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Mateo 1

Cindy Mateo

Professor Alice Marianne Fritz

COMM 101 Public Speaking

05 November 2018

Homelessness Persuasive Speech

There are many tragedies throughout the world that we cannot control. We cannot predict

where the next big earthquakes will hit. We cannot foresee when or where the the next mass

shooting may occur. But, we do know where the hungry, the homeless, and the sick exist and we

can help with that. This topic brings me here today because I want to help homeless people

survive and thrive in safe homes. I live in Los Angeles, a city where you will always see about

80% of homeless people. I don’t just read articles about these statistics, I live them every day. I

live them when I come out of my house. I live them when I’m waiting for the bus. I live them

when I’m going to the store. As an aspiring law enforcement officer I believe we can best

address the issue of homelessness by decriminalizing homelessness and increasing services for

the homeless. Due to homeless people having a home, the streets will cleaner and nicer. I will

discuss how homelessness looks unacceptable in Los Angeles, what caused homelessness and

what we the community and government should do. Now I will be moving on to how

homelessness is making Los Angeles unsatisfactory.

(PROBLEM) I found the following information on the problem of homelessness in the

August 3,2018 issue of the KCET, by Neighborhood Data for Social Change. Between 2010 and

2017 homelessness has been rising from 38,700 to 55,000 which is 42% of increase. The median

rent has increased over 32% the past two decades. Majority of the homelessness neighbors
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experienced the income changes during the past two decades. On 2018 reporters say that 65% of

people who lived in Los Angeles over twenty years result in being homelessness. Long Beach,

Pasadena, Glendale and Los Angeles have 52,765 individual and family members who

experienced homelessness. North Hollywood population rose from 791 to 2,315 in 2018. North

Hollywood is a second home outside of Downtown Los Angeles. There are 9,500 people living

in tents or encampments all over the country. I just finished going over how homelessness make

Los Angeles look careless now I will be talking about what cause homelessness.

(CAUSES) In his 1988 book, Homelessness, Health, and Human needs describes what

caused homelessness. Mental illness and health problems are some examples how people ended

up being homelessness. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a

person thinks, feels and behaves. People think they lost touch with reality. Therefore they need to

get therapy to improve their well being but they refuse the help which it causes them living on

the streets. Aids is another problem that causes homelessness as the disease progresses and leads

to more serious infections the person is unable to work. If they are unable to work they are not

able to afford paying rent. Other health problems that contributes to homelessness is alcoholism

and drug dependence. Furthermore, people that have accidents are most likely to lose their jobs

as well. Having an accident and being hospitalized for weeks, not paying rent the people will

give up your room and rent it to others due to the lack of rent paying. I just finished speaking

about how homelessness is caused, now I will be speaking about what the community and the

government should do to provide homelessness with a home.

(SOLUTION) As the community we can provide help to homelessness. We could give

them the smallest thing to do for a dollar. Giving them money to provide themselves with food.
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We all are humans we deserve to help eachother out because one day it could be us who needs

the help. The government should make the rich people pay more taxes in order to provide

homelessness a home. The money they collect from taxing the rich people she be given to a

funding house helping homelessness.They should help homeless people for at least three months

and should provide them with jobs training. We all should donate clothes. Imagine you are

sleeping outside right now, in this cold weather, you would want people to provide with some

blankets. Hopefully you guys have a better understanding how we the the community should

help homelessness.

I hope that by now you have a better understanding how homelessness is making Los

Angeles unsatisfactory, what caused homelessness and what we should to to help homelessness

have a better future. As a community we have been affected because of the ​homeless

encampments can be unsanitary and can cause health problems.As I stand with each of you, I

encourage you to go out and make a difference in the community you live for. ​Vincent said, “To

save a life is a real and beautiful thing. To make a home for the homeless, yes, it is a thing that

must be good; whatever the world may say, it cannot be wrong.”

Work Cited
NCBI ”Homelessness, Health, and Human Needs” On 1988

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