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Arrow Consulting

Project Management Plan

Version 3.0
December 10, 2013

Presented by:
Kirsten Rivera, Project Manager

December 10, 2013 Project Management Plan Page 1

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Responsible Due Date

ID Category Assumption/Constraint Party Actions Status Comments

01 Planning Only 24 construction workers are Project N/A Closed

necessary Manager

02 Executing Build phase includes cleaning the Project N/A Open

facility after construction is complete Manager

03 Planning Construction workers are paid wages Dirk Perrier N/A Closed
based on average salary of
construction workers in Colorado
Springs according to

04 Planning Grand opening prep includes training Jill N/A Open

and setting up materials Overstreet

05 Planning Materials will be ordered or Construction N/A Pending

purchased at local hardware store as workers
needed. For example, paint it not
needed initially and so it will be
purchased when necessary.

07 Planning/ A store build-out usually takes 120 Everyone Jan. 15 Open

Executing days. Involved

08 Executing Everyone Feb. 1 Closed

Completion date: Feb 1 involved in

December 10, 2013 Assumption and Constraint Log Page 2

09 Executing Jill Overstreet will help with the initial Jill N/A Pending
store stocking. Overstreet

10 Planning Retail product line will be delivered Marketing Jan. 18 Pending

two weeks prior to grand opening Department
The retail product line must be
displayed throughout the store in a
way that is easy for customers to find
what they want and consistent with
other stores in the country

11 Executing Jake Peterson will provide supplies Jake N/A Open

for the stores that aren’t retail Peterson
products, such as store furnishings,
shelving, and so on, and can help
with store build-out as well.

12 Planning/ The budget for the project will be Project Feb. 1 Closed
Executing between $1.5 and $2 million. Manager

13 Planning/ Procurement of TI connection takes IT Manager: Jan. 21 Pending

Executing 30-45 days and will have on going Ricardo
costs of $3,000 per month

14 Planning/ Running Ethernet cable throughout IT Manager: Sept. 18 Closed

Executing the building will take 16 hours at Ricardo
$100 per hour

15 Planning/ Purchasing router, switch, server, IT Manager: Pending

Executing and rack will cost $17,000 Ricardo

16 Planning/ Installing router and testing IT Manager: Pending

Executing connection will take 8 hours and cost Ricardo
$78 per hour

December 10, 2013 Assumption and Constraint Log Page 3

17 Planning/ Installing switch will take two hours IT Manager: Pending
Executing and cost $78 per hour Ricardo

18 Planning/Executing Installing server and testing it will IT Manager: Pending

take six hours at $84 per hour Ricardo

19 Planning/Executing Web team will add new store location IT Manager: Pending
and phone number to lookup function Ricardo
on the internet site which will take
two hours and cost $96 per hour

20 Planning/Executing Interviews for store positions will take Jill Jan. 16-19 Open
place before the 22nd when shelves Overstreet
need to be stocked

December 10, 2013 Assumption and Constraint Log Page 4

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

ID Requirement Priority Source ID Technical Requirement Priority Source

Cable Vendor High KHCS- Electrical lines run and dry-wall work in
KHCS-1001 WBS 10011 progress High WBS

KHCS-1002 TI Connection High WBS 10012 Build-Out Complete High WBS

KHCS-1003 Build-Out Begins High WBS 10013 Install and Test Hardware High WBS
KHCS- Activity
KHCS-1004 Sign Lease High WBS 10016 Order Retail Products High List

KHCS- Activity
KHCS-1005 Signed Contract High WBS 10017 Hire Retail Products and Stock Shelves High List

Activity KHCS- Activity

KHCS-1006 Ethernet Cable Run High List 10018 Build-out behind Schedule High List
Activity KHCS-
KHCS-1007 Build-Out Started High List 10019 Store Installation not completed High WBS
Build-Out Work In Activity KHCS- Activity
KHCS-1008 Progress High List 10020 Store Opening High List

KHCS- Activity Activity

10021 Cabling Work Check High List KHCS-1023 Store Shelf Installation High List
KHCS- Activity Activity
10022 Build-Out Work Check High List KHCS-1024 Order Retail Products High List

December 10, 2013 Inter Requirements Traceability Matrix Page 5

Project 50th Kitchen Heaven Store in Colorado Springs & Grand- Date
Title: Opening Celebration Prepared 12/10/2013

Milestone Milestone Description Type

Hold stakeholder meeting Project charter kickoff meeting Project management

Identify property for store Find appropriate Colorado

Springs property for store

Kickoff meeting held with key Marking project planning stage

project team members completion, and start of Project management
executing stage

Sign procurement documents Product

Sign lease Property

Gomez contract signed Staffing

Ethernet cable run Construction

Purchase router, switch, For equipment room and four

server, and rack POS terminals

Install switch Construction

T1 cabling installed Construction

Build-out started Construction

Hardware installed and tested Dependent on T1 connection Construction

Independent inspection Contracted independent Construction

inspector performs inspection
prior to city and county

Personnel hired Staff hired for new store Staffing

December 10, 2013 Statement of Work Page 6

Receive shipments of Have all products needed in Product
products stock for grand opening
shipped to store

Shelves stocked Products are stocked on Product

shelves in store

Build-out finished Construction

Add new store location and Added to the lookup function Marketing
phone number to website

Hold grand opening 50th store opening celebration Marketing

celebration for community, including chef

Hand off ongoing operations Jill Overstreet’s team will Project management
oversee ongoing operations

December 10, 2013 Statement of Work Page 7


Time and Materials

Client’s name Kitchen Heaven

Client’s administrator Dirk Perrier, VP of Marketing

Project name 50th Kitchen Heaven Store in Colorado Springs & Grand-
Opening Celebration

Engagement duration 6 months

Begin date August 1, 2013

End date February 1, 2013

Schedule of rates
Item description Delivery schedule Cost
(Business days) (estimate)

Labor Payroll every 14 days (8.57 $15.00/hour, per person

pay periods for 120 day $1,200.00/pay period, per
project) person
$10,284.00/per person for
120 day project
$246,816.00 for 24-man
construction crew

Materials Pay as you go $200.00/sq. ft.

$500,000.00 for 2,500 sq. ft.
retail space

Furnishings/Shelving $100,000 approx. budget

Inventory Stock

Contractor Payroll every 14 days (8.57 $45.00/hour

pay periods for 120 day $3,600.00/pay period
project) $30,852.00 for 120-day
Upfront fees paid immediately build project

Lease, Monthly Rent Approx. every 30 days, $13.00/sq. ft. per year
beginning when lease is $2,708/month rent
signed (around one month $13,540.00 for 5 months of
into project) the project

Festivities Costs

December 10, 2013 Statement of Work Page 8

Payment terms
Phase Completion date Payments due

Administrative/Planning Feb. 1, 2013 Consulting fees paid bi-

monthly, beginning with pay
period for August 1-15

Build Jan. 1, 2013 Payment 1: Sept. 1, 2013

Furnishing/Stocking Jan. 31, 2013 Payments made as needed,

made from and recorded in
facilities and retail products

Grand Opening Prep and Feb. 1, 2013 Payments made as needed,

Execution made from and recorded in
marketing budget

December 10, 2013 Statement of Work Page 9

Statement of Work

● Only 24 Construction workers are necessary
● Construction workers are paid wages based on average salary of construction
workers in Colorado Springs according to
● Build phase includes cleaning the facility after construction is complete
● Furnishing/Stocking includes shelving, seating, setting up cash registers,
gathering materials to run store (for example, shopping carts), and stocking the
shelves with product and setting up displays.
● Grand Opening Prep includes training and setting up materials.
● Materials will be ordered or purchased at local hardware stores as needed. For
example, paint is not needed initially and so it will be purchased when necessary.

Change management process

Any major change to the scope will need to be verified by all of the stakeholders to make
sure that it is approved. The project manager first will decide if they think the change is
necessary and they will then approach all stakeholders and make sure they approve the
change. If there is just a scope revision it will be brought to the attention of the project sponsor
for refinement first, and then considered for approval by the stakeholders. Scope changes will
be anticipated and budgeted for accordingly.

Engagement related expenses

All expenses incurred as a cost of doing business for the project will be received, and
reviewed by the Project Manager before being passed to the sponsor for approval. The sponsor
is responsible for all expenses identified in the budget.

Professional services agreement

Once the project is complete, there will be a two month transitional phase in which the
project manager will help with any upgrades or maintenance. After this two month phase the
building will be under full ownership and responsibility of Kitchen Heaven.

December 10, 2013 Statement of Work Page 10

Acceptance and authorization

The terms and conditions of the Professional Services Agreement apply in full to the services
and products provided under this Statement of Work.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each acting with proper authority have executed this
Statement of Work, under seal.

Dick Perrier _ Kirsten Rivera __

Full Name Full name

VP of Marketing, Kitchen Heaven _ Project Manager, Arrow Consulting

Title Title

Signature Signature

August 1, 2013 August 1, 2013

Date Date

December 10, 2013 Statement of Work Page 11


Project Title: 50th Kitchen Heaven Store in Colorado Springs & Grand-Opening Celebration

Project Sponsor: Dirk Perrier Date Prepared: August 1st, 2013

Project Manager: Kirsten Rivera, Arrow Consulting Projected Customer: Kitchen Heaven

Project Purpose or Justification:

Purpose: To open a new store in Colorado Springs on February 1, 2013.
Justification: Company data concludes that the Kitchen Heaven consumers have incomes of
more than $150,000 a year. The Colorado Springs area is home to a large number of people
with that income. Currently, there is no Kitchen Heaven in the area, but there appears to be a
demand for one. Additionally, sales are up, and Kitchen Heaven’s new line of ceramic
cookware is selling well, which indicates that Kitchen Heaven is in a good financial position to
open a new store.

Project Description:
The 50th Kitchen Heaven store, located in Colorado Springs, will open February 1 with a grand-
opening celebration. The project will involve: procuring the property, negotiating the lease,
procuring the shelving and associated store furnishings, getting a contractor on the job, and
preparing the 50th store festivities in collaboration with the marketing department.

High-Level Requirements:
- Property will be located in Colorado Springs, in an affluent area
- The new store should occupy from 1,500 to 2,500 square feet of retail space
- Use local contractors for the build-out
- Store will carry full line of products from utensils to gourmet food items
- Grand opening celebration for 50th store opening
- Store is open in time for the Garden and Home Show conference in Colorado Springs, in
early February
- Offer new line of gourmet food products
- Have classroom space in back of store for cooking demos and classes

December 10, 2013 Project Charter Page 12

High-Level Risks:
- Project management risks (improper schedule and resource planning, poor project planning,
and improper or poor project management disciplines or methodologies)
- Technical, quality, and performance risks (unproven technology, complex technology,
changes to technology anticipated during the course of the project, and unrealistic
performance goals)
- Organizational risks (resource conflicts because of multiple projects occurring at the same
time in the organization; scope, time, and cost objectives that are unrealistic given the
organization’s resources or structure; and lack of funding for the project or diverting funds
from this project to other projects)
- External risks (new laws or regulations, labor issues, weather, changes in ownership, and
catastrophic risks)
- Market competition
- IT risks (TI line availability and installation, contractor availability for Ethernet installation,
POS and server hardware availability)
- Facilities risks (desirable location in the right price range, contractor availability for build-out,
availability of fixtures and shelving)
- Retail risks (product availability, shipment dates for product)

December 10, 2013 Project Charter Page 13


Project Objectives Success Criteria Person Approving


New Kitchen Heaven store in Opens on-time, at/under Dirk Perrier

Colorado Springs budget


Six months to completion Completion date: Feb. 1 Dirk Perrier


$2 million Project cost </= $2 million Dirk Perrier

Summary Milestones Due Date

Procure property August 14

Negotiate lease August 14

Procure shelving and store January 16


Run Ethernet cabling at property September 20

Finish build-out January 16

Hire personnel February 1

Stock shelves February 1

Prepare grand-opening celebration February 1

December 10, 2013 Project Charter Page 14


Estimated Budget:

$2 million

Stakeholder(s) Role

Dirk Perrier VP of Marketing, Project Sponsor

Jake Peterson Facilities

Jill Overstreet Director of Retail Products, Ongoing


Ricardo Stakeholder

Gomez Construction Build-out contractor

Arrow Consulting Project Consultants

Colorado Springs community members New store audience

Kitchen Heaven Marketing Department Grand Opening Celebration planners

Project Manager Authority Level - Medium

Staffing Decisions:

- Jill Overstreet will help with the initial store stocking

- Jake Peterson will provide supplies for the stores that aren’t retail products, such as store
furnishings, shelving, and so on, and can help with the store build-out as well
- Ricardo will serve as lead for IT and build-out processes and management
- Gomez Construction will oversee the build-out
- The Kitchen Heaven Marketing Department will plan the Grand Opening Celebration for the
50th store

December 10, 2013 Project Charter Page 15


Budget Management and Variance:

Activity cost estimates were created, including basis of estimates, using the following:
- Parametric estimates (Ricardo)
- Analogous and parametric estimates (Jake)
- Reserve analysis including contingencies for unplanned changes in involving vendor
deliveries (Jill)
- Assumptions made about vendor deliveries and availability of the T1 and assumptions
made regarding when lease payments begin
- The range of possible estimates is stated as plus or minus 10 percent
Since the project occurs fairly quickly, only two funding requirement periods are needed

Technical Decisions:

Key stakeholders will be responsible for monitoring and controlling the technical aspects of
their respective expertise – for example, the Director of Retail Products will ensure that
incoming products are up to specification, and will handle any concerns of unacceptable

Conflict Resolution:

Conflicts should be brought to the attention of the Project Manager first, who will either
escalate the issue up to the appropriate level (applicable stakeholder or Project Sponsor), or
will address and work through the issue with the person(s) bringing it forth.


Project Manager Signature Sponsor or Originator Signature

Kirsten Rivera Dirk Perrier

Project Manager Name Sponsor or Originator Signature

August 1, 2013 August 1, 2013

Date Date

December 10, 2013 Project Charter Page 16

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Change Management Approach:

Changes involved in the project scope, schedule, or baseline will be documented in order to
maintain accurate and reliable performance measurement baselines. All processes impacted as a
result of changing project variables will mean revisiting Planning and Executing processes as
needed, as well as updating the project scope to reflect these changes.

Definitions of Change:
Schedule change:
A schedule change is usually the result of a revision to the project scope, activity estimations, or an
update in the project baseline. A delay in the schedule can significantly impact the project
outcome if there is little variance/float in the schedule. In fact, it can even change the critical path.
Budget change:
A budget change may result from incorrect estimating techniques, predetermined budgets that had
little flexibility, schedule changes (such as crashing), changes in suppliers, failure to provide
procedures to review and revisit cost estimates made during the planning phase of the project, etc.
Scope change:
A scope change requires changes to the project scope as defined by the WBS. Depending on the
nature of the scope change, there may need to be updates to a variety of documents such as,
project objectives, costs, quality measurement controls, performance measurements baselines, or
even schedule revisions. In the event in which a scope change is not documented properly, the
project requirements may not align with the desired deliverables.
Project document changes:
Project document changes may occur throughout the project. It is important that all the
stakeholders are aware of such changes and that the project manager is informed and required to
sign off on them. For a change to occur, it must first pass through the change control board who
meet periodically. Requests for change are always submitted in writing and are detailed to prevent
confusion. Documentation will be submitted in a change request form and then processed by the
Change Control Board (CCB). The CCB will then track, approve, or deny proposed changes.

December 10, 2013 Change Management Plan Page 17

Change Control Board:

Name Role Responsibility Authority

Dirk Project Sponsor Attend CCB Provides input and asks

meetings questions regarding
proposed changes.

Main Character Project Manager Determine impacts Makes final decision on the
approval process by
signing off on the change

Change Control Process:

Change October 8th: (APPROVED) Jill submitted a change request regarding the costs
request associated with the purchasing of retail products from the new gourmet supplier, as their
submittal prices are higher than the original vendor. This affects the project budget, but not by too
October 13th: (APPROVED) Ricardo submitted a change request regarding the
purchase of an upgraded version of the company’s current operating system. Ricardo is
in charge of upgrading the company’s operating systems in all the stores. Buying the
new hardware with the upgraded operating system preinstalled would save time and
energy for his future project.

Change Gomez - T1 connection issues because the phone company is not returning calls about
request hardware

Change October 13th: Ricardo’s new operating system questions were answered and approved.
request Chapter 10: Jill’s cost change request has been approved because her first contracted
review vendor went out of business, the second vendor failed to meet quality control standards,
and her current vendor charges higher retail prices for their gourmet cookware. This
change approval doesn’t significantly impact the project budget, but will still require
revisions in the cost/budget related documents.

Change Chapter 10: Ricardo’s change request was submitted in writing through the change
request control system.
disposition Chapter 10: Jill’s change request was submitted through a cost change request to the

December 10, 2013 Change Management Plan Page 18

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: October 27, 2013

Stakeholder Information Method Timing or Frequency Sender

Dirk Perrier (555) 456-7654 Email, Phone,& Weekly & as important Project Manager Meetings updates or changes occur
Jake Peterson (555) 324-5644 Email, Phone,& Weekly & as important Project Manager Meetings updates or changes occur
Jill Overstreet (555) 385-4677 Email, Phone,& Weekly & as important Project Manager Meetings updates or changes occur
Jill Overstreet's Group Same as above Email & Phone Weekly & as important Project Manager
updates or changes occur
Leasing Agent (555) 853-4575 Email & Phone When necessary Jake Peterson
Marketing Department (555) 456-7654 Email & Meetings Initial meeting with weekly Dirk Perrier correspondences following
Colorado Springs Community N/A Through N/A Marketing department
Garden and Home show conference attendees N/A Through garden N/A Jill Overstreet
and home show
Famous chefs whose cookware will be featured in TBD Email Notifications Jill Overstreet
Grand opening caterers (555) 505-6575 Phone Weekly & daily the week Jill Overstreet
prior to the event
Local chefs featured at grand opening (555) 366-4575 Email and Phone A few reminders leading up Jill Overstreet
to event

December 10, 2013 Communications Management Plan Page 19

Assumptions Constraints
payroll every 14 days (8.57 pay periods for 120 day project)
$15.00/hour, per person
Only 24 construction workers are necessary $1,200.00/pay period, per person
$10,284.00/per person for 120 day project
$246,816.00 for 24-man construction crew
Construction workers are paid wages based on average
$15.00/hour, per person
salary of construction workers in Colorado Springs
Wages could potentially increase
according to
Build phase includes cleaning the facility after
Build phase may take longer due to this and could hold up other aspects.
construction is complete
Furnishing/Stocking includes shelving, seating, setting up
The storefront look must be consistent with all of the other 49 stores throughout the country.
cash registers, gathering materials to run store (for
This will need to be approved and signed off by someone in the Marketing department.
example shopping carts), and stocking the shelves with
product and setting up displays
Grand opening prep includes training and setting up
The building and everything must be complete for this step to happen.
Materials will be ordered or purchased at local hardware
store as needed. For example, paint it not needed initially Materials may end up costing more by using this method.
and so it will be purchased when necessary.
A store build-out usually takes 120 days. Completion date: February 1st
Retail product line will be delivered two weeks prior to grand opening
Jill Overstreet will help with the initial store stocking. The retail product line must be displayed throughout the store in a way that is easy for
customers to find what they want and consistent with other stores in the country
Jake Peterson will provide supplies for the stores that Retail product line will be delivered two weeks prior to grand opening
aren’t retail products, such as store furnishings, shelving, The retail product line must be displayed throughout the store in a way that is easy for
and so on, and can help with store build-out as well. customers to find what they want and consistent with other stores in the country
The budget for the project will be between $1.5 and $2
Things may end up costing more than expected.

Glossary of Terms or Acronyms

TBD: To Be Determined
N/A: Not Applicable

December 10, 2013 Communications Management Plan Page 20

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013
Level of Accuracy: Units of Measure: Control Thresholds:

Round costs to Hundreds, Hours Plus or minus 10%

plus or minus 10% Dollars

Rules of Performance Measurement:

Parametric and analogous estimating techniques will be used. Reserve analysis will be used
to include contingencies for unplanned changes involving vendor deliveries. Budget will be
determined using cost aggregation.

Cost Reporting and Format:

A cost report will be produced twice throughout this project in a written format. One report at
the half and the other one at the end of the project.

Process Management:
Estimating costs Labor: $246,800; Materials: $500,000; Furnishing: $100,000;
Contractor: $30,800; Lease, Monthly Rent: $13,540 for 5
Activity 1: $3000 per month; Activity 2: $1600; Activity 3:
$17,000; Activity 4: $624; Activity 5: $156; Activity 6: $504;
Activity 7: $192

Developing the budget Aggregate activity costs: $23,076

Total costs (including labor, materials, rent, etc): $914,216

Updating, monitoring and Every month


December 10, 2013 Cost Management Plan Page 21

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

WBS Labor Labor Rates Total Labor Material/Supplies Equipment Indirect Reserve Estimate
ID Hours Costs

1.2 240.0 $12.5/hour $3000 $3000

1.3 16.0 $100/hour $1600 $1600

1.5 960.0 $15.00/hour, per person $246,816.00 for 24-man $246,816

$1,200.00/pay period, per construction crew
$10,284.00/per person for
120 day project

2.1 Router, switch, $17,000

server, and rack

2.2 16.0 Router install = $78/hour $624 for router $1284

Switch Install = $78 installation/testing
Server Install = $84 $156 for switch installation
$504 for server

2.3 2.0 $96/hour $192 $192

3.1 Retail Products $500,000

3.2 400.0 $9 per hour $3600 $3600

for 40 hour for 10

3.3 400.0 $9 per hour $4,400 $10,000

for 40 hour for 10
Training personnel $20

December 10, 2013 Bottom-Up Cost Estimating Page 22


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

WBS Resource Direct Costs Indirect Reserve Estimate Method Assumptions/ Additional Range Confidence
ID Costs Constraints Information Level
1.1 Leases, Lease, Paperwork $2704 Expert When lease plus or High
contractors Contractors Judgment/Analogous payment begins minus
1.2 Contractors, IT Procurement $3000 Expert When lease Takes 30 to plus or High
Personnel costs Judgment/Analogous payment begins 45 days to minus
procure 10%
1.3 Ethernet Cable, Labor Ethernet $1600 Parametric plus or High
Cable installers ports, any minus
specific 10%
1.4 Contractors, Contractors Expert plus or High
Gomez Judgment/Analogous minus
1.5 Construction Labor Tools, $15 per hour Expert Judgment plus or High
workers Snacks $246,816 total cost minus
2.1 Management Router, switch, $17,000 Expert Judgment plus or High
approval to server, and rack minus
purchase for the 10%
equipment equipment
2.2 Construction Labor Tools, $624 for router parametric plus or High
workers, IT Snacks installation/testing minus
Personnel $156 for switch 10%
$504 for server
2.3 IT Personnel Labor Tools, parametric plus or High
Snacks $192 minus

December 10, 2013 Activity Cost Estimates Page 23

3.1 Management Retail products $500,000 Expert Judgment plus or High
approval to minus
purchase retail 10%
3.2 Workers for the labor $9 per hour Expert Judgment plus or High
store, need for 40 hour for 10 minus
laborers to stock employees 10%
shelves $3600 total cost
3.3 Store Training, labor $4,400 Expert Judgment plus or High
management, minus
HR personnel, 10%
general store

December 10, 2013 Activity Cost Estimates Page 24

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store
Date Prepared: 12/10/2013
Parametric Estimates
WBS ID Cost Variable Cost per Number of Units Cost
Unit Estimate

2.1 - Procure T1 Connection Monthly 3000 1-1.5 3000-4500


2.2 - Run Ethernet Cable Throughout Hourly Wage 100 16 hours 1600
Building Rate

2.3 - Purchase the Equipment Purchases Variant Router, Switch, Server, Rack, 17000
Service Terminals

2.4.1 - Installations of Equipment (Router Hourly Wage 78 8 624

and Test Connection Rates

2.4.2 - Install Switch Hourly Wage 78 2 156


2.4.3 - Install Server and Test Hourly Wage 84 6 504


2.5 - Testing and Adding Location and Hourly Wage 96 2 192

Phone to lookup function Rate

Analogous Estimates
WBS Previous Activity Previous Current Activity Multiplier Cost
ID Cost Estimate

1.1 None None Procure Lease 2704

1.2 Procure Lease 2704 Procure T1 Connection 3000

1.5 Procure T1 Connection 3000 Pay Construction workers 15 per hour

246,816 total

3.1 Pay construction workers 15 per hour Management approval for 17, 000
246,816 total purchasing equipment

3.2 Management approval for 500,000 Workers for the store, need $3600 total
purchasing equipment laborers to stock shelves cost

3.3 Workers for the store, need $3600 total Store management, HR personnel, $10,000
laborers to stock shelves cost general store staff

December 10, 2013 Activity Cost Estimates Page 25

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store
Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

December 10, 2013 Cost Baseline Page 26


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority

Role Responsibility Authority

1. Project Sponsor 1. Sign off on important 1. High

documents, work with project
2. Project Manager manager 2. High

3. Construction Manager 2. Coordinate project team, 3. Moderate

manage deadlines,
4. Retail Products communicate between all 4. High
Manager stakeholders 5. High
5. Facilities Manager
3. Oversee build-out of store 6. Low/Moderate
6. Marketing Team 4. Oversee ordering, receiving, 7. High
7. IT Manager and stocking of products for

5. Oversee ordering, receiving,

and setup of store furnishings

6. Oversee planning and

execution of grand-opening

7. Oversee building, installing,

and testing of technology

December 10, 2013 Human Resource Management Plan Page 27


Project Organizational Structure

December 10, 2013 Human Resource Management Plan Page 28


Staffing Management Plan

Staff Acquisition Staff Release
External resources to needed to run Ethernet
cable, procure a T1 line, and purchase routers
and switches.

Personnel to staff new store.

Local chefs for cooking demonstrations at

grand-opening celebration.

Resource Calendars

Key project staff - including Jill Overstreet, Jake Peterson, Ricardo, and Gomez Construction -
are available for substantial time commitment to this project to ensure project deadline is

Training Requirements

Personnel hired to staff new store will need two weeks training with Jill Overstreet and team.

Rewards and Recognition

Project manager takes key project staff to lunch once per month to foster team unity and
Project manager rewards those resources occupying the roles listed at the beginning of this Plan
with $100 gift cards to [nice Colorado Springs restaurant] for holiday gift.

Upon completion of project, key project staff are awarded 20 hours PTO, to schedule at their will.
Upon completion of project, project sponsor sends company-wide email announcing success of
project, and includes his gratitude to key project staff by name.

December 10, 2013 Human Resource Management Plan Page 29

Regulations, Standards, and Policy Compliance

- Lease terms will be negotiated with agent.

- Inspections of site will be performed by independent contractor hired by New Heaven, as well
as by city and county inspectors.
- Procurement of external resources will be under a time and materials contract.
- IT equipment specifications and gourmet product and cookware line specifications are
documented in Quality Management Plan.


Gomez construction is responsible for ensuring safety standards are upheld by and for its
contractors at all times at Kitchen Heaven’s site.

December 10, 2013 Human Resource Management Plan Page 30

RACI Definitions:
R esponsibility = person or role
responsible for ensuring that the
item is completed
A ccountable = person or role
responsible for actually doing or

Independent Inspector
completing the item
C onsulted = person or role whose

Project Manager

Ricardo Ramirez
subject matter expertise is required

Jill Overstreet
Jake Peterson

City Inspector
in order to complete the item

Dirk Perrier
I nformed = person or role that
needs to be kept informed of the

status of item completion


Project Initiator R A C I I

Project Objective R A C I

Project Charter A I C C


Furnisih, Shelving, StoreSupplies I A R I I

Retail Products I A A R I

IT Equipment I A C I R

Store Build-Out I A R I C

Grand Opening A R I A C

IT Task Risk I R I I C

Facilities Risk I R C C I

Ratail Risk I R C C I

Project Costing I R C C C

IT Installation and Switches I A I I R

IT Testing I A I I R

Hire Store Personnel I A R R I

Human Resource Needs I A R R I


Building and Cabling I A R C R

I T hardware I A A C R

Store I A R R C I

Cable Vendor I A I I R

IT Connection Status I A I I R

Sign Lease I R C C C

Intial Retail Product Calls I A C R I

Website Announcement I A C C R

Forecast I R C C C C

Project Inspection I A A A A I

Website Announcement I A C C R

Forecast I R C C C C

IT Quality control and testing I A I I R I

Store Project Quality Status I A I R I I R


Contract Payment I A C C C R R

Site Inspection I A A C I I

Each Project Monitoring I A R R R I

Project Updates I R A A A

IT Quality control and testing I A I I R I

Store Project Quality Status I A I R I I R

Change Request I A A A A A R


Project Closeout R A C R I

Porject Ends I A A R I

Final Closing R A A A A

December 10, 2013 RACI Chart Page 31

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013
Resource Role Description

1. Project Sponsor: The project sponsor has the authority to assign resources and
enforce decisions regarding the project, and is a stakeholder.

2. Project Manager: The project manager is responsible for managing the project
processes and applying the tools and techniques used to carry out the project activities.
The project manager coordinates and communicates between the functional managers
and project sponsor, as well as other project stakeholders.

3. Construction Manager: The construction manager is the project vendor overseeing

the build out of the new retail store. The construction manager coordinates his team of
builders to meet contractual obligations, including completion of build out on schedule in
terms of project timeline. He also coordinates with the facilities manager and IT manager.
4. Retail Products Manager: The retail products manager is responsible for overseeing
the selection, ordering, and receiving of all retail products for the new store. She is also
involved with ensuring a smooth transition of project into her team’s operational care at
end of project.

5. Facilities Manager: The facilities manager is responsible for overseeing selection,

ordering, and receiving of all furnishings for the new store that are not retail products. He
also coordinates with the IT manager and construction manager.

6. Marketing Team: The marketing team is responsible for planning and executing the
grand-opening celebration for the new retail store.

7. IT Manager: The IT manager is responsible for overseeing the purchasing,

installation, and testing of all technical equipment for the new store. He also coordinates
with the facilities manager and construction manager.

December 10, 2013 Roles and Responsibilities Page 32


1. Project Sponsor: The project sponsor has a high level of authority, has ultimate
decision-making power, and holds a high degree of power and influence in the project.

2. Project Manager: The project manager has a high level of authority, and is
recognized as the main contact for questions and issues related to the project. The project
manager reports to the project sponsor, and works collaboratively with the functional
managers involved in the project.

3. Construction Manager: The construction manager has moderate authority, because

he has a high level of authority over his team but low-level authority in the context of
project decision making.

4. Retail Products Manager: The retail products manager has a high level of authority,
as she is responsible for all decision making with regards to store retail products.

5. Facilities Manager: The facilities manager has a high level of authority, as he is

responsible for all decision making with regards to store furnishings.

6. Marketing Team: The marketing team has a low-to-moderate level of authority in the
context of the project, as it coordinates grand-opening celebration activities and plans with
the project manager and functional manager stakeholders.

7. IT Manager: The IT manager has a high level of authority, has he is responsible for all
decision making with regards to technology needs for the store.


1. Project Sponsor: The project sponsor is ultimately responsible for overseeing the
project at a high level, ensuring that the project meets deadlines, and financial and other

2. Project Manager: The project manager is responsible for meeting stakeholder

expectations, including the expectations of the project sponsor. The project manager is
additionally responsible for managing the project team, their team of consultants, and
adhering to the PMI standards and code of ethics.

3. Construction Manager: The construction manager is responsible for communicating

with the project manager and functional managers involved in the project who are
concerned with the build out. The construction manager is responsible for the conduct of
his team.

4. Retail Products Manager: The retail products manager is responsible for ensuring
the store retail products meet stakeholder expectations.

5. Facilities Manager: The facilities manager is responsible for ensuring the store
furnishings meet stakeholder expectations.

December 10, 2013 Roles and Responsibilities Page 33

6. Marketing Team: The marketing team is responsible for ensuring the grand-opening
celebration meets stakeholder expectations.
7. IT Manager: The IT manager is responsible for ensuring the store technology meets
stakeholder expectations.


1. Project Sponsor: The project sponsor’s qualifications for overseeing this project were
determined by Kitchen Heaven executive leadership.

2. Project Manager: The project manager is qualified for this project based on past project
successes from previous employment.

3. Construction Manager: The construction manager is qualified to serve on this project

because this vendor has been engaged with Kitchen Heaven on three of the last five
projects, to great success.

4. Retail Products Manager: The retail products manager is qualified to work on this
project due to her experience and her role as manager of ongoing operations for this store
once the project has been successfully completed and closed.

5. Facilities Manager: The facilities manager is qualified to work on this project due to his
successful supervision of eight previous store build outs.

6. Marketing Team: The marketing team is qualified to work on this project based on past
event coordination success for other Kitchen Heaven store openings.

7. IT Manager: The IT manager is qualified to work on this project based on past success
overseeing technical processes and needs for past store opening projects.

December 10, 2013 Roles and Responsibilities Page 34


1. Project Sponsor: The project sponsor is required to be accessible by the project

manager for decision making and other needs, and will communicate necessary project
information to the project manager as the need arises.

2. Project Manager: The project manager is required to document project processes and
outcomes according to agreements with project stakeholders, and is required to lead project
team, including fostering communication between project stakeholders.

3. Construction Manager: The construction manager is required to meet contractual

obligations, and to communicate issues and questions to project manager and the necessary
functional managers.

4. Retail Products Manager: The retail products manager is required to fulfill project
expectations assigned to her to the best of her abilities, and to communicate problems and
limitations to meeting these expectations to the project manager as they arise.

5. Facilities Manager: The facilities manager is required to fulfill project expectations

assigned to him to the best of his abilities, and to communicate problems and limitations to
meeting these expectations to the project manager as they arise.

6. Marketing Team: The marketing team is required to execute a grand-opening celebration

for the new retail store on Feb. 1.

7. IT Manager: The IT manager is required to fulfill project expectations assigned to him to

the best of his abilities, and to communicate problems and limitations to meeting these
expectations to the project manager as they arise.

December 10, 2013 Roles and Responsibilities Page 35

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Team Values and Principles

1. Good communications

2. Good Documentation

3. Meet deadline

4. Deliverable

5. Meet quality status

Meeting Guidelines

1. Deadline are important and should be met by everyone

2. Once a week meeting for project update and change notification

3. Extended meetings when necessary

4. Each member would give briefs on the progress and what need to be addressed

Communication Guidelines

1. Verbal and written

2. Project documentation update

3. Check regular email every for update

Decision-Making Process

Responsible parties include the Project Manager, Stakeholders and any team member who is

December 10, 2013 Team Operating Agreement Page 36


Conflict Management Approach

Use meeting and change management as well as Alternative Conflict Resolution methods.

Signature: Date:

Dirk Perrier, project sponsor 12/10/13

Kirsten Rivera, project manager 12/10/13

Jake Peterson , construction and facilities manager 12/10/13

Jill Overstreet, retail products and marketing manager 12/10/13

Ricardo Santiago, information technology manager 12/10/13

December 10, 2013 Team Operating Agreement Page 37

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Technical Performance – Ricardo Santiago

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement

IT Cable Install by Ricardo’s team
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Cable Install and Lease
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Project Cost

December 10, 2013 Team Member Performance Assessment Page 38

Interpersonal Competency

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement

Project Communication
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Very collaborative other team members
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Conflict Management
Good at conflict resolution
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Decision Making
Firm decisions
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
Good Leadership


Communication, documentation and project execution


Negotiations and enforcing deadlines

December 10, 2013 Team Member Performance Assessment Page 39

Areas for Development

Area Approach Actions

Negotiations project Be firm Strong negotiations deals needed

Ramp-up time Improvement Negotiate better deadlines and

enforce it

Additional Comments


December 10, 2013 Team Member Performance Assessment Page 40

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013
Process Description

Conduct Procurements process for obtaining responses to bids and proposals from potential
vendors, selecting a vendor, and awarding the contract for the construction of Kitchen Heaven

Process Boundaries

Process Starting Point Process Ending Point

Determine store location. Award construction contract.

Inputs Outputs
Lease Agreement
RFP Selected Seller
Cost Baseline Resource Calendars
Qualified Sellers List Change Requests
References PMP Updates
Previous Work Project Document Updates


Process Owner: Jake Peterson

Other Stakeholders
Dirk Perrier
Jill Overstreet
Bryan (Ricardo’s team lead)
Marketing Department Stakeholder

December 10, 2013 Process Improvement Plan Page 41

Process Metrics

Metric Control Limit

1. 1.
Estimated Time from Begin Buildout to Acceptable: 120 days
Complete Buildout (days) Upper Control Limit: 132 days
Lower Control Limit: 108 days
2. 2.
Contract Procurement Time, including Acceptable: 14 days
negotiation (days) Upper Control Limit: 15.4 days
Lower Control Limit: 12.6 days

3. 3.
Vendor Weighted Score (out of 60) Acceptable: 53
Upper Control Limit: 58.3
Lower Control Limit: 47.7

Targets for Improvement

Metric Current or Acceptable Upper Lower


Estimated Time Current 120 days 132 days 108 days

from Begin
Buildout to

Estimated Time Target 108 days 118.8 days 97.2 days

from Begin
Buildout to

Contract Current 14 days 15.4 days 12.6 days

Time, including

December 10, 2013 Process Improvement Plan Page 42

Contract Target 12.6 days 13.86 days 11.34 days
Time, including

Vendor Current 53 58.3 47.7

Weighted Score

Vendor Target 56 61.6 50.4

Weighted Score

Process Improvement Approach

Current Process:

Intended Future Process:

December 10, 2013 Process Improvement Plan Page 43

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/13

Procurement Authority
Ricardo – Drafted procurement statement of work for IT deliverables

Jill – Drafted procurement statement of work for Gourmet & Cookware lines purchases

Roles and Responsibilities:

Project Manager Procurement Department

1. Ricardo 1. IT
2. Jill 2. Inventories
3. Jake 3. Furnishings
4. Gomez 4. Build-out

Standard Procurement Documents

1. Procurement statement of work
2. Fixed-Price Contract
3. Time and Materials Contract
4. Lease Agreement

Contract Type

Fixed-Price Contract: Purchase of routes & switches will be accomplished through fixed-price
Time & Materials Contracts: Human Resources for running Ethernet cable procuring the T1 line.

Procurement Assumptions and Constraints

Assumptions: The lease will signed by the end of the week.

Constraints: The lease must be signed by the lease signing date.

December 10, 2013 Procurement Management Plan Page 44

Integration Requirements

WBS The WBS and WBS dictionary identify the deliverables and describe the work
required for each element of the WBS. Procurement of the resources
necessary to complete these deliverables by the due date is the purpose of
this plan.

Schedule The schedule influences the procurement process and vice versa because
they are both dependent on timing. Availability of resources can significantly
impact the outcome of the project. For example, a contract being canceled or
failing to procure a seasonal product or service could cause delays later in
the project.
Documentation The documentation process involves a procurement document. The
document must (1) state the description of the work requested, (2) include
the contract SOW, and (3) an explanation of how the seller should format
their responses.

Risk The risk register is a useful tool in determining the types of goods or services
trying to be procured. Integrating risk into this process is essential to
maintaining appropriate levels of risk as defined by the organization’s
policies, the stakeholders’ risk appetite, and other external environmental
factors. Tool used to procure resources in regards to risk may include: (2)
Perform a Make or Buy Analysis, (2) Market Research, and/or (3) Contract
Performance Throughout the project lifecycle, there will be a need to track and evaluate
Reporting the progress being made in the various procurement processes. The use of
performance metrics will be used in order to insure that the schedule and risk
levels are aligned with the WBS and WBS dictionary.

Performance Metrics

Domain Metric Measurement

Statistical Sampling of Cost of quality will help determine if the procured resources are at an
Supplies Ordered from adequate level of quality. Acceptable levels of quality may be found in
Vendors the quality management plan.
Jill ran into issues procuring the gourmet food supplies due to an
external and internal failure cost of quality. The first vendor went out of
business and the second vendor sold too low of quality supplies for the
grand opening.

December 10, 2013 Procurement Management Plan Page 45

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

1 2 3 4 5
Criteria 1 Purchase Price Purchase Price Purchase Price Purchase Price Purchase Price

Criteria 2 Delivery Cost Delivery Cost Delivery Cost Delivery Cost Delivery Cost

Criteria 3 Financial Capacity Financial Capacity Financial Capacity Financial Capacity Financial Capacity

Criteria 4 Production Capacity Production Capacity Production Capacity Production Capacity Production Capacity

Criteria 5 Overall Cost Overall Cost Overall Cost Overall Cost Overall Cost

Weight Candidate 1 Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 2 Candidate 3 Candidate 3

Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Criteria 1 .10 3 .3 2 .2 1 .1

Criteria 2 .10 2 .2 3 .3 1 .1

Criteria 3 .10 2 .2 1 .1 3 .3

Criteria 4 .10 1 .1 3 .3 2 .2

Criteria 5 .60 3 1.8 1 .6 2 1.2

Totals 1 11 2.6 10 1.5 9 1.9

December 10, 2013 Source Selection Criteria Page 46

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/13

Quality Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibilities

1. Project Manager ➔ Documenting stakeholder expectations and consensus quality

management objectives at a project-level that supports the
implementation of the PMP.
➔ Utilizing the expertise of the project staff to determine the
procedures necessary to achieve the target level of quality.
➔ Ensuring stakeholders endorse quality objectives stated in the
➔ Understanding the stakeholders’ roles in project success.
➔ Working with the stakeholders early in the project lifecycle to
determine needs, and refining those requirements in light of
➔ Considering the cost/benefit of all quality improvements.
2. Project Staff ➔ Delivering a quality product.
➔ Performing an active role to ensure quality objectives are clearly
articulated and that the stakeholder understands the essential
professional standards, laws, and codes which must be
incorporated into the project.
➔ Monitoring the quality of their work.
➔ Keeping the commitments for completion of their portion of the
project as documented in the QMP.

3. Jill Overstreet ➔ Monitoring the quality of her work and the work of her staff.
➔ Serving on an independent review team, when appropriate.

4. Ricardo ➔ Monitoring the quality of his work, and the work of his staff.
➔ Serving on an independent review team, when appropriate.

December 10, 2013 Quality Management Plan Page 47


Quality Planning Approach

What Define quality on the project and how quality will be measured

When Planning

Processes Develop Project Management Plan

Define Scope
Collect Requirements
Develop Project Team
Estimate Activity Resources
Estimate Activity Durations
Estimate Costs

Quality Assurance Approach

What Determine if measurement of quality is appropriate by evaluating overall

performance on a regular basis to insure the project will satisfy customer
quality expectations

When Executing, Monitoring & Controlling

Processes Perform QA

Quality Control Approach

What Monitor specific project products to determine if they meet performance

measurement thresholds defined in the quality management plan

When Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, Closing

Processes Perform QA
Manage Communications (lessons learned meetings)
Close Project or Phase (lessons learned meetings)

Quality Improvement Approach

What Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project when corrective actions
such as Change Requests are identified. Changes to the QMP and the PMP
may be required

When Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling

Processes Develop Project Management Plan

Perform Integrated Change Control

December 10, 2013 Quality Management Plan Page 48

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

ID Item Metric Measurement Method

1 Project Schedule Time Schedule Performance Index (SPI) =

Earned Value ÷ Planned Value
2 Budget Cost Cost Performance Index (CPI) = Earned
Value ÷ Actual Cost
3 Project Schedule Resources Amount of hours overspent per
4 Change Scope Number of Change Requests

5 Quality Management Quality Number of defects fixed per user

acceptance test
6 Project Schedule Action Items Number of action items behind schedule for

December 10, 2013 Quality Metrics Page 49

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store
Date: 12/10/13

 Store property must be located in Colorado Springs, CO.
 Store must open February 1, 2014 to coincide with Garden and Home Show conference
in Colorado Springs.
 The store should have between 1,500 and 2,500 square feet of retail space.
 Local contractors should be used for the build-out.
 Project requires team to sign a lease within 14 days.
 Store must offer new line of gourmet food products.
 Store must have classroom space in back of store for cooking demos and classes.
 Project must cost less than $2 million.
 Jill Overstreet needs 14 days to hire personnel and stock shelves.
 Signed lease
 Order T1 connection
 Ethernet Cable Run
 Contract with Gomez
 Build-Out
 Install and Test Hardware
 Order Retail Products
 Hire Retail Products and Stock Shelves
 Grand Opening

 There is an overlapping relationship between these requirements.
 If there is to be a change to any of the requirements it must be reported to the Project
Manager with a plan of action moving forward.

 Building and Cabling
 Store
 Budget
 Human Resources
 Schedule
 Products

 Requirements are to be documented and monitored in the Requirements and
Traceability Matrix

 Ordinal prioritization (high, medium, low)

December 10, 2013 Requirements Management Plan Page 50


 These requirements will be traced in hours.

Traceability Structure
 Requirements will all have a priority level, category, source, and objective and will be
organized this way in the traceability matrix.

 These requirements will be tracked by weekly progress reports given to the Project
Manager and necessary stakeholders.

 Progress of the requirements will be tracked on and reported on a weekly basis.
 The project manager must be notified when tasks are completed and if they are
running behind schedule.

 Once a requirement is completed the project manager must be notified and will
validate that the requirement is completed to the proper standard and that it is okay to
move onto that party’s next requirement.

December 10, 2013 Requirements Management Plan Page 51

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Requirement Information Relationship Traceability

ID Requirement Priority Category Source Objective WBS Deliverable Metric Validation

KHCS- Signed Lease High Building and Dirk Perrier Phase 2 yes hours complete
1001 Cabling

KHCS- Order T1 High Building and Activity List Phase 2 yes hours complete
1002 Connection Cabling

KHCS- Ethernet low Building and Activity List Phase 2 yes hours complete
1003 Cable Run Cabling

KHCS- Contract With high Building and Activity List Phase 1 yes hours complete
1004 Gomez Cabling

KHCS- Build-Out high Building and Activity List Phase 1 yes hours complete
1005 Cabling

KHCS- Build-Out high Building and Activity List Phase 1 yes hours Not complete
1006 Complete Cabling

KHCS- Instal and Test high Hardware Activity List Phase 1 yes hours complete
1007 Hardware

KHCS- Order Retail high STORE Activity List Phase 3 yes hours Not complete
1008 Products

KHCS- Hire Retail high STORE Activity List Phase 3 yes hours Not complete
10010 Products and
Stock Shelves

KHCS- Grand high STORE Activity List Phase 3 yes hours Not complete
10011 Opening

December 10, 2013 Risk Management Plan Page 52


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store

Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

ID Requirement Stakeholder Category Priority Acceptance Criteria Validation Method

KHCS-1001 Signed Lease Dirk Perrier Building and High Signed within 14 days Signed lease
Cabling document

KHCS-1002 Retail Product Dirk Perrier Store High Delivered 14 days prior to Inventory receipt and
Line opening confirmation

KHCS-1003 In-Store Dirk Perrier Building and High Completed by grand opening Approval by Dirk
Classroom Cabling

KHCS-1004 Project Cost Dirk Perrier Budget High Project is completed at or Written Confirmation
below $2 million budget from Accounting

KHCS-1005 Jill’s Time Jill Overstreet Building and Medium Jill has 14 days to to hire Hiring and stocking
Requirement Cabling personnel and stock shelves completion notification
from Jill

December 10, 2013 Risk Management Plan Page 53


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store

Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

The Risk Management Plan will be used to define, monitor, and control risks throughout the project.
Defining risk will be accomplished through identifying the risk attitudes of the organization and its
stakeholders using techniques such as:
1. Regular documentation reviews
2. Gathering information
3. Checklist analysis
4. Assumptions analysis
5. Diagramming
6. Strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis
7. Expert judgment
After risks have been identified and properly documented in risk register, a qualitative analysis will be
performed by utilizing a risk probability impact matrix and a risk data quality assessment. Once the risks
have been evaluated from a qualitative perspective, a quantitative analysis will be performed to
determine the overall impact of these risks. The quantitative analysis will look at:
1. Possible outcomes and probabilities
2. Identify risks that need the most attention
3. Identify realistic and achievable schedule, cost, or scope targets
4. Determine the best project management decisions possible when outcomes are uncertain
Quantitative analysis of risks will be performed by gathering data from probability distributions,
performing various modeling techniques (such as EMV, decision tree, simulation, or sensitivity) and
documented on the risk register. Once this part of the process has been completed, developing a risk
response plan will be necessary to determine which actions to take for the risks that have the highest
probability of occurring and highest impact to the project. Strategies are developed in the risk response
plan process to address negative and positive risks, as well as contingency plans.

Role and Responsibilities

Ricardo - Risks associated with IT tasks

Jill and Jake - Risks related to store stocking and furnishings

Risk Categories

IT Risks (Account ID: 1000’s):

1. T1 line availability and installation. Risk ID: 1001. Risk Score: Very Low
2. Contractor availability for Ethernet Installation. Risk ID: 1002. Risk Score: Medium
3. POS and server hardware availability. Risk ID: 1003. Risk score: Medium
Facilities (Account ID: 2000’s):
1. Desirable location in the right price range. Risk ID: 2001. Risk score: High
2. Contractor availability for build-out. Risk ID: 2002. Risk score: Low
3. Availability of fixtures and shelving. Risk ID: 2003. Risk score: Low
Retail (Account ID: 3000’s):
1. Product availability. Risk ID: 3001. Risk score: Medium
2. Shipment dates for product. Risk ID: 3002. Risk score: Low

December 10, 2013 Risk Management Plan Page 54

Risk Management Funding

Contingency reserves will need to be accounted for based on the likelihood and impact of a risk in
relation to the remaining balance of the reserve account. The reserve account should include all the
quantified risks in order to maintain an accurate budget.

Contingency Protocols

Contingency protocols help determine alternative methods of dealing with certain risks. When a risk
event occurs, the contingency plan reserve strategy will be in place for that particular event. This
protocol may include setting aside funding, resources, and adding project time to the project schedule.
In the development of each contingency protocol, it is important to consider the impact the contingency
will have on the project.

Frequency Timing

Risk management documents will be reviewed and evaluated when a risk becomes an issue, needs to
be modified, or a new risk has been identified. Documents associated with risk must be monitored and
updated to accurately reflect the projects current risks every couple of days, or as needed.

Stakeholder Risk Tolerance

Stakeholder risk tolerances change throughout the life of the project, new risk tolerances will be
documented in this section.

In the interview with Ricardo, the risk tolerance for the T1 Line Availability and Installation became a
higher priority as Ricardo identified that a risk of delay could postpone the T1 line for up to 3 to 4
months, with a low possibility of it being 6 months.

Tracking and Audit

Once risks have been identified, they will need to be subsequently tracked throughout the remainder of
the project. Tracking the risks will start by referencing the frequency timing section in the Risk
Management Plan to ensure that the risks are still applicable to the current project. To determine if
risks are still relevant, an audit of the risks will be done by assessing the pending deadlines and current
project resources.

December 10, 2013 Risk Management Plan Page 55


Definitions of Probability

Very high When the probability of an event is from 80%-100%

High When the probability of an event is from 60%-80%

Medium When the probability of an event is from 40%-60%

Low When the probability of an event is from 20%-40%

Very low When the probability of an event is from 0%-20%

Probability Impact Matrix

Very High .64 .48 .32 .16 .04

High .48 .36 .24 .12 .03

Medium .32 .24 .16 .08 .02

Low .16 .12 .08 .04 .01

Very Low .04 .03 .02 .01 .0025

Very High High Medium Low Very Low

Definitions of Impact Objective

Scope Quality Time Cost

Very High .8 Product Not More than 18% More than 18%
Usable increase increase

High .6 Unacceptable 13%-18% 13%-18%

quality increase decrease

Medium .4 Significant impact 7%-12% increase 7%-12% decrease

requiring customer
approval to

Low .2 Few components Less than 6% Less than 6%

impacted increase increase

Very Low .05 No significant No significant No significant

impact impact impact

December 10, 2013 Risk Management Plan Page 56


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store

Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Very High: .04 .16 .32 .48 .64


High .03 .12 .24 .36 .48


Medium .02 .08 .16 .24 .32


Low .01 .04 .08 .12 .16


Very Low .0025 .01 .02 .03 .04


Very Low: .05 Low: .2 Medium : .4 High: .6 Very High: .8

December 10, 2013 Risk Register Page 57


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Impact Score Response

Risk ID Risk Statement Probability
Scope Quality Schedule Cost

1001 T1 Line .2-.4 Low Mitigation

1002 Contractor Availability: .4-.6 Medium

Ethernet Installation

1003 POS and Server .4-.6 Medium

Hardware Availability

2001 Desirable location in 60% High Loss of $1.3

Price Range Million
Income per

2002 Contractor Availability for .2-.4 Low

build out

2003 Availability of fixtures .2-.4 Low

and shelving

3001 Product availability 40% Medium 125000 Loss

3002 Shipment dates for .4-.6 Medium


December 10, 2013 Risk Register Page 58


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Schedule Methodology

The methodology is based on Schedule Net-work analysis, Milestone Charts.

Schedule Tools

Project Management Software : Microsoft Project; Cost of Quality; Reserve analysis; Vendor bid
Analysis; Group decision - making techniques

Level of Accuracy Units of Measure Variance Thresholds

95% Hours +/- 5%

Schedule Reporting and Format

Schedule baseline and the reporting format is Milestone Method in time, Finish-to-start (FS)

Process Management

Activity identification Activity List; Project Schedule Plan with analogous estimating and rolling
wave planning.

Activity scheduling Milestone Chart and schedule compression

Estimating resources Activity list; Leads and lags

Estimating effort and Expert judgment based on Top - down Techniques and Days for
duration duration were used

Updating, monitoring and Project documentation updates .This would be done on share drive
controlling Project Plan

December 10, 2013 Schedule Management Plan Page 59

Project Title: 50th Kitchen Heaven Store in Colorado Springs & Grand-Opening Celebration
Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

WBS ID Activity Description Effort Duration Estimate



1.1 Sign Lease 8 Days by 8hrs of work

1.2 Order T1 Connection 360 Days by 8hrs of work

1.3 Ethernet Cable Run 16 Days by 8hrs of work

1.4 Contract With Gomez 16 Days by 8hrs of work

1.5 Build-Out 960 Days by 8hrs of work

1.6 Build-Out Complete 0 Days by 8hrs of work


2.1 Purchase Hardware 112 Days by 8hrs of work

2.2 Install and Test Hardware 24 Days by 8hrs of work

2.3 Add Store to Website 8 Days by 8hrs of work

2.4 It Tasks Complete 0 Days by 8hrs of work


3.1 Order Retail Products 120 Days by 8hrs of work

3.2 Hire Retail Products and Stock 112 Days by 8hrs of work

3.3 Train Store Personnel 16 Days by 8hrs of work

3.4 Grand Opening 16 Days by 8hrs of work

3.5 Project Closeout 40 Days by 8hrs of work

3.6 Project Ends 0 Days by 8hrs of work

December 10, 2013 Activity Duration Estimates Page 60


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

ID: 30100 Activity: Sign Lease

Description of Work:
Complete leasing by signing lease contract for retail space.

Predecessors Relationship Lead or Lag Successor Relationship Lead or Lag

1.2 lead 1.0 lead

Number and Type of Skill Requirements: Other Required Resources:

Resources Required:

Personnel, Legal Expert knowledge, legal knowledge


Type of Effort: Time and meeting dead lines

Location of Performance: Real estate office, Colorado Springs, CO

Imposed Dates or Other Constraints: Must be completed by 1/15/2013.

Assumptions: Assuming everything will be on schedule

December 10, 2013 Activity Attributes Page 61


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store

Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

WBS ID Type of Resource Quantity Assumptions


1.1 Sign Lease 2 People

1.2 Order T1 Connection 2 People

1.3 Ethernet Cable & IT works 24

bundles +
8 Peoples

1.4 Cement 100 Bags

1.5 Build-Out 50 People

1.6 Ground work equipment 5 + 10


1.7 Purchase Hardware 6 People

1.8 Install and Test Hardware 15 People

1.9 Add Store to Website 3 People

1.10 IT Tasks Complete 3 People


2.1 Order Retail Products 4 People

2.2 All Other hardware and 5 People


2.3 All Other hardware and 7 People


Comments: The is based on what is needed and at low cost

December 10, 2013 Activity Resource Requirements Page 62


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Three Point Estimates

WBS ID Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic Weighting Expected

Duration Duration Duration Equation Duration
1.0 1360 1300 1400 (O + (4*ML) + 1326.67
P) / 6
2.0 144 140 160 (O + (4*ML) + 144
P) / 6
3.0 304 300 290 (O + (4*ML) + 299
P) / 6

December 10, 2013 Duration Estimates Worksheet Page 63


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

1. Project
1.1. People
1.1.1. Quantity of Role 1: IT: 20 people Quantity of Level 1: Build Out: 50 People Quantity of Level 2: Store: 10 people Quantity of Level 3: Interior and Exterior Decorations- 8
1.1.2. Quantity of Role 2: Closeout- 5 peoples
1.2. Equipment
1.2.1. Quantity of Type 1: Ladders, Stoves, Shelve, water filters
1.2.2. Quantity of Type 2: Lifts and Forklifts
1.3. Materials
1.3.1. Quantity of Material 1: Cement, IT and Electrical cables, paints and
wood Quantity of Grade 1: Tables, Chairs, decorations Quantity of Grade 2: Store retail items
1.4. Supplies
1.4.1. Quantity of Supply 1: 50 Shelves, 24 bundles of IT and electrical
Cables, 25 Tables and Chairs
1.4.2. Quantity of Supply 2: 20 tons retail supplies
1.5. Locations
1.5.1. Location 1: Kitchen Heaven Site
1.5.2. Location 2: Store front

December 10, 2013 Resource Breakdown Structure Page 64


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Task Name Duration Start Date Finish Date Predecessors Resources

(Days) Names
Kitchen Heaven Project 178.25 Mon. Wed. 2/7/2014
BUILDING AND CABLING 152.5 Mon. 8/21/13 Mon. 1/15/14
Sign Lease 1 Mon. Mon. Jill, Project
8/21/2013 8/21/2013 Manager
Order T1 Connection 45 Mon. Mon. 10/2/13 Ricardo
Ethernet Cable Run 2 Mon. Tue. 3 Ricardo
9/18/2013 9/19/2013
Contract With Gomez 2 Mon. Tue. 3 Jill, Project
9/11/2013 9/12/2013 Manager
Build-Out 120 Wed. 9/20/13 Mon. 1/15/14 Contractor
Build-Out Complete 0 Mon. 1/15/14 Mon. 1/15/14 7
IT HARDWARE 17.5 Mon. 1/8/14 Wed. 1/24/14
Purchase Hardware 14 Mon. 1/8/14 Sat. 1/20/14 Ricardo
Install and Test Hardware 3 Sat. 1/20/14 Tue. 1/23/14 5,10 Ricardo
Add Store to Website 1 Tue. 1/9/14 Tue. 1/9/14 Ricardo
It Tasks Complete 0 Wed. 1/24/14 Wed. 1/24/14 11

December 10, 2013 Project Schedule Page 65

STORE 28.5 Mon. 1/8/14 Fri. 2/2/14
Order Retail Products 15 Mon. 1/9/14 Mon. 1/22/14 Jill, Project
Hire Retail Products and Stock 14 Tue. 1/10/14 Mon. 1/29/14 Jill, Project
Shelves Manager
Train Store Personnel 2 Tue. 1/30/14 Wed. 1/31/14 11, 18 Jill, Project
Grand Opening 2 Thu. 2/1/14 Fri. 2/2/14 Jill, Project
Project Closeout 5 Fri. 2/2/14 Wed. 2/7/14 18 Jill, Project
Project Ends 0 Wed. 2/7/14 Wed. 2/7/14 19 Project Manager

December 10, 2013 Project Schedule Page 66


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

ID Activity Description of Work


1.1 Sign Lease Signing the lease agreement

1.2 Order T1 Connection T1 cable procurement

1.3 Ethernet Cable Run Installation of the Ethernet cable

1.4 Contract With Gomez Signing the Contract

1.5 Build-Out Start of renovation and grounds work

1.6 Build-Out Complete When to complete the build out


2.1 Purchase Hardware All hardware purchasing

2.2 Install and Test Hardware Installation activities

2.3 Add Store to Website Website development and testing

2.4 IT Tasks Complete when to complete IT stuff


3.1 Order Retail Products Retail stuff

3.2 Hire Retail Products and Stock Shelves workers for the store

3.3 Train Store Personnel Training activities

3.4 Grand Opening Preparations and activities for the grand


3.5 Project Closeout When the project closes out

3.6 Project Ends Time to complete and hand over

December 10, 2013 Activity List Page 67


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepare: 12/10/2013

Scope Statement Development

Project objectives: Open 50th store by Feb. 1 in Colorado Springs

Project Deliverables:
● Build out storefront, including shelving
● Retail product line will be delivered two weeks prior to grand opening
● Have grand opening party with cooking demos
Project Requirements:
● Sign lease within 14 days
● Offer new line of gourmet food products
● Have classroom space in back of store for cooking demos and classes
Constraints: Feb. 1 date will coincide with home and garden show
Fund Limitations: Spend no more than $2 million on the project
● A store build-out usually takes 120 days
● Jill Overstreet will help with the initial store stocking
● Jake Peterson will provide supplies for the stores that aren’t retail products, such as
store furnishings, shelving, and so on, and can help with the store build-out as well.
● The budget for the project will be between $1.5 and $2 million

WBS Structure

Level 1: The Project: Building the New Store

Level 2: Subproject or deliverables (demolition, design, bridgework, and paving)
Level 3: Deliverable: (location, store build-out, furnishings, product)
Level 4: Time and cost estimate (Constraints: February 1 date will coincide with home and
garden show. Fund limitations: Spend no more than $2 million for the project. )

December 10, 2013 Scope Management Plan Page 68

WBS Dictionary

Code of account identifier:

Description of the Work of the component:

1. Buildout and ground preparations

2. IT Work on Cable installations
2.1 Procure The T1 connection
2.2 Run Ethernet Cable Throughout the building
2.3 Purchasing of Routers, switches servers and racks
2.4 Installations of Switches, Routers and Racks
2.5 Testing and adding location and phone to lookup function
3. Personnel Hiring and Shelves stocking

List Schedule Milestones:

Milestone 1:
Construction and IT’s jobs - Ricardo’s Team done by Sept 20

Milestone 2:
Build-out, Personnel Hiring by Jill’s Team done by January 26

Milestone 3:
Grand Opening Preparation done by January 30

Organization responsible for completing the component:

1. Jake’s Team - General Construction of store Build-out, furnishing, Shelving installation and
storage room
2. Jim’s team - Retail Product: Sign Lease, Gourmet Product, Cookware line and Store
3. Ricardo’s team - IT Equipment hardware Procurement, installation and Testing
4. Jim’s team - Grand Opening: refreshment and Chef’s Demos

Cost Estimates:
Total Project cost: Estimate $ 1.5 to $2.0 million
Addition $10,000 for Ricardo’s Team

Contract or Agreement information Constraints and Assumptions:

1. February 1st date coinciding with home and garden show.
1. A store build-out usually takes 120 days.
2. Jill Overstreet will help with the initial store stocking.
3. Jake Peterson will provide supplies for the stores that aren’t retail products, such as store
furnishings, shelving, and so on, and can help with the store build-out as well.
4. The budget for the project will be between $1.5 and $2 million.

December 10, 2013 Scope Management Plan Page 69


Scope Baseline Maintenance

The scope baseline maintenance will be used to monitor the status of the scope of the project.
The team will utilize the WBS Dictionary as a framework for the project and ensure that they
perform only the work described in the WBS Dictionary. This is measurable by generating
deliverables for each WBS element. Maintenance must be timely so that the project is not
tracking obsolete or other goals unmentioned in the WBS Dictionary. If there is a scope
change, the corresponding cost baseline and schedule baselines must be adjusted to reflect
the changes.

See Sections:
1. Scope Statement
2. The WBS
3. WBS Dictionary

Scope Change

Any major change to the scope will need to be verified by all of the stakeholders to make sure
that it is okay. The project manager first will decide if they think the change is necessary and
they will then approach all stakeholders and make sure they approve the change. If there is
just a scope revision it will be left to the project manager’s best judgment whether or not the
revision is necessary for the success of the project. Scope changes will be anticipated and
budgeted for accordingly.

Deliverable Acceptance

Project Deliverables:
● Build out storefront, including shelving
○ The storefront look must be consistent with all of the other 49 stores throughout
the country. This will need to be approved and signed off by someone in the
Marketing department.
● Retail product line will be delivered two weeks prior to grand opening
○ The retail product line must be displayed throughout the store in a way that is
easy for customers to find what they want and consistent with other stores in
the country. This will need to be approved by…?
● Have grand opening party with cooking demos
○ Customers will be expecting cooking demos of high quality by people who
know what they are talking about. Is will be important to hire instructors with
good experience and will be approved by the project manager as well as
someone in the Marketing Department.

December 10, 2013 Scope Management Plan Page 70

Scope and Requirements Integration

As requirements are collected, they will be documented in a way that describes how the
requirements meet the business need for the project. However, before being included into the
scope, they must be unambiguous, traceable, complete, consistent, and acceptable to
stakeholders. Components of requirements documentation may include:
● Business requirements (project objectives, business rules, and guidelines of the
● Stakeholder requirements (impact to other entities or organization areas, stakeholder
communication and reporting requirements)
● Solution requirements (functional/nonfunctional, technology and compliance, support
and training, quality)
● Project requirements (performance, safety, compliance, levels of service, acceptance)
● Transition requirements
● Requirements assumptions, dependencies, and constraints.

Requirements documentation may need to be updated to include any approved changes.

Verification and integration of new or updated requirements into the WBS Dictionary must be
accompanied with a signature from the project manager.

December 10, 2013 Scope Management Plan Page 71


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Product Scope Description

The 50th Kitchen Heaven store, located in Colorado Springs, will open February 1 with a grand -
opening celebration. The project will involve: procuring the property, negotiating the lease, procuring
the shelving and associated store furnishings, getting a contractor on the job, and preparing the 50th
store festivities in collaboration with the marketing department.

Project Deliverables
Storefront complete with shelving and other store furnishings, outfitted with retail product lines, with
classrooms at back of store.
Grand-opening celebration with Colorado Springs community, including cooking demos with local

Project Acceptance Criteria

Storefront build out construction is complete and site passes independent, city and county inspections.
Store furnishings are set up.
> 90% of ordered retail products ordered are received and stocked on floor.
> 90% of personnel needs are met and staff complete minimum two-week training.
At least three local chefs are secured for cooking demonstrations for grand-opening celebration.
Other catering for event is ordered.

Project Exclusion
Site does not pass inspections.
Store furnishings are poorly crafted/unavailable.
< 90% of necessary retail products are not physically in store by project completion date.
< 90% of personnel needs are not met at least two weeks before grand-opening.
Local chefs are not located/booked for participation in grand-opening celebration.
Catering is not secured for event.

Project Constraints

Spend no more than $2 million on project.

Complete project - have all deliverables completed by Feb. 1, 2014.

Project Assumptions
A store build-out usually takes 120 days
Jill Overstreet will help with the initial store stocking
Jake Peterson will provide supplies for the stores that aren’t retail products, such as store furnishings,
shelving, and so on, and can help with the store build-out as well.
The budget for the project will be between $1.5 and $2 million

December 10, 2013 Project Scope Statement Page 72

Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Stakeholder Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading

Dirk Perrier C

Jill Overstreet C/D

Jake Peterson C/D

Ricardo C/D

Gomez Construction C/D


Arrow Consulting C/D


Marketing Team C D

C = Current level of engagement D = Desired level of engagement

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Management Plan Page 73

Stakeholder Communication Needs Method/Medium Timing/Frequency

Dirk Perrier Inform Project Sponsor of Face-to-face communication Weekly.

completion of milestones, give preferable, email or phone when
updates on project progress, necessary.
and consult for critical project

Jill Overstreet Receive frequent check-ins Face-to-face primarily, email or At least every three days.
about progress of retail item phone secondarily.
acquisition and staffing, give
updates on changes to project
schedule/budget/scope in case
they have residual effect.

Jake Peterson Receive frequent check-ins Face-to-face primarily, email or At least every three days.
about progress of store phone secondarily.
furnishings acquisition; give
updates on changes to project
schedule/budget/scope in case
they have residual effect.

Ricardo Receive frequent check-ins Face-to-face primarily, email or At least every two days.
about progress of IT-related phone secondarily.
installations and testing, give
updates on changes to project
schedule/budget/scope in case
they have residual effect.

Gomez Construction Crew Because deadline constraint is Telephone primarily, face-to-face Daily.
critical to success of project, secondarily.
check in frequently about
construction progress and
issues that arise.

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Management Plan Page 74

Arrow Consulting Team Update on all developments of Face-to-face primarily, email or Daily.
project as they occur. phone secondarily.

Marketing Team Communicate changes to Face-to-face primarily, email or Weekly.

schedule/budget/scope that phone secondarily.
may impact grand-opening
celebration, receive updates on
celebration plans to ensure
they meet stakeholder

Pending Stakeholder Changes

Madelyn was let go due to improper use of internet resource during work hours - need to find replacement stakeholder, two internal
candidates are currently under consideration.

Stakeholder Relationships

There is a high level of trust and respect amongst the stakeholders involved in the new Kitchen Heaven retail store project, and thus
communication is effective and team dynamics functional and positive.

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Management Plan Page 75

Stakeholder Engagement Approach

Stakeholder Approach

Local Colorado Springs chefs Jill will reach out to local restaurants and cooking schools to inquire about chefs who are well-
connected in the Colorado Springs community, to measure interest in participating in grand-opening

Colorado Springs community Marketing team will begin advertising grand-opening celebration and new retail store several months
before Feb. 1 project completion date, to garner interest and excitement.

Grand-opening celebration Jill and her team, in conjunction with Arrow Consultants, will perform online search for caterers will
vendors positive online reviews. The top five candidates will be contacted by telephone and will be informed
of Kitchen Heaven’s needs for the event, and if interested will receive an RFQ from Kitchen Heaven
via email. The five vendors will submit seller proposals and the top three candidates will participate
in a bidder conference with key project stakeholders who are invested in this area of the project.

Jill Overstreet’s team Two months out of project completion date, Project Manager and Arrow Consulting Team will begin
meeting with Jill’s team to discuss transition of project management after Feb. 1.

Kitchen Heaven employees All employees will receive an email one month before project completion date from Project Sponsor
announcing new store opening, including an invitation to grand-opening celebration.

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Management Plan Page 76


Project Title: New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Dirk Perrier
Colorado Springs Stakeholders at
community kick-off meeting

Jill Overstreet
Jake Peterson

General contractor
Leasing agent

Local chefs Marketing Department

Grand opening caterers
Jill Overstreet’s group
Garden and Home Show
attendees and overseers

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Analysis Matrix Page 77


Project Manager: Kirsten Rivera, Arrow Consulting Date Prepared: 12/10/2013

Name Position Role Requirements Expectations Influence Classification
Dirk Perrier VP of Marketing Project Sponsor (555) 456-7654 Sign off on major Moderate High Important project decisions project
Jake Peterson Facilities In charge of store (555) 324-5644 Ordering and High project High Important
furnishings installation of store involvement
Jill Overstreet Director of Retail Initial store (555) 385-4677 Ordering and set- High project High Important
Products stocking, ongoing up of retail involvement
operations post- products, and
opening hiring and training
of store personnel
Jill Overstreet’s Retail Products Will take over Same as above Claim ongoing Moderate Moderate Semi-
group ongoing operations of new project important
operations of retail store after involvement
store project completion
Arrow Project consultants Assist project Project Moderate Moderate Semi-
Consulting manager involvement over project important
Team the life of the involvement
Ricardo IT Manager Oversees tech (555) 385-4688 Ordering, High project High Important
needs for new installation, and involvement
store testing of tech
equipment for store
Stakeholders Kitchen Heaven Influence decision Approve project Moderate Moderate Semi-
in attendance employees making charter project important
at kick-off involvement
Colorado Leasing agent In charge of (555) 853-4575 Negotiate lease Moderate Moderate Semi-
Springs Elite leasing actions and secure leasing project important
Property agreement involvement

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Register Page 78

Gomez Responsible for (555) 883-2411 Construction of High project Moderate Important
Construction General contractor build-out store involvement
Kitchen Marketing department Will be involved Local email address book Planning and Moderate Low/Moderate Semi-
Heaven with planning (Outlook) execution of grand- project important
Marketing grand opening opening involvement
celebration celebration
Colorado Citizens New retail store N/A None Low project Low Low-
Springs customers involvement importance
Garden and Consumers Retail store target N/A None Low project Low Low-
Home Show audience involvement importance
Grand opening Local Provide food at N/A Meet catering Low project Low Low-
caterers businesses/business event needs and involvement importance
owners expectations at
Local chefs Community Provide cooking N/A Provide cooking Low project Low Low-
featured at members/new store demonstrations demonstrations at involvement importance
grand opening target audience grand-opening
Change Kitchen Heaven Responsible for Local email address book Approve/deny Moderate Moderate Semi-
Control Board employees approving (Outlook) changes to project project important
changes to project plan involvement
management plan

December 10, 2013 Stakeholder Register Page 79

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