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2) ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS OF THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL LENGTH OF ARC OF THE GRAPH OF A FUNCTION 2 6.1.2 Theorem I the function f and ite deivative f" are continuous on the cose interval fH, then the lengtie ‘of acc ofthe carve y= f(z) fromm the pot (a, f(a) 3 the pot (,f(8) is given by [visor a 6.13 Theorem If the function y and ite derivative ge continuous oo the sow ilerval (6d, ten the lenge ‘ lof are of the curve = = gly) from the point (ofele) the poiat (afd). a) is given by = [iP ay “dco along Tse 1102 (iyi /0~2) wie pine, wed aca which Buiter 43 ort and nan maar 2 nag we geo ar bende Gang oa lie at dite Wang soy the ar on herons Sk bose paren a Thon find =cord ‘PROOF: Let (59) le a poi onthe unit cincle 2?-+y? 1 no that by Definition A.3.2, += con® and yin, If 2= (2) = JT =9F then : eWoP= (hp) =e ‘Thus, by Definition AJ (radian mensure) and Theorem 6.13, ve have os [frre i - |e vie : HE iyi, me may dilrestiate with respect to 9 using the chain rule and the fundamental ‘theorem off the ealeulus to get =f [s45-4['# oe Vi-# te a BE Spino = = STF e mea eT es ‘By Theocom 2:4, this el ie valld ben] = id the exact enh of are by the ancond fundamental thenem ofthe calls In Exercises I= ‘A wsed methods (a) the distance formula cr the Pythagorean throren (b) Theorem 6.1.2 (e) Theorem 6.3 Th Wee Bret ics sua the length ofthe specified we, : y= 3 fom (13) t0(2,6) a (a) By the distance formula, L (248-67 = T$3= vio W y= Ma)=3e Mel=h en bant= | ViFode= V0" a= Me) = Vi a (z= du) =$ws'o)= ems Jf ROT w= vis [ay v6 —9) = VE (1 LENGTH OF ARC OF THE GRAPH OF A FUNCTION 439 (¢+2)? + (0-2) = fs = 2/0 S=nho=-atetbs | ieGFee=|Vii |! ee =|vio=2vi (r= sy)= 4-39 =-.c=0,d=2. b= [VIN de= Yi| "ee = Vi0C2-0) =2Vi0 % 4x + 9y = 96 between (9,0) and (0.4). . . (0) Byte Prtagora thoren, La VOTR = VET = Vi y= fe) =4-Je Male fon ban Ls [Viv lde=|viil” d= WiH9-0 = VF (o)ate) =9- $5 ota) =F [YB dy = ive |? r= ve) = VT 4 the segment ofthe Ine 92 ~2y = 10 between fay nerepts > "The Seu shows a abies othe ine spmeat. (a) etna thee ad nerexpu ate # and ~O; epee by the Pythagorean Gaines aieegetaderhy h nae ve () Solves the equation ofthe lit for y et ‘Thro "=. By Thre 6.2 me hare [2 VITOR a= [°F EF ce Ive) VR a-0)= VB (€) Solving the nquation of she lite fr = gives 2243p =4 tom (-22) 10,0). (@) By the distance formula, (y= fe)=\e- (e)= 1 Applting Theorem 6.13, we set. vir Ody = hay) = WH 019) = Vw 5 Thee = ttm 0.9 2.2085 1= 10) = 12M te) =F Than 12 =f vr eee qos 409 it o mice y+ 3)? fom (1 =H) (T¥4,2). = ay) +3797; (9) = 82y+ 3)", From Thm 613, b= [yf a9 +9 ay = |, VARs Ray = Fis 420977, = hoo 10"%) igh ace 4] 2% then Dyy=}2?-} 27 From thm 612 t= I ie i be aes sess teas eg to? wa & Use Theotem 61.2 P= 8H Tors, we obtain y= fle) = 224, Then Me) = isiptey? =14 fe? =) Pad 416) ia) = he VERTTTS (beans = > wetane tnd? Yor ie aan o VD de. When == a= hen # = 2, 297. Mens om (1) we ge Lap ot de= po P? = Hor —5) wae + Tin rs apicimasl 98 sak oo > Solving “MO ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS OF THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL 9, Use Theorem 61.3. 2 = 99) = 4VBP*: ga) = IVE. Fran Toone 5.1.5 tn [rte 20 220A fH BBM = ARE—Bf —129) 8. From ‘hsorem 6.1.2 tn Tape y fe. Dy (2-8? fom be [vives | ieee alestimes 010 228, Dg =f). rom Thee 61.2 ua fisetran are erro cen [fetrhee =o oe 1 ud ela gte ef hear ey =f fg the ators 9 = 116 hint ery = > Sevag tye yh tlors we get =e) =P ade The aa LYON fo 9 Hit oO bP isIE Yo 4) hereon, by Theorem 6.13, tehave [ft 9) ar ale aT Tia the length fhe ate Hie 18, The cure y a /B(82—1) fom # = 340 22 4 y= 2/2 $4 Dyy = Hel fe. From Thm 61.2 “fh naz zs [MAE Pbee= [rae = [yer (ents) ae [igera pre 27 apt = 649-04)=8 4 em trom 0, $9) 0 (5,3). Dyy = Ka4—2™, Prom Thee 61.2 us [ea e= [Veneta ft [ater Ree = [IEF Pae= [let eee =f te] = bs 91-3 - BP 15, The satsid 29 4 949 =1 fre PPP Dap =F tore, emt ti impli, ergs p04 Dgy= BH Thom 2 ve fifa ea ee [igre Paaae fy 16. ‘The anti 379+ 2/9 = 02 (xe constant, 2> 1) the ese quadrant from the point where == Ito the point where ==. > Sciving the gies equation for y, we obtain soso) =(2P 292 MAYOR APH ety A ay [P@par ee) =a Tee aerate (FoR = ‘Therefore, by Theomm

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