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 Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system attacks
the synovium — the lining of the membranes that surround
your joints.
 The resulting inflammation thickens the synovium, which can
eventually destroy the cartilage and bone within the joint.
 The tendons and ligaments that hold the joint together weaken
and stretch. Gradually, the joint loses its shape and alignment.
 Doctors don't know what starts this process, although a genetic
component appears likely. While your genes don't actually
cause rheumatoid arthritis, they can make you more susceptible
to environmental factors — such as infection with certain
viruses and bacteria that may trigger the disease.
The treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of
arthritis present. An accurate diagnosis increases the chances for
successful treatment. Treatments available include physical therapy,
home remedies, splinting, cold-pack application, paraffin wax dips,
anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications (ranging from
acetaminophen [Tylenol] and ibuprofen [Motrin, Advil] to
narcotics), immune-altering medications, biologic medications, and
surgical operations. Pain from osteoarthritis of the knee can be
relieved by hyaluronic acid injections. Rheumatoid arthritis can
require medications that suppress the immune system. Low back
arthritis that is irritating nerves of the spine can require surgical
repair. For more on treatments of particular forms of arthritis, see
the corresponding articles for the form of arthritis of interest. The
treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of
arthritis present. An accurate diagnosis increases the chances for
successful treatment. Treatments available include physical therapy,
home remedies, splinting, cold-pack application, paraffin wax dips,
anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications (ranging from
acetaminophen [Tylenol] and ibuprofen [Motrin, Advil] to
narcotics), immune-altering medications, biologic medications, and
surgical operations. Pain from osteoarthritis of the knee can be
relieved by hyaluronic acid injections. Rheumatoid arthritis can
require medications that suppress the immune system. Low back
arthritis that is irritating nerves of the spine can require surgical
repair. For more on treatments of particular forms of arthritis, see
the corresponding articles for the form of arthritis of interest.

Acute kidney failure can occur when:

 You have a condition that slows blood flow to your

 You experience direct damage to your kidneys

 Your kidneys' urine drainage tubes (ureters)

become blocked and wastes can't leave your body

through your urine

Acute kidney failure is often difficult to predict or

prevent. But you may reduce your risk by taking care
of your kidneys. Try to:
 Pay attention to labels when taking over-the-

counter (OTC) pain medications. Follow the

instructions for OTC pain medications, such as
aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) and
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others). Taking too
much of these medications may increase your risk
of acute kidney failure. This is especially true if
you have pre-existing kidney disease, diabetes or
high blood pressure.
 Work with your doctor to manage kidney

problems. If you have kidney disease or another

condition that increases your risk of acute kidney
failure, such as diabetes or high blood pressure,
stay on track with treatment goals and follow your
doctor's recommendations to manage your
 Make a healthy lifestyle a priority. Be active; eat

a sensible, balanced diet; and drink alcohol only in

moderation — if at all.

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