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Andrew Tram and Jessica Gott

Project pitch

Our goal focuses on building sustainable cities and communities while protecting the
environment around us. This goal works to build affordable housing and provide services while
trying to reduce the impact they have on the environment. People today can join organizations
and other programs to help reach this goal of sustainability, and people of any age can donate
money towards different organizations. Many different groups have emerged as an outcome of
this issue, including GEF & ICLEI, each having unique projects that people can join and help out
with to make a difference for the goal.

Our first idea is to design an invention that would provide free energy for building with
built-in turbines that has numerous features to increase their efficiency. This will be a conceptual
idea because we currently don’t have to resources nor the knowledge to build the invention. The
resource we need will mostly be in designing because won’t have the resources to build the
actual invention. We would need good knowledge about how turbines function and some
ingenuity to make a realistic sketch of what the invention would be like. To finish the sketch of
the invention we would need to divide up roles where one person is researching and the other is
creating the sketch. We hope to spread some awareness about sustainability and market this
invention to make an affordable clean energy source. The goal of this invention is to help
provide free energy to buildings in cities to help promote sustainability.

Our second idea is to create a photo essay showing before and afters of cities that are
working towards the goal of sustainability. This goal will be conceptual because we won't have
picture evidence of our own achievements, but we’ll have different pictures to spread awareness
for our topic. The goal of this photo essay will be to spread awareness through images which will
give people a more personal view of this problem because the pictures will be from their own
homes. We feel that by showing actual evidence of this problem and by connecting with people
on a more personal level we can get our point across with much more effect. Will this project fix
the problem, no, but will it push the fact that we need to work on this problem, absolutely.

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