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FRO I" : I(INSP~T 557'-3404 FAX tID.: 5573404

. "

(19)·J) Europalsches Patentamt

European Palent Office ··111111111 Iii IIII


(45) Dale 01 pubucation and mention (51) Int CI,6~ H04N 5/44
of Ihe granl 01 Ihe patent:
05.02.1997 Bulletin 1997106 '02
(21) Application number: 91301634.1

(22) Date 01 filing, 26.02.1991

(54) Picture stabilising circuit

",., --

Circuit de stabilisation d'image

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: Perk, Je-Mun

DE FA G6 Suwon..hl, Kyounggi-do (KR)

(30) Priority 28.02.1990 KR 237390 (74) Representative: Billington. Lawrence Emlyn 01 al

(43) Date of publication of application: Hazlltt House
04,09,1991 Bullelln 1991136 28 Southampton BuJldln5JS
Chancery Lane
(73) Proprietor: GOLDSTAA co. LTD. London WC2A 1AT (GB)
Seoul (KR)
(56) References cited:
EP-A- 0241704 US·A· 4 271 427


C "<m

to <:) n
"11 C

Noto: Within nine months frem the publication of tho mention of the grant of tho European patent, any person may give
nonce to tho European Patont Office 01 opposition to the European patent granted, Notice 01 opposition shall be filed In
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed 10 have been filed until the opposition tee has been paid. (Art.
99( 1) European Palenl Convenlton),

P,nledby Jouve 7500' PARIS I~Rt

6)6-6)5-98 14:29 RECEIVED FROM:55734~4


F.I''l X tlO.: 5 5 7 3 4 43 4 98-05-436 15:28 P.04
FROM: KIMSP~T 557-3404

EP 0 444 925 81 2

Description teeling &9Clion 11, while the output of tho B.G P. delay-
ing detecting section 11 ~. supplied to the burst gale 12
The present invention relates to a picture re~enl'~~ The output signals of the chroma drive section 8.
alion stabilising circuit. and panicularly to the operation which is for extracling Ihe colour signals from the syn-
01 such a circuit during a non-signal input (non-inputting) 5 chronizing signals supplied to the Y/C separation sec-
or blankIng period in order to stabilise the colours of the tion 300. are supplied 10 the burst gate 12. The output
picture by preventing discrimination errors caused by 01 the burst gate 12 is supplied to the OP amplifier OPl
gating noise when discrimmaunq the broaocasunq which carries out a comparison with the reforence volt-
method during tape regenoralion (playback). age as determined by resistances R7.AB.
In one possible arrangement, as shown in Figure I 10 Tho output of the OP amplilier OPl is supplied
(A). tuner video signals b, wflich are solected through a through the buffer 13 10 a PAUMESECAM detecting
switch In9 section 1 in order to switch the tuner line video section 1001 a broadcasting method discriminating sec-
. input. are supplied to a low pass fittor 2. This low pass lion 700 which includes a phase detecting sectlon18. a
fil:er 2 is a component 01 a luner synchronizing separa- recoqnrnon signal (ID) detecting section g and a colour
tion section 100 which includes the low pass filler 2. a 15 killer 19 in addition 10 the PAUMESECAM detecting sec-
synchronizinq isolator 3, a horizontal automatic frequen- lion 10.
cy control section 4. a borizonta! oscillator 5. inverters Tho output of the PAUMESECAM detecting section
3A. A. A', and an AND gale is 10 is supplied to both the recognition (ID) signal detect-
The signals which are filtered through the low pass ing section 9 and Ihe phase delecting section lB. The
filter 2 are simultaneously supplied to both the synchro- 20 recognition siglal and phase detecting sections 9. 18
nizing 15OIal0l 3 and the horizontal automatic frequency are connected to the colour killer 19. and the line video
control section 4. The output of the horizontal automatic output 'a' which is SQleeted by the switching device 1 is
frequency control section 4 is supplied to the horizontal atso supptiedtobotn the lowpass filler 6 and Ihe chroma
oscillator 5 in order to control the horizontal synchrooiz- drive section 8 of the Y/C separation section 300
ing signal gonoration, and tho horizontal synchronizing 25 The modulator video inpul muler circuit 200 re-
signals which are generated through the horizontal os- ceives throuoh its base the output or the AND gale 16
cillator 5 are supplied to an Input terminal of the AND of the tuner synchronizing separation secton lOa, and
gate 16. the emitter of Ihe transistor 02 of the section 200 is
The synchroruzmq signals which are isolated grounded. The i::oUector of the transistor 02 is connect-
throug, the synchronizing isolator 3'aro supplied to an- 30 ad 10 both the emitter ot the transistor 03 and the resist-
other input terminal 01 the AND gate 16 where the sig- ance A9 where Ihe power source Vcc is supplied
nals of the horizontal oscillator 5 are supplied through The base of the transistor 03 is connected to Ihe
the other input tenninal. collector of Ihe transistor 04 which is grounded through
The output of (he AND gate 16 is supplied 10 the its emitter and-receives through its base Ihe tuner high
base of a tranststor 02 of a rnocutator video input muter 35 signals from a microcomputer. The collector of the Iran-
(suppressjon) circuit 200 which includes transistors sistor 03 is connected to the base of the translstor 05
02-05, and wflich is for preventing tunerlline interfer- which is grounded through its emiller. The collector of
ence. The output of the AND gate 16 is supplied through the transistor asis connected through a capacitor C4
the inverter A 10 the input tormeial of tho inverter A', and to a video inpul terminal IN, and also connected ulti-
the output of the inverter A' is supplied 10 both a chroma 40 mately 10 8 modulator 17.
drive 8 and a low pass fittor 6 of a Y/C (brightness/col- The circuit oonstituted as abovo will now bo de-
our) separation st:/<.:(jcn 300. scribed as to Its operauon ret erring 10 lhe tming charts
The section 300 includes Ihe low pass filter 6, the of Figures 2 and 3.
chroma drive B and a synchronizing isolator 7, and is First. under the condition that the mode switching
connected to the tuner video b. 45 device 1 of Figure 1 is selected, if a tuner video signal
The output of the low pass filtor 6, which removes b is supplied 10 the tuner synchronizing..s.eparalion ~ec-:.f.j
the colour components 01 the video signals inputted 10 lion 100.
the colour or chroma si al(/1 are ~oVed Cl !:;,!
the 'lIe separation section 300, is supplied through the by the low pass fitter 2, and only I e s~-nals (t~ wave '-a ~
synchroniz inq isolator 7 to a delay section 500. tho syn- pattem 1 of Figure 2) of the pure brig~ness ClPIumi- rfj m
,{".. .,.. r-
chronizing separation section 7 being for extracting B.
G.P. (burs: gale pulse). and the delay section 500 con-
srsts 01 invertsr s 11 and 12 and a schmidt trigger ST.
ThQ output 01 a discriminating coction 400 which in-
etudes a B.G. P. delaying detecting section 11. a bu rst
50 nanco componenl Yare supplied

control section 4.
Con~equently, the syochrcoizin
ed by the synchronizing isolator 3,
blt.~ tho synchro- ....1
niling isolator 3 and the horizontal utoo:lllllic fr~ncy -<; m
0 :.~
'~Is arFlSOlat- "Tl c:
tho isola~sig- :!!:~
gale 12. an OP amplilierOP1 and a buffer 13 is supplied 55 nals oass through the inverter 3a wit the result te.e; the p"
to the PAUMESECAM delection section 10 signals take the wave pattern 4 of Fig re 2, and th§Rhey ,f'J
Further, the output of the delay section SOO is also are supplied to one of the inputlermlnals 8 of the AND
supplied to the input terminal of tho B.G.P. delaying de- gale 16,

RECEIVED FROH:55734e4 p.e4

FROM: KIMSPAT 55~-3404 FAX NO.: 55734134 98-05-06 15: 2'~

3 EP 0 444 925 81 4

Further. a saw tooth Willie (WElve pattern 3 or Figure In me case of MESECAM mode there are Ircquency
2) IS generated by the frequency (15-62 K Hz) of the nor- deviations along with voltage differences). Ihe srqnals
rzontal automatic frequency control section 4. and lhercl- are supplied to the OP amplifier OP1 where the signals
lore the nonzontal synchronizing signals generated I. are compared WIth the reference voltages ot tne supply
from Ihe horizontal synchron'Zlng oscillator 5 aro con- 5 re srstances R7.R8.
tinuously triggered in such a manner that they exactly In Ihe case of PAL. Ihere IS no voltage dirterence.
correspond \064 microseconds Then these signals are and therefore. a low oulput OV IS output. while. in the
supplied to the other viput terminal A or 1118 AND gale case or MESECAM. 1here are voltage dlrrerences and
'6 In the form of the wave pattern 2 of Figure 2. rheretora. high signals (4-5V) are output.
The AND gate 16 compares lhe two inputs A.B. and 10 Then the signals are supplied' through the output
if the two inputs A.B are In a high state (Illat IS lilt is tho buffer 13 of ltle OP amplifier OP 1 to the PAUME SECAM
norma! stale In which Video signals are rccaivcd under dctocting sectjon tO of a broadcasling method discrim-
the actual tuner mode). a high state output is produced inating section 700. and the PAUMESECAM detecting
and supplied to the base or the transistor 02. so that section 10 is controlled by the output of lhe OP amplifier
trervststor 02 is turned on. Consequently. Ihe potential 15 OP1 which is output through tne buller 13 (the output
01 the collector of the transistor 02 goes low and this being low in the case of PAL and the output being high
low state is supplied to the erruttor of Ihe transistor 03 in the case of MESECAM) The signals nre detected by
Tho transistor Q4 which rscerves a high signal from a.
Ihe phaso detecting secuon 1 In the case of PAL sig-
it10 m'COITI is turned on in 'Is collector and emittor so as nals. and by the recognition signal detecting socuon 9
tor the collector of the transistor 04 to have a low slate 20 in the case of MESECAM signals. Then. the require-
before being supptied to the base of the power source ment for colour killing is oecioeo In the convenlional
driven transistor 03. manner by the colour IUller 19. and the colour signals
However. the transistor 03 is turned off because of are output aftAr undergoing conventional prOC9SSOS and
the low state of the emitter, and therefore, a tow potential after being VIC-mixed. The synchronising signals of tho
ISsupplied to the base 01 the transistor 05 which is used 2S synchronising isolator 3 of the Y/C isolating section 300
in muting the Inputted video signals of tho final modula- may include just tho synchrorusmq signals or. anerna-
tor 17. lively, both the synchronising signals and the BGP sig-
Consequenlly, the transistor 05 is also. tumed olf, nals (referto the wave panern 2 of Figure 3). depending
so that video signals should be output through the mod- on the type or IC. Hera, the oescnpuon IS given based
ulator 17 in a normal manner. Further.' the high output .30 on the assumption that both ths synchronising signals
01 the AND gate 16 sequentially passes through the Vl- and the BGP signals are simultaneously obtained.
verters A. A'. and theretore. muting is not carried out for lithe two inputs A.Boflhe AND gate 16 are difforent
the input vidoo signals of tho Y/C isolating seclion 300, from each other (in the form or high. low or low, high),
with fhe rosun that the video signals are inputted into or if both of the inputs are low. the output of thA AND
the Y;C Isolating section 300 in a normal manner. 3S gate 16 i.s shifted to a low stale With the result that the
Consequently. only pure brightness signals Y hav~ transistor 02 or the muting cucuu 200 is lurned off. and
ing lhe wave pattern 1 of Figure 2 are extracted by the tnat ihs transistors 03.04:05 are turned on.
low pass filter 6. and then the extracted signals are sup- Consequently. the input Video signals of the modu-
plied to the synchronizing Isolator 7 where the signals later 17 are muted, and the output of the AND gate 16
are synchrooiz ed-isolated (BGP). The synchronizing 40 is shifto~ to 8 low state after pa.ssing through the invert-
signals (B.G.P) which are isolated by the synchronizing ers A.A', with the result that the video signals which are
isolator 7 are suHiciently dolayed by the synchronizing supplied to the VIC isolating section 300 are also muted.
do layIng section 500. and then the signals cHI:! supplied tn me case Where a line Video 'a' IS formod by the
to the B.G P. delay detecting section 11 01 the discrmi- mode switching device 1. the line video is also subjected
nating section 400 in the form of the wave pattern 2 of 45 to the extraclioo or the bflghtness signals Y by the low
Figure 3. Thon. a colour sigi1d1 C havinq the form of the pass filler 6 as in the case ot the tuner video inpul.
wave pattern 1 of Figure 3 IS supplied 10 the burst gate Then synchronising (B.G.P) isolation is earned out
12 of the discriminating S~CtiOf1400by the chroma drive by the synchronisng isolator 7, and then a delay is in·
a of the Y/C isolating section 3JO. and coosequently, col- troduced by the clelay section 500 before being supplied
our burst and recognition signal gato portions are de- so 10 the discriminating section 400.
tected in the torm or the wave pattern 3 of Figure 3 in Meanwhile, the line video cobur signals are sup-
the burst gate 12 by the BGP signals which are outoin plied to the discriminating section 400 by the chroma
from the BGP delaying ootectmq section" (PAL signals driver section Bafter going through the general process-
do not have frequency deviatrons. but MESECAM sig- es, and the di"riminating eectioo 400 is cpereted in the
nals dO). 55 same manner as when processing the tuner video sig-
Then. after going lhrougtl the general procedures. nals. Thus the output of the section 400 is supplied 10
(i.o. F·V conversion: in the case of PAL mode. there is Ihe YIC isolating section 300 whiCh outputs it in the torm
no frequency ceviauoo and no voltage difference. while. of video signals.

14:31 RECEIVED FROM:5573494

FROM: KJMSP~T 557~3404 FRX NO.: 5573404 98-05-06 15:30 P .0 E,

5 EP 0 444 925 81 6

The B.G.P signals will be described as a supple- eo signals and for supplying an output siqnal indicating
mental matter That IS. the B. G P signals are n(iled~ for t Whether tuner video Signals are being received: a video
the rollowing reason. suppression circuit to be controlled by the output of the
" a signal having the form of the wave pattern 1 01 tuner synchronising separation section and for prevent-
Figure 3 is input. then colour burst (PAL method) and 5 ing tunernine inler1erences: a VIC separation section for
rAcognilion (ID) pulse (SECAM & MESECAM) will ap- receiving tuner/line video SIgnals and carrying out Y/C
pear. and then a colour signal (chroma signal) having separation: a discriminating section for receiving syn-
the form 01 the .....'ave pattern 1 01 Figure 3 is riput. How- chronising signals and the chroma signals separated by
ever it is difficult 10 control a/l the colour signals, and the. VIC separation section. detecting colour burst sig-
lherelore. the B.G.P signals are used in order to gale 10 rials and r9COgnition signals and comparing deteclod
only the colour burst and recognition (10) pulses and to signals with a rererence Voltage to produce an output:
discriminate between them.
and a broadcasting method drscnrninannq section for
However, when a VCR is usad (regonerated) wnh- discriminating and selecting the broadcasting method
out tuner or Iino video signals. il the B.G.P signals are based on the output of the discriminating section.
supplied to tho discriminating section 400 slighlly in ad- 15 wherein the stabilising circuit further comprises: a
vance owing to the nature of the processing or the chro- Iurther suppression cucun tor muting the chroma signals
ma sionars, then the noise component or the wave pat- and the synchronising signals supplied 10 the discrirni-
tern 4 of Figure 3 is gated to produce the wave pattern naling section during non-signal input.
6 owing to me wave pattern 5 (the wave pattern caused The present invention is intended to overcome the
by the 8.G.P delaying detecting section 11). 20 above described cflSadvantages 01 Ihe conventional cir-
Consequently. the discriminating section 400 car- cuit by the provision of a picture regenerallon stabilising
ries out discriminating errors. and therofore, tho colour circuit with dual suppression circuits.
"-il!er 19 has 10 be operated until the BG.P and colour Preferably the further suppressron circuit is control-
siqnals are normally operated. or delay or distortion of 100 by the output of a synchronising signal isolator of the
colours will appear
25 VIC separation section. and the VIC separa1ion section
That is. eccordmq to the circuit described above. rt is adapted to output synchronising signals (B.G.P.) in
a synchronising signal IS output In ordor 10 prevent in- the presence of a linel!uner video signal input, and to
terference to the tuner lino under the tuner mode. there output a high voltage In the absence or such input sig-
is present only a tuner circuit tor preventing mode (Iinel nals.
tuner) intorference and for carrying out video suppres- 30 In this way the noise which would otherwise be input
sion. Therefore. in the case where a VCR is used during to the discriminating section Irorn the VIC separation
a non-signal or blanking period (without tunerl1ine vid: section is suppressed.
eo). the lime paned tor processing the colour signals The above object and other advantages 01 tho
and supplying them to the discriminaling soction is long- present invention will become more apparent by de-
er than the-time period lor separating the synchronising 35 scribing in detail a preferred embodimenl 01 the present
signals (B.G.P.) and supplying them to the discriminat- invention with rererence to the attached drawings in
ing section to carry out gatings. Therefore. during tape which:
loading, high pass noises are transferred from the chro-
ma drive section 8 to the detecting terminal with the re- Figure 1(A) is a circuit diagram or a conventional
sult that they are Input earlier than the colour signals. 40 picture regeneration stabilising circuit;
This results in the noiSQ bQing erronoous/y rocognisod Figure 1(B) is a variant thereor without a delay sec-
as a colour signal by the B.G.P. signal (performing the lion;
gating). thereby causing discrimination errors. and ulti- Figure 2 is a liming chart for the tuner synchronising
male /y delaying the colour signals. and suppressing the separation section 01 Figure 1:
colours Figure 3 is a timing chart for the Y/C separation sec-
To repeal. if there is no received synchronising sig- tion 01 Figure 1;
nal. a synChronising Signal (or a high signal) is output Figure 4(A) is a circuit diagram or lhe picture regen-
trom the internal circuit in order 10 carry out vicloo sup- eration stabilising circuit accordinq to an embodi-
pression through the inverters A,A'. However. when ment of the, present invenlion:
noise is produced which is similar in form to a synchro- 50 Figure 4(8) is a variant thereof without a ooiay sec-
nisrng signal, it is mistaken for a vidoo 6ignal. and 1here- tion; and
lore, in spite of lhe lact that there is no video signal. sup- J=igure 5 is a timing chart for tho circuit 01 Figure 4.
pression cannot be perlectly carried out, with the result
that the picture on the screen IS distorted and so on. The present invontion provides an improvement of
According to the invention there is provided a pic- 55 the conventional circuit in a manner described below.
lure slabilising circuit for stabilising a picture signal par- That is. the synchronisin~ Signals (B.G.P) output Irorn
ticularly during non-signal input, comprising: a tuner the synchronising isolator 7 or the YIC separation sec-
synchronising separation section lor receiving tuner vd- tion 300 are supplied through integrating and de natten-

S5-SS-9B 14:32 RECEIVED FROM:55734S4

.". ~ .

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