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Apr 9, 2019



Episode starts off with a couple of shots of Dylan getting ready to go fishing - Playing with his
dog, leaving his house and packing the car.

EXT. Dylan's car - DAY

Dylan sits in his car before heading off to Dick's.


"Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today we are going to be headed to Dick's to pick up some Googan
Baits. I am very excited because I have not yet experienced (fishing) with Googan Baits and i've
always been a lifelong follower of the Googan Squad. "

"I'm very excited today to be buying some Googan Baits giving them a test we're basically
gonna be testing out the Kraken Claw (and) all their stuff and seeing if it actually is what they say
it is."

Dylan turns his gaze east, pointing towards his car.

"My car is having some issues today so I cannot film at all why driving because the audio will be
crap there's a speaker that, for some reason brings in a -crackling audio- and i'm not sure why.
I'll show you guys in a second but, we're gonna be getting some Googan Baits today let's head
over to Dick's and i'll see you there."

EXT. Dick's Sporting goods- EVENING

Dylan walks into Dick's and ponders over the fishing isle.


"Googan Baits."

"Alright let's see what do we want to do today... So we got the Okeechobee -I dont' know how to
pronounce it- Okeechobee craw, green pumpkin, watermelon red and, Alabama Craw. "

"we're gonna go with the Okeechobee craw (I'm) probably pronouncing that horribly wrong and

Dylan fumbles with his mind trying to decide.

"spin a bug, watermelon, black blue, green pumpkin. I think we're gonna go with the Kraken
Craw and (should we) do black blue, or watermelon."

"Natural is probably not bad either that was like the Slim Shake Worm and the Mondo Worm.
The Mondo Worm might not catch anything out here but..." "(uh) yeah out here in New York
there is a lot of fish that might go for that but maybe one day, if I take a trip somewhere else ."

"(and) We also got Bandito Bugs down here black blue, and Alabama Craw I think today we're
gonna go with the Bandito bug and the Okeechobee Craw and I think we're gonna do the Kraken
Craw and, should we do watermelon red I kind of feel some watermelon red I don't know... you
know what screw it"

EXT. Dick's Sporting goods kayak isle- EVENING


"Look at these kayaks (giant canoe) we actually have a canoe, i've never used it but, look at
theses kayaks (oh) this is gorgeous. I've always wanted to go on the water I don't have a Jon
Boat I don't have any of that... Which kind of sucks but I mean I don't have a lot of money im
actually kind of broke so i'm actually paying for these with a gift card cause... I'm not broke i
don't (i don't) wanna say I have no money.."

"Anyway le'ts get to the lake i'll see you guys there we're gonna check out the Googan Baits. let's
give them a test let's see what the googan baits are all about"

Dylan walks up to the counter and pays for his bait thanking the cashier.

"have a good one"

"You too."


EXT. Dick's Sporting goods parking lot- EVENING

Dylan walks through the Dick's parking lot claiming his haul.

"We got the Googan Baits."

"My card would not work (my card would not work) at all I mean i've had the gift card for
probably like 2 years now so, i'm surprised it didn't like completely decline and just (like) crumble
up into pieces so i'm glad it actually worked, but we got the Kraken Craw and the Bandito Bug. "

"We got about probably like an hour and a half probably (like) 2 hours of sunlight left so, we're
gonna make this work (it's) starting to get cold too so let's make this work while we still can."

"where the hell are my keys"

dyan said worryingly

EXT. First Park- EVENING

Dylan is walking in the park where he encounters a hostile environment.

"Watch it there might be a bird up back here"


"that bird..(It) tried to attack us"

"really, that swan there ?"

"Not that one. The one (it's) hiding behind the sign."

"What kind of bird is it"

"It tried to come over here and attack us!"

"I almost got attacked by a turkey the other night, oh it's still over here i see it "

"Is it still making that sound"
"yeah, it is he's just chillin"

"you can go mad close to it its' just looking at us now he's coming"

"Did you feed him?"


"Maybe people have been feeding him that's why he's here - wish I had something for him...
(yeah) right, it looks like he maybe has trouble seeing."

"looks like he was crying before because of (the) water going down?"

"Oh my gosh... I've never seen that before that's a big one too. That one over there is like half the

"I think it's pregnant"

"That is possible "

"maybe it's looking for a place to nest"

Dylan walks over to the pond to start fishing.


"Thats funny that bird is definitely pregnant or has a problem or something."

"So this is what we're rolling with today we have two bait casters on one spinning rod. The
spinning rod we have tied on (to) a kytex swimbait I don't think we're gonna be using that today
but, we also have two jigs i'm working with right now."

"I think I might use this jig.. I'm thinking i'm gonna tie on the Bandito Bug first we're gonna do
the Bandito Bug (first) with the jig let's get that rolling"

"The Okeechobe Craw I don't know if i'm pronouncing that right i'm probably not, oh my god ,
they packaged it so well. Oh it's (so) it's got that slime to it and everything (oh) they smell so
good oh * Dylan takes a deep sniff* oh never mind -ahh"

Dylan regrets his decision immediately and starts hooking the bait.


"Out back (and) we're gonna push that puppy all the way up."

"Alright it's actually not that bad of a presentation."

"(if) The lure doesn't go well with this color but we can probably make it work it's actually really
not bad I kind of like that (actually) so this is gonna be the.."

"What do we got.. That's the Bandito Bug if that doesn't work we're gonna tie on the Kraken
Craw. "

"lets get fishing"

Dylan then casts his mighty rod out multiple times, once hitting the ground


"I just nailed the ground."

" Alright we're going to another pond I will see you guys there."

EXT. Second Park- LATE DAY


"Dock closed until further notice."

Dylan looks around

"So the dock is closed and there's not a single place to cast from"

EXT. Dylan's Car- LATE DAY


"So were back in my car, I am absolutely freezing you have no idea."

"The first lake, (the) first pond we went to was honestly, It looked good it looked like it had the
juice and then everything kind of fell apart"

"I couldn't get a bite, (I) couldn't get anything to bite."

"The temperatures are starting to drop drastically i couldn't get anything (but) the second lake
did not work out there's nowhere to cast and, the third lake right now it's honestly like it's
absolutely freezing, It's not gonna work anyway. "

"We're gonna head back to the house now i'm gonna take a shower and freakin eat some dinner
and, we're gonna recap a little bit of what today was about and the point of this video and all,
(and) really the direction of this channel i'm gonna talk about that later."

" lets (uh) let's get driving.. lets get going i'll see you back at the house."

Dylan drives home and waits for the next day.


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