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Name: Nga Ngô

Class: IC 375
Topic: Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly a question of
luck. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Attaining great success has been constantly considered as a major topic of
debates among citizens in recent years. While a group of people are convinced of
the predominant role that luck plays, I personally advocate the notion that there are
other determinant factors involved in someone’s achievement.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that in some cases, people reach their goals
by luck. Typically, entrepreneurs who desire to success in their career have to
possess specific prosperity when they operate their business. The emphasis on
fortune when it crosses their path and meets the preparation is important to seize
the golden opportunity. Good fortune has also generated some cases of success in
entertainment industry, the field which may have witnessed many ordinary people
whose names unexpectedly become popular and emerge as a phenomenon. In fact,
they could be experts in some domains or even possess no typical talent and luck
serves the key factor in their success in capturing public attention
On the other hand, the role of diligence and determination should be
considered as the determining factor leading to one’s attainment. It could be
explained that luck might only show up temporarily and without needed skills,
preparation and persistence, people could fail in achieving their long term targets.
In fact, many extraordinary achievers assure that their goals are attained by their
continuous effort and passion to the fields they pursue. Jack Ma, one of the self-
made billionaires with humble beginnings, is the prime example. After being
rejected by almost 30 employers, he never stopped by treating those failures as
opportunities to propel himself to become an inspirational figure for people these
In conclusion, luck may lead to success in a few cases but lifelong
achievement will only come and be recognized if the best effort and perseverance
are dedicated to the work.
Topic: For some people, the ideal holiday is to get away from their normal
routine by staying in a hotel or camping in the countryside. Others prefer to stay at
home and do things they do not normally have time for. Discuss both views and
give your opinion
People hold different views regarding the concept of a perfect holiday in this
fast- paced world. While some people are subscribed to the point that relaxing at
home and cover their incomplete tasks, I would argue that a vacation in different
location to get away from daily activities is the optimal choice
On the one hand, the idea of staying at home instead of going out during
holiday could be rational to some extents. This could be due to the belief that
people may get more mental satisfaction and physical relief when relaxing at home
and having family members around. A holiday is an opportunity for them to spend
more time with each other to strengthen the bond in a cozy atmosphere which is
not normally possible during working days. Another reason for the aforementioned
notion is the tremendous amount of preparation that outing requires. A vacation in
a different location should be planned in advance and waste a certain deal of
money ranging from accommodation, transportation and food, which is not a great
appeal for low income people.
On the other hand, many people prefer going out on holiday to get away from
their busy working life. The first reason is that spending those day- off outside the
usual routine enables people to have new experiences and clear their mind for a
while. When individual go outside for camping in the countryside, they could
immerse themselves into a peaceful atmosphere and enjoy the tranquility with
amazing refreshing landscapes. They might then have opportunity to broaden their
horizons by exploring the distinctive culture and tradition in the local region. The
second reason is that people can come into context with those from various
backgrounds and have interesting conversations, which is absolutely a competitive
edge over the former ideal holiday. By exchanging life experience and story,
people get to know others and therefore, broaden their social network. For those
reasons, the idea of holiday outside people’s day- to- day routine can benefit
people in a much more positive way than spending holiday at home.
In conclusion, I believe that the perfect concept of holiday by going out, with
its tremendous advantages, would be much better compared to staying at home.
Topic: Some people think that planting trees in open spaces in cities and
towns is more important than building houses. To what extent do you agree or
People hold different views regarding the utilization of open spaces in urban
areas. While some people believe that planting trees in those spaces is more
effective than building houses, I partly agree with this notion.
On the one hand, it is necessary to spare city spaces for trees. Trees and green
areas serve as an aero filter, which could create a fresh and peaceful environment
to promote better living standard and better health for citizens. Planting more trees
is far more important than ever due to the appearance of industrial zones and the
high volume of transportation, which could exacerbate the air quality in big cities.
Air pollution then might pose a threat to human health and the life of animals.
Another reason to take into consideration is that trees offer people opportunities to
get closer to the nature without access to rural areas. Instead of flocking to the
countryside, people could immerse themselves in the diverse ecosystem right in
their neighborhood.
On the other hand, I am not convinced that the benefits of planting trees could
outweigh those of building houses. This is due to the booming population in big
cities, which results from the inflow of people seeking for job opportunities from
rural areas while urban space is limited. The priority therefore, should be providing
more housing for the migrants. Accommodation aside, building houses could
enable a city to develop its infrastructure. The rising number of apartments in the
city center, instead of rundown areas or slums, is an undeniable evidence of the
city’s growing economy.
In conclusion, planting trees is important as it adds more greenery to the city.
However, new buildings also serve a positive role in the development of the urban
areas. Therefore, I think it is essential to strike a balance between the green zone
and the residential area.
Topic: Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and
exchange information. Far from being beneficial, this is a danger to our society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that with the advancement in technology, people have a good chance
to gain valuable information and exchange various kinds of database. While some
people argue that this development could pose a threat to our society, I partly agree
with this notion.
On the one hand, there are powerful reasons associated with the belief that
modern technology has a negative impact on our community. The primary reason
is that it could be a perfect tool for criminal activities. For example, a hacker might
have access to personal accounts when they visit some insecure websites. The
hacker could sell those information to achieve a much less noble end, which is to
steal money. Another reason is that the easy access and exchange of database could
end up with sedentary lifestyle, when some people could become Internet- addicted
and less physically active. They might prefer to stay at home with their virtual
relationships, stick to the screen to update information and be totally indifferent
with the outside world.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that in terms of information access, modern
advance serves a positive role. Firstly, the unlimited access to various kinds of
database has brought countless benefits to those taking the majority of their time
collecting data for doing scientific research. Instead of going to the library or
conducting face- to- face interviews, they can access many websites through their
personal digital devices without difficulty. Another advantage to take into
consideration is that with the development of technology, sharing information has
never been so undemanding. With a click of a mouse, people could be ready to
have conversations with others, exchange ideas via video conference or some
social network flatforms. This is a competitive edge that helps to abridge the
distance of the world compared to the traditional one.
In conclusion, people should have proper control over their exploitation of
modern advance in terms of access and sharing information to make the full use of
Topic: Many young people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards
learning. Why does this happen? What are the solutions?
Education is a life- long process that changes people for the better. It is a fact
that an increasing number of youngster after leaving school are unenthusiastic
about the acquisition of knowledge. There are various reasons behind this trend
and several solutions should be adopted to tackle this problem.
There are some reasons to explain this behavior. Firstly, youngsters may keep
negative perspective about school due to their weak learning ability. This may
result in a half- hearted attitude towards school and consequently, they are no
longer interested in what is taught in classes. Secondly, poverty is one of the most
common causes that prevent young people from getting their education. Children
from poor background have to quit learning because of the financial burden. They
may acknowledge that studying is a long journey that requires a lot of money, time
and effort, while working immediately brings them money. From that point of
view they may consider studying as expensive and wasteful rather than an effective
method to assist them overcome poverty.
Some measurements should be taken to solve this issue. The optimal one is to
raise peoples’ awareness about studying. To be more specific, understanding about
the significance of education should be spread widely so that citizens have right
attitude and motivation to pursue their learning. Parents also contribute a vital part
in shaping children’s thinking. A well-educated parent would be a role model for
his later generations. Governments as well as society could implement strategic
plans to confront this problem. Grants and scholarships should be given to poor
students who are unable to afford their tuition fees as a way to encourage them to
maintain their continuous effort in learning.
In short, to eliminate negative viewpoint of young people about learning
process, governments, schools and families should join hand in facilitating their
Topic: Some people believe that the most effective way to judge someone’s
success in business is by the amount of profit they create.
Is money an accurate reflection of the success of a business, and how else could
the success of a business be judged?
Success in business is the ambition for many people. There are various
indicators to measure one’s achievement. While some people are subscribed to the
idea that money is the determining factor, I would argue that it is not the only
indicator of success.
On the one hand, it is true that making money is one of the most primary and
fundamental motives for any entrepreneur to operate their business. From the
business viewpoint, profit is crucial as it facilitates and adheres to the company’s
growth and expansion. This can be evidenced by the global influence of Apple in
technology, the annual revenue and profit from its effective operation contribute a
lots to its reputation in this domain. From this regard, money is absolutely one
measurement of success.
On the other hand, there are other important indicators of a successful
business. The first thing to take into consideration is job satisfaction. This is the
key factor determining whether an employee is motivated to be a part of the
organization or not. To get worse, employee unhappiness will eventually lead to
the failure of a company. Moreover, earning brand name is more important than
making money. A company with bad reputation can be left behind their
competitors or even go bankruptcy. This is obviously true with the case of
Facebook. No matter how much money the business can generate, this social
network flatform is suffering from an increasing objection from Internet users due
to its extreme scandal.
In conclusion, in the long run, money could not be considered as the only
reflection of success in business. Other aforementioned factors should be
prioritized regarding the judgment of one’s achievement.

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