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Software Development Supply Agreement

This Agreement is made and entered into this 24 February, 2019 by and between A and B.

A agrees to provide the Services to B in accordance with this Service Agreement dated
February 25, 2019.

1. Service Category: Software Development

2. Project Name: Dashboard Phase 2

- Project size: 12mm

3. Contact Person:

4. Specification
A is required to provide ….

No Project
1 Dashboard Phase 2

5. Price (Total Amount) 300,900,000 VND

(In word: Three hundred million nine hundred thousand Vietnam Dong)

The total price above is just estimated based on B’ tentative normal working schedule from
24-Feb-2019 to 15-Mar-2019. A will bill B based on the actual delivered outputs that are
approved by B.

6. Deliverables and Delivery Schedule

Deliverables Note
Source code of the agreed assigned
Units of Work
Functional test results

7. Acceptance Criteria

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Service Agreemen A and B
This project acceptance work is to be performed at B site by B’s personnel.

After receiving any official release (release for acceptance), B will start doing acceptance test
immediately and send acceptance test result back to A within acceptance test cycle duration
of one (1) week. If B does not provide feedback after that period of time, the acceptance is
considered done and the project is considered to be accepted.

Once the release meets the specification/system design document of the Unit(s) of Work, the
project is considered to be accepted; otherwise, B will fix the bugs which are reported by A
and must be reproducible by A. Based on the analysis result, A will estimate the work of
fixing the bugs/modification and inform the date of next release. Both parties will start a new
acceptance test on the new release within an agreed duration which may be shorter than one
(1) week if the modification is small.

Tracking of acceptance test bugs are performed in B’s bug tracking system with the access
rights granted by B to Consultant’s project staff respectively.

8. Other Special Conditions

- Prices quoted are VAT exempted.

+ A will bill B at the end of the project based on the approved deliverables .

- Payment terms:
+ B will make the payment to A within 30 days from the date of A’s receipt of the

+ in Vietnamese Dong (VND) by wire transfer to A’s account.

- In case of late payment by B, a late payment interest shall be applied, calculated on a

daily basis from the date that payment becomes due until payment is received at the
rate of 0.1% of the amount in arrears; The total amount of late payment interest will not
be higher than 8% of the total contract amount.
- Any below expense arising out of shall be settled each time upon consultation
between both parties.
+ Travelling and lodging expenses
+ Expense of required hardware or software for the projects
- Any new requirements or scope of work modifications shall go through the formal
change request procedure as stipulated in Section 9- Project Change Control

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Service Agreemen A and B
Change requests would be frozen upon the agreed timeline for scope and schedule
control. A shall not be responsible for delays or increased amount of work (if any)
because of matters caused by B or matters outside of agreed scope of work. If such
delays occur, A will make best efforts to rearrange project schedule and reserves the
right to request additional fee (due to time / work increase).

9. Project Change Control Procedure

The following provides a detailed process to follow if a change to this project is required.
1. A Project Change Request (PCR) will be the vehicle for communicating changes.
The PCR must describe the change; the rationale for the change and the effect the
change will have on the project.
2. Both Parties will review the proposed change and approve it for further
investigation or reject it. For some cases which needs big investigation, A will
specify charges. If the charged investigation is authorized, the Project
Coordinators will sign the PCR that will constitute approval for the investigation
charges. A will invoice B for any such charges. The investigation will determine the
effect that the implementation of the PCR will have on price, schedule and other
terms and conditions of the Agreement.
3. A written Change Authorization and/or Project Change Request (PCR) must be
signed by both Parties to authorize implementation of the investigated changes.

10. Other provisions:

10.1. Project Requirements Document by B
Please refer to the enclosed "Project Requirement Document" in the Appendix I of this
10.2. Hardware Costs and Software License Fees
All hardware and software licenses purchases on behalf of Client (if any) shall only
proceed upon Client’s approval, and shall be charged at actual costs.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by
their respective duly authorized representatives as of the day and year last written below.
This Agreement is made into two (02) originals in English with each party retaining one (01)

Company A Company B

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Service Agreemen A and B
By: By:
Name: _______ Name: _____
Title: Title: CEO

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Service Agreemen A and B
Appendix I - Project Requirement Document

Project Modu Description

Front End -
for Dashboard
Phase 2

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Service Agreemen A and B

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