IMYC Route Plan 2019-20

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Year 7

Balance Discovery Adaptability Collaboration Structures

Things are more stable Finding out new things is Adaptability is When people work Formal arrangements
when different elements a human driver and demonstrated by the together they can achieve and relationships
are in the correct or best affects things for better ability to change, alter or a common goal (structures) underpin or
possible proportions. and for worse cope with new give organisation to
environments or complex issues

Year 8

Curiosity Relationship Resilience Courage Tradition

The desire to know more Every individual thing Success over time Being true to yourself Beliefs and customs from
drives exploration and affects and is affected by requires persistence requires bravery. the past have a power
aspiration other things effect on our lives today

Year 9

Development Community Challenge Identity Interpretation

Long lasting changes A shared sense of Facing up to, or Our sense of self, and Only a very few things are
takes place slowly over belonging occurs when overcoming problems and that of others, is true for all people.
time people are able to barriers, increases continually developing
negotiate and appreciate possibilites in our lives. through our different
their complex and often interactions and impacts
messy differences how we exist in the world

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