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Have you ever heard of the Food Pyramid? No, it’s not a giant pile of food in Egypt! The
Food Pyramid is a clever chart to show the five groups of foods that have all the nutrients
that keep your body healthy and make you grow. It includes the different foods from all five
groups and how much of each type of food you should eat.

The foods that make up the widest part of the pyramid’s base–breads, cereals, rice and
pasta–should be the biggest part of your diet, followed by several servings of fresh fruits and
vegetables every day. And as you ‘climb’ up the pyramid you get to dairy products (milk,
cheese, yogurt) and meat, fish, beans, nuts and eggs. And finally, fats, oils, and sweets are at
the very top of the pyramid–which means that you should eat very little of these foods!

Remember that it’s very important to eat these good foods, and also exercise regularly. And
one of the most important meals of the day is breakfast! If you eat a healthy breakfast before
leaving for school you’re sure to have better grades, pay more attention at school, and stay
healthier than those kids who don’t eat breakfast. Learn more about the Food Guide Pyramid
for Kids or the Food Pyramid for Adults. (online education Centre )


A/- Read the text and answer the questions. (03 points)

1. Is the food pyramid a diagrammatical representation of recommended portions of

basic food groups?
2. Should you eat more cereals than fruit?
3. Are fats, oils, and sweets the most important foods in your diet?

B/ - Match each question with the appropriate answer . (02 points )

Which meal is essential to you? Fats, oils, and sweets.

How much vegetable should you have? Kids who have a healthy breakfast.
What is at the top of the food pyramid? Breakfast.
Who does better at school? 3 to 5 servings.

C/ - Find in the text words that fit the definitions below. (02 points)

1. conductive to good health : ----------------------

2. nourishing ingredients in a food : --------------------


A/ - Rewrite the following statements using the imperative. (03 points)

1. You should eat a largest amount of cereals.

2. It is important for you to have a healthy breakfast.
3. It is not recommended to eat many sweets.

B/ - Spot the mistakes and rewrite the correct sentences. (02 points)

1. What would you like to having for lunch?

2. Would you like some steam rice?
3. Do you like a dessert?
4. You liked the fruit salad yesterday, don’t you?

C/ - Pick out from the text words which have the following sounds. (02 points)

/I/ / i: /
1 ------------------ 2 ------------------ 1 ----------------- 2 ---------------------

You have read about the food pyramid in a teenagers’ Web site. Write an e- mail to a friend of
yours to give him / her some advice and instructions concerning his / her diet under the form of a
recipe for a good health. Use the information below:

Breakfast / important; foods / contain fiber - vitamins - calcium; not eat / fats - oils - sweets; practice
/ sport …

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