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Momentum Health Ingwe Active Members

Radiology request form for chest x-ray for visa purposes 2019

Important notes:
• This form is only applicable for members on the Ingwe Active option who require a chest X-ray for South African visa approval purposes.
• A referral from a GP is not required.
• This form must be accompanied by the Department of Home Affairs form.
• In the event of any abnormalities detected on the X-ray, please refer the member to their Ingwe Active Primary Care Network GP.

Section 1: Patient’s details

Membership number 9 1 2 4 6 4 7 5 0 Option name I N G W E A C T I V E
Principal member’s full name A b d u l R a h m a n M o s a m e e m
Patient’s full name A b d u l R a h m a n M o s a m e e m
Dependant code Gender Male Female Date of birth 1
D 5
D - 0
M 8
M - 1
Y 9
Y 8
Y 7

Home telephone number 0 6 3 0 7 8 2 5 7 3 Cellphone number 0 6 3 0 7 8 2 5 7 3

Postal address J P D u m i n y C o u r t F l a t n o : 1 3
R o s e b a n k , C a p e t o w n Postal code 7 7 0 0

Section 2: Referring practice number

Please use practice number 9324823 for submission of the claim.

Section 3: Test details

Tariff code: 30100
Description: X-ray of chest, single view

Section 4: Tariff value for chest x-ray

Tariff value: R434.40

Momentum Health 201 uMhlanga Ridge Boulevard Cornubia 4339 PO Box 2338 Durban 4000 South Africa
Client Service and Authorisation 0860 102 493
Registered in terms of the Medical Scheme Act No 131 of 1998


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