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Alisha Kozin

Mrs Perry
Period 2 ACE

All kids in high school get to the point where they decide about college. They decide what
colleges they want to look at, tour or attend. Watching my older sisters go to college and succeed really made
me want to go too. I was not always the best student in class. I struggle a lot in school with focusing and
understanding which makes me work slower than other kids.
I do struggle with ADHD, this causes me to get off topic easily, read, and process things slower than
others. I do all my homework and do well in the classes I take. I study harder harder than most because it takes
me a long time to study to memorize long things on the study guide. I am not a great test taker which makes my
grades not as good as they should be. This makes my dad and I upset when I do bad on a test.
When my dad gets upset with me he gives me a long angry speech on how I need to do better and how I
will not get into colleges with my grades. He grounded me and takes away things from me. When he says how I
won’t get into college, it hurts a lot because it’s the next step into the future. It makes me think bad about myself
and think about “what if I do not get into college”. I do want to get into college and it makes me want to do
better in school to prove him wrong and that I am better than what my test grades show.
This year made me want to try harder so I prove better to my dad that I am worthy to go to college. First
semester of the junior year, I ended with decent good grades. I did take two hard classes which made my grades
not look as well as they should. This semester is different. I have two more classes which are hard for me but I
will get past them with good grades. I started studying way more than I usually do so I make sure that I do good
on test. Hopefully my dad will notice how my test grades and my grades in general are improving so I can make
him happy and the colleges I want to go to happy.
My older sister Nicole went to college and graduated last year. She went through what I did with my dad
with the yelling about the grades. I am the only one in my family who has ADHD, so it is more complicated for
me when things get too hard but I find a way to get through them to make myself feel better. She personally
helps me a lot with my school work and it makes me happy. She always helps me prepare for my test, quizzes,
homework, and projects. She gets as proud as my dad when I do good because she hates to see me struggle.
So far, this year has been an improvement from my past two years learning at Garnet Valley High
School. Not only is my sister seeing an improvement but so are all my teachers. I am very excited to see where
this year takes me and to prove my dad wrong with all the negative impact he gives when I get bad grades.

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