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Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159

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A review on dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced

polymer composites
N. Saba a, M. Jawaid a,b,⇑, Othman Y. Alothman b, M.T. Paridah a
Biocomposite Technology Laboratory, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

h i g h l i g h t s

 DMA is one of the most powerful tools to study behaviour of polymer composites.
 DMA study will help utilisation of natural fibre composites in construction field.
 Natural fibre composites can be used for replacing steel, wood and concrete.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a versatile technique that complements the information provided
Received 1 April 2015 by the more traditional thermal analysis techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ther-
Received in revised form 8 November 2015 mogravimetric analysis (TGA), and thermal mechanical analysis (TMA). The dynamic parameters such as
Accepted 10 December 2015
storage modulus (E0 ), loss modulus (E00 ), and damping factor (Tan d) are temperature dependent and pro-
vide information about interfacial bonding between the reinforced fibre and polymer matrix of composite
material. The dynamic parameters were ominously influenced by the increase in fibre length and loading
but not in a geometric progression. Dynamic loading conditions are frequently stumble in civil infrastruc-
Natural fibre
ture systems due to sound, winds, earthquakes, ocean waves and live loads. Vibration damping param-
Dynamic mechanical analysis eters shows prime importance for structural applications in order to enhance the reliability,
Loss modulus performance, buildings comfort and in the alleviation of bridges hazards. DMA also predicts the effects
Storage modulus of time and temperature on polymer sealants viscoelastic performance under different environments.
Tan d Present review article designed to be a comprehensive source of reported literature involving dynamic
mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites, hybrid and nano composites
and its applications. This review article will provides a perfect data to explore its industrial application
primarily as cheaper construction and building materials for doing further research in this topic.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
2. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
3. Glass transition temperature (Tg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced thermoset composites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced thermoplastic polymer composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced bio-polymer composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7. Dynamic mechanical properties of nanocomposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
8. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced hybrid thermoset composites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
9. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced hybrid thermoplastic polymer composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
10. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced hybrid Biopolymer composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
11. Dynamic mechanical properties of hybrid nanocomposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

⇑ Corresponding author at: Biocomposite Technology Laboratory, INTROP, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses:, (M. Jawaid).
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
150 N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159

12. Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

13. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

1. Introduction [10]. The dynamic mechanical response of the multi-component

systems like composites is highly complex and involves the theo-
The growing interest in proper utilisation of natural fibres, par- ries of constitutive equations and micromechanics. DMA also
alleled to glass and carbon fibres are chiefly due to their low cost, depends on the physical or structural arrangement of phases such
high specific modulus, light weight, lower energy requirements- as interface, morphology and the nature of constituents [11,12].
less wear and tear in processing, wide availability, biodegradabil- Researchers elaborated that the presence of the compatibilizer,
ity, resistance to deforestation along with other usual advantages. additives like filler, fibre content, fibre orientation and the mode
The incorporation of natural fibres as reinforcing agent in both of testing governed the dynamic mechanical properties of a com-
thermoset and thermoplastic polymer composites has gained posite material [13].
increasing applications both in many areas of Engineering and
Technology [1]. A variety of natural fibres based polymer compos-
ite materials have been developed using modified synthetic strate- 2. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
gies to extend its application from automotive to biomedical fields
[2]. Natural fibres such as coconut, sisal, jute, ramie bast, eucalyp- Dynamic mechanical analysis is an indispensable and effective
tus pulp, malva, banana, hemp, kenaf bast, flax, pineapple leaf, san- tool for determining the morphology and viscoelastic properties
sevieria leaf, abaca leaf, bamboo, date, palm, sugarcane fibre and of crystalline polymer and composite materials related to primary
cotton are being commonly reinforced in the polymer system to relaxations and other valuable parameters, such as crosslinking
complement the certain specific properties in the final products density [14], dynamic fragility [15], dynamic/complex viscosity,
[3,2]. These cellulosic natural fibres have a wide range of physical storage/loss compliance, creep compliance/stress–relaxation mod-
and mechanical properties that is related to the original source ulus and the non-Arrhenius variation of relation times with tem-
such as diameter, length, specific gravity, methods of processing, perature [16]. The storage modulus (E0 ) or dynamic modulus
treatment etc. governing its wider applications [4]. Among differ- typically related to the Young’s modulus. It often associated with
ent natural fibres, hibiscus sabdariffa, henequen, pines, esparto, ‘‘stiffness” of a material and determine how stiff or flimsy a sample.
sabai grass and banana fibres are still some of the unexplored high E0 regarded as a material tendency/ability to store energy applied
potential fibres having similar chemical constituents (cellulose, to it for future purpose [17]. Loss modulus (E00 ) or dynamic loss
hemicellulose and lignin), mechanical properties and thermal modulus, is a viscous response of the materials and regarded as
resistance to other natural fibres such as jute, sisal, hemp, bamboo, materials tendency to dissipate energy applied to it [17]. The
oil palm [5]. dynamic loss modulus is often associated with ‘‘internal friction”
Construction and building materials are the most interesting and is sensitive to different kinds of molecular motions, transitions,
application area, which relates to enhancing the functional proper- relaxation processes, morphology and other structural hetero-
ties of concrete, steel, wood, and glass, as the primary construction geneities. Thus, when ball is allowed to bounced, it results some
materials [6]. They are used as a structural component (construc- energy to be dissipated and some energy save for future as illus-
tion material), for improving the properties of the polymer com- trated in Fig. 1.
posites, and shows costs effectiveness, when compared to the Tan d is expressed as a dimensionless number and regarded as
total cost of the composites especially when high percentage of the mechanical damping factor defined as the ratio of loss and stor-
fibres involved compared to steel fibre [3]. The reuse and recycling age modulus (Tan d = E00 /E0 ) shown in Fig. 2. The relationship
for a sustainable development are the major issues of government between loss, storage modulus and Tan d in the DMA graph versus
policy around the globe. In response to this the use of natural fibres temperature are shown in Fig. 3. The resultant component
will ensure more greener, sustainable and smart construction obtained from the plot are called as complex modulus (shear mod-
development as compared to polymer/steel/synthetic fibres [7]. ulus), denoted by (E⁄). A high Tan d value is indicative of a material
Thus a huge possibility of replacing the traditional structural com- having high, non-elastic strain component while a low value indi-
ponent with natural fibres, currently get highlighted and inveter- cates high elasticity. Increase in the fibre/matrix interface bonding
ate by the many researchers [8]. results reduction in damping factor since mobility of the molecular
Natural fibre (such as kenaf, jute, hemp) reinforced polymer chains at the fibre/matrix interface decreases. Thus, lower the
composite reflects outstanding and comparable mechanical and energy loss in relation to its storage capacity greater the Tan d
dynamic mechanical properties to steel and aluminum, leading to
extend its applications for special engineering materials such as
automotive, aerospace industry and construction structures [6].
Currently cellulosic or natural fibres as reinforcements for cement
mortar composites and Portland cement masonry blocks rein-
forced with lechuguilla natural fibres constitute a very interesting
option for the construction industry in ecofriendly manner [9,7].
However, before their applications in structural fields, some testing
techniques are required to prompt to investigate the composite
structure and performance under periodic stress such as damping
DMA technique which is useful in characterising composite
structure and damping as a function of frequency, temperature,
time, stress, atmosphere or a combination of these parameters Fig. 1. Illustrations of the loss modulus and storage modulus.
N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159 151

E0 increases with increasing frequency at constant temperature or

(iii) maximum of the Tan d occurs or (iv) maximum of the E00 occurs
[19]. Thus glass transition temperature is the temperature range
where a thermosetting polymer changes from a ‘‘glassy”, rigid or
hard state to a more compliant, pliable or ‘‘rubbery” state. It is
quite different from melting temperature (Tm), as at melting point
the materials begin to melts while at (Tg) the materials get softer.
Fig. 4 shows the plot of heat amount added to the 100% crystalline
polymer/100% amorphous polymer on the y-axis and the tempera-
ture on the x-axis, showing first order transition (melting), and a
second order transition (the glass transition). If the polymer has
both crystalline and amorphous form, melting temperature of crys-
Fig. 2. Relationship between E0 , E00 and Tan (d). talline form is always higher than the Tg. Moreover, it is the tem-
perature above which the polymer is in the rubbery stage and
below to this temperature the polymer is in the glassy or in brittle
stage. The glass transition is a transition which happens to amor-
phous polymers at Tg. Some polymers are used above their glass
transition temperatures, and some are used below. Rubber elas-
tomers like polyisobutylene and polyisoprene are used in the rub-
bery state, i.e. above their Tg where they are flexible and soft. Hard
plastics like poly (methyl methacrylate) and polystyrene are used
in glassy state below their glass transition temperatures as their
Tg are around 100 °C well above room temperature. Higher the
Tg, greater the cross-linked density which then leads to higher
polymer modulus value of the system. The effects of crosslinking
on the various regions of the DMA curve are visible in rubbery
and glass transition region. However, in the glassy region, both
the loss and storage moduli are independent of the degree of
crosslinking (Fig. 5). Thus, highly cross-linked thermoset polymer
has much larger loss and storage moduli indicating the tighter net-
work structure and higher stiffness while the polymer of lightly
cross linked shows considerable smaller storage and loss modulus.
Fig. 3. Relationship between E0 , E00 and tan delta Vs temperature in the DMA.

4. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced

(E00 /E0 ) value in the system. The damping factor is related to molec- thermoset composites
ular movements, viscoelasticity besides the certain defects that
contribute towards damping such as dislocations, grain bound- Recently comparative study were reported on mechanical and
aries, phase boundaries and various interfaces [18]. damping properties of unidirectional (UD) and flax fibre (FF) rein-
forced thermoplastic (polypropylene (PP), thermoset (epoxy) and
3. Glass transition temperature (Tg) polylactic acid (PLA) composites having 40 vol.% of fibres, with
those of carbon (CF) and glass (GF) fibre reinforced epoxy compos-
The dynamic Tg is defined as the temperature where (i) the ites[20]. The composites DMA analysis reinforced with flax fibre
middle point of E0 vs. temperature curve or (ii) the region where displayed improved damping compared to composites reinforced

Fig. 4. Comparison between Tm and Tg.

152 N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159

Fig. 5. The effects of crosslinking in DMA.

Table 1 of EVA with CMF consents increases the modulus increases up to

Reported dynamic mechanical analysis work of natural fibres based reinforced 7.5% due to transfer of applied stress at the interface level. How-
thermoset polymer composites.
ever the storage modulus gets decreased at higher filler loading.
Reinforcement Matrix Refs. In other work, with special reference to the effect of frequency,
Ramie fibre Epoxy [24] fibre loading and high temperature dynamic mechanical analysis
Cellulose micro fibres EVA [25] of banana fibre reinforced polyester composites was carried out
Banana fibre Polyester [26] by the researchers [26]. DMA results show that at lower tempera-
Untreated and alkali-treated jute fibre Vinyl-ester [27]
tures (in the glassy region), the E0 values are maximum for the neat
Sansevieria cylindrical fibre Polyester [28]
Eucalyptus wood cellulose fibre Phenolic [29] polyester whereas at temperatures above Tg, the E0 values are
Oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre Epoxy [17] found to be maximum for composites with 40% fibre loading. They
Phormium tenax leaf fibre Epoxy [30] explored that morphology of the system, intrinsic properties of
Untreated and treated coconut sheath fibre Epoxy [31]
components and the interface nature between the phases chiefly
Treated and untreated agave continuous fibre Epoxy [32]
Untreated and alkali-treated jute fibre Vinyl-ester [27]
governed the dynamic mechanical properties of the composite. In
Piassava fibre Polyester [33] other work, vinyl ester-resin-matrix composites reinforced with
Jute fibre Polyester [34] untreated and 5% NaOH treated jute fibres for 4 and 8 h with differ-
UD and twill 2/2 flax fibre Epoxy [35] ent fibre loading were subjected to DMA in order to determine
Sisal fibre Epoxy [36]
their dynamic properties as a function of temperature [27]. All
Pultruded kenaf fibre Unsaturated [23]
Polyester composites shows a decreasing trend in storage modulus, E0 , with
increase in temperature. Addition of the fibres evidently lowered
Unidirectional (UD), Poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA).
the high tan delta value of the resin within the composites, thus
lowered the damping factor of the composites. Increase of the jute
with synthetic CF and GF. In this case researchers find the best fibre content in the composite, increases the E0 values after rein-
compromise between stiffness and damping with flax fibre rein- forcement in the matrix, as result of more interfacial stress trans-
forced in semi-crystalline renewable and biodegradable PLA. In fer. Finally decreased in the tan delta, values are observed after
other study the dynamic mechanical properties at 1 Hz of 0– the incorporation of the reinforcing fibres.
60 wt.% randomly oriented kenaf fibre reinforced poly lactic acid Researchers reported influence of fibre length, fibre loading and
(PLA) composites were made [21]. The composites containing more chemical treatments of SCFRPCs (Sansevieria cylindrical (SC) fibre
than 50 wt.% kenaf fibres displayed a decrease in damping peak reinforced polyester matrix composites) over the mechanical and
(Tan d) amplitude with regard to neat PLA. thermal stability were analysed at different temperatures [28].
The damping properties of the flax fibre reinforced composites The dynamic characteristics such as E0 , E00 and damping were signif-
at room temperature were found better as compared to glass and icantly influenced by the increase in fibre length and fibre loading
carbon fibre reinforced composites [22]. Researchers also investi- but not in a geometric progression. Study implies that the rein-
gate the degradation of dynamic mechanical properties after forced fibre can increase the E0 due to the stiffening effect of fibre
immersion in various solutions of pultruded kenaf fibre reinforced with matrix and finally decreased the damping curve of polyester
unsaturated polyester composites (PKRC) [23]. The dynamic matrix. They further declared that damping property of fibre rein-
mechanical properties of PKRC are highly affected by the presence forced composite materials depends upon the various factors such
of absorbed water in the specimens. But PKRC properties such as as fibre/matrix interface, frictional resistance, interphase zone,
storage modulus, loss modulus and Tan d get reduced after immer- fibre breakage and matrix cracking. Recently the dynamic mechan-
sion in different pH. PKRC immersed in sea water (pH 8.9) dis- ical properties of treated coconut sheath fibre and untreated (raw)
played the highest reduction, followed by distilled water (pH 7) (UTCSE) reinforced epoxy composites (TCSE) were conceded [31].
and acidic raining water (pH 5.5). From DMA results the damping parameter (Tan d) was decreased
Some of the reported work on DMA is tabulated in Table 1. and the storage modulus (E0 ) value increased for TCSE composite,
Recently DMA analysis were carried out to investigate the vis- indicating higher adhesion between treated coconut sheath fibre
coelastic property of celluloses microfibres (CMF) reinforced poly and epoxy resin than untreated (UTCSE) composite. Research
(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) composite [25]. DMA results investigation were made to analyze the properties of interface
showed that damping and stiffness properties decreased while and the impact of the fibre treatment on the fibre matrix adhesion
storage modulus increased with CMF loading. The reinforcement of alkali treated (TCEC) and untreated (UTCEC) agave continuous
N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159 153

fibre reinforced epoxy composites [32]. The storage modulus val- and the hydrophilic micro fibrils. Furthermore, the increase in fibre
ues of the UTCEC found to lower than the TCEC, indicating the content, decreases the damping nature of the composite as the
superior interfacial bond strength and adhesion between the agave amplified stiffness imparted by the natural fibres. The experimental
fibre and resin matrix. The incorporation of treated fibre increases study on the viscoelastic behaviour of jute fibre reinforced high den-
the loss modulus (E00 ) of the composites compared to untreated sity polyethylene (HDPE) composites by DMA was carried out [49].
fibre, consequently increases the structural mobility of the poly- Variations in mechanical strength, (E0 ), (E00 ) and damping parameter
mer within the composite. (Tan d) with the addition of fibres and coupling agents were investi-
gated. DMA data showed an increase in the storage modulus of the
treated composites. A prominent increase was observed in the mod-
5. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced ulus of virgin matrix with the incorporation of jute fibres. Reduction
thermoplastic polymer composites in damping properties of the untreated and treated composites val-
ues compared to the virgin matrix also found significant. A novel
Researchers elaborated the fabrication work for thermoplastic work by researchers on the evaluation of dynamic mechanical ther-
polymer composite using natural fibre as reinforcement. Some of mal behaviour of doum fibres reinforced polypropylene composites
the important reported studies on dynamic mechanical analysis for both binary and ternary composites were reported. Remarkable
of natural fibres based reinforced thermoplastic polymer compos- increase in the viscosity and glass temperature for ternary compos-
ites were tabulated in Table 2. DMA results of wood flour ites were noted compared to the binary composites [50]. Recently
polypropylene (PP) composites, shows that the storage modulus DMA analysis of keratin fibres from chicken feathers used as
improved and loss factor decreased in the presence of maleic anhy- short-fibre reinforcement for a poly (methyl methacrylate) matrix
dride grafted polypropylene (MA-PP) [40]. The result depicts posi- also been conveyed by the researchers [51].
tively much better interfacial adhesion between the PP matrix and The influence of stacking sequence of preferentially and non-
wood flour (WF) filler than in the absence of compatibilizer. As the preferentially aligned nonwovens on viscoelastic properties of
incorporation of modified MA-PP WF in the PP matrix, amended composites was also investigated [54]. Result analysis revealed
the stiffness of the composites. In other study the (Tan d) and E0 that by increasing the jute fibres content in composites can min-
of matrix modified composites displayed improved value com- imised the reduction in storage modulus (E0 ) due to the strengthen-
pared to non-modified polypropylene with the same fibre content, ing imparted by the jute fibres. The dynamic mechanical properties
for both aged and prepared samples [44]. The reduction in (Tan d) of oil palm fibre (OPF) linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE)
at the same temperature, shows increase in E0 with increasing fibre composites in terms of (E0 ), (E00 ) and damping parameter (Tan d)
content far greater than E00 value [46]. Viscoelastic properties of in a temperature range of 150–100 °C were analysed [55]. The
jute/polypropylene nonwoven reinforced composites were investi- effect of fibre content, fibre size and fibre surface treatment on
gated using DMA. DMA result shows that the magnitudes of peak the dynamic mechanical properties is determined. The E00 values
loss modulus and storage modulus of nonwoven composites get increased with increase in both alkali treated fibre and fibre con-
improved with an increase in the jute fibre content. tent. However the (Tan d) peak values get decreased upon fibre
In other study the dynamic mechanical properties of microfibres addition whereas alkali treatment increases the (Tan d) peak at
of oil palm-reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) compos- all frequencies signifying better impact properties after alkali
ites were investigated as a function of frequency, temperature, treat- treatment. Research study on high density polyethylene (HDPE)
ment and fibre content by the researchers [47]. The storage modulus composites reinforced with treated bio-filler from argan-nut shell
increases with weight fraction of microfibrils due to the increase in (ANS) at various filler contents, fabricated by extrusion and injec-
stiffness conveyed by the strong adhesion between the polar matrix tion moulding processes are evaluated [56]. They found that damp-
ing factor decreases with the increase in bio-filler content. An
Table 2
Reported work on dynamic mechanical analysis of natural fibres based reinforced increase in E0 and reduction in the viscous elastic lag between
thermoplastic polymer composites. the stress and the strain were also evident from DMA analysis.
The effect of coir fibre chemical treatment on damping of com-
Reinforcement Matrix Refs.
posites was studied in another work. Result of DMA showed that as
Short coir fibre Natural rubber [19]
frequency increases the values of E00 and (Tan d) decreases whereas
Kenaf fibre HDPE [37]
Short hemp fibre Polypropylene [38] E0 values get increases both in gum and in composites [19]. Fibre
Short sisal fibre Polystyrene [39] incorporation increases the E00 , which indicates the higher heat dis-
Wood flour Polypropylene [40] sipation (heat build-up) in the short coir fibre reinforced natural
Pineapple leaf fibre Polypropylene [41] rubber composites compared to that of gum. This study explore
Short hemp fibre Polypropylene [42]
that, good interfacial bonding composite dissipate lesser energy
Hemp fibre Polypropylene [43]
Jute fibre Polypropylene [44] compared to composite with poor interfacial bonding. Salleh and
Sisal fibre Rubber seed oil polyurethane [45] their coworkers study the effects of extrusion processing tempera-
Short jute fibre Polypropylene [46] ture on the rheological, dynamic mechanical and tensile properties
Oil palm microfibril Acrylonitrile butadiene [47]
of kenaf fibre/high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites for
Oil palm microfibril Natural rubber [48]
low (LPT) and high (HPT) processing temperatures [58]. At high
(MAPE) modified jute fibre HDPE [49] processing temperature an increase in loss and storage modulus
Doum palm fibre Polypropylene [50] and a decrease in mechanical loss factor were observed for
Chicken feathers Poly(methyl methacrylate) [51] 17.5 wt.% composites. The incorporation of the kenaf fibre at
Alfa fibre Polyvinylchloride [52]
(HPT) reduced the magnitude of (Tan d) maximum values with
Short henequen fibre Polyethylene [53]
Unidirectional and twill 2/2 Flax fibre Polypropylene [20] the increasing fibre loading.
Modified jute fibre Polypropylene [54]
Oil palm fibre LLDPE [55] 6. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced
Treated argan nut shell particles HDPE [56]
bio-polymer composites
Pineapple fibre Polyethylene [57]

High-density polyethylene (HDPE), Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), Maleic Some of the reported work on the study of dynamic mechanical
Anhydride grafted Polyethylene (MAPE). analysis of natural fibres based reinforced bio-polymer composites
154 N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159

Table 3 pure epoxy. In another research study the nanocomposites with

Reported work on dynamic mechanical analysis of natural fibres based reinforced bio- distinct nano reinforcement contents (1, 2 and 5 wt.%) in epoxy
polymer composites.
were studied. They observed that by the incorporation of epoxy-
Reinforcement Matrix Refs. cyclohexyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (Tg) of the system
Modified jute fibre Biopol [59] decreases subsequently, indicating that mobility within the
Kenaf fibre Poly (lactic acid)/Thymol [60] nanocomposite is comparatively higher [15]. DMA analysis of
Woven hemp fibre Poly(lactic acid) [61] epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with nano-Al2O3 particles, spec-
Short ramie fibre Poly(lactic acid) [62]
Wood-fibre Polylactide [63]
ified that the (Tg) of the nanocomposites is higher than that of the
Cotton stalk bast fibre Poly(butylene succinate) [64] pure epoxy resins. Moreover, the E0 in the glassy region gets
Mercerised kenaf fibre Polylactic acid [21] decreased with increasing nano-Al2O3 content, whereas the E0 in
UD and twill 2/2 Flax fibre Polylactic acid [20] the rubbery region increased with increasing nano-Al2O3 content
Unidirectional (UD). [65]. A comprehensive investigation were also carried out in ten-
sile mode of DMA on the effect of interface of polycaprolactone
(PCL) diol based polyurethane (PU) or bio-based PU, reinforced
by cellulose nanofibres obtained from the rachis of date palm tree
are tabulated in Table 3. A new work by the researchers was made
[66]. The DMA of cellulose nano-fibre (CNF) reinforced (PLA) fabri-
on the investigation of dynamic mechanical properties of surface
cated by twin screw extrusion were made to evaluate the vis-
modified jute fibre reinforced biopol nano-phased green compos-
coelastic properties. They revealed, that the E0 value of PLA get
ites [59]. Treated jute–biopol composites with/without nanoclay
increased with increased nano-fibre content, in rubbery as well
exhibited better loss and storage modulus compared to untreated
as in glassy state compared to pure PLA [67]. The increase in mod-
jute–biopol composites. Moreover, the properties of the jute based
ulus along with positive shift in (Tan d) peak position, attributed to
biocomposites get increased with the increase percentage of nan-
physical interaction between the reinforcements and polymer
oclay. Recently research work was made to study thermal and vis-
which perfectly restrict the segmental mobility of the polymer
coelastic behaviour of woven hemp (twill and plain weaves types)
chains in the vicinity of the nano-reinforcements. In other interest-
fibre reinforced PLA composites [61]. The study shows that com-
ing study, the effects of c-Al2O3 nanoparticles on dynamic mechan-
posites embedded by twill woven hemp fabrics showed better
ical and tensile properties of epoxy/c-Al2O3 nano-composites
thermal, mechanical and viscoelastic behaviour compared to com-
were analysed [68]. One of the important study on the effect of
posite reinforced by plain woven hemp fabrics. In other work short
chemical treatment of filler on dynamic mechanical and mechani-
ramie fibre reinforced poly (lactic acid) (PLA) composites with and
cal properties of composites investigated by Rath and their
without maleic anhydride (MA) was fabricated and their dynamic
coworkers [70]. DMA of different clay composites provide idea
mechanical properties were investigated [62]. Increase in the stor-
about the difference in the degree of polymer–filler interaction
age modulus with the addition of fibre increases due to the
due to chemical treatment of filler.
enhanced interfacial adhesion supported by the maleic anhydride,
which acts as a plasticizing agent. The dynamic mechanical ther-
mal properties of poly (butylene succinate) composites reinforced
with cotton stalk bast fibres (CSBF) were studied [64]. The result of 8. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced
analysis revealed that the storage modulus of CSBF/PBS composites hybrid thermoset composites
is higher than that of pure PBS (Degradable poly (butylene succi-
nate) over the entire temperature range. Several research works has been reported for the analysis of
dynamic mechanical properties of hybrid fibres/fillers reinforced

7. Dynamic mechanical properties of nanocomposites

Table 5
Reported study on dynamic mechanical analysis of natural fibres based reinforced
Polymer nanocomposites are indispensable engineering materi- hybrid thermoset polymer composites.
als, tailored by adding nanoscale fillers in polymer matrix to meet
Reinforcement Thermoset Matrix References
the growing demands of the specific properties in the versatile
industrial and practical applications. Several research work has Jute and Kenaf fibre Unsaturated polyester [71]
Glass/Ramie fibre Unsaturated polyester [72,10]
been conveyed, some of the important research work on DMA
Palmyra Palm Leaf Stalk Unsaturated Polyester [73]
studies of nanocomposites are tabulated in Table 4. Pistor and their Fibre/Jute fibre
coworkers study the DMA of epoxy matrix containing 1, 2 and 5% Curaua/Glass fibre Unsaturated and accelerated [74]
of a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) in isothermal orthophthalic polyester
and non-isothermal conditions to evaluate the interactions Mixed short Banana/Sisal Polyester [75]
between the epoxy/POSS systems [14]. They also observed increase
Pineapple Leaf/Glass fibre Unsaturated polyester [76]
in dynamic properties by the addition of nano POSS compared with Sisal fibre Polyester and Epoxy [36]
Curaua/Glass fibre Unsaturated isophthalic Polyester [77]
Kenaf/Hemp bast fibre Polyester [78]
Table 4 Glass/Sisal fibre Unsaturated polyester [79]
Reported work on dynamic mechanical analysis of nanocomposites. E-glass (CSM)/N-glass Epoxy [80]
(CSM)/Woven jute
Reinforcement Matrix Refs.
Oil Palm Fibre/Glass fibre Phenol Formaldehyde [81]
Epoxy-cyclohexyl-(POSS) Epoxy [15] Pultruded Jute/Kenaf fibre Unsaturated polyester resins [71]
Epoxy-cyclohexyl-(POSS) Epoxy [14] OPEFB/Woven Jute Epoxy [82]
Nano-Al2O3 particles Epoxy [65] Jute/OPEFB fibre Epoxy [17]
Cellulose nano-fibre Bio-based polyurethane [66] Intralaminate Curaua/ Unsaturated and accelerated [83]
Cellulose nano-fibre Poly lactic acid [67] Glass fibre orthophthalic Polyester
c-Aluminum oxide Epoxy [68] Short bamboo/Glass fibre Polypropylene [1]
Carbon nanotube Epoxy [69] Banana/Glass fibre Polypropylene [84]
Fibrous Nano Clay Attapulgite Natural rubber [70] Glass/Sisal fibre Polypropylene [85]

Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS). Chopped strand mat (CSM), Oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB).
N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159 155

thermoset polymer composites. Some reported work on the inves- coworkers studied the effect of jute fibre loading on tensile and
tigation of dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibres based dynamic mechanical properties of oil palm epoxy composites
reinforced thermoset hybrid polymer composites are presented [17]. The storage modulus increases by the addition of jute fibres
in Table 5. Dynamic properties of pultruded jute and kenaf fibre to oil palm reinforced epoxy composite, while damping factor
reinforced unsaturated polyester composites using split hopkinson shifts towards higher temperature region. E0 value increases with
pressure bar technique has been reported by researchers [71]. the increase in the weight fraction of jute fibres and a maximum
Under dynamic loading, jute fibre reinforced composites recorded value is obtained for oil palm EFB: jute (1:4) in the glassy region.
the highest value of dynamic response in terms of compression Moreover the (Tg) from loss modulus shows lower value than that
modulus. The strain rate also affects the value of dynamic com- of Tan d curves. They also declared that increase in the jute fibre
pressive properties of both pultruded natural fibre composites. content slightly decreases the damping factor in rubbery stage.
Recently researchers investigate the effect of fibre hybridization Dynamic mechanical properties of intralaminate Curaua/Glass fi-
on the dynamic mechanical properties of glass/ramie fibre- bre polyester hybrid composites show no significant trend with
reinforced polyester composites fabricated by resin transfer glass incorporation in glass transition temperature whereas
moulding (RTM) [72]. The loss modulus increased with fibre con- increase in storage modulus is observed [83]. In the glassy state
tent over the entire analysed temperature range. All loss modulus the storage modulus of the composites increased with glass incor-
curves reach a maximum and then decreases for higher tempera- poration. The storage and loss moduli increased for higher glass
tures revealing free movement of the polymer chains at higher fibre content due to a greater degree of restriction imposed by
temperature. Furthermore, the increase in fibre content showed a the glass fibre to the matrix, which allows a greater stress transfer
decrease in the tan delta peak as the overall interface area within through the matrix/reinforcement interface. In other study the
the composite increases. Influence of fibre content on the mechan- dynamic mechanical and thermal analysis of oil palm empty fruit
ical and dynamic mechanical properties of glass/ramie polyester bunch (OPEFB)/woven jute fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid compos-
polymer composites are studied by researcher [10]. According to ites were conceded [86]. The storage modulus is observed to
results, an enhancement in storage modulus with fibre content decrease with temperature in all cases. The hybrid composites
was observed over the entire temperature range for all recoverable shows better values of E0 at Tg as compared to OPEFB and epoxy
viscoelastic deformation. All loss modulus curves reaches maxi- composites. Loss modulus showed shifts in the Tg of the polymer
mum and then decreases at higher temperatures, caused by the matrix with the addition of fibre as reinforcing phase, indicating
free movement of the polymer chains. Dynamic mechanical and the significance of fibre role in case of Tg.
static properties of alkali treated continuous reinforced palmyra
palm leaf stalk fibre (PPLSF) and jute fibres in unsaturated polye-
ster matrix were evaluated [73]. The addition of jute fibres to PPLSF 9. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced
and alkali treatment of the fibres increases both loss modulus and hybrid thermoplastic polymer composites
storage modulus of the hybrid composites. A positive shift of tan
delta peaks to higher temperature and reduction in the peak height Reported work on the study of dynamic mechanical analysis of
of the composites were also observed. DMA revealed that maxi- natural fibres based reinforced thermoplastic hybrid polymer
mum damping behaviour is evident for the composites with higher composites are organised in Table 6. DMA were carried out to
jute loading. In another interesting study the static and dynamic determine the effect of natural fibres on thermal and mechanical
mechanical analysis of short randomly oriented intimately mixed properties of natural fibre polypropylene composites [88]. Compos-
banana/sisal hybrid fibre reinforced polyester composites deliber- ites of polypropylene and various natural fibres including kenaf
ated with special reference to the total volume fraction of the fibre fibres, rice hulls, wood flour and newsprint fibres were prepared
and relative volume fraction of the two natural fibres were inves- at 25% and 50% (by weight) fibre content levels. All hybrid compos-
tigated [75]. The effect of temperature on (E0 ) and mechanical ites displays higher storage and loss modulus values and lowered
damping (Tan d) were studied. Result analysed that sisal/polyester mechanical loss or damping factor comparative to pure polypropy-
composite showed highest impact strength and maximum damp- lene. Moreover, the natural fibre-filled polypropylenes behave
ing behaviour compared with both banana/polyester and hybrid more elastically than their pure counterpart. In other interesting
composites. study, DMA revealed the real behaviour of the thermoplastic natu-
Researcher investigates the DMA of pineapple leaf/glass hybrid ral rubber (TPNR)-reinforced short carbon fibres and kenaf fibres
fibre reinforced polyester composites [76]. The increase in temper- (CF and KF) hybrid composites [91]. The untreated hybrid compos-
ature decreases the storage modulus. Addition of jute fibres to ites exhibited higher E0 and E00 values and better Tan d values as
PPLSF and alkali treatment of the fibres enhanced the loss and stor- compared to the treated composites. An investigation of dynamic
age modulus of the hybrid composites. The composite with higher mechanical properties of sisal/oil palm hybrid fibre-reinforced
amount of jute content found to have a maximum value of storage natural rubber composites was made [93]. The loss and storage
modulus in the rubbery region. A decrease in Tan d with increasing
the jute content in the composites also been reported. Researchers
also investigate the hybridization effect on the dynamic mechani- Table 6
Reported work on dynamic mechanical analysis of natural fibres based reinforced
cal and mechanical properties of curaua unsaturated isophthalic hybrid thermoplastic polymer composites.
polyester composites fabricated by hot compression moulding
technique [77]. They found that pure polyester resin has consider- Reinforcement Thermoplastic matrix Refs.

ably lesser E0 compared to the hybrid composites. The E0 of all com- Pine/Agave fibre High density [87]
posites decreased with temperature, but E0 values are higher for polyethylene
Sisal/Oil palm fibre Natural rubber [13]
the composites with more glass fibres. However with the glass
Kenaf fibre/Wood flour/Rice hulls/ Polypropylene [88]
incorporation both storage and loss moduli get increased. Newsprint fibre
Researches also find that incorporation of jute fibre contributes Short Hemp Fibre/Glass fibre Polypropylene [89]
to a lowering in damping factor of the jute/glass fibre reinforced Kenaf, Hemp, Flax/Glass fibre Polypropylene [90]
Short Carbon Fibre/Kenaf fibre Natural-Rubber [91]
epoxy composite [80]. The incorporation of small amount of glass
Flax/Hemp fibre Polypropylenes [92]
fibre to oil palm/phenol formaldehyde composite improves the Short bamboo/Glass fibre Polypropylene [1]
damping factor of the oil palm composites [81]. Jawaid and his
156 N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159

modulus increases with increase in fibre loading in the composites Table 9

leading to a strong and stiff interface. The incorporation of fibres Dynamic mechanical analysis in Industrial applications.

also decreases the damping characteristics of composites as the Applications of DMA

fibres block the free movement of the macromolecular chain. In Polymer properties & Polymer composite Industrial applications
other study the alkali treatment of composites increases the characterisation characterisation
crosslinking resulting strong fibre/matrix interface formation and  Polymer blends  Storage and loss  Chemical industry
finally triggered higher storage modulus values. Research study and phase moduli of polymer  Melting point,
the fabrication of polypropylene-bamboo/glass fibre reinforced morphology composite dynamic modulus,
hybrid composites (BGRP) using maleic anhydride grafted  Polymer–polymer  Evaluation of the glass transitions
compatibility. interfacial bonding temperature of
polypropylene (MAPP) as a coupling agent through intermeshing
 Polymer rheologi- in polymer chemicals
counter rotating twin screw extruder followed by injection mould- cal and thermal composites  Paints and lacquers
ing. They find improved dynamic mechanical properties with an properties  Investigation of an industry
increase in (E0 ) indicating higher stiffness and better interfacial  Effect of orienta- ideal curing schedule  The curing reactions
tion on the of fibre reinforced and T g of the
interaction between the fibres and matrix in case of hybrid compos-
mechanical prop- polymer composites materials
ites as compared with untreated composites and pure matrix [1]. erties of solid  Sol gel transforma-  Oil and gas industry
polymers tion in polymer  Structural pipeline
 Rate and extent composite repair
10. Dynamic mechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced of curing proper-  Characterisation of  Pharmaceutical and
hybrid Biopolymer composites ties of thermoset the thermo-rheologi- biomedical science
resins cal properties of gel  Optimisation of the
Growing environmental issues and depletion of petrochemical  Melting point of systems formulation of phar-
semi-crystalline  Mechanical, vis- maceutical drug
based polymer resources increases the interest of the researchers
polymers coelastic properties, delivery systems
in bio-based renewable polymer materials [94] and in sustainable  Polymer glass melting point, vul-  Food industry
green composite reinforced with natural fibres. Table 7 tabulates transition tem- canization in elas-  Glass transition and
the research study of natural fibre reinforced hybrid bio matrix perature (T g’s) tomeric polymer gelation point
 Polymer damping composite  Automotive industry
composite. From the Table it is evident that very few research stud-
properties  Evaluation of com-  Curing reactions,
ies have been made on the hybrid biodegradable polymer compos-  Polymer storage posite structure and damping behaviour,
ite to study dynamic properties. DMA analysis of kenaf and hemp and loss moduli performance dynamic modulus of
bast fibre reinforced cashew nut shell liquid matrix composite, auto and aerospace
explored that treated fibre composites possess a higher storage components
modulus E0 and lower Tan d [95]. Lower Tan d value suggests strong
interfacial bond strength due to improved adhesion developed
between the fibre and matrix as compared with the untreated
composites. with epoxy and phenolic resin were examined [96]. Researchers
found that increasing the thickness of the cores increases both
the natural frequencies and loss factors of the sandwich beams.
11. Dynamic mechanical properties of hybrid nanocomposites Damping characteristics of the sandwich structure are also found
to be dominated by the core materials Researchers also charac-
Reported work on the study of DMA of nano filler reinforced terised the dynamic mechanical properties of novel nano-Al2O3
hybrid polymer composites are shown in Table 8. Thermo- particles/polyester/epoxy resin ternary composites [97].
mechanical property of nano-Al2O3 particles filled epoxy nanocom-
posite were investigated by DMA [65]. DMA of the nanocomposite
specifies that the E0 increases in both the rubbery and glassy 12. Applications
regions of composites with increasing the filler content. Researcher
found that the coefficient of thermal expansion of composites The applications of DMA were summarised and illustrated in
decreases at the glassy and rubbery regions with increasing filler Table 9. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis is far greater sensi-
content. Results also suggest that by the addition of nano-Al2O3 tive to both molecular relaxation and macroscopic processes than
particles the (T g) of the epoxy resin get improved by 11 °C, thermal analysis techniques based only on temperature investiga-
whereas the thermal stability are similar to that of pure epoxy. tion. The applications of dynamic mechanical analysis show
In another research study, the dynamic properties of sandwich extreme importance in every field from polymer industries to auto
beams with MWNT/polymer nanocomposites as core materials industries and hence it is potentially useful tool for designing
materials for specific applications. Furthermore DMA provide
remarkable insight into the different chemistries associated with
Table 7
Dynamic mechanical analysis of natural fibres based reinforced hybrid biopolymer
film formation of the solvent-based and water dispersible formula-
composites. tions. In the military applications, nowadays effect of dry time on
the viscoelastic properties of the coatings are also been investi-
Reinforcement Bio-matrix Ref.
gated by DMA [98]. Moreover, DMA offers an important test
Kenaf/Hemp bast fibre Cashew nut shell liquid matrix (CNSL) [95] method to study mechanical behaviour of interlayer materials in
the temperature and strain rate ranges of interest for commercial
aircraft windshield applications. This analysis can also aid in mate-
rial formulation and quality control. Currently, In North America
Table 8
Reported work on dynamic mechanical analysis of hybrid nano polymer composites. Exova, the global testing, calibration and advisory services provi-
der, granted air bus authorisation by DMA testing including recent
Nano-reinforcement Matrix Refs.
investments in new DMA equipment for reflector antenna and
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWNTs) Epoxy and Phenolic [96] morphing wing shown in Fig. 6(a). The DMA analysis also showed
Nano-Al2O3 particles Epoxy [65]
profound applications in auto industries in different ways shown in
Nano-Al2O3 particles Polyester/Epoxy [97]
Fig. 6(b).
N. Saba et al. / Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 149–159 157

Fig. 6. (a-b). Showing the application of DMA in air bus and automotive industries.

13. Conclusion References

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