Enhanced School Improvement Plan Edited 2017 2018 2019 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Pandi South


SY 2017 – 2018 to SY 2019 – 2020


This School Improvement Plan of Bunsuran Elementary School is a collaborative effort of

the School Community Planning Team and Project Teams that were formed for this particular
endeavour. There are five parts in this written SIP including this summary. The introduction has
two major parts, the DepEd VMV and the School situation. The DepEd Vision, Mission and Core
Values are incorporated with the output of the Vision Sharing done by the members of the
planning and project teams. Under the School Situation, the current status of children, school
goals and the school systems and processes are presented. Part three to five of this SIP which are
labelled as K-3, 4-6 and Governance show the list of Priority Improvement Areas associated with
the learning stages from kindergarten to grade six and school governance-related issues. The last
part of this SIP is about the Monitoring and Evaluation of every project created by the team. This
includes the timetable, indicators and documentation needed to ensure the viability of each
project. Essential features can be found in each area which are considered as an effective
mechanism in planning and crafting significantmeasures to attain its goals as an educational
institution that embodies 21st century skills, values and competitiveness.


A. DepEd VMV

The DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and
competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building
the nation.
As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously
improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.

The DepEd Mission

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
complete basic education where:

 Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment

 Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner

 Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen.
 Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for
developing life-long learners.

Core Values


The Vision Sharing

The School Planning Team of Bunsuran Elementary School conducted an institutional

sharing activity onDepEd’s Vision, Mission and Core Values. Regarding the first paragraph of the
DepEd Vision, the members of SPT had the same interpretation which is the role of education in
producing citizens who can uphold the spirit of patriotism as t6hey gain the skills and knowledge
needed to become successful individuals. When asked about their own dreams for our school-
children, the responses were to see them as productive individuals in the future with decent
means of livelihood and to be great contributors in the modernization of society without
compromising their cultural heritage. These dreams of the SPT are quite related to DepEd’s Vision
for the youth. Preserving our cultural heritage is one way of showing our love for the country and
to be productive individuals we have to realize our full potentials there by providing the
necessary manpower towards nation building. On the second paragraph, the SPT discussed what
learner-centered means to them. Everyone agreed that the term denotes an institution wherein
the welfare of the pupils is always given outmost priority in every program, activity and decision
making the school will undertake. The meaning of “continuously improving” was also given
emphasis during the vision sharing the current standards.
The next topic of SPT was the DepEd Mission. The planning team gave their thoughts on
the words indicated therein. For them, these foster an advocacy for all the components of the
educational system to work hand in order to cater quality basic education tom every Filipino. The
question “How can we contribute to this?” was raised afterwards. The response of the members
was to perform their respective tasks wholeheartedly and to treat each child they handle with
love and compassion. On the issue of the role each one has the SPT considered the functions
already stipulated in the Mission statement as significant functions that must be properly
executed. According to them, if the students, teachers, administrators and staff, family and
community as a whole can carry out these responsibilities with dedication and consistency, then
this mission is not impossible to accomplish.
The last topic in the vision sharing was the DepEd Core Values. For the SPT, these core
values are indeed of high relevance at these present times. They stated these core values are
supported by the other that we values Filipinos possess like being religious, respectful to the
elderly, defensive of our natural resources, generous in helping victims of calamities among
others. The planning team concurred that being godly, humane, nature lover and patriotic are
traits essential to the realization of the department’s vision and mission. They emphasized that if
these core values are inculcated in our youth and passed on to the next generation, these would
be no cases of pollution, injustice, corruption, arm conflicts and divisiveness which are factors
that hinder nation’s progress


1. Current Status of Children

The whole community of Bunsuran Elementary School with the involvement of its leaders
and members are actively involving themselves for the school’s growth, stability and performance.
This school year 2017-2018, pupils were formally enrolled, listed andhave been catered by its 39
teachers, headed by Mrs. Perla E. Dela Cruz, the school principal.
Bunsuran Elementary School has a total of 1,289 school children in its enrolment for the
current school year. Since the opening of classes there are some pupils who are considered
dropouts. The most common reason among these cases for discontinuing their studies is economic
problem. Some of them chose to earn rather than to learn by working at a very young age
knowing that their parents are no longer financially capable to sustain their daily allowance and
other school needs. There are those who decided to stay at home and just wait until such time
their parents can already provide monetary support for their schooling. In the field of academic,
445 pupils were identified as independent readers in the latest Phil IRI reading evaluation. There
were 518 instructional and 113 were categorized as frustration. Poor parents’ involvement in
guiding their children towards reading was classified as the key factor that contributes to these
results. Proficiency of pupils in spelling has also been found out to be an aspect of concern. Most
pupils do not spend ample time in reading which is a crucial skill in gaining better comprehension
and vocabulary skills. On the aspect of facilities,school buildings have been successfully repaired in
the previous months, only few of them are needing minor repairs. The existing school stage has
been rehabilitated and installation of comfort rooms were likewise undertaken successfully.

2. School Goals

Bunsuran Elementary School aims to increase the proficiency level of its pupils in all
learning areas. It also seeks to improve teacher’s competence in classroom instruction and attain
further skills in the development of instructional materials.
To achieve these goals, its teachers have been actively participating in various trainings
and seminars in order to acquire more substantial knowledge, become adept with effective and
up-to-date teachingpedagogiesthat will make them more competent in imparting knowledge and
skills to the minds of their young students. These efforts will certainly contribute to the
realization of the school’s target which is anchored on the development and better proficiency of
its learners.

3. School Systems and Processes

Because of its size in terms of facilities, human resources and enrolment, Bunsuran
elementary School has adopted systems and processes that will make its administration less
A grade chairman is appointed in each grade level who shall act as the focal person for all
the information that needs to be disseminated to all faculty members. This system ascertains that
everybody is duly notified about the activities, programs and reports that the school will have to
For monitoring and evaluation of teachers’ performance, master teachers have been
assigned to assist the school head in performing this task. Since there are more than thirty
teachers in the school, it is quite difficult for the school head to do a regular classroom
observation considering that is only one of the many responsibilities principals now a days must
accomplish. Results of the monitoring done by the master teachers should be presented to the
school head for checking. The system and all these processes that go with it make the school
administrator constantly informed about the strengths and weaknesses of her teaching staff.
Whenever a new program is introduced, it is already part of the process to conduct a
School Learning Action Cell before the full implementation of the program. This way, teachers
and other concerned personnel are made completely aware thereby avoiding cases of
Community involvement and active participation from parents and stakeholders are
alsoconsidered as a vital element in the successfulconduct of school activities, within and outside
of the school context. LGU’s (Local Government Unit) and community leaders were activelyseen
as they support and uphold the school’s VMGOs and embody thecommunity’s aspirations. All of
these processes work toward the achievement of desirableand organized educational systemfor
better upbringing and development of holisticlearners of BES.
Bunsuran Elementary School will continue its desire to let its learners maximize their full
potential. As the whole school community unite and collaborate, its continuous development and
realization for its young learners will eventually be realized.

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