed
up with being dicked around, and are returning the favour.

Adding side issues to a negotiation is a technique used to avoid reaching a deal.

When China uses this technique, under circumstances like this, you can pretty much guarantee it is
a case of reciprocity.  

As in - you started it, but two can play at that game.

And don't even bother listening to the justifications, declarations and protestations that come out
of American diplomats mouths.  They are proven liars, and no-one trusts anything they say

America is now faced with a major power facing up to them and saying: put up, or shut up, and we
are fed up with you thinking you can dictate terms, and that we will just have to accept your
demands... see how you like this big F***Y** back at you.

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Doc McGee 16 minutes ago (Edited)  

I can pretty much guess you are full of **** !

And eat cat and bamboo shoots.

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mailll 10 minutes ago  

Sort of like saying the Trump administration doesn't want a trade deal, he just wants to keep
the war going. Keep the charade going, don't solve the problem.  Just like the southern wall
or the North Korean deal. Nothing is getting solved.  The problems seem to stay just to be
used as political charades while we are starving children in Yemen or trying to take the oil
that belongs to Venezuela or looking to remove Israel's threat, which is Iran. 

Oldwood 3 minutes ago  

No, no, no!

China is our friend, our benefactor of free **** forever. Anyone who resists is "dicking
them around" ******* with their PLAN.

Too many fools seem to think world domination by Chicoms will be superior to the mess
we have. 10/51
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Sure, world piece through absolute tyranny.

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Imxploring 25 minutes ago (Edited)  

The Chinese have been having their way on trade for so long that they can't understand someone
not bending over as our last 5 presidents have.... it's now or never folks.... the Chinese have NO
concern whatsoever for anyone but themselves.... walking away from the table is the only route at
this point. 90% of the crap we import from them is stuff we can do without. Selectively target
specific industries that they have a large market share of and start enforcement of current import
laws and safety regulations. Grind them with existing laws and slow down their supply line into the
US. Play their game.... 

Hadenough1000 18 minutes ago  


bitzager 19 minutes ago  

Yeah, you can do without it only using Millions of Illegals working for

pennies on the dollar. Or everything you will reproduce will be

at much higher price...

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overmedicatedundersexed 22 minutes ago  

seems shipping slips are closed in west coast them mega container ships sit off
on the horizon should be hilarious ..checkmate china

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bitzager 21 minutes ago  

Yeah, checkmate, fat and dumb US consumer... LoL

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eitheror 19 minutes ago  

We stop buying.  China is screwed paying demurrage up the Ying Yang.

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bitzager 16 minutes ago  

Stop buying what? Apple? I repeat EVERYTHING made in China.

Check you local store next time and reply...

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eitheror 10 minutes ago  

Let the tariffs begin.  95% of the crap in Wal-Mart I can do without.  Food-
produced here.

Coffee maker pots pans got em already 11/51
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Coffee maker, pots pans got em already.

**** Chinese clothes made too small and half assed.  Can do without.

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overmedicatedundersexed 28 seconds ago  

everybody shop the dollar stores..the junk people buy is mind blowing


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bitzager 22 minutes ago  

Trade WAR? did you check you local Wall-Mart? You should,

cause everything is Made in China. :) What war? 50 years too late...

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TheGardener 26 minutes ago  

The Chinese don`t commit to anything, they don`t even have a concept or word for it. With them
it is just maybe , no yes or no with a tail risk of losing face.

The doublecrossing Americans draw up contracts with the implicit intend to break their side of the
deal anyway , it is just the other side that should sign away her rights.

Good luck with those negotiations , this pair of crooks will only agree on ganging up on a third


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Hadenough1000 22 minutes ago  

Why do you stay here? 

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TheGardener 20 minutes ago  

Ever dealt internationally with either an American or Chinese company ?

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eitheror 16 minutes ago  

Surely you jest.
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mark1955 26 minutes ago  

Anti-China "Fear ****"! 12/51
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More Lies and Anti-China "Fear ****", to Try and get the American people on board World War
Three against China ( Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, Syria, etc., etc., etc., )

My fellow Americans...Please Don't Fall for this Anti-China "Fear ****"!

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Snout the First 30 minutes ago  

I admit it. I don't understand people.

The Chinese have a $500 billion annual trade surplus with us. A rational person might think that
negotiating this surplus down to $200 or $300 billion would be preferable to having a full scale
trade war.

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The Herdsman 29 minutes ago  

They dont want a piece of you, they want the whole ******* thing and they think they can get

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Lavrov 22 minutes ago  

They already do have it all. JUSA is bankrupt theres a NEW sheriff in town. 

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Hadenough1000 27 minutes ago (Edited)  

Their economy is dying

ours is growing

no one has ever demanded they play by the rules before

god bless trump❤❤🇺🇸👍🙏🙏

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Lavrov 21 minutes ago  

JUSA economy is DYING. Not China. 3/4 of the worlds population live in the east. The
WEST is so done. I work in finance . JUSA is BANKRUPT get over it. 

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mailll 20 minutes ago  

Seems like if we didn't have a $500 billion annual trade deficit with China, we'd have it with
someone else.  We can't get around the fact that stuff just gets built cheaper outside the US.
Sure it costs American jobs, but it also allows our consumer products to be less costly.  This
seems to be the main reason inflation is so low.  And this is good for the poor and middle
class.  And with the unemployment rate steadily going down since 2008, I kind of question -
exactly how many jobs does it cost us?  And is it all worth it?  Who knows.

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The Herdsman 14 minutes ago (Edited)  

Use your head. The jobs that it cost us are real manufacturing jobs. Full time, bread
winner jobs, not part time greeter jobs at walmart. Cheap goods do not make up for that,
its a net loss. We already know the result of the status quo, hollowed out towns, drug
addicted people, and destruction of our country.

" exactly how many jobs does it cost us?" MILLIONS, DUMMY. Why do you think the
Chinks are negotiating so hard?

overmedicatedundersexed 9 minutes ago  

you and idiot or what...??  it is never the cost of is the disposable income the
public has that is the important number.. 

You NWO trolls ..dont want that known.


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Lavrov 7 minutes ago  

JUSA has gone 2 times to the international monitary fund. Special drawing rights. How
many dumb down YANKS know this???? Not many in the early 70s  and in the early
1980s.  You can NOT be the WORLDS RESERVE CURRENCY and NOT NOT have a trade
depecipt. To prove this it all started in 1973 KISSINGER NIXON got JUSA OFF the Bretton
Woods GOLD STANDARD. If a country had a TRADE SURPLUS with JUSA back then that
country could take those US treasury notes (back by the US treasury) NOT NOT NOT the
FEDERAL RESERVE. With those treasury notes you could BUY PHYSICAL GOLD!! from the
JUSA. So NIXON closed that window in 1973. introducing the PETRO DOLLAR o la la  The
beginning of the ROYAL SCAM.... What a BEAUTIFUL SCAM it was. BRILLIANT I say. 

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Cardinal Fang 25 minutes ago  

They're just stalling until Joe Biden gets

Hadenough1000 20 minutes ago  

Trump is giving another huge rally tonight in florida—-FLORIDA

10,000 inside and 10,000 outside waiting 2 days to get in

While pedafile biden is in Beverly Hills at a dinner costing $2000 a plate

he must have been one of those assholes that fat drunk clinton said was asking her advice 14/51
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she only campaigned in California too

goodbye joe

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overmedicatedundersexed 30 minutes ago  

put china tariffs on on thursday POTUS..shake em up in Peking ..they are a country of weakness
across the board..old style communism with corruption and a few families owning everything..the
peoples army leadership will take an economic hit big time

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wild dog 33 minutes ago  

So Haboob you are saying be a chicken **** like the president before him? The Chinese are crooks
and I wish we did not have to trade at all with them. All the junk they send over he is crap anyway.

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Cardinal Fang 28 minutes ago  

^This is the bottom line

mark1955 35 minutes ago  

FWIW on STEM High School Hoax "shooting" ( Sorry for thread "Hijack" )!

Proof "shooting" was a HOAX...STEM story, was posted on Google, numerous times before May 7th!

Both videos show alleged "Shooting" was a HOAX!


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pmc 25 minutes ago (Edited)  

This is interesting!

One way to check if "victims" are real or AI generated is finding them in school yearbooks,
birth certificates etc.

If none exist then the "victims" are AI generated. 15/51
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mark1955 14 minutes ago  

Thanks for posting...Really informative on how the fake shooting victims can be created
with modern technology!

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Haboob 40 minutes ago  

We need to vote Trump out before he drags America into a war against the worlds emporium of
cheap goods. 

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Cardinal Fang 28 minutes ago  

And by cheap, you mean crap

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ZakuKommander 38 minutes ago  

What moron thinks he can gain trade concessions by insulting a powerful nation's core policy?

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overmedicatedundersexed 34 minutes ago  

stupid like yu would wonder that. leverage

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Rusticus2.0 28 minutes ago  

With one of the lowest approval ratings ever and less than 20 months left in office, I'd
say his leverage is in short supply.

China is making the obvious play; running out the clock.

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overmedicatedundersexed 24 minutes ago  

muh russia muh russia..pathetic little shits of I am with Her.

2 4

yerfej 21 minutes ago  

Interesting as his approval is better at the same point in his term than his
predecessors. Could it be that the US citizens (productive one) are more resilient than
you realize?

el-greco 40 minutes ago  

US can't deal with exceptionalism, except when it talks about its "god given" (LOL) right to
privilege. Obama spelt it out for listeners at the UN. Trade dispute is how China does

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Mustahattu 44 minutes ago (Edited)  

John Williams (shadow stats) was on Greg Hunter the other day. Worth

The economic shitshow is just about to start. 

The Herdsman 32 minutes ago  

Pfft. Williams has predicted a recession every year for the last ten years.

1 1

Enderjedi 44 minutes ago  

I agree we should stick to a one China policy and that one Chona is located on the island of

3 7

bigkahuna 45 minutes ago  

Going to have to walk. The Chinese will not care. They want to remain exploitative otherwise they
may as well just turn inward. I guess we'll see if they can pull it off.

They will probably want to get rid of those T bills. There will be pain, but I feel like we the public
through our collective apathy have more than earned it.

Prepare accordingly.

Rusticus2.0 39 minutes ago  

Yup. Best take that "made in China" belt and put a few extra holes in it with the "made in
China" hammer and nail. It's the little guy that's going to be doing the belt tightening.

The Herdsman 28 minutes ago  

The alternative is to keep selling them our soul until there is nothing left.

mailll 28 minutes ago  

They need US treasuries for their own good, not for our good.  It has to do with keeping
their currency regulated.  So they would be hurting themselves by dumping them, not
us. And in order for them to dump them, they have to have buyers. But they can just cash
them in once they mature.  And they only hold 1.13 trillion dollars of our 22 trillion dollar
national debt. This is less then they held this time last year.  Our debt increased by 1 trillion
dollars during the past year and China bought none of this increase.

If they sold them all at once, our federal reserve would up their balance sheet with a few
keystrokes on their numeric keyboard and buy them up with this newly created free money. 17/51
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Lavrov 14 minutes ago  

As much as China would LOVE to dump those WORTLESS T-Bills They CAN NOT. OK the FED
would pick up the slack But the containgency around the GLOBE would start roughly 14
TRILLION are held out of the JUSA. The manipulated PHONY MONOPOLY MONEY US dollar
would go to 40 cents on the index. There fore China would be lucky to see 40 cents on the
dollar. China would be shouting itself in the foot if they dump that worthless ****. Plus China
has 2 TRILLION in foreign reserves of US toilet paper money. 
 

Haboob 47 minutes ago  

Consumer prices are increasing as the effect of Americas sanctions and trade wars kick in. 


 

Scipio Africanuz 47 minutes ago (Edited)  

Relationships between two countries are not only about trade - there are other aspects as well.

So when folks focus on only one pillar, they miss the full picture. The US has been reneging on
erstwhile agreed protocols regarding issues such as Taiwan, amongst others, the Chinese are
simply responding asymmetrically, no more, no less. 

And before you bloviate, I'm not ethnic Chinese, I'm simply laying out the reality hidden from

Anyhow, life is metaphysical, my physical ethnicity is not germane to the issue, cheers...

Occams_Razor_Trader_Part_Deux 43 minutes ago  

And what does that have to do with a YUGE trade imbalance and China's willingness to
ignore intellectual property rights??

The article is about trade.

1 4

Vince Clortho 47 minutes ago  

China likes it the way it used to be - no tariffs on everything they send to the US, and big tariffs on
everything from the US headed to China.  Combine this with incredibly low wages and no benfits
for foreign workers and you can understand why so many of America's manufacturers have gone

Trump is seeking a fair trade agreement.

Somehow the media the offshore manufacturers and the Dems will portray this as Trump's being 18/51
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Somehow, the media, the offshore manufacturers, and the Dems will portray this as Trump s being

4 3

Occams_Razor_Trader_Part_Deux 42 minutes ago  

"Trump's Trade War!"

We've been in a trade war waaaaay before Trump- he's just the only one with balls to
address it!

2 1

Haboob 42 minutes ago  

If CHina wants to export for the world we should let them. 
 

Occams_Razor_Trader_Part_Deux 20 minutes ago  

They can- but it's hard for domestic manufacturers- when the standard of living in our
country is 4 times more costly then theirs. So they have an unfair low wage advantage,
which creates imbalances and ultimately hurts domestic production. We have become a
consumer nation- how do we generate funds to keep buying stuff- service sector??
 

Airstrip1 50 minutes ago  

it appears Beijing was deliberately trying to provoke President Trump

Even if this report is true (big if on anonymous rumor) it begs the question as to why China would
junk the trade talks ...

All the answers are not good from USA's viewpoint ...

If it's true ...

Hadenough1000 30 minutes ago  

They have been told by democrats and fake media that trump is done


dont bother with him

they hear that all day long

everyday for years

they were conned by our lying fake media

now trump gives them 25% tariffs

thats the danger of fake media 19/51
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dumbocrats are believing the same lies

thats why we destroy them now


Hadenough1000 51 minutes ago  

China screwed themselves 

loving me some trump❤❤🇺🇸🇺🇸

4 4

Catullus 55 minutes ago (Edited)  

Like letting them join the WTO. And then they followed none of the rules.

Kick them out of the WTO. At least lodge a formal complaint

It may seem dumb (it is). But it's another international institution shown to be toothless

3 2

libfrog88 1 hour ago  

America is working it's way into insignificance. EXCEPTIONAL

7 7

Bay of Pigs 55 minutes ago  

**** that. The Chinese can go pound sand. They've had it one way for FAR too long. They
don't want to negotiate in good faith, screw their products. Most of it is a WalMart pile of

6 4

Haboob 49 minutes ago  

China is to blame. The USA is to blame. Government is to blame. 

I'm just hoping to avoid much of the fighting as possible. 

Pliskin 28 minutes ago  

If the Chinese want to buy American products they have to pay in dollars, if Americans
want to buy Chinese goods they have to pay in dollars, if I want to change RMB into Thai
Baht I must first exchange to dollars, if someone from Burundi wants to buy something
from Uzbekistan they first have to exchange the money to dollars... 

"They've had it one way for FAR too long.. "

**** off!


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Lavrov 1 minute ago  

Yes you are correct. The royal scam. The WORLD got use to it. The PETRO DOLLAR
What a BRILLIANT SCAM it is. Its DYING now soon to be over.  Kissinger (***) thought
that out. Brilliant I must say. Gave the JUSA the highest standard of LIVING in globe for
the last 45 years. Naturally LIVING OFF OTHER NATIONS LIKE A PARASITE. 


Hadenough1000 29 minutes ago  

Derangement kills

best nation on the planet

time for you to leave

1 1

fersur 1 hour ago  

Breakdown impact of items by dollars percentage, China Americans Now pay 5 to 10 cents less for
each under $10.00 item purchased and new Tariffs costs pennies per dollar more, with a net
impact of savings never-the-less, and after China accepts President Trump's trade deals prices will
drop into more items needed because Americans are hordes of whatever our buying power allows,
China argument is our Soda and Beer Aluminum cans cost Americans more is not only simplistic
nonsense it relates to all commodities imported that are Not unique by brand of where made, who
made or the craftsmanship uniqueness !

2 3

holyvanguard 1 hour ago  

Sailing warships near their country, arresting a  CFO, banning their import of Iranian oil. 

10 1

Mustahattu 51 minutes ago  

Sounds like someone who really wants a deal.... not.

5 1

Rusticus2.0 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Well, it's a good thing our President has been hard at work building strong relations with all of our
allies, because it looks like we're going to need them.

Mustahattu 50 minutes ago  

Lol is that a joke?

Rusticus2.0 48 minutes ago  

Sarcasm ... the lowest form of wit. 21/51
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Occams_Razor_Trader_Part_Deux 18 minutes ago (Edited)  

Our allies- yeah right. You mean friends that **** us?

Billions to protect Germany through NATO, mostly protection from Russia- as Germany
buys billions of dollars of energy from Russia- putting billions in their pockets-  it
make no sense- and Trump called them on it.

 
Fed-up with being Sick and Tired 1 hour ago  
It is a strange world these days:  DOLLAR strength and OIL shoots higher and the last time we saw
$4 unleaded In Cal was when Oil was $147 a barrel.   Trump imposes Tariffs and people are acting
as if INFLATION IS GOOD (I cannot believe how many regular folks are saying, "higher oil is
good.")... in fact, the KOOLAID is being drunk by regular folks who believe all of this ******** about
POLITICS, as if politicians, or Trump himself mean anything they say about anything in the MSM.

10 1

pmc 1 hour ago (Edited)  

It's all the result of brainwashing! It's like with fluoride. They tell you it's good for you when
it's really poison. Just read toothpaste lables. 

schroedingersrat 59 minutes ago  

Ex-CIA Director William Casey: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American public believes is false"

Haboob 1 hour ago  

If only Hillary won we would be at war with Russia instead. 

3 3

Occams_Razor_Trader_Part_Deux 15 minutes ago  

If for nothing else- to provide cover for Uranium One. Any wonder that the Clinton's would
sacrifice our service men to cover their crooked asses?? Bhenghazi anyone?

pmc 1 hour ago  

The country is broke. Simpson episode. The Simpsons predicted a Trump presidency back in 2000.
Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch. He backed Trump when he ran.  And now the US may be headed
the way of the Simpsons episode!   Tell me this wasn't all a setup!

ne-tiger 57 minutes ago  

Fox contributed to 30% reduction of average IQ in USSA

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Bay of Pigs 54 minutes ago (Edited)  

So how come they were the only major media outlet to get the Russian hoax story correct?

1 1

Occams_Razor_Trader_Part_Deux 15 minutes ago  

CNN 80%? MSNBC 90% reductions!
 

BigWillyStyle887 1 hour ago  

Based chinks tried blowing the Don the **** out and got slapped. They managed to delay for
another several months though so they could still chalk this up as a victory since they never
intended to make a deal they would obviously lose on. 

2 5

Everybodys All American 1 hour ago  

I see the pro Hillary Maoists here to sellout America crowd are out in full force today.

7 8

Pliskin 24 minutes ago  

I see the pro Obama 'We are exceptional' crowd are out in full force today!

 

punjabiraj 1 hour ago (Edited)  

The war mongers could find more to do than they bargained for. With their track record of starting
fights only to run away with their tail between their legs there can be very few that actually believe
America even wants to win any more. They just want an excuse to restock and demand more and
more money from everyone to fund their insatiable need for weapons and infrastructure of war.
They even put buffoons in charge to make sure they cannot win.

The US markets are just a hot air balloon waiting to crash. The huff and puff is to keep it all up in
the air. We all know that it can only end very badly. For us that is. The money power will make even
more out of us when they decide to let it go. 

Farce without end.  Amen 

4 1

Mustahattu 1 hour ago  

Sell WMT. Buy HEI.
 

D. G. Neree 1 hour ago (Edited)  

It' d J !!! 23/51
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It's da Jooz!!!

Just stating this so there's no more need for OJDS (Obsessive *** Derangement Syndrom) sufferers
to start ranting on this thread.

2 3

Mustahattu 1 hour ago  

Don’t try to change the subject jooboi


D. G. Neree 1 hour ago  

 


Can someone remind us all how much money Trump lost in a 10-year period from 1985 to 1994?
Thanks, I can't seem to find the number. Was it a lot?

5 2

pmc 1 hour ago  

I remember watching him on TV back in the 80's saying the average person  was richer than
he was because of all the debt he owed the banks!  

Mustahattu 1 hour ago  

1 billion and change.

Everybodys All American 1 hour ago  

its way too nuanced for ya.
 

Last of the Middle Class 1 hour ago  

I can't imagine buying anything and everything that isn't some cheap chinese knock-off with
substituted sub standard parts.

How will I ever get by.

4 2

pmc 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Inflation here we come! And with that an increase in interest rates! Oh yeah the art of the
deal alright! 

To quote a line from Forrest Gump .."Stupid is, as stupid does!" 

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pitchforksanonymous 1 hour ago   24/51
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Hey look! Futures are creeping up. Looks like the trade war panic of 19 lasted 24 hours. It’s all BS
theater anyway. Waiting on the upcoming attack on Iran. They’re setting the stage for that part of
the script. And the Oscar goes to Pompeo and Bolton. 

4 1

Mustahattu 1 hour ago  

America’s only way out of debt is war.

2 1

fersur 59 minutes ago  

War on Socialism as Communistic ideology !

Lavrov 43 minutes ago  

Cant see a WAR with IRAN. IRAN took there country back in 1979. Throwing out JUSA puppet.
NO MORE CONTROL OF IRANS OIL JUSA Its over since 1979. IRAN has been BUILDING up for
this since 1979. They are ready well prepare. JUSA has been exposed the BANKRUPT
EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES. JUSA knows this. But JUSA has a MASTER its name is
SATANYAHOO. Well ya never know this ANTI CHRIST country ISRAHELL tells BANKRUPT JUSA
what to do FOLLOW orders.So anything can happen I guess. Its for the "GREATER ISRAHELL

Doc McGee 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Touchy, Sniffy Joe Biden will be happy to give away all of everything, just as long as dumb as ****
Hunter gets more Chinese billions to spread around the family.

Can someone find him another sister in law to crank?,  it seems he has used up the last one!

not-me---it-was-the-dog 1 hour ago  

is it fake news?  is it the us side trying to get ahead of the real news?  was anyone actually involved
one of the sources (of course not)?

" according to three U.S. government sources and three private sector sources briefed on the talks.

what really happened?..............typical trump negotiating style.  get near to closing the deal and
then make a series of insane demands, and claim the other side was at fault.

one must assume team trump added some poison pills to which the chinese side responded with
taking back some of the tentative expected/planned.

seems team trump knows they won't win this one, and simply want some way to blame the

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MRob 51 minutes ago  

Uuuhhh..... and your assertions are based on what? 

Oh yeah. Nothing. Just random speculation which only speaks to what YOU want to be true.
Because remember Orange Man Bad.

 

otschelnik 1 hour ago  

Add Steve Bannon to the US Trade delegation and double down.  Bring it on.

5 3

Klassenfeind 1 hour ago  

"...the real surprise is that it took Trump this long to blow it up.

Hahahahaha! 😂 

chubbar 1 hour ago  

It takes 2 sides to make a deal and clearly China doesn't want a deal. Trump has no choice, this is
the choice of the Chinese to blow up the deal so that forces Trump to impose the tariffs. I guess
we can only conclude that the Chinese would rather have tariffs than have to follow the details in
the agreement. Can't blame Trump for this one.

12 11

Mustahattu 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Sounds like you know the specifics of the trade deal talks.

5 1

Klassenfeind 1 hour ago  

Can't blame Trump for this one.

Of course! Never blame Trump! 

Foreign policy is a mess? Don't blame Trump!

Trade wars ("good & easy to win") don't go as planned? Don't blame Trump! 
No wall? Don't blame Trump! 
ObamaCare not repealed? Don't blame Trump! 
MIC gets more money? Don't blame Trump! 
Relations with Russia going down the drain? Don't blame Trump! 
North Koreans still launching rockets? Don't blame Trump! 
No end to the misery in Yemen, Syria and Iraq? Don't blame Trump! 
Continued US meddling in Ukraine? Don't blame Trump! 

12 3

MarkD 1 hour ago  

and the list could go on and on....

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ne tiger 1 h (Edit d)  26/51
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ne-tiger 1 hour ago (Edited)  
Blame them all on the black **** which is still got stuck in trumptards' throats after all
these years.

 
Lavrov 1 hour ago  
You forgot the most important ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep fighting WARS for
ISRAHELL!!!!!!. That's JUSA main problem. 

7 1

new game 1 hour ago  

sociopaths sociopathing

liars lying

cheats cheating

what did you expect?

an honest fair enforcable deal- fukin ayee-one BIG LOL...

OCnStiggs 1 hour ago  

I guess I'll have to stop buying things made in China.

beemasters 1 hour ago  

You may have to open up all your gadgets too and throw away all the 'made-in-China' parts.

8 2

Klassenfeind 1 hour ago  

I guess I'll have to stop buying things made in China.

Better not buy anything at all then! LOL! 

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Nope. Silicone valley will just have to expand a bit. Or buy from Thailand I guess.
 

schroedingersrat 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Unlikely. Basic components like resistors & capacitors are an almost ruinous
undertaking in China. There is no way you are going to produce those in the USA in
large quantities. If you buy from Thailand you still have a trade deficit :)

TimmyM 1 hour ago  

But Thailand is not going to conquer us. 27/51
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ut a a d s ot go g to co que us


Pliskin 36 minutes ago  

Neither Is China, except in Neo~con, deranged minds like Bolton an Pompeo!


naro 1 hour ago  

Clinton, Bush and Obama gave way our country to China. Trump is taking it back.

6 11

new game 1 hour ago  


Haboob 1 hour ago  

Trade war into hot war.

Whoever is ready to get blown to bits raise your hand!

mailll 1 hour ago  

More tariffs, which are actually paid for by the American consumer and not by China, will help get
the long awaited inflation the federal reserve and US government have been longing for.  And if we
go to war with Iran, inflation will exceed their wildest fantasies, esp. if they don't succeed in
stealing Venezuela's oil to make up for oil imports that may be disrupted due to a war with Iran for
the sake of Israel.  Oil shortages in the US and war with countries relating to oil have a tenancy to
skyrocket oil prices.  But the oil producers here in the US will love it since they can then jack up
their oil prices.

13 1

Winston Churchill 21 minutes ago  

They need Vz. oil for the heavy fractions that the MIC needs to even go to war

US frack oil doesn't have them.

pmc 1 hour ago  

In the long run China won't need the USA.

With about 1/3 of the world's population all it has to do is loosen controls and allow more self
employment and have people keep more of the money earned. Once the income per household
increases they really won't need to trade as much with other countries! It will be self sustaining!
However at this point before that happens is a long way away! 28/51
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6 4

achiral 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Lol--dictators willingly giving up power. Never heard of that before. 

2 3

Lavrov 1 hour ago  

Yeah Bankrupt JUSA wont go down with out a fight. Well what does the JUSA have to
LOSE???? They are BANKRUPT any ways. Might as well BLOW up the whole system. I think
that's the plan. Then start over. But when the dust settles and the RESET begins JUSA will
NOT be the NATION controlling the SYSTEM That SCAM is over. China and Russia have the

Et Tu Brute 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Am i the only one who sees the irony of the Capitalists being beaten at their own game by
Communists? and to add insult to injury are trying to impose Communist regulations to prevent
competition? Suck it up America. 

9 2

mailll 1 hour ago  

I guess some countries that we think we can bully do fight back after all.  Problem with this
country is our politicians, instead of seeking changes in increments, they want to make a
name for themselves with complete overhauls.  Just like Obama Care did and just as the
trade deals are doing.

ZeroBeek 1 hour ago  

Why not a trade war without any deal?

According toTrump a trade war is “quick and easy to win”.

Jizz 1 hour ago (Edited)  


1 3

RealRussianBot99 1 hour ago  

i just love how an article as such lures out all the anti-china shitposters from their basements -
makes it so much easier to ignore them

6 8

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Boo hoo diddums. Have fun with the 50 cent army. There's 4 of them with 20 accounts.

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Ethan Allen Hawley 1 hour ago  

**** china 

6 5

naro 1 hour ago  

We cannot continue with $500 Billion trade deficits each year and growing.  China must
understand that.  And we need less plastic junk.  Our suppliers will come from Vietnam, India and
Latin America.

4 4

naro 1 hour ago  

Imagine 2 negative to my post. Anti Americans are infesting this American site like a virus.

2 3

Pliskin 1 hour ago  

How is this an American site? 

Started by a Bulgarian and now owned by an English company!

I suggest you head over to CNN… a REAL American news site!

There you are sure to find 'like minded' people! 


schroedingersrat 1 hour ago  

You will still have a trade deficit with Vietnam or India. If you want to reduce trade deficit you
have 2 options: Export more or live within your means :)

4 1

Pliskin 1 hour ago  

So you advocate shifting 500 billion in a trade deficit with China to a 500 billion trade deficit
with Vietnam,  India and Latin America..? 

Oh boy, you're all kinds of smart eh? 

Let me guess, American edumacation? 


6 1

mailll 1 hour ago  

Of course if we move our factories out of China and into another country filled with
potential slave laborers, this takes lots of time and the learning curve would start all over
again which would then fill our country with lower quality items that China would have
produced in the first place.  American made is nice, but it is even more expensive to buy
American made products than it would be to buying imported products.  American made
Harley Davidsons (assuming they are still American made) are nice, but very expensive. 
Japanese motorcycle imports are probably better and cheaper. 30/51
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Japa ese oto cyc e po ts a e p obab y bette a d c eape


Pliskin 38 minutes ago (Edited)  

There are certain products I buy that are 'American' and I wouldn't dream of any
'cheap' alternatives Zippo, Tobasco sauce, Timberland boots, although my first pair of
Timms in 2001 were 'Made in America' the last pair I bought in 2017 were made in

Should I be angry at Indonesians? 


Lavrov 36 minutes ago  

Harley Davidson CLOSED SHOP  Move to Thailand CHEAPER to make that OVER PRICE
JUNK in Thailand. Profits to Margins. Its the Merikan way

mailll 1 hour ago  

I'll just toss a comment in here that is a little off topic and off the wall even:

I think we should take care of this planet, but we can't when we keep tossing good stuff out
that other people can use.  Then we buy even more stuff that we toss after a short time, even
though there is nothing wrong with it in many cases.  Because we have money, we can afford
to buy and toss, buy and toss.  This creates pollution.  This country has to be less wasteful
and more conservative.  One mans trash that is in good condition is another mans
necessity.  If it wasn't, the original buyer would not have purchased it in the first place.  In
addition to giving money to the poor, merchandise can be given to the poor also. But,
because of our screwed up monetary system, if we buy less and conserve more, people
would be put out of work and the rich can't get richer because of us buyers and tossers,
buyers and tossers. Wasteful people are great for this screwed up economy, those who
conserve aren't. 

What I'm getting at is that since China grew so quickly in such a short time, the whole
country and it's waters have become more like our local city dump. They really need to clean
up their mess. 

And this is my off the wall comment for the day.  


Lavrov 1 hour ago  

Lets see Vietnam well that speaks for itself. MURDER 5 million JUSA lost that war (like 98%
since WW2) Latin America SUCK that continant for the last 100 years MUNROE DOCTRIN .
India theres NO love there either, JUSA telling India they can NOT buy IRANS oil . Do as I say I
make the GLOBAL LAWS here. Not as I do. Gee isn't there ANY country JUSA has NOT ****
over???????????????????? OK ISRAHELL the JUSA is the LAP DOG to this blood thirsty country Go 31/51
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over???????????????????? OK ISRAHELL the JUSA is the LAP DOG to this blood thirsty country. Go


Offthebeach 45 minutes ago  

Most American history we've had trade deficits.

Nothing made in China isn't made in other nations.  And, Korea,  Vietnam, Indonesia, the
world is more than happy to make it.

For now the Chinese will eat the 25% .  They will push that down their supply chain.  State
owned enterprises will just hit Beijing for more script.

The Communists were, in their eyes, right to strike out enforcement mechanisms.   A. They
dont have them.  B. Independent courts, anything, are a mortal threat to the Party.

The Communist Party only exports for one thing.  Dollars, Euros, Yen.  The Communist Party,
elite, don't even want the Yuan .  That is chump script. People that sell to China, want to be
paid in Dollars.  Yuan is for suckers.  Enron notes.  

I imagine all the way down the China,supply chain everyone will be less happy with less
Dollars and more Yuan.  I don't feel they will spend Yuan profits/savings in China.  They'll try
to sell/convert Yuan to Dollars.  Beijing will want to put more currency controls on the Yuan
to keep its price up. Maybe Soros will short it, if possible. ( that is a joke )

Anything anyone must have from China, even if 25% more, after you throw in other costs in
the US, or from Korea, or where ever these goods go to, in and out,  domestic labor, design,
insurance, taxes,( equal to ir greater than China component cost) isn't going to go up 25% in
total costs.

I dont know about you, but I have too much stuff.   I already have  two car I can't get my car

Everybody all over the world wants to, and is, going up the Asian Tiger manufacuring chain
model and shipping to the US.  For Dollars.   

If, if, the tariff has little domestic effect in the US, and the US gets used to it.  Oh, boy.  We
had high tarriffs for a couple hundred support American manufacturing and

 

Lavrov 27 minutes ago  

What? and the JUSA dollar is back by WHAT?? DEBT  Oh I see a PROMISE to pay?? Well it
was really back by the Military Industrial complex. Well sunshine that don't WORK
anymore. The Emperor has NO clothes. Nations tired of GIVING raw resources away for
FREE goods and services for INK and PAPER printed out of thin air. China has GOLD. JUSA
has NO GOLD. In other words JUSA is BANKRUPT. The days of LIVING off other nations is
coming to a end. All that THUMP is doing is ISOLATING JUSA from the world. Even JUSA
vassals have had enough of JUSA. Ok except ISRAHELL they are the MASTERS to JUSA. The
party is coming to a end. The ROYAL SCAM printing money out of thin air is coming to a
end. And the Military Industrial complex that backs that PHONY MONOPOLY MONEY Don't 32/51
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end. And the Military Industrial complex that backs that PHONY MONOPOLY MONEY Don t
shake CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAN and many other nations any more. The ROYAL SCAM is
coming to a END.

 
Zero Point 1 hour ago  
There's good news and bad news.

The bad news is that your Christmas tree lights will cost 15 bucks instead of 5 bucks.

The good news is that they will work, and not catch fire and kill your family.

12 4

buzzsaw99 1 hour ago  

the good news is that i don't buy xmas lights, or plastic pumpkins, or any other **** like

4 1

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Then you'll never even notice the trade war. Except for all the tasty volatility.

2 2

mailll 56 minutes ago  

I beg to differ.  We can make junk just as bad as any foreigner can. I've worked on American
jobs for 50 years and I have worked with people who either put out junk, or get paid to do
nothing.  Foreign countries may not tolerate useless workers putting out junk.  So we pay
more for American products so we can pay useless workers to do nothing while the workers
get **** on.  I'm sure many readers of this comment know what I'm talking about. 

Offthebeach 39 minutes ago  

25% increase on $5 is $1.25. So, $5---->$6.50

However, those lights are contracted in China for $1.   So the price at China might go to
$1.25. The rest of the $5 ( shipping , insurance, port fees, distribution, trucking, retail
overhead, profits ) stay the same.  So the final price goes from $5--->$5.25.


achiral 1 hour ago (Edited)  

A trade deal with China is pointless without brutal enforcement terms. There's no way they'd
honestly abide by any deal, unless there's a threat of legitimate pain for breaking the terms. The
only enforcement I've read about is some SJW "mutual negotiation" crap. Socialists and communists
lie about almost everything. Chinese culture itself celebrates deception. 

I hope Trump gets it right on enforcement, otherwise this is all just a sideshow in the declining
America circus. 33/51
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America circus. 

6 3

iAmerican10 1 hour ago  

China is a sodomite, satanic culture. "Communism" is just a "rebadge" offered by "the real
Anti-Christ" whose Rothschild "Jews" set up Mao; just as the same kikes created Hitler and
the Holohoax, and run MSM for the FedScam Rothschild/Rockefeller Gang's CFR to usurp
God's America.
 

achiral 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Sorry, your ***-hating meta doesn't fit every narrative. 

iAmerican10 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Try gaslighting some other Goy, ****.

No "***" hate here, just awareness before God, America's King, the Edomite false-Jews'
weekly liturgy states we Americans are "sub-human animals," "Goyim," "a mindless
herd of cattle" "to lie to, cheat, rob, enslave, and kill, with impunity" by satanically
possessed ritually sodomized "gods chosen by God to rule the world."

God knows America is "Zion": one People under the one God by Bible prophecy, which
also informs us the Beast, Gog and Babylon ride, Golgotha's Fasces-bearing Christ-
killers who together ran "the Wall Street of slavery" at Rome for over 2,000 years yet
enslaving Latin America, whose Fifth Column funded Hitler, staged the Holohoax, took
us to Korea as papal catspaw and to Vietnam after murdering JFK after he ended their
FedScam, and MLK, is going down, killed by the Wall. Praise God.

You don't like it only because you are not American, and because you're a satanically
possessed ****.

1 3

truthalwayswinsout 1 hour ago  

100% tariffs sound about right.

The goal should not be trade but in removing the Communists from power.

7 4

buzzsaw99 1 hour ago  

the goal should be removing manufacturing for usa bound goods from china entirely.

2 1

mailll 47 minutes ago  

My company actually did move some of the manufacturing back to the US.  But many of
the components that go into our final product still has to be imported.  If the components
were all American made instead of Chinese made, our final product would be more
expensive and we wouldn't be able to sell it and we'd have to close up shop. And if
Chinese workers want even more money to build our components, we would consider
moving our component division to another country with workers who will work for a lot
less.  But in poor countries, a dollar to them is like a bar of gold while in the US, a dollar
to us is like a bar of soap.  So a dollar goes a long way in poor countries due to their very 34/51
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p g g y p y
low standard of living and they'd love to work for that dollar a day.


Pliskin 1 hour ago  

Not gonna happen!



Cautiously Pessimistic 1 hour ago  

The Chinese thought they were dealing with another Clinton, Bush or Obama and that Trump was
going to just roll over and accept the same failing, lopsided trade policies of those previous
administrations.  Nope, ain't happening.  Get your sh!t together China and come back to the table
and try again.  

7 6

mailll 43 minutes ago  

And on the flip side, Trump thought it was going to be easy. Oops! Slight miscalculation.  He
may have to kick the can down the road to the next president, unless he gets re-elected.  I
thought he was kidding when he said we'll have a trade deal in 2025.  He'll be out of office in
either 2020 or 2024.  I guess he wasn't kidding.

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

This sounds more like Bolton type sabotage to me.

With this dangerous neocunt in power we are truly fucked.

"After 20 years of having their way with the U.S., China still appears to be miscalculating with this


Never mind US government & CEO's shipping American jobs overseas so the US could have its way
with China cheap labor 

The arrogance and hypocrisy is maddening. 

7 3

Guentzburgh 1 hour ago  

Great news for traders, some volatility is gorgeous

beemasters 1 hour ago  

People need to truly accept that tariffs are taxes on goods that will be passed down to consumers.
Dotard needs the tariff to compensate for the huge tax cuts he gave to the super rich, including
his own family. He knows well that the 25% hike the government will pocket is still within reach by
most American consumers to subsidize those tax cuts. Let's be's truly in his power to
hik th t t 50% 75% 1000% b Chi d b t it ld th t t 35/51
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hike the rate to 50%, 75%, 1000% or even ban Chinese goods...but it would mean that most
American folks can't (afford to) buy them and that he can't steal much from the middle class to
give to the rich.

10 11

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Your uncle that makes car air fresheners and Christmas tree ornaments is going to get
hosed. Tough luck *****.

6 7

Pliskin 1 hour ago  

You're pathetic!

I see you called me a ***** or **** or whatever it was, further down the comments. 

I have blonde hair, blue eyes white skin  I'm 6 foot 4 (and a bit) slim/athletic build and
can trace my ancestry back nearly 600 years. 

How about you? 

Short?   Fat?  Dark haired?   Olive skinned? 

I can only imagine!

Definitely stupid. 



6 6

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Lol. You're a 5'5" fat ***** slobberer. Go cry to your mommy. If you can get her out of
the happy ending massage parlor.


4 4

RealRussianBot99 1 hour ago  

aaaand you're ignored

2 2

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Awww... And we were just becoming such good friends.

2 2

Cautiously Pessimistic 1 hour ago   gay are you?  Don't like someone else's opinion, so you just hit the
ignore button?  Zero Hedge is no place to play your Social Justice Warrior games
and pout.  

Pliskin 1 hour ago   36/51
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And that reply right there tells me all I need to know!

You're a short, uneducated, poor, dark~skinned, welfare recipient. 

You've no avatar, so I'm guessing you're a troll as well? 

Five cents a post, maybe? 


 3 1

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Racist ****!

1 4

beemasters 1 hour ago  

As I have said before, Trump administration will be remembered as a period of great
wealth transfer from the poor/middle class to the rich. He's just an excellent conman,
with a proven ability to lead his victims to tie nooses around their own necks while they
cheer 'MAGA'.

7 8

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  


Tariffs are meant to generate revenue from Trumps tax heist for the rich. 

And yet China maintains a surplus while our deficit increases and as Midwestern farmers go
bankrupt in record numbers allowing corporate farms to buy their acreage at pennies on the
dollar. I now believe this is deliberate too 

This is fast becoming one of the most destructive Administrations in history. Meanwhile the
American sheeple graze...

7 3

Et Tu Brute 1 hour ago  

Capitalism back to Feudalism, progress 21st century style.
 

buzzsaw99 1 hour ago (Edited)  

or even ban Chinese goods...

that is an excellent idea.  start with plastic pumpkins.  i hate those things.

3 3

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

Damn straight. Better idea than tariffs.

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Pliskin 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Yep, excellent idea, then when Walmart (the biggest employer in the U. S. ) starts laying
off workers it will be ******* hilarious to see all those low I. Q.  nothing to lose Americans
rioting and burning cities down all across America!

4 3

buzzsaw99 1 hour ago  

burning down the cities would be an improvement.

Pliskin 1 hour ago  

Plus it would make for great T. V. 
 

Zero Point 1 hour ago  

OH NOOOOO We can't buy an outdoor furniture set for 50 bucks anymore, let's RIOT!!!

2 2

Pliskin 1 hour ago  

I'm on about people losing jobs, not the customers.

Reading comprehension not your strong point, eh? 


Mimir 1 hour ago  

Right but  a stupid "banning" of Chinese goods would ensure that there is no Tariffs to
collect for the Government and thousands of American companies would close down within a
week because of lack of Chinese component products.

beemasters 1 hour ago (Edited)   if China bans all exports into the US, that would be a disaster for many US
companies and could cause social unrest due to massive layoffs, huh?

1 1

ludwigvmises 2 hours ago  

China knows we're bankrupt, have zero foreign reserves and are the most indebted nation on the
planet. They know we're finished.

20 10

schroedingersrat 1 hour ago (Edited)  

There is always a delusional trumptard down voting. They should grow up and start looking
at the world without rose tainted glasses.

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15 8

Mimir 1 hour ago  

Maybe it is written in the Bible, that you should protect your country against the truth.

5 2

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

China can always utilize their nuclear option in dropping our Treasury holdings too. 


2 1

naro 1 hour ago  

Big deal. they own only 3.1 trillion of our debt.   there is huge demand for American
Treasuries which is why their interest rates are so low.

1 3

dunlin 1 hour ago  

No they can’t.
 

dunlin 1 hour ago  
 

naro 1 hour ago  

China's DEBT to GDP is 300% . Their economy survives only with massive government
spending (EG. Ghost cities). You have no clue.

2 4

Kokito 35 minutes ago (Edited)  

[China knows we're bankrupt, ..... They know we're finished.] - Yep

And the trompetar devotees are still drinking the kool-aid, waiting for the day when they
waike up to the promised land of MAGA (miga) & “drain the swamp”, delivered by their
HisraHell messiah – If only pigs could fly.

The Sanders devotees think that their man is the true Hisrahell messiah, forget about the
other messiah. He is the one who is going to deliver Amerika to the land of milk & honey.

The devotees don't believe that the JUSA evil & criminal empire is sinking to the bottom of
the ocean & that there is no amount of manifest destiny, exceptionalism, divine rights,
h th t ill t th fi l ll 39/51
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hegemony that will prevent the final collapse.

Trampa could ask Gorby how to soft-land the JUSA empire in the final crash

The sooner the JUSA titanic sink the better for the entire globe, no more Amerikan
exceptionalism and nonstop interventionism - "karma is a bitch".

 1

Let it Go 2 hours ago  

The fact is, China has little intention of altering its course and will concede nothing in future trade
talks. China is a state-run economy based on a business model that is geared to expand by
crushing the competition.

China has no intention of being locked into producing low-end manufacturing of basic goods but
is determined to move into high-tech products. A key part of the plan centers around both state-
owned and private firms investing in and acquiring foreign companies for the purpose of stealing
their technological innovations.

Subsidizing those companies working within its system in a multitude of ways helps China achieve
this goal. Countries that export goods at slightly below cost in exchange for manufacturing
jobs are not stupid they are predatory and we in America are their prey. More on this subject
in the article below.

http://China Has No Intention Of Altering Its Path Forward html

7 1

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Not true.

China is now number one in tech innovation. They are far ahead of the US in 5G too.

Anyone seen the new ZTE phone China just released to the Chinese public now being bought
in record numbers?

China's market, at home, is 3 times that of the US. 

I owned a ZTE and it was the best phone I ever owned. Unfortunately, Trump banned ZTE
from the US, cutting off US consumers from remarkable Chinese innovation and tech. 

Must. Buy. Apple..

Offthebeach 27 minutes ago  

I can buy any phone I want.  I can get any Apple phone I want for free( but a,little shady. 
Relitive, corporat IT, they won't notice type thing. ) But I dont.  A new phone is not worth
the transaction hassle.  Phones have gone from gee wiz, to blah.  They are near now like
calculators on a desk. People, Americans anyway, that are into their phone are mostly
ghetto/low rent.  Its kind of unclassy to be into cellphone now.  They are done.  

But I'm glad people that never had one, have one.  
 

Pliskin 17 minutes ago  

American unemployed get free phones... in China, no job, no money, no phone! 40/51
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America = Socialism. 

 
HorseBuggy 2 hours ago  
There is US Steel and China Steal, which one makes more money? 

Boonster 1 hour ago  

China makes a lot of money selling ****.


4 2

stocks up everything else down 2 hours ago  

But Captain cocaine went on bubblevision and told us everything is GREAT!!!!! This just shows that
the only thing this administration cares about is BSing the market higher.

6 5

Et Tu Brute 2 hours ago (Edited)  

China got greedy?? this deal essentially hinges on 3 key items:

1-cheap labour

2-access to chinese and us markets

3-technology transfer 

The US gets 2 out of 3, in return China expects n.3. Unless it is so, then it's hardly a 'trade deal',
but attempted neo-colonialism on the world's emerging superpower and largest nation. Good luck.
The only ones surprised by it not working are the idiots in the White House. They still don't
understand that they are the ones asking for a deal and think they can dictate terms. China knows
that time is on their side and the longer they wait, the less n.3 will be a factor in negotiations, they
are already ahead in 5G and soon AI too.

The only time the US negotiates is when war is not an option; might be time to learn the former
and stop practising the latter.. they clearly suck at diplomacy. Meanwhile China is taking over the
world without firing a single shot. Now that is clever.

13 6

HorseBuggy 2 hours ago  

Sooner or later a deal will be leached.

1 2

johngaltfla 2 hours ago  

SPX retest of critical 2590 level should happen by Monday or Tuesday of next week.

buzzsaw99 2 hours ago   41/51
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that would be funny as ****.


johngaltfla 2 hours ago  

I've got a bottle of 12 year old Bowmore on the ready.


buzzsaw99 2 hours ago (Edited)  

china = shithole.

xi = *******.

15 6

RealRussianBot99 1 hour ago  

buzzsaw99 = ignored

3 4

Pliskin 58 minutes ago  

buzzsaw99 = ignored by his friends and family, for being an idiot!


 

HankPaulson 2 hours ago  


CJgipper 2 hours ago  

In each of the seven chapters of the draft trade deal, China had deleted its commitments to
change laws to resolve core complaints that caused the United States to launch a trade
war: theft of U.S. intellectual property and trade secrets; forced technology transfers;
competition policy; access to financial services; and currency manipulation.

Wait, how is the US launching a trade war if China has already been doing all of these things? 
Sounds like the US is finally responding to the ongoing trade war. 

17 5

gespiri 2 hours ago  

If you want to understand how and why Trump deals with the Chinese, try living in Asia for at least
6 months and fully experience its market places....

13 1

Zero Point 2 hours ago  

100% correct. The Chinese have a saying: "If you can cheat, CHEAT"

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17 5

Duc888 2 hours ago  

It's all they know as a culture, lie, steal and cheat.

17 4

Zero Point 2 hours ago  

Back in the day I was a bit of an online gamer. Chinese players just can't help but use
cheats. It's just how they roll. Playing a game, just for the sake of playing, never
crosses their minds. It's a massive cultural weakness. Look at any Chinese "viral video".
It'll be fake. It's genuinely sad.

17 4

Boonster 1 hour ago  

They learn it at school. Cheating is considered clever, not dishonest.

11 1

Pliskin 1 hour ago  

Nah… at school they learn math, science, geography, history and languages. 

I can tell you what they don't learn... diversity, basket weaving or LGBTQ studies. 

It's China, not America, son!


5 1

Al Gophilia 1 hour ago  

That's cheating; not fair.

achiral 1 hour ago  

As a former teacher in China's universities, I must call BS. Grades can always be
bought, and for a very low price. There are no incentives to actually study and no
accountability when students are caught. Lying and cheating are deeply-
held cultural values and why China can't be trusted at all. 

2 1

schroedingersrat 2 hours ago  

Yeah USA modus operandi is much better: "If you cant cheat, BOMB"

10 7

Zero Point 2 hours ago  

Ah... Yes of course. The slope head "yes, but" troll. How original. You guys need a new

5 7

Pliskin 2 hours ago  

Slope heads?   Do you mean people with Down Syndrome? 43/51
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'Down syndrome remains the most common  chromosomal condition diagnosed in

the United States. Each year, about 6,000 babies born in the United States have
Down syndrome. This means that Down syndrome  occurs in about 1 out of every
700 babies.'

U. S. A.   land of the 'slope heads'... 


 3 4

Zero Point 2 hours ago  

No, I mean fish face, spoon head, slant eyed, **** cunts like you.

4 3

Haboob 2 hours ago  

Its if you cant win, bomb. 

2 1

schroedingersrat 2 hours ago  

Well according to Pompeo if you don't bomb you "Lie, Cheat & Steal"

4 1

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

I know plenty of "cheats" in the US. Many of them in Congress and the White House. 

A perfect picture here of narcissistic arrogant US sheeple projecting. 

gespiri 2 hours ago  

In reality, China need the US more than the other way around. Therefore, I am pretty sure that this
is just a small bump on the road.

This is why more rich Chinese (and other nationalities) have been emigrating to the US for the past
20 years.

13 13

schroedingersrat 2 hours ago  

Chinese main trading partners in total trade 2015:

1. Asia 2,094.4 Billion

2. Europe 696.3 Billion

3. North America 613.1  Billion

Now dream on :) 44/51
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10 10

Mike in GA 1 hour ago  

Those numbers are pulled out of your ***, apparently. 

Below is a list highlighting 15 of China’s top trading partners in terms of export sales.
That is, these countries imported the most Chinese shipments by dollar value during
2018. Also shown is each import country’s percentage of total Chinese exports.

1. United States: US$479.7 billion (19.2% of total Chinese exports)

2. Hong Kong: $303 billion (12.1%)
3. Japan: $147.2 billion (5.9%)
4. South Korea: $109 billion (4.4%)
5. Vietnam: $84 billion (3.4%)
6. Germany: $77.9 billion (3.1%)
7. India: $76.9 billion (3.1%)
8. Netherlands: $73.1 billion (2.9%)
9. United Kingdom: $57 billion (2.3%)
10. Singapore: $49.8 billion (2%)
11. Taiwan: $48.7 billion (2%)
12. Russia: $48 billion (1.9%)
13. Australia: $47.5 billion (1.9%)
14. Malaysia: $45.8 billion (1.8%)
15. Mexico: $44.1 billion (1.8%)

Over two-thirds (67.8%) of Chinese exports in 2018 were delivered to the above 15 trade

1 4

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

Yet China is having ZERO issues in making up what has been lost with the US with this
trade war by importing from elsewhere while American farmers go bankrupt. 

Dream on if you don't think we can't be EASILY replaced. 

China has been doing the US a favor in buying from an economy that makes nothing

2 1

schroedingersrat 1 hour ago (Edited)  

My numbers are from wikipedia. Sure US is a big importer of chinese goods. But so is
the rest of the world :)

schroedingersrat 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Also if you look at your numbers the Asian countries alone add up to about +850

dunlin 2 hours ago  

Moahahaha. Consumer tax gonna skyrocket Friday.

7 4

Big Fat Bastard 2 hours ago   45/51
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Henderson, NV Housing Prices Crater 10% YOY As Las Vegas Housing Glut Expands

 

otschelnik 2 hours ago  

Chineses delegation wishes Biden rots a ruck in the 2020 erection. 

6 2

I hate cunton 2 hours ago  

Time to get this depression started.  Then countries can rebuild within their means

17 1

Mustahattu 1 hour ago  

Yep but it’s gonna be a bitch to live thru it.

DontWorry 2 hours ago  

If China cannot negotiate in good faith, then sanctions is all they will respond to.

16 4

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

It's the US that can't negotiate in good faith. It isn't possible as the US Admin is rife with
corruptuon and John Bolton who wants war with everyone and sabotages everything. 

4 1

Keter 2 hours ago (Edited)  

Tomahawks, B-2s and F-35s lead the way, then heavy lifters B-52s and B-1s next.  China just
doesn't believe that what happened to Iraq, Libya, and Syria could happen to it as well.  Au

5 22

Pliskin 2 hours ago  

Yeh, good luck with that!

A paper tiger like America fighting a country that has 'proper' weapons!

Not gonna happen!


14 8

Keter 2 hours ago  

I love pulling ZH commenters chains.  However, it is not out of the realm of possibility. 
John Nash and Sun Tzu strategies would both suggest to attack China before they get any
stronger and put them back at least 30-40 years. 

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Pliskin 2 hours ago  

So you're advocating a World War 3 scenario? 

Do you have kids, a wife, family? 

If you do, best you call them up now and tell them you don't love them!

12 5

Keter 2 hours ago  

I am not advocating anything other than observing what remote viewers and AI
have already predicted.

1 6

Winston Churchill 1 hour ago  

Sadly ,he's not wrong.Once those Russian energy pipelines are all completed,

its game over for the USN as a lever.

I've been expecting exactly that since they were announced.

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

Btw Russia is near to completion on a gas pipeline that will run from Russia to
China at the end of this year.

A war on China means war on Russia. 

But Bolton is just arrogant and incompetent enough to believe that the US could
win such a war. It cannot. 

divingengineer 6 minutes ago  

They can’t even keep camel riding cave dwellers in Balochostan from blowing up
their pipelines. 
 

Keter 2 hours ago  

Revised and edited by my Deep State Illuminati NWO Neocon President is better than your
Deep State Illuminati NWO Neocon President. 

2 2

Et Tu Brute 2 hours ago (Edited)  

Are you aware that any war between nuclear powers does not go for very long before nukes
are used, which means, like most wars, they either result in a stalemate with even more
devastating and permanent civilian destruction on both sides, best case, or M.A.D. worst
case. Anyone who understands game theory and has studied war games will tell you that. So 47/51
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no, there is no scenario where it could happen where your own home isn't being alsoturned
to dust, get that out of your head. If it could happen, it would have already happened, the US
doesn't do diplomacy unless it knows it cant win militarily. 

5 2

Boonster 1 hour ago  

Not necessary. Be patient. Cancer  will wipe them out because of all the toxins in their air,
food and water. If you live there it's easy to see the country is a toxic waste dump.
 

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

We have a toxic waste dump as well.

All the GMO's and a good dose of Roundup ought to do the trick. 

Mustahattu 1 hour ago  

In the end there could be ***** boots on the ground in the US.
 

Pliskin 2 hours ago  

So much for China caving to U. S.  demands... Ha... China told the American Globalist Regime to go
pound sand!


17 18

Duc888 2 hours ago  

"globalist regime"?  Hey *******, Trump backed out of NAFTA, Just told the UN to go **** off
last week regarding the International Small arms treaty, pulls out of useless nuke treaty with
Russia, Paris climate agreement, TPP, UNESCO, UNHRC, UNRWA.

You ******* moron, does that sound like a "globalist regime"?

21 14

Et Tu Brute 1 hour ago (Edited)  

You're right, telling the whole world to **** off and wanting to rule the planet as its sole
superpower doesn't sound 'globalist' at all, unless you actually understand the meaning of
globalist lol

12 11

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

Trumptard , your orange *** is a globalist .

Just ask all those Israeli loyal neocunts in his Administration.

Useless INF treaty? Such an ignorant Trumptard. 

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divingengineer 10 minutes ago  

You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

 
Pliskin 51 minutes ago  
That's a lot of anger you've got going on there, life not working out too well for you


CJgipper 2 hours ago  

uh, we haven't put any pressure on them yet.  it's time to though.  most people don't cave
BEFORE the presssure is applied.

9 5

Ecclesia Militans 2 hours ago (Edited)  

I think that the real problem for the US economy will come when small businesses can no
longer rely on their Chinese-based supply chains to finance their working capital
requirements.  It appears to me that extending payment terms to Chinese vendors has
been a big "secret" and while I can't cite actual figures I have had enough anecdotal
experience with this issue to believe it is wide-ranging.

I had a client two years ago (since gone into receivership) with an A/P Aging that
extended out past 24 months!  All were payables to Chinese companies and all of
them simply required a renewing an annual confirmation to keep write-offs from hitting
their books apparently. 

8 1

Duc888 2 hours ago (Edited)  

China had deleted its commitments to change laws to resolve core complaints that caused the
United States to launch a trade war: theft of U.S. intellectual property and trade secrets; forced
technology transfers; competition policy; access to financial services; and currency

So China reneged.

Also, US did not "launch a trade war"  US is finally  responding to China's trade war against US for
the last 30 years.

42 12

dunlin 2 hours ago  

I think you mean Wall St and corporate america’s offshoring of American jobs and the
resulting hollowing out of the productive economy for the last 30 years, no?

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JimmyJones 1 hour ago  

Both are true

12 1

Mimir 1 hour ago  

Yes but he is just parotting the Breitbart, FoxNews, Trump speaking points. 


dunlin 1 hour ago (Edited)  

 

2rigged2fail 1 hour ago (Edited)  

Bingo.  Ship all our jobs overseas so the oligarchy and Corps make more and more
leaving tens of millions jobless.  Billions of sq ft of factory space unused here. Any
wonder why the drug crisis is rampant in middle America.  Then to boot have the Chinese
make all our chips, cell phone and other tech and they are not going to steal it an
sabotage it by putting in code to spy on us?  Brilliant move by power money that runs the
country, but they made a fortune so they DGAF

Buwas 2 hours ago  

Finally we know who doesn't have good faith.

Godless commie cannot be trusted in any case because for them cheating, lying, treason is not a

26 8

null 2 hours ago  

As if any commies can be trusted.

8 3

JohninMK 1 hour ago  

Just like the US honours its International agreements?

13 4

orsotoro 1 hour ago  

The " godless Commies " he refers to are the US Government.

7 3

CatInTheHat 1 hour ago  

Unfortunately Trumptards love to throw around words like commie and socialist
without knowing one iota what the definition of those words mean.

We have no commies or socialists in the US government. 50/51
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We have neocunt globalists in power. 

8 3

44magnum 14 minutes ago  

AKA - Zionists


BaBaBouy 13 minutes ago (Edited)  

China, you can't sell your Low Cost Electronics to the Starving Consumers
anymore ...


divingengineer 12 minutes ago  

As a proud gen-x Trumptard who grew up during the Cold War, I think I know
quite well what it means. You were probably still shitting your pants when
Tiananmen Square happened, if you were even born yet.  

I know what it is, and it’s a reprehensible, soul draining abberation. 

dunlin 1 hour ago  

Good faith implies respect. Reasons for the latter?

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