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AC115 Quiz Questions and Answers

1. What are the rules that limit how data is entered into a database called? Constraints
2. The database design that consist of multiple tables that are linked together through
matching data stored in data table is called a Relational Database
3. Important factors in selecting software are The first, second and third answers only
4. Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Rational Unified Process (RUP) are two
examples of system development. TRUE
5. The data collected in a TPS does not provide the input data for other support systems.
6. Which legislation would cover acts such as electronic eavesdropping? None of the
7. The predominant way of storing data today is using which type of database models?
8. EDI can be used to automate inventory replenishment. TRUE
9. The language used in application programs to request data from DBMS is referred to as
the DML
10. Adding new features is typically performed during the maintenance phase
11. A******implementation will involve employees utilizing one part at a time
12. DBMS allows the sharing of data under any number of users and application programs.
13. In a database, the logic view: presents data as it will be perceived by the user
14. What type of technology scrambles the contents of files sent via the internet?
15. What is the most important benefit of an enterprise application? Enabling business
functions and departments to share information
16. The separation of data definition from the program is known as: Data independence
17. Stress induced by the computer is known as ****
18. Top-level managers need information both from within the organization and from
outside. True
19. The data dictionary contains the name and description of each data element. TRUE
20. Which group of individuals might be described as those who seek to obtain data by any
means necessary, whether legal or illegal? ****
21. Systems that span all functional areas and focus on executing business process across
the film are called Enterprise applications
22. The process by which workers develop their own applications, with or without the help
of professional MIS staff, is called End user computing
23. Gaining unauthorized access to a computer system would fall under which category of
computer crime? Hacking
24. The most critical element in the success of a system development project is user
involvement. True
25. The volume of operational information is ****
26. Fault tolerance is the capability to continue as if nothing has happened, even after a
major component failure.
27. Information systems can facilitate supply chain management by: Doing all of the above
28. Every record stored in a Master file has a key field because ****
29. Gaining a strategic advantage over completion requires the innovative application of
information technologies. ***/
30. When information and processing is spread throughout the organization via a network,
we say the systems are ***
31. Which of the following systems deals with the planning for, development, management,
and use of information technology tools for management? MIS
32. What does the acronym CASE stand for: Computer Aided software Engineering
33. Tiny graphic files embedded in email messages and Web pages designed to monitor
online Internet behavior are known as ______
34. Which of the following best describes the capability of software to satisfy business
requirements? Functionality
35. Which of the following is the correct order of stages in risk management? ****
36. Analyzing the current system is performed during the needs analysis phase.
37. What is it called when you are rerouted from your requested internet site to another,
undesired site? Phishing
38. The Iterative system development process where requirements are quickly converted to
a working system that is continually revised is known as: ***
39. ERP systems are now being used in large organizations. What does ERP stand for?
Enterprise Resource Planning
40. EDI provides the infrastructures for both voice and data communication. False
41. What term refers to the amount of information that can pass through a system during a
specified amount of time? throughput
42. An appraisal of the system’s performance after it has been installed is called system
43. In a relational database, a record is called a(n): turple
44. Economic feasibility: determines whether the benefits of an IS outweighs the costs
45. In-house software is developed by the technical staff in a company’s information
systems department.
46. Intercepting personal communications, such as telephone calls, is known as:
47. Hierarchical model is also called a tree structure
48. All the following activities are completed during the systems implementation phase
except program codding
49. Ensuring that a field must contain data is an example of completeness check
50. Documentation is prepared at all of the following
51. Enterprise collaboration systems involve the use of software tools to support e-
commerce functions with customers and suppliers. True
52. Most of the information systems meet expectations and come in within budget. False
53. Which segment focuses on consumers dealing with each other? C2C
54. Batch processing is used when *** (Please tick all the correct responses)
55. Important factors in selecting software are: The first,2nd and 3rd –compatibility,
scalability and cost
56. Which of the following is not a class of information system applications? DBMS
57. The ethical candidate principle that says “ Do unto others as you want them to do unto
you” is known as the ______
58. Data redundancy increases the cost of storing and retrieving data. True
59. The database design that consists of multiple tables that are linked together through
matching data stored in table is called a: Relational Database
60. This phase of the SDLC may involve a small group of tasters. ****
61. Tactical information is required by Middle Managers
62. Microsoft access is a(n) ****
63. What is one of the biggest drawbacks in having separate information systems for
separate business functions? Redundancy of information

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