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R. C.

A Method for the Design of
Optimum Annular Diffusers of
M. H. Wardle
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Canted Configuration
Cranfield Institute of Technology,
Cranfield, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom A simple method is presented for the design of annular diffusers that can take into
account the effects of compressibility and of canted configurations by use of the
area bisector line. No complex boundary layer calculations are required.

Preliminary Diffuser Design

Two situations occur during engine design when it is essential where: p = static pressure; x = streamwise distance; a =
to have diffuser dimensions and contours close to their opti- dynamic pressure in the free stream; y = distance between free
mum. The first arises during the process of initial layout of stream and wall.
the engine when an accurate assessment of diffuser dimensions A number of simplifying assumptions were made in order
helps to ensure that a practical configuration is reached. The to evaluate optimum values of G. Firstly it was argued that
second occurs during the final stages of design when a near- diffusers in gas turbine engines operate at such high flow rates
optimized diffuser design considerably speeds up any iterations that they avoid Reynolds number dependence. In these cir-
made using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. It cumstances boundary layer thickness, y, will be almost com-
is unlikely that the designer will be fortunate in finding an pletely dependent upon geometric configuration and so is
appropriate diffuser chart to assist him with these tasks due directly proportional to the local hydraulic diameter, Dh, de-
to the infinite variation in configurations of annular diffusers. fined as:
A simple method of diffuser design that addressed these
problems was presented by Adkins (1983) following experi- cross-sectional area
Dh = A>
mental verification by Sherras (1980) and Guidicelli and Vuillot wetted perimeter
(1981). More recently, however, combustors with high inlet It was further argued that the term, dp/q, is in essence the
Mach numbers and canted axes in which the general flow static pressure coefficient of a local element of the diffuser.
direction is no longer parallel to the engine axis have become It can therefore be represented by the theoretically ideal value
more commonplace. These developments have thus prompted of d(Cpi), where for incompressible flow:
this update of the original method.
d(Cpi) = l-(An/An+l)2 (2)
Summary of Basic Design Method where An+ JA„ is the area ratio of the element. The parameter,
In order to ensure simplicity, the original design method G, can now be expressed in a simpler form as:
uses a one-dimensional approach and avoids boundary layer G = Dh-d(Cpi)/dx (3)
calculations by the introduction of a nondimensional param-
eter, termed the " G " parameter. This parameter is defined as Here, the right-hand side of the equation is entirely a function
the ratio of local pressure gradients, namely the stream wise of geometry.
adverse gradient of static pressure and the transverse gradient Conical diffusers are widely recognized as being the most
of dynamic pressure. The former is the cause of diffuser failure aerodynamically efficient form of straight-walled diffuser.
due to flow separation whereas the latter motivates the flow Furthermore they are peculiar in that the value of G remains
of energy to the wall and hence serves to inhibit the separation constant down their length and this is at a value of:
of flow. As such it will be appreciated that a correct balance G = 8.tan(4>) (4)
between these two gradients (and hence value of G) will pro-
duce an optimum diffuser. where <>/ is the half angle of the cone.
The G parameter can be defined in mathematical terms as The relationship between G and area ratio for annular dif-
follows: fusers is more complex and depends upon the angles made
between both walls and the major axis and upon the local ratio
G={dp/dx)/{q/y) (1) of inner to outer diameter, r.
8-(tan </>0 —r«tan <j>j)
G= (5)
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the
35th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Brus-
sels, Belgium, June U-14, 1990. Manuscript received by the International Gas Here 4>o denotes the half angle of the outer wall; </>•, denotes
Turbine Institute January 10, 1990. Paper No. 90-GT-52. the half angle of the inner wall.

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Basically the design procedure is used to develop the stream- m
V =
wise wall profiles of an annular diffuser by maintaining the A

value of G at some optimum constant value. P'A

The value for G depends, to some extent, upon the appli- With compressible flow both area, A, and density, p, in-
cation. Typical of these is the requirement in gas turbine en- crease with passage down the diffuser so that the reduction in
gines to keep diffuser length to a minimum while producing velocity, v, will be greater than in the case of incompressible
the maximum level of static pressure recovery within that length. flow where only the cross-sectional area increases. It therefore
Such diffusers are called Cp diffusers and one of their features follows that the pressure recovery coefficient should also be
is that the divergence angle between walls is an inverse and greater. A potentially detrimental effect arises from this be-
complex function of overall area ratio. cause the corresponding increase in adverse pressure gradient
The value of nondimensional pressure gradient for Cp* dif- will not be supported by an increase in transverse energy gra-
fusers have accordingly been denoted by G*. From the par- dient and so G, Jhe ratio of the two gradients, increases. The
agraphs above it follows that a similar relationship exists diffuser then becomes more susceptible to flow separation.
between G* and area ratio as that between divergence angle The effect of inlet Mach number upon ideal values of Cp
and area ratio. This relationship was determined using standard (i.e., Cpi) has been computed and the results are shown in
charts derived from conical diffuser tests using incompressible Fig. 1. Here it is shown that the rate of increase in values of
flow and was given (Adkins, 1983) as: Cp is not rapid until Mach numbers of 0.6 have been exceeded
and then the effect is most pronounced when area ratios are
G* = [0.9l5(ARo)i 1]" (6fl) low. These low area ratios correspond to the diffuser inlet
region and flow separation would therefore occur here as a
An alternative equation has recently been developed by War- result of the predicted increase in adverse pressure gradient
die (1989) that is more accurate and is applicable over the range caused by the higher subsonic inlet Mach numbers, thereby
1 < AR0 < 6; this is given as: supporting the Livesey and Odukwe data.
G* =0.1487- [tan((6-/l/? o ).7r/10)] a 9 8 7 + 0.36 (6b) Furthermore, this onset of flow separation at diffuser inlet
Both Eqs. (6a) and (6b) make use of empirical data to relate would cause the flow stream to accelerate and so deepen the
the ideal performance of the diffuser to the actual one and so level of depression at the aerodynamic throat, thereby sup-
make the necessary adjustments for real effects, such as bound- porting the hypothesis that the data of Dolan and Runstadler
ary layer growth, without the need for complex calculations. could be misleading.
Having obtained the relevant value of G* from either of From the above argument it follows that two modifications
Eqs. (6), it was shown how this can be used to design the should be made to diffusers if they are to operate at high
diffuser. The flow was considered as one dimensional and subsonic Mach numbers. First, for a given geometric area ratio,
incompressible and it was assumed that any inclination to the they must be made longer than the lengths suggested by diffuser
major axis would only be slight. It was necessary to define charts derived from tests using incompressible flow. This mod-
either the inner or outer wall of the diffuser, the unknown ification is necessary because of the enhancement in overall
wall then being derived using a step by step routine. The sim- static pressure recovery. It can be implemented by the deri-
plest category of design was when the overall area ratio could vation of an equivalent area ratio, Ae, that would have been
be specified, then G* could be obtained directly from Eq. (6). necessary to produce an identical value of Cpi if the flow had
Alternatively, if the overall length was specified, then an es- been incompressible. This value, Ae, is also used for deter-
timate of area ratio was necessary, followed by an iterative mining the value of G* from Eq. (6).
procedure, which converged when a compatible combination Second, the wall divergence angle must be reduced in order
of area ratio and length was obtained.

The Effects of Compressibility

- 10
Some confusion exists on the influence of compressibility Q.
due to conflicting experimental data taken from a straight- _AR^U___—
walled, conical diffuser. Dolan and Runstadler (1973) showed ft 0-9
that values of pressure recovery increased with Mach number
until well into the transonic flow regime. Livesey and Odukwe & 0-8 ^ "
(1973), on the other hand, showed that values of Cp only U~l
increase until a Mach number of around 0.65 is achieved. After & 0-7
this there is a progressively rapid and significant deterioration Q-
in diffuser performance with an apparent onset of choking at
^ ^ - ^ ^
a Mach number of less than unity. ^ 0-6 - _ _ _ _ ^ < ^
It is suggested here that this major difference in findings
arises from Dolan and Runstadler's use of an aerodynamic ®£^^^
throat as the datum from which they assessed pressure recov- o
ery. This datum shifted along the axis according to inlet con-
ditions and would have been at the trough of a depression
0-4 '^&2^^y
—•*——""***" - /
L_l —-——•"——****"""°""""""^ j>r
created by the diffuser in its inlet region or just downstream. iZ 0-3
Assessment of pressure rise from this trough would therefore Li-
^ /
have resulted in highly optimistic values of pressure recovery o
coefficient. Livesey and Odukwe, in their experiments, made ^ 0-2 =
use of the more conventional pressure datum, which was lo-

cated just upstream of the diffuser and would thus have avoided S 0-1
any misleading effect arising from depressions in the inlet AR=1-0lil_—^*^
region. 0 • 1 1 1 — • — i i i i

02 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 09 10

The following arguments are suggested by the present au-
thors in support of Livesey and Odukwe's findings: INLET MACH NUMBER,Mn,
From continuity of mass flow it can be shown that: Fig. 1 Relationship between Cpi and Mach number

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 1992, Vol. 1 1 4 / 9

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to counteract the effects of compressibility in increasing the Following this a rearrangement of Eq. (10) gives an expression
adverse pressure gradient. This is of particular importance at for the pressure ratio at diffuser exit, viz.:
diffuser inlet if the Mach number in this region is likely to
(p/p2)-y = cP.[\~ {P/Plyx]+ (p/Plyx (14)
exceed 0.60. Diffusers taking account of this effect would
therefore adopt a trumpet shape. The design procedure relating The theoretical Mach number at exit of the diffuser element
to these two modifications is given in the following paragraphs. can then be calculated from a rearranged version of Eq. (7)
M2=([(P/jp2)(7-1)/7-l].2/(7-)}0-5 (15)
The Overall Effect of Compressibility
An expression for area ratio of this element of diffuser can
For the purpose of simplicity it is necessary to assume that now be derived by applying Eq. (9) to both the inlet and exit
the flow is both isentropic and adiabatic; this enables direct of the elemental diffuser and taking their ratio, viz.:
use of the two equations for ideal compressible flow, viz.: (7+0/2/(7-1)
Mj l+M,2»(7-l)/2
l)/2] 7 / < 7 ~ 1 ) ARe] (16)
P/p=[l +M 2 .(Y (7) =
M, l+M22.(7-l)/2
[l + ( 7 - l ) / 2 ] By knowing the dimensions at inlet to the element, it is thus
A/A* = M' (8)
[l+Mz-(7-l)/2] possible to calculate those at its exit, and hence proceed to the
where M = Mach number; y = ratio of specific heats. next element.
Equation (8) can be used to derive an expression for the exit
Mach number, say at plane 2, where: Use of the Area Bisector for Canted Diffusers
1+M2 .(Y-1)/2 (7+0/2/(7-1) In the original design method the G parameter was used in
M, = - (9) conjunction with a known diffuser wall in order to generate
AR' l+Mr.(7-l)/2
the profile of the second wall. In canted diffusers, however,
(n.b.: Equation (9) is solved by iteration.) divergence angles and wall curvatures can become significantly
The definition for Cp in compressible flow can be written larger so that the assumption of one-dimensional flow is in-
as: validated. The situation can be much improved, however, by
using the area bisector of the annular passage instead of one
Cp compressible " Pi-P\ of the walls. If the flow velocity is uniform across the duct,
'Pi-Pi then there would be no flow crossing this area bisector line,
Ideally the flow would be isentropic so that P remains con- and so the flow would be quasi-one-dimensional in this region.
stant down the diffuser (i.e., P\ = P2); then dividing both Furthermore, since the angle made between the area bisecting
numerator and denominator by P gives: line and each wall is around one-half that made between the
walls themselves then any deviation from one dimensionality
r . (P/P2)-l-(P/Pi)-[ „„ will be significantly reduced.
^/"compressible - 1 / r> / \ - 1 \^)
1 - (P/pi) Although specification of the area mean streamline may be
This can be determined when the inlet Mach number, Mi, thought of as an unusual requirement, knowledge of its po-
and area ratio, AR, are given. The two pressure ratios, namely sition is advantageous to the combustor designer to control
P/pi and P/p2, can then be obtained from Eqs. (7) and (9) as air distribution between inner and outer liner feed passages.
appropriate, enabling use of Eq. (10) to calculate Cpi. For At diffuser inlet it is usual to know the radii of both the
incompressible flow the ideal value of Cp is a simple function outer and inner casings, Ro{ and Riu respectively, as these will
of area ratio where: coincide with the exit dimensions of the engine component
(compressor) located immediately upstream. The radius of the
area bisecting line, Rm, at this section 1, with reference to the
l-(AR)~z (11)
engine axis, is then given by:
Equating Eqs. (10) and (11) for Cp in order to evaluate the
equivalent area ratio, ARe, for incompressible flow gives: Rm1 = l(Ro21+Rii1)/2]i0.5
AKe= (1 — Cp 'compressible) (12)
The local streamwise radius of curvature of this area bisec-
This equivalent, incompressible area ratio is used in con- tor, Rc\, together with its center of curvature, will either be
junction with Eq. (6) to obtain the value of G*, which is to given or can be calculated from the form of the profile. It is
be used for the compressible flow design. It can also be used unlikely that this radius will be subtended from the engine axis.
to obtain a first estimate of diffuser length from standard Figure 2 illustrates such an arrangement where the center of
diffuser charts, which are based upon incompressible flow. curvature is at a distance, eit below the engine axis, here:
Effect of Compressibility Upon Wall Design
As previously discussed, the design of diffuser walls is
achieved by using a step-by-step or "marching" method where Dhl = 2-(Roi-Ril)
small elements of diffuser are considered in sequence. It was Use can then be made of Eqs. (18)-(21), which were derived
recommended that the length of each element, s, should be on from the generalized elements n shown in Fig. 3, which are
the order of 2 percent of the hydraulic diameter when assessed described as follows:
at diffuser inlet. Flow area, A„, through annular section subtending angle d„
The area ratio of each element, in turn, is obtained from to the perpendicular through the engine axis:
the use of Eq. (3) after replacing the term, dx, by the finite
length, s. After rearrangement this equation then gives an r'dr- •[Rol- Rit, (18)
expression for ideal pressure recovery generalized by consid- cos 0„ COS i
ering the «th element along the diffuser, where:
For half of the annular cross-sectional area:
(Cpi)„ = G*'s/Dh„ (13)
Here all the terms on the right-hand side are known so that A„/2 = - r'dr = - -[Rol-Rml] (19)
the ideal pressure recovery of the element can be determined. cos 0„ cos 6,

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Fig. 4 Area bisector of constant curvature Re

ulation of the coordinate geometry and are not included in the

scope of the present paper.
The hydraulic diameter is given by:
Dhn = 2>A„/{-K.(Ro„ + Rin)} (22)
The angle at the inlet to the next element is then given by:

Fig. 2 Geometry at diffuser inlet Re
The new local radius of curvature, together with the position
for the center of curvature, must be obtained from knowledge
of the profile of the area dividing line.

Limitations of the Design Method

As previously intimated, the method can only be considered
as approximate. In addition to the deviation from one dimen-
sionality there are other important factors to be considered
with respect to boundary layer development.
The empirical relationships of Eqs. (6) were derived from
data taken from straight-walled, conical diffusers. As such,
the wall circumference increased with distance along the dif-
fuser and thereby produced a thinning influence on the bound-
ary layer. This is not always the situation in annular diffusers.
In particular, when annular diffusers are canted toward the
engine axis, the circumference of the inner wall decreases and
this has a thickening rather than a thinning influence on the
boundary layer.
Wall curvature is also known to influence boundary layer
Fig. 3 Geometry at nth element development. Convex curvature on the inner annular wall will
"stabilize" the boundary layer such that it tends toward re-
laminarization. Such a boundary layer is less able to compete
From (19): against an adverse pressure gradient. On an outer wall with
^4„«cos d„ concave curvature, however, boundary layer adhesion is likely
Ro„ = + Rml (20) to be improved by the presence of Gortler-type vortices.
It is common for convex curvature on the inner wall to
From (18): increase with distance along the diffuser. This will have the
Ri„ = (Ro2n -A„'CO& e„/irf5 (21) effect of reducing the static pressure recovery near this wall
and a problem could arise at the diffuser exit. If the pressure
Coordinate geometry can then be used directly in order to recovery here is significantly less than that on the outer wall
determine the Cartesian coordinates of both the inner and outer then flow separation could result.
walls. By way of an example these are given for a typical case,
It is apparent that although the proposed method is useful
when the streamwise profile of the area bisector generator • for initial and intermediate stages of design, full three-dimen-
follows a circular arc, as sketched in Fig. 4. sional computational flow analysis should be used as a final
In this particular instance: stage, particularly in cases where curvature is severe.
Xo„ = Resin 0„+[Ro„-Rc-cos 0„-e]-tan 6„
Yo„ = Ron References
Xin = Resin 6„-[Rccos 8„-e-Ri„]'t&n 6„ Adkins, R. C , 1983, " A Simple Method for Designing Optimum Annular
Diffusers," ASME Paper No. 83-GT-42.
Yin = Ri„ Dolan, F., and Runstadler, P., 1973, "Pressure Recovery Performance of
Conical Diffusers at High Subsonic Mach Numbers," NASA CR-2299.
Other configurations are likely to require a greater manip- Guidicelli, A., and Vuillot, F., 1991, "Design of Minimum Length Diffusers,"

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 1992, Vol. 114/11

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Report from School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield Institute of Tech- Sherras, B. R., 1980, "An Investigation of the G Parameter for Design of
nology/Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace, Toulouse, Annular Diffusers," M.Sc. Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield
France. Institute of Technology, United Kingdom.
Livesey, J., and Odukwe, A., 1973, "Some Effect of Pipe Flow Generated Wardle, M., 1989, " A Simple Design Method for Annular and Radial Dif-
Entry Conditions on the Performance of Straight Walled Conical Diffusers With fusers," M.Sc. Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineerihg, Cranfield Institute
High Subsonic Entry Mach Number," Israel Journal of Tech., Vol. 11, No. 4. of Technology, United Kingdom.

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