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help help help
He helped to clean. He helps us to clean. He helped (me) clean the house.
ask ask had better
He asked to leave. She asked me (not) to leave. You’d better start studying.
choose choose hear
I chose to say nothing. They choose me to give the news. I didn’t hear him fall/falling.
expect expect let
I expect to pass the exam. He expected her to pass the exam. They let me go out.
intend intend make
I intended to cook an Indian dish. She intended me to bake 100 cakes. She made me call them.
need need might as well
I need to go to that concert. I need you to come to the concert. We might as well begin.
offer offer needn’t
He offered to go. He offered me to go. You needn’t get up early.
promise promise see
He promised to do the shopping. He promised me to do the shopping. I didn’t see him fall/ falling.
want want would rather
I want to leave. I want him to come with me. I’d rather swim than run.
afford advise would sooner
I can’t afford to buy a car now. He advised me to read it. I’d sooner jump off a cliff than…
agree allow
She agreed to read the report. She allowed me to read the report.
appear enable
They appeared to be arguing. The support enabled him to succeed.
be supposed encourage
He is supposed to call today. He encouraged me to write.
decide forbid
They decided not to go to the party. He forbade me to go there.
demand force
They demanded to see the evidence. They forced me to break the window.
fail invite
We failed to open the safe box. We invited him to come.
forget order
I forgot to ask him. She ordered me to mop the floor.
hope permit
She hopes to find the book soon. We permitted him to go out.
learn persuade
I learnt to play the guitar in 2 years. He persuaded me to leave
manage remind
He managed to finish in time. He reminded me to go to the store.
plan teach
We plan to meet him tomorrow. He taught me to ride a bike.
refuse tell
He refused to see them. She told him to jump off the cliff.
remember warn
She remembered to leave a note. She warned me not to open the door.
I regret to inform you that...
She seemed to be studying.
She stopped to drink water.
They threatened to leave.
try (intentar)
She tried to memorize the lesson.
would like/ love/ hate/ prefer
I’d like/ love/ hate/ prefer to leave.
love love
I love to run. I love running.
like like
I like to go to the dentist. I like going to the cinema.
hate hate
I hate to say this, but I don’t like your painting. I hate going to museums.
prefer prefer
I prefer to swim. I prefer swimming to running.
start start
He started to run. He started running.
begin begin
He began to run. He began running.
continue continue
She continued to study. She continued studying.
bother bother
He didn’t bother to answer the question. He didn’t bother answering the question.
forget 1 forget 2
He forgot to go to the supermarket. He forgot going to the supermarket.
remember 1 remember 2
He remembered to buy a present. He remembered buying a present.
regret 1 regret 2
I regret to inform you that your flight was cancelled. I regret not going to the party.
try (intentar) try (probar)
He tried to open the door. He tried going for a walking.
mean mean
I meant to call you but something horrible happened. Going to the Olympic Games means training very hard.
stop stop
He stopped to drink water. He stopped drinking water.
He admitted breaking the window.
I appreciated having a flexible schedule.
He avoided having that difficult conversation.
We celebrated publishing the book.
She considered accepting the job.
She delayed making the decision.
She denied liking Peter.
Peter disliked reading books.
Mary enjoyed watching movies.
Do you fancy playing football?
feel like
I don’t feel like going out tonight.
They finished working for today.
give up
He gave up smoking.
go on
They went on running and playing.
I imagine working for a big successful company.
Being a teacher involves preparing and teaching classes.
She kept staring at me for a long time.
look forward to
We look forward to seeing you.
We don’t mind sitting here.
I miss talking to my sister.
We postponed dealing with the situation.
She practised writing and reading in German.
We recommended reading this book.
They would risk losing their jobs if they did that.
suggest/ suggest
They suggested writing a complaint letter.
it’s no good
It’s no good living like that.
it’s not worth
It’s not worth sacrificing your holidays.
it’s no use/ there is no use
It’s no use arguing about that again.
it’s a waste of time
It’s a waste of time having the same conversation.
can’t stand
I can’t stand listening to you now.
can’t bear
She can’t bear watching horror films.
can’t help
I can’t help crying with romantic films.

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