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Following Jesus



During this six-week online course you will be equipped with the foundations of Christian
discipleship. You will gain a deeper understanding of the Christian life and a clear way forward to grow
in your relationship with Jesus.


As a result of this class, you should:

1. Grow in your understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
2. Gain an appreciation for the complexities involved in discipleship and how people are formed over
3. Deepen your love for God and dependence on the Holy Spirit, who is transforming you into the
image of Jesus.


(Suggested, but not required)

Ortberg, John. The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 2002.


It is fair to expect 2–3 hours of work for each week of the class. This time will vary if you choose to read the
suggested book The Life You’ve Always Wanted and complete other optional resources in addition to the
required coursework. This time will include the following activities:

A. Reading Assignments
Each week you should read the required reading. You are NOT required to read the optional
reading, but it is highly encouraged and will maximize your learning during each class session.
If you choose to read The Life You’ve Always Wanted, it is suggested that you read the selected
chapters prior to listening to the audio for each week. An additional recommended reading list
is found at the end of this syllabus.

B. Audio and PowerPoints

Each week you should listen to two parts of the audio recorded from the previous live
Following Jesus class. It is suggested that you print out the PowerPoint slides in order to take
notes as you listen along.

C. Discussion Questions
You should answer each discussion question and respond to at least one other student’s
answer by the following week of class.

D. Quizzes and Final Exam

The quizzes are for your benefit only, and the questions are taken from the PowerPoint slides
in addition to the required class readings. The final exam is comprehensive and is an
opportunity to see how much you learned during this class!

You are expected to complete the work for each week by the beginning of the next week’s class. Each week’s
class will open at 12:00 am on Thursday, and run until 11:59 pm the following Wednesday.



1. Introduction Read: Syllabus
Week 1
Week 1: Narrative Optional Reading: The Life You've Always Wanted, Chs. 1–3
and Discipleship Read: “Jesus and Disciples Today”
Listen: Narrative, and Biblical Theology of Discipleship
Watch: “Image of God”
Due: Quiz #1
Optional Podcast: “What Is Discipleship & Who Is a Disciple?”

2. Week 2: An Iceberg Optional Reading: The Life You've Always Wanted, Chs. 4–5
Week 2 and Spiritual Read: “Resisting the Temptation of Moral Formation”
Formation Listen: Christian Discipleship Defined, An Iceberg, and
Spiritual Formation
Due: Discussion Question #1

3. Week 3: Abiding Optional Reading: The Life You've Always Wanted, Chs. 6-7
Week 3 and the Role of the Read: “Abide in Christ” Chs. 1-3
Spirit Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Due: Quiz #2

4. Week 4: It’s a Optional Reading: The Life You've Always Wanted, Chs. 8-9
Week 4 Journey Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Due: Discussion Question #2

5. Week 5: Walking in Optional Reading: The Life You've Always Wanted, Chs. 10-11
Week 5 “The Way” Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Due: Quiz #3

6. Week 6: A Means of Optional Reading: The Life You've Always Wanted, Chs. 12-13
Week 6 Grace Read: “Rule of Faith,” and “A Means of Grace”
Listen: Spiritual Disciplines, and A Means of Grace
Due: Discussion Question #3
ALL WORK Conclusion Due: Final Exam, Final Discussion Question


Eric Geiger, Michael Kelley, & Philip Nation, Transformational Discipleship: How People
Really Grow

Keith Anderson and Randy Reese, Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving

Robert Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism


Michael Wilkins, In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life

Peter Scazzero, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It's Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature,

While Remaining Emotionally Immature

Dallas Willard, The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus’s Essential Teachings on Discipleship


Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ

Henry Cloud and John Townsend, How People Grow: What the Bible Reveals about Personal

Michael Wilkins, Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship

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