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Role of Bakery to the Society.

Chapter 1
Background of the Study
What does the term “Role” mean it is a
comprehensive pattern of behaviour
that is socially recognized, providing
a means of identifying and placing an
individual in a society.
It is a set of connected behaviors,
rights, obligations, beliefs, and
norms as conceptualized by people in a
social situation.
It is a part performed especially in
a particular operation or process
played a major role in the
Good bread is only half our story. As
a social business we aim to provide
real employment oppurtunities for
vulnerable local women so that we can
break the cycle of poverty,
unemployment and offending.
Bread for Good community Benefit
Society wants to make things better-
from the ground up.
Families, communities, and
neighborhoods benefit when people can
contribute to Society through work.
People who can’t get work are more
likely depend on social welfare and
unemployment benefits.
These people have lower self- worth
and are more prone to depression and
other health problems.
This affects the stability of
families and communities and
contributres to multi- generational
cycles of poverty and despair.
Statement of the problem
The study is focus on: Role of Bakery
to the Society. Specifically aims to
answer the following questions:

1. What is the contribution of

bakeries to the society?

2. Who benefited to the bakeries?


3. What does the bakery do to

maintain it’s effectiveness?
Significance of the study
The result of the study will be the
great benefit to the following:

To the brgy. Officials to give

honor to the community
To Sangandaan residents to become
famous because of their most search
To the Costumers to impress them of
the taste of their product
To the Researchers serves as a
foundation of knowledge, as to
learn and understand the importance
of their possession
Scope and limitation

The research want to study the old

bakery in sangandaan the eastward
bakery that they called “the bakery
that can’t moved.
To know the limitation of the
bakery and the operating in more
than 50 years.

Chapter 2
“Local and foreign literature”


Bakery is the one of the fast moving

consumer products which plays a major
role in Socio- economic and made new
technological imporvements in the
recent timewhich moves on ahead
building nations growth and brand image
with the competitor products all over
the country.The promotes initiatives
which support and encourage staff to
achieve a reasonable wordeavourk/life
balance. As a company we strive to
recruit and retain the best people,
remain family owned and keep our family
values, motivate, empower and inspire
our people and to reward honest.


We all are becoming so modernize and

scientific, in terms of cooking that
new methods are created to cook food
which not only enhances its flavor but
also minimizes cooking time. Baking is
one of them. Baking refers to cooking
food in sealed enclosure. In past, food
was baked closed under wooden or stone
stove or underground but these days
special purpose stoves are available
for baking food and those are called
ovens. Oven is advanced version of a
simple stove. It has the ability to
cook food by baking, grilling etc.

Baked food items become more

healthy and tasty when baking is done
underground. For example baking a
mutton leg or chicken. In this process
a hole is made around the item which is
to be baked and then red hot pieces of
coal are placed in it and then the meal
is covered for particular time. In this
way all the aroma and flavor remains
well absorbed and preserved. Keep in
mind that any food will remain tasty
unless its flavor is not removed.

Now by learning these benefits of baked

food, I usually prefer to use it rather
than cooking by deep frying and making
oily food on stove.


It is best to be an experienced
baker with working business knowledge
spanning management, accounting and
human resources. Ensure that you have
consciously created your brand and that
it is being reflected in every facet of
your business. Expand your business
model as necessary for success.
Whatever baking niche you choose, keep
your eye on providing quality goods
with exceptional customer service.
Competition includes other bakeries,
grocery stores, big-box retailers and
some specialty shops. According to, strive for a location
with a customer base of 1,000 to 2,000
families. If this is impossible,
consider ways to attract desired
customers, or to expand your territory.
This may include a corporate delivery
service, or catering breakfasts to area
schools. Your decor should be
attractive and relaxing. It should also
clearly reflect your brand.

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