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Creating games with Unity

In our times, everyone is focused on creating computer related content. Whether we talk
about graphic design, music making or programming, most of the people are interesting into
trying something.
I tried game development, and any progress that I made during this project will surely
help me in the future to create something better. I thought that there are many people who
would like to give game development a try, so I created this presentation to show my experience
with creating my first game hoping it can influence someone.
There a lot of people who would like to give this a try but do not have a starting point or
enough knowledge in this field. I would like for this paper to be proof that you can create
something playable from 0 only with the desire to learn and not much effort.
I am sure that there are a lot of other tutorials that show how to do so, but usually they
are made by professional programmers who make everything look so simple. I did not have
experience at the time with Unity or Object Oriented Programming.

1.Game Engine
A game engine is a system used to create video games for various platforms such as
mobile devices, consoles or personal computers. Usually, a game engine contains a graphic
rendering engine, physics system for collisions, scripting, animation, sound, artificial
intelligence, networking and memory management.

2. Unity as a game engine

Unity is one of the most used game engines (used by 45% of third party developers
according to Unity website’s PR page). Their engine is free and easy to install and you can
choose specific build platforms (included, but not limited to Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS,
PlayStation, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS, Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, SteamVR, PlayStation VR,
Gear VR, Android TV, Samsung Smart TV, tvOS).
What makes this engine so easy to use and master is the support that the user is offered.
There is a complete and easy to read documentation, live streaming tutorials in which you can
interact with the tutor and, not to forget, thousands of tutorials offered by the community.
There is also the Unity Certification, which basically means that if you are able to create
content with Unity, you could get a certification that would make your CV stand out in the eyes
of an employer.
Not to forget the Asset Store, where the users can browse for sounds, scripts, 3d models
that they can use or develop to be used in their own game. Sometimes, the pretty ones are not for
free but you can get free demos for most of them or you can try to develop something alike.
3. The costs
Unity comes in all shapes and sizes, depending on your needs. The Personal version is
free to use, but only if the game’s revenue is below $100.000. In that case, you must upgrade to
the Plus package costing $35/month.

Personal Plus Pro

Basic features Yes Yes Yes

Splash Screen “Made With Unity” Custom Custom

“trial version”

Performance No No Yes

Cost per month free $35 $125

I have personally used this engine just out of pure curiosity and I was pleasantly
surprised with how much ease I was successful in creating something truly playable. The game
is called BOXY and for now, is in a very early version with only 3 levels and nothing that would
make it really challenging.
This was created just as a pure experiment to see what the fuss about making a game
was. I was surprised that this could be done in a few days with a couple of hours of actual work.
I found the interface to be very intuitive and easy to use. I admit that I got stuck a couple of
times but there was nothing that a YouTube tutorial would not solve. I am sure that this game
would not win any prizes but it is not even meant to.

The game idea is really simple. The player is in control of a blue cube that must touch
the green cube which represents the goal. The enemy is the red cube which must be avoided
otherwise the player position would restart.

The mechanics are as simple as the scripting behind it. The language that I have used is
JavaScript because I did not have any experience with it and I was willing to learn something
new. I could have also went with C# or Boo.

Most of the models can be found for free in the Asset Store. Also the ground is just a
seamless photo of grass that is multiplied across the ground and stretched. I did not have to
leave Unity at all when creating the game resources.

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