sp19 p1 History Report Card

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Country Name: El Salvador

Educational System Government Type:

Presidential Representative Democratic Republic
Population: 6,432,460 million — 0.08% of total world population
Report Card
Total Square 20, 720 square kilometers
Governmental Influences and Responsibilities S T P SA Health and Environment S T P SA

4 2 2 3 Disasters Effect 6 3 4 5
* Financial Aid Given
Graduate’s Income 8 7 9 8 Building Infrastructure 5 3 5 2

Gang Activity Controlled 6 4 3 5 Sanitation 7 4 5 5

Security Measures 1 1 1 1 Communication 7 6 6 5
Total 19 14 15 17 Total 25 16 20 17

Pass/Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass/Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail

Quantity S T P SA

7 4 7 5
* School Enrollment
School Structures 3 3 5 6 Scoring Guide:
Completion Rate 5 3 4 5
S. — Student
Teacher Employment 7 4 6 6
T. — Teacher
Total 22 14 22 22 P — Parent
SA — Salvadorian American
Pass/Fail Pass Fail Pass Pass

Access to an Education S T P SA
1—————————-5— ———- ————10
Schooling Cost 5 3 3 4
Poor Fair Excellent
Location 3 5 3 2

* Gender Equality 4 6 6 5

* Transportation 0 0 0 0 * Continue onto next page

Total 12 14 12 11

Pass/Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail

Educational System
Report Card

Financial Aid Given was given a grade of

- 4 from student because as a child you aren’t as aware of the financial struggle like adults are but you know enough to know that the government doesn’t give much.
- 2 from teacher and parent because as adults they are aware that the government does not provide much if any aid towards families in need. Although now a days “The
public schools are mostly free and the state does provide uniforms and shoes for the students” (elsalvadormissions). Even with these aids families are still not able to afford to
send their kids to school. Private or more religious schools don’t offer anything but instead require the parents to provide the simple materials like uniforms and work books.
As teachers who would love to take advantage of the newer technology and learning tools available they aren’t funded properly from the government to do so. Many schools
don’t even have libraries or computers, and “The teachers must make copies of the lessons on a daily basis” (elsalvadormissions). Basic things that we take for granted and
are so essential to a students development aren’t be offered.
- 3 from Salvadorian American because as a formal resident or onlooker who sees a school will very well know that the government does not provide enough support to
families and students in need. Many aid given from other countries in hopes of alliances have become more accessible than asking the government to provide things like
computers, libraries, work books, and desk.

School Enrollment was a given a grade of

- 7 from student because from a students perspective they think that everyone goes to school as they are told by their parents to believe so, they can’t really see the true
numbers, or the bigger picture.

- 4 from teacher because as an educator they are going to be able to personally see that students, aren’t going to school, and more are deciding to drop out
- 7 from parent because as parents in can be devastating to not be able to send their children school especially in rural areas. “Since in the poverty rates in these areas is
around 50% it becomes necessary for some of the children to begin working at the early age of 6 or 7” (elsalvadormissions).

- 5 from Salvadorian American because according to the (US Agency for International Development )“There are over 300,000 youth aged 15 to 24 that neither study nor
work.” This means that many aren’t attending High School even though High School isn’t free nor required. This puts many young adults at a disadvantage employment
and more endanger of gang recruitment.

Transportation was given a grade of

- 0 from student, teacher, parent, and Salvadorian American because in El Salvador “There are no school buses for the school systems even in San
Salvador” (elsalvadormissions). For a school to provide transportation would be too “much of a luxury that this country cannot afford” (elsalvaformissions). The size of roads
also if another. Reason roads are much to small and always filled with traffic, for buses to have to pass through all at the same time can be disastrous. Mountains, hills, and
volcanoes that make up most of the country also impact the road traffic. With so many twist and turns transportation by bus is too dangerous and expensive.

Gender equality was given a grade of

- 4 from student because children and teens feel the inequality in school environments more than adults do. Students are more prone to experience this and deal with it
when it comes deciding or being influenced to go to school. “In El Salvador, men have a literacy rate of 82.8% and women, 77.7%” (El Salvador REDEM). Women are
often told to let the men be the ones to bring in the money whether it’s the father or husband. This is not only keeping girls away but young boys as well, girls are told to
do house chore while boys are pushed to leave school and get jobs.
- 6 from teacher and parent because most adults don’t realize they are doing this to their students and might think that this inequality never happens. Many times parents
aren’t aware that in trying to better their child's life, they are ruining their future by keeping them from going to school. Teachers can take part in this by not pushing a
gender to try harder or suggesting another to get themselves a husband or job. Both roles models must be sure to treat everyone equally and instilling the importance of
a good education regardless.
- 5 from Salvadorian American because now a day gender equality is an issue that is being addressed and taken more seriously, so to see that girls and boys are being
kept for m going to school is very disappointing
Educational System
Report Card

• Governmental Influences & responsibilities

◦ Financial Aid Given - How much financial aid if any does the Salvadoran government provide for its families
to aid school enrollment and success.
◦ Graduates Income - How good is a graduate’s income compared to someone who didn’t graduate.
◦ Gang Activity - How much gang activity and influence is there surrounding school and school route.
◦ Security Measures - What kind of security measure are done to ensure the child’s safety; ex: gates, fences,
cameras, hall patrols, officers, etc.

• Quantity

◦ School Enrollment - How many students attend, specifically per region and the nation as one.
◦ School Structures - How many structures are built and how well are they maintained.
◦ Completion Rate - How many of the students that do choose or are able to attend school actually go and
how well do schools handle the situations.
◦ Teacher Employment - Teachers are refusing to retire not only allowing for the more younger and capable
possible teachers to join the educational system. 

Educational System
Report Card

• Access to an Education

◦ Schooling Cost - Public schools are free but if they aren’t any good then is it worth it to parents. Compared
to parent salary of less than $8 a day it is fair to charge more than 2,000 a year for a good school.
◦ Location - Schools are built near churches in hopes to also educate about religion as it is also another
important aspect of the culture.
◦ Gender Equality - Are girls and boys treated fairly and given the same respect and persuasion to attend
◦ Transportation - Due to the small roads bus transportation is almost impossible to have. Many students are
forced to walk and navigate the streets, many on their own. 

• Health and Environment

◦ Disasters Effect - How are the effects of earthquakes and hurricanes handled and prevented, are
preparations for restoration health be made.
◦ Building Infrastructure - Are the buildings built to withstand catastrophes and maintained over time.
◦ Sanitation - Public classrooms are hardly ever cleaned and many times it becomes part of a teaching
curriculum to assign chores in order to teach students about cleanliness.
◦ Communication - Teacher, and parents hardly ever have one to one talks unless there is a problem, in which
a meeting would be requested. With the lack of electronics and mailing services communication tends to be
strained between parents.

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