Video Games: First Part

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This work I do, because I play video games.

First part:
I would like to talk about the video games are see bad for the people, in special the older
people, because in their time they do not have video game.
For example, the news did than a murder out fault to video games only because the
person played it two or three time for week, but in the interview, he said they make him
bullying, so it is not fault of the video games.
Changing the subject of the news, the video games is good according to Oxford University
than say this: if the child play one or two hours, they will improve the memory. If the child
play three or four hours, they will not have problems with learn their. If the child play five
or more time, they will have psychology problems.
Advantages of play video games:
1. It improve the concentration
2. It help your memory
3. It serves for learning
Obviously also has disadvantages for example:
1. It gives stress
2. Overweight
Second part:
In this part, I would like to talk about my favorite video game than is Apex Legend, is an
amazing game in special because it have guns and is a strategic game.
I play this game for a YouTuber, his name is Shroud, and he is an incredible played, but the
problem of this game is than you need a pc gamer or maybe you need a very good pc.
Thank you for listen to me.

Julian Pinzon.

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