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Kian Anwar, Will Lobb, Greg Mitchell

Ms. Woelke


23 January 2019

Zombie Synthesis

Crisis strikes whether one is ready or not and it is what one does after the dust settles that

defines their survival. Take our following precautions into concern when entering this era of

terror and be aware of your surroundings at all times. This safety guide provides specific

instructions that are essential in order to be safe. With the world being destroyed and being

created anew, it is ever important to stay safe by being informed on how to defend yourself

against the infected, how to interact with humans, and how to survive in this new world as it



With the coming event of the zombie apocalypse it is ever important to learn basic

survival skills. For example, one should prepare for the incoming hordes by “planning for

disruptions in… medical care,” and to prepare provisions in ones home (Source E). In the

incoming infection one should prepare emergency kits in their houses in order to medicate cuts

and other injuries in order to stay alive. Even more importantly to survive one needs food and in

the case that one may not leave their home it is ever important to stock up on canned foods or

other non-perishable foods as well as water in order to satisfy one's hunger/thirst to stay alive.

Furthermore, in the zombie apocalypse it is important to relocate to non-zombie friendly places

where it is, “too cold.” (Source D) One should relocate to nearby areas in high altitude such as
Bishop or Big Bear as it is too cold for zombies to survive and/or travel to. Places like these also

have lots of places to find natural sources of water and food. This is crucial because with the

absence of zombies one is able to live without the constant fear of attack and overall as the

problem is avoided as a whole. In order to survive one should be prepared with provisions and

relocate to higher elevations free of zombies so that one can survive the devastation of humanity

and start the new world.


An important aspect of safety is occupying the ability to identify and communicate with

unaffected people and understanding whether or not to be dependant upon other survivors.

Survival depends on staying within your environment and sheltering in place. It is urgent that

“people are warned to remain indoors and to make a shelter out of the place where they are

located” to lower risks of epidemic encounters (Source E). Outside interactions will endanger

yourself and everyone currently sheltering with you because the “disease spreads rapidly”

(Source A). If one group member comes in contact the virus, their separation from the rest of the

team is imperative in ensure the greatest survival rate. It is important to communicate with your

group to establish leadership roles and to remember that this is not a time to live for every man

for himself. In the movie, ​Night of the Living Dead​, a man named Cooper “embodied the

individualist position of ‘every man for himself’” leading to the death of multiple group

members (Source B). They had originally created a communicative “governing apparatus,” but

because this apparatus was broken, some members suffered due to the selfishness of others.
(Source B). If team members are not willing to sacrifice for each other, they are only putting

other lives at risk and should not participate in the group effort. This means finding a suitable

individualist solution that will not endanger the rest of the population. The significance of

remaining in enclosed areas during this epidemic will ultimately decide your fate. It is important

to stay away from outside interactions to prevent encounters with the disease and to keep

communication alive.


During the apocalypse there will be nobody that you can rely on, you must be able to

survive without relying on the government or any other individuals or organizations. One of the

most important precautions to stay alive and to prevent becoming infected is by first sheltering in

place and make a plan(source D) and then preparing to defend oneself. The infected, Zombies,

are brain dead, preventing them from making complex decisions, and are slow moving (source

C). With their slow movement and clumsiness, they are easy to defend yourself against. The

weapon of choice in this scenario would be a pump shotgun with a magazine under the barrel.

This is the weapon of choice because the reliability of a pump shotgun is the most promising of

most other firearms, they can easily be loaded on the move, and can shoot a variety of

ammunition. With a shotgun, you can use buckshot for close rang and slugs for long distance

targets, zombies. Being adequately armed, you can now set up your defences surrounding your

shelter of choice. Because of how slow and unintelligent zombies are, a simple wall around the

perimeter of your shelter will go a long way. You may also want to implement a tripwire system

at an extended perimeter that notifies you when zombies or survivors are within the chosen

distance. You will also want a lookout location higher that your wall for when you want to see
what's on the other side of the wall without risking infection or to simply keep watch. Defending

yourself during the zombie apocalypse is, without a doubt, the most important part to survival.

Comprehending this guide allows you to defend yourself from the infected, engage in

human interaction, and find the best place to shelter, therefore increasing your chances of

survival. The nearing zombie apocalypse has only begun and it is time to take action. Stay calm

and collected; follow these instructions in order to survive. The extinction of the human race

depends on our actions.

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