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Name: Fiona Carlone

Class Description: Students will take an intermediate/advanced ballet class that will last 60
minutes. Exercises performed include a barre warm-up, center combinations, waltz across the
floor, and allegro. The class will involve an exploration of strengthening multiple aspects of the
body while also focusing on artistry and elegance.

Materials List:
-iPhone for music
Activity 1 Warm up at Barre (What a
Wonderful World)- Steven Mitchell
Activity 2 Tendu from First Blues (Blues Tendu)-
Steven Mitchell
Activity 3 Quick Tendu (Sailor’s Dance)- Steven
Activity 4 Balancoire (I Love a Piano)- Steven
Activity 5 Rond De Jambe (Sleepy Lagoon)-
Christopher N. Hobson
Activity 6 Frappe (Mama Mia)- Steven Mitchell
Activity 7 Adagio (Pretty Woman)- Steven
Activity 8 Grand Battement and Changement
(Up Your Shubert Alley)- Steven
Activity 9 Reminiscence (grand Adagio)- Josu
Activity 10 Pirouettes 1- Rob Thaller
Activity 11 Petit Allegro 2 (6/8)- Rob Thaller
Activity 12 Grand Allegro 1- Rob Thaller

Essential Questions:
 How can I initiate movements using the correct and functional muscles?
 Do I have the ability to grasp concepts quickly?
 What is the best way for me, as an individual dancer, to perform under duress?

Student will:
Analyze their ability to shift weight from one leg to the other with ease.
Understand combinations quickly and efficiently.
Apply the use of turnout from the inside rotating muscles.
Remember to initiate movements from both the articulation of the foot and from a deep plié.
Create artistry and beauty from any combination given.

21st Century skills:

-use of technology

*will be put on the board at the beginning of class*

What was your favorite part of this class?

Do you feel that this class helped or hindered your technique?

What can you take away from this experience?

Did you have fun?

Activity 1: Plié
*begin in 1st position at barre*
2 demi pliés (2 counts each)
One grande plié (2 counts)
Relevé, port de bra forward (2 counts)
Repeat in 2nd (port de bra side), 4th (port de bra back), 5th (circular port dra)
Balance in coupé back with inside leg (8 counts)
Extend to small attitude derriére (8 counts)

“The best way to get the most out of this exercise is to plié from our rotating muscles. We often
take plié combinations with a grain of salt but it is one of the most important aspects of ballet.”

Activity 2: Tendu (1)

*begin in 5th position at barre*
Tendu front (1 count), flex foot (1 count), point foot (1 count), close 5 th position (1 count)
Brush tendu front, back, front (1 count each)
Rond de jambe to the side (1 count)
Close 1st, close 5th back, close 1st , close 5th front (1 count each)
Tendu front, tendu back with inside leg, tendu side, tendu front (1 count each)
Repeat en dedan
Plié, passé (balance for 8 counts)
Plié, pirouette en dehors
Plié, pirouette en dedan

“Try to initiate each tendu with the articulation of the foot. The rest of the standing leg should
follow the turnout of the heel.”

Activity 3: Tendu (2)

*begin in 1st position facing the barre*
8 tendus side with right leg, 8 tendus side with left leg
Repeat with 4 tendus, repeat with 2 tendus twice
One count each

“I decided to do this exercise in order for everyone to really feel their inside rotators. I think
that a lot of the times we cheat our rotation by turning out from only our outside hips, but
when we do this the rest of the leg never follows.”

Activity 4: Degage
*begin in 5th position at barre*
3 degages front end in plié (1 count each)
Repeat with inside leg back
4 degages side (1 count each), on the 5th one flic flac en dedan (4 counts)
Repeat en dedan
Brush front, back, front, back piqué (1 count each)
Brush back, front, back, front piqué (1 count each)

“After being able to feel our turnout muscles, this combination should come quick and easy.
Make everything sharp and clear. Clarity is key.”

Activity 5: Rond de jambe

*begin in 5th position at barre*
Preparation (8 counts)
2 rond de jambes stop in tendu front (2 counts)
3 rond de jambes (2 counts)
Lift 45 degrees front, carry side, carry back (2 counts)
Grandé rond two times (each in 1 count)
Repeat en dedan
Port de bra stretch (32 counts)

“The goal is to keep the hips in the exact same line the entire time. The standing leg is rooted
into the ground so the working leg can rotate and articulate freely.”

Activity 6: Fondu/Frappé/Petite battement

*begin in 5th position at the barre*
2 fondus (2 counts each)
1 double fondu (4 counts)
Brush back in plié and fouette to front (2 counts)
Brush back in plié and fouette back to front again (2 counts)
Rond de jambe leg to 45 degrees side (1 count)
3 rond de jambe en’laires (1 count each)
Repeat en dedan
4 frappés to the side (1 count each)
Double frappé in each direction (1 count each)
Repeat en dedan
Petite battement with port de bra (16 counts)
Pirouette, balance (8 counts)

“Use your deepest possible plié. There should never be a dull or dry moment in this

Activity 7: Adagio
*begin in 5th position at the barre*
Développé to the front (2 counts)
Plié, half turn (2 counts)
Brush back in plié, fouette from back to front, close (4 counts)
Développé écarté derriére (2 counts)
Tombé onto working leg (2 counts)
Step back barre in attitude, extend and close (4 counts)
Repeat en dedan

“Think about getting to a position quickly and holding it, while using soft and arms and a
graceful head.”

Activity 8: Grande battement

*begin in 5th position at the barre*
2 grande battements front (1 count each)
2 grande battements derriére with inside leg (1 count each)
3 grande battements to the side ending in plié (1 count each)
Pirouette en dehor, finishing in attitude derriére
Repeat en dedan

“Each movement should be sharp and on the music. Your body should not try to compensate
for the height of the leg.”

Activity 9: Adagio
*begin in 5th position in center*
2nd port de bra, end in a croise lung on the front leg (8 counts)
Push to croise on the back leg, then again to the front, and end in a croisé lung on the back leg
(2 counts each)
Releve lent to croise devant (2 counts)
Slow fouetté to arabesque, promenade to corner 2 and change to attitude croisé (4 counts)
Plié, renverse back to corner 8
Dégagé leg to the front, pirouette en dedan, land in 4th position
Pirouette en dehor, close fifth

“Everything about this combination should be smooth and graceful. Everything should be
churning, from the head to the tip of the toe.”

Activity 10: Pirouettes/waltz

*begin in 5th position at the corner*
Balancé front, balancé back (2 counts)
Tombe, pas de bourrée
Plié, pirouette en dehor 2x (2 counts for each pirouette)
2 pique turns, chaînés to passé (4 counts)
Pirouette in a la seconde, fouetté to arabesque plie at corner 8 (2 counts)
Pas de bourrée, pirouette en dedan (2 counts)

“Each pirouette should be initiated from a plié. As I said earlier, our plié is our foundation.”

Activity 11: Petite allegro

*begin in 5th position in center*
Assemblé sauté twice (4 counts)
2 assemblés (2 counts)
Assemblé sauté (2 counts)
Glissade assemblé, sauté assemblé (4 counts)
Glissade assemblé, sauté assemblé (4 counts)
Repeat en dedan
2 slow échappés (4 counts each)
2 fast échappés (2 counts each)
échappé to wall 4, échappé to wall 1 (1 count each)
Plié pirouette en dehor (2 counts)
Repeat to the left side

“This is not a slow combination, but the movements should not feel rushed. Each jump should
be quick and simple. No extra force needed.”

Activity 12: Grand allegro

*begin in 5th position at the corner*
Tombe, pas de bourrée, glissade, grande assemble (4 counts)
Sauté arabesque, entrelacé (4 counts)
Arabesque, assemblé en tournant (4 counts)
Tombe pas de bourrée, glissade, saut de chat (4 counts)

“Make the jumps as big as possible without losing any of the technique from the rest of the

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