English Rough Draft 1

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Savanna Shook 1 Shook

Professor Jason King


27 February 2019

Climate Change

Goal 13. By the year 2020 the access to food for regular people will be limited due to

climate change. People and animals are struggling every day because of the rise in temperatures

that will continue to worsen as time goes on. Climate change started out small, but it is now

spreading around the world in every country. The Earth is heating up, and the sea levels are

rising which will lead to calamitous flooding. The worst part about this is that we, ourselves, are

doing this to the earth. Humankind is tearing nature apart, but however nature itself is

destructive, which will contribute to the global issue of climate change.

Forest fires can be a big part of global warming because a large portion of fire means a

large amount of smoke will get into the air. When this happens, the air that humans, animals, and

plants are taking in is being polluted. Inhaling this smoke can cause health issues like difficulty

breathing, pneumonia, and even lung cancer. Another struggle that has come across people's

minds is that the gases that come from cars are creating an atmosphere that the sun is collecting

heat and not releasing it is, causing global warming. In the future we should build cars that will

1 Shook
not use as much gas as we do now. Cars have become integrated into society and culture, but the

impacts it has on the environment are too profound to disregard.

There are many different theories on climate change, some think it is not real or others

think that we can't stop it. Is it real? Many scientists think it is the biggest part that is polluting

the atmosphere is the greenhouse effect and. Which is too much carbon dioxide that has been

released from cars and factories. However, you can help by buying reusable things like straws

and other items, plant more trees and plants, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, and

teach the next generation about these problems.

We need to spread awareness to this issue so in the future, we can find a way to stop it or

at least slow it down. There are many ways to get together and think of ideas to help. You can

pick up trash on the ocean or even on the side of the road. You can join an organization or even

make one of your own. We all should care more about this then we do now.

If no one does anything to help this then there could be an awful controversy or in other

words, we could die from this problem. Most of the society will not even care about helping. A

lot of people would rather build more and not care for whatever happens to that land. When all

the situations of issues that we will come across in the future, like dangerous flooding or higher

global temperatures that will get much worse in the future, will make them wake up to how

important the world is and why we need to take care of it.

Work Cited

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” Sustainable development

goals .https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/climate-change-2/ Web. 2018. Print.

“Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?” NASA, NASA, 25 Feb. 2019,

climate.nasa.gov/evidence/. Print. Web.

Denchak, Melissa. “How You Can Stop Global Warming.” NRDC, 3 Jan. 2019,

www.nrdc.org/stories/how-you-can-stop-global-warming. Print. Web.

“Top 10 Things You Can Do about Climate Change.” David Suzuki Foundation, 3 July 2018,

davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/top-10-ways-can-stop-climate-change/. Print. Web.

“Understand.” GlobalChange.gov, 17 July 2017, www.globalchange.gov/climate-change. Print.


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