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Blueberry Muffins 

Makes 1 dozen ​(12) 

1 ½ C. flour 
1 ½ tsp. baking powder 
¼ tsp. salt 
5 T. butter 
● If butter is still hard put into microwave for no longer than 15 
½ C. sugar 
1 egg 
½ C. milk 
1 C. blueberries 
1 tsp. lemon juice 
● Measure the lemon juice last. 
● Pour over the blueberries. 
3 T. sugar 
2 tsp. cinnamon 
You will be using the MIXER. Every time you add a new ingredient you 
must turn the mixer off! 
1. Preheat oven to ​400​ degrees. 

2. Grease muffin pan with cooking spray or line pan with muffin cups. 

3. Sift together with ​strainer or sifter​ dry ingredients (flour, powder, 

salt) into a medium size metal bowl. 

4. In mixer, ​(on low speed),​ beat butter until creamy. 

5. Gradually add the sugar and beat until fluffy.  

6. Beat in egg. ​(Make sure to crack into a small bowl to make sure it is 

7. Stir in dry ingredients alternately with milk, ending with flour. DO 


8. Fold​ in blueberries using a ​rubber scraper. 

9. Use spoon to put batter into muffin cups ​(1/2 full)​. 

10. Sprinkle with topping. 

11. Bake for ​20-25 minutes​. ​(toothpick inserted comes out clean) 

12. Use a knife to loosen edges. Then place a ​clean​ towel on top of the 

pan and flip the pan upside down to get muffins out. Place on the 

cooling rack​. 

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