Personal Narrative

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Mirari Lora

Ms. Woelke

Pre-AP English 9

23 August 2018

Personal Narrative

I remember watching the movie “The Croods” as a kid. It was a fictional story about a

prehistoric family that was alive during the time that Earth was a dangerous, exotic, and

changing place. The family soon meets a more developed “caveman” that tells them the world is

about to end. Most of the family is ready to leave their home to find a new one. The father, on

the other hand, is not ready to leave all he knows behind. At the end of the movie, you find

yourself thinking about the hidden message, “Be open to change”. A year later I was faced with a

series of changes that left me frustrated and upset.

Even though I was not a military kid, I moved around a lot. From state to state, city to

city, and most importantly (to me at the time) school to school. First I moved from the loud and

forever busy state of New York to a much calmer and sunnier state, California. At first I was so

excited to move to California! I was very into performing arts and at the time I only knew

California for Hollywood and Los Angeles.

Then the schools (and cities) started to change rapidly. The first school I went to in

California was Grapevine Elementary in Vista. That lasted for a week. Then I finished my 4th

grade at Breeze Hill Elementary. Next Guajome Park Primary where I went to 5th grade. And I

spent two years of middle school at Guajome Park Academy. For my last of middle school I

moved to a whole new city, Temecula. I went to 8th grade at Erle Gardner Middle School. This
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was the year I was to realize how amazing change is.

On the first day of school I was determined to make friends. Every time I moved I told

myself that. I tried to make friends eagerly but my nervousness really set me back. In my first

period class my teacher, Mr. Kavanagh made us talk to each other. I went around talking to

people with monotone voices until someone I met caught my eye. This person would soon be a

good friend and create happy memories with me. At Gardner I made the most genuine and

long-lasting friendships I have ever had in my life.

Unlike in 6th grade where I was opposed to change, this year starting high school, I will

embrace change with already blossoming friendships. I know that this new phase in my life that

is now high school will affect me in many positive and eye-opening ways and that is why I am

now thankful for change. And though I’m open to change, deep down I really hope I don't move


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