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Waiter: Good evening. Would you like to see the menu?

Francisco: Yes, please.

Waiter: Here you are. Would you like something to drink?

Barbara: I’d like the pisco sour. And you, Francisco?
Francisco: I’ll have the same. And could we have some chips with that?

Waiter: Certainly. Are you ready to order?

Barbara: Yes, I’ll start with the onion soup.
Francisco: I’ll have clams with mayonnaise.

Waiter: Certainly. And for the main course?

Barbara: I’ll have the fettuccini with Alfredo sauce.
Francisco: I’ll have a steak with French fries.

Waiter: How would you like your steak, sir?

Francisco: Rare, please. (rare, medium, well done)

Waiter: Very well, sir. Would you like a salad?

Barbara: Caesar salad for me. Please.

Waiter: Would you like something to drink?

Francisco: A bottle of red wine, please.

Barbara: Mmmm! My fettuccini is delicious! How about your steak?

Francisco: Not too bad.

Waiter: What would you like for dessert?

Barbara: Ummm, I’ll have the tiramisu.
Francisco: I’ll have ice-cream.

Barbara: Hm the food was delicious.

Francisco: Everything was perfect: the food, the wine and the company.
Barbara: I agree. We had better get going.
Francisco: Waiter, can I have the check, please?

Waiter: Right away, Sir.

Francisco: I’ll tip the waiter. We’ve had such a great time.
Thank you.

Give a tip: dar propina. (tip somebody)


Francisco: Say Barbara. Would you like to go out to dinner tonight?

Barabara: I`m sorry, I already have plans. But I’m free tomorrow.

Francisco: Perfect! I know this new Chinese restaurant. Would you like to go there?

Barabara: Hmmm, I’m not very fond of Chinese food.

Francisco: Well, what about Italian food?

Barabara: Sure! I love it! My favorite Italian restaurant is Antonino.

Francisco: Good! It’s settled then. I’ve always wanted to go there.

Barabara: Ok. But this time it’s on me.


Liz: Are you doing anything Friday night?

Liz: I’m having a barbecue at my place. Would you like to come over?
Liz: I like pisco sour. What is your favorite cocktail?
Liz: How do you like your meat?
Liz: What kind of salad do you like?
Liz: What kind of wine do you prefer?
Liz: I love Tiramisu. What is your favorite dessert?
Liz: It’s a deal, then. I’ll be waiting for you at 7 pm on Friday night.

Waiter: Hi, my name is Mike, I’ll be serving you today. Would you like something to drink? We have
margaritas, beer and wine.
Waiter: Okay. Would you like to see the menu?
Waiter: Here you are. Our special is the House Combo. It is a mix of meat and chicken with spicy
guacamole and crispy tortillas. Would you like to try that?
Waiter: Would you like to try that?
Waiter: And what would you like to drink with that?
Waiter: That’s fine. Enjoy your meal.
Waiter: You’re welcome.
Waiter: How did you like the House Combo?
Waiter: Would you like a dessert?
Waiter: Would you like anything else?


Melissa: Would you like to go out this weekend?

Melissa: What night would work best for you?
Melissa: Let’s decide what to do. There are some good movies in town. What kind of movies do you
Melissa: I like those, too. Do you have a favorite actor?
Melissa: Another possibility would be go out dancing. Do you like to dance?
Melissa: I can also see if there are any concerts scheduled. What kind of music do you like?
Melissa: Or you could just come over and we could watch some TV. What’s your favorite show?
Melissa: Ok, then. I’ll be waiting for you at my house and
we’ll se what we can do. I’ll see you later.

Mike: I feel like eating out this evening.

Liz: Great! But you know I’m vegetarian. I only eat vegetables.

Mike: What would you like for the main course?

Liz: We could order some smoked salmon.

Mike: For the appetizer I’d like some stuffed olives.

Waiter: Can I recommend the crab cakes served with lemon herb mayonnaise and lettuce?

Mike: The grilled mussels tossed with fresh garlic are a treat.
Liz: I’ll have that, no doubt about it.

Mike: How would you like your coffee?

Liz: Black with cream on the top.

Activity 1

Laura has just received the e-mail invitation to Susie and Rachel’s party. Look at Laura’s calendar.
Now pretend you are Laura and write and response to Susie to accept or turn down her invitation. If
you turn down the invitation, include the reason that Laura cannot go and also look at her calendar and
suggest another time that she might get together with Susie and Rachel.

Don’t forget to think about the words and phrases you learned thorough this lesson for responding for
invitations, as well as the words and phrases you learned thorough this lesson for responding to
invitations, as well as the words and phrases you have learned for writing e-mails. Don’t forget to send
your e-mail to the portafolio.

Activity 2

Using Susie and Rachel’s invitation as a model, write your own invitation for a party. Answer the
question in the space provided. After that, add as many ideas as you want. Write it in the form of an e-
mail, like the one shown.

type of food
what to wear

-1 a polite rejection or acceptance

-The reason you cannot come or something you are looking forward
-another suggestion for plans if you cannot go
-A closing greeting
-anything else you can think of



Have a look at part A or B of the entertainment page of the newspaper and invite a partner in the chat to
do something together at the weekend. Once you have agreed on a date, a time a place and one or more


Go to discussion forum and read the message posted by Mary Jones, recommending a place to eat out
in Concepcion,. Reply and give tips about the restaurants you would recommend and the ones you
dislike giving your reasons.

I recommend…..

Dear students,

My family and I like eating out on weekends. We usually go out for Chinese food at the Chung Hwa
restaurant on Barros Arana or Feng in the Ecuador Park.

I would recommend Feng because it has a menu for 4 people at a very convenient price and it is also
possible to buy food to go. I consider Chinese food, healthy because it is based on vegetables and so it
is cholesterol free. For the meat lovers, there is also a big variety of dishes to choose from including
pork , duck and of course, beef.

There are several other ethnic restaurants in town: a Japanese restaurant called Sublime, on Freire
Street, an Italian restaurant on Avenida Alemania called Belli but, in my opinion, they are too

Which restaurants would you recommend in Concepción?

Which are the ones you dislike? Why?
Mary Jones.

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