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1. What are your normal conversations based around when your elders gather for
prayer and strategic planning?

2. On a scale of 1-10, how unified are your elders/leaders around the mission? What
would it take to move up on that scale?

3. What systems have you implemented in the last 60 days that have directly
impacted your missional communities?

4. What systems need to be eliminated that may be obstacles in your church to


5. How often are you sharing stories of mission in your body? What does that look
like? How could you be more effective in sharing stories?

6. Do you think your missional community members could articulate your vision for
missional communities in 60 seconds or less? Why or why not?

7. What has been the most effective system you have implemented in developing
new leaders?

8. If you could add one staff member to your team, what would it be and why?

9. Would you say your missional community leaders feel adequately equipped?
Why or why not?

10. What are some evidences you look for that indicate your MC members are
growing in gospel fluency?

1. Ask each elder, staff leader, and MC leader to write a one page document
outlining the church’s vision for Missional Communities without looking at
website or using any church material. Collect & Evaluate understanding and
ability to articulate mission. 

2. Ask each Missional Community to share one story of missional success over
the last 3-6 months. Collect & Plan how to share stories. 

3. Write out a role description for each potential role a group member could
play. Ask each leader to go over that description document with their group.
Evaluate how each role could lead to more effective mission. Ask members to
take some time prayerfully considering what role they feel called to serve in. 

4. Create a time in your service to commission new Missional Communities out.

This will create a culture of sending and multiplication. 

5. Identify 3 key leaders in your groups ministry. Invite them to be a part of a DNA
group with you for 2-4 months. Teach, Model, & Cast vision for what Missional
Communities could look like in your church. 

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