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Romeo’s most prominent character trait that is exhibited throughout Act 1 is that he is

always sad and depressed because no matter the situation he is always upset. In Romeo and

Juliet, Benvolio says, “So early did I see your son. Towards him I made, but he was ware of me

and stole into the convert of the wood” (Shakespeare 1.1.120-122). In response to this Montague

said, “Many morning hath be there seen, with tears augmenting the fresh morning dew”

(Shakespeare 1.1.128-129). For this the reader known that Romeo has gone into the woods

crying. The reader can also infer he does this often based on this conversation. Typically, even

when someone is just sad they do not constantly cry and they are not so emotional. Romeo is

obviously suffering from extreme sadness and even depression. The reader can see that this is

clearly exhibited in the quotations above. Not only does Romeo cry a lot but he is also a downer

in positive or joyful situations. In the play Romeo’s friend Mercutio says, “You are a lover.

Borrow Cupid’s wings. And soar with them above a common bound” (Shakespeare 1.4.17-18).

In response Romeo says, “I am too sore empierced with his shaft To soar with his light feather;

and so bound” (Shakespeare 1.4.19-20). Here Mercutio is just joking with Romeo and trying to

have fun, but Romeo immediately puts him down. Romeo puts himself down as well here

because he is telling himself that he can not do what Mercutio told him he could do. Romeo is so

sad and depressed that he can not even laugh and take a joke from one of his good friends.

Throughout Act 1 Romeo is crying a lot and he is a downer in situations that could be fun. Both

actions show that Romeo is sad and depressed. Knowing this character trait about Romeo can

really help the reader to characterize him further. It can also help the reader understand Romeo’s

actions throughout the rest of the play.

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