Unit 1 Reflection

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In taking my personality assessment, my results showed that I am a generally good with

people, as I listen very well, and I am good at cooperating with others in a group. However, I

also obtained the results that I respond with emotion sometimes, rather than logic. Though these

tests emphasized my personality, I feel that I did not necessarily learn anything new about

myself, but rather feel more sure about myself. From past experiences, as well as being told by

my immediate family, I have adjusted to being one that listens, rather than speaks. I even get

called out as being the quiet one at family events, or sitting at dinner. However, when I am in

school I work efficiently with my peers, and some even tell me that I am outgoing. These

conflicting ideas have always been in the back of my mind as I try and figure out what kind of

person I am. This test helped me learn the true personality, in which I am a good listener due to

my interest in observing and getting to know others, but when I do speak up it is usually

something of significance.

From both my personality results, as well as my career results, I have learned the subject

matters, and the types of jobs that I would be most successful in. I have always been told that I

would be a good doctor, as I am one who likes to take care of others, and is very caring. I also

have a sparked interest in the math and sciences, so much so that I feel I will partake in a career

that is within the healthfield in the future. Within the career choices that were in my results there

was a handful of options to which I feel I may look into. A few that involve teaching, as well as a

few that were in the healthfield. Whether it be dentistry, nursing, or being a physician, I look to

pursue one of these options for my future career.

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